The Girl with the Golden Voice part 5

Haunted House on Strawberry Hill Street: The Girl with the Golden Voice

Hi GUYS! PArt 5 uploaded! I hope you enjoy it! Comment and subscribe! :D

Girl with the Golden Voice

(Part Five)


            Chinen arrived with his siblings and his cousins. School was rambunctious as usual filled with girls who screamed in delight at their appearance. He made his way to their classroom and was shocked when it was filled with so many students some of whom weren’t even from their section. He and Yamada eyed each other pitifully then they sat on their respective seats. He glanced towards Sunny’s chair and was surprised because she was absent today. He heard from Seororo that Melody had been absent from her classes for two days now this really worried him. He tried to ignore the fact that Sungmin was happily chatting with his friends. His anger was building up, he was cheating on Sunny and what shocked him the most was the fact that he was having an affair with a teacher. Class ended and it was time for lunch, he decided to have lunch on his own in the rooftop. He needed to clear his thoughts alone. Yamada understood his position so he let Chinen do what he wanted. When he reached the rooftop he was surprised to find a girl there crying. He approached her gently.

            “Excuse me Miss are you ok?” He wanted to ask but he thought it over. He knew it was a stupid question of course she wasn’t fine would she be crying if she was? He tried to think of a different question. He tried with the question “Miss why are you crying? But he thought that would be too personal so in the end he decided to just tap her shoulder. The girl turned around and he realized that it was Sunny!

            “Sunny-kun what’s wrong?” he asked alarmed. She stood up and ran to him in tears. He tried his best to comfort her. She was seriously depressed. She trembled as she cried her heart out in his arms.

            “Sunny-kun what happened?” he asked her as he her hair he hoped to ease whatever pain she was feeling.

            “Sungmin..” she said but was not able to finish her sentence. His chest was heavy he felt nauseous he hoped it wasn’t what he feared.

            “What about Sungmin?” he choked out the question. There was a long pause before she answered.

            “He’s having an affair with our science teacher.” She said sobbing.

            He tightened his arms around her while he continued saying I’m sorry to her. Sunny redeemed her composure and then stared at him.

            “Yuri-kun why are you the one asking for forgiveness it wasn’t your fault.” she asked as she dried her tears.

            “Because I let you get hurt…” he said without thinking. He and Sunny stared at each other for the longest time then they broke their awkward gaze and he helped her to her feet. They decided to change the subject.

            “Thanks Yuri-kun do you mind if I start calling you Yuri-chan now?” She said jokingly as she tried to hide the pain.

            “How about Chinen? All my closest friends call me that but don’t tell anyone.” He said as he winked at her he was trying to lighten the mood.

            “Ok.” She said as she picked up her bag. They were silent as they went down the stairs. He stopped and looked at her she was still tearing up.

            “Pretty girls shouldn’t be crying.” He said as he wiped away her tears. They both smiled at each other. They continued to walk until they reached the third floor of the four storey building. He wanted to make her laugh so thought of something.

            “So does this mean that you are single now?” he said jokingly breaking their awkwardness. Sunny slapped his arm playfully.

            “Yah! I still have to break up with him you know!” she said as she smiled. He was glad he was able to ease her pain.

            “You are a lot prettier when you smile.” He told her as he tucked her loose hair strand into her right ear since he was standing at her right. She blushed. He joked around with her as they walked towards their classroom which was located at the second floor but they were shocked by the quietness of the hallway that greeted them. Chinen decided to go inside together using the excuse of the science project to distract their classmates.

            “So why were you absent earlier? Did you find the plant that I asked you to search for?” he feigned as they entered the room.

            “Yeah my dad happened to have one at his shop.” She answered like a pro. Man they were good. The whole class was silent which was weird. They both realized that Sungmin wasn’t in the room. He gave a reassuring gaze at Sunny while Yamada was speaking to him in his mind.

            “Her boyfriend is in a relationship with a teacher.” Yamada told him hurriedly. He was shocked. “The news is all over the school!” Yamada added.

            Sunny turned pale as her friends told her of what happened. The other girls were sneering at her while she was on the verge of tears yet again. The whole class was talking about it. Sunny was in the hot seat. These humans were heartless he thought. They should be sympathizing with her. She was the victim here! Thn he realized that these girls were getting back at her because of him. It was his fault that they were bullying her now. He read their minds they all hated her because she and him were close. For once in his whole existence he wanted to harm a human. Yamada sensed his anger and tried to calm him down.

            “Dwarf don’t act harshly if you do anything inappropriate now they would hate her more later.” Yamada tried to lecture him.

            “I don’t care I am not their property. I want to make them suffer as much as they are making her suffer now.”

            The class began but he couldn’t concentrate. He kept glancing at Sunny who looked really pale. He stood up on instinct and approached the teacher. He asked or more like demanded that he be allowed to take her to the clinic. The class stared at them wide eyed. Sunny tried to resist but he insisted. When they were far away from the classroom Sunny started to talk.

            “Yuri-chan you can put me down now.” she told him. He had carried her bridal style out of the classroom because she was too weak to stand on her own.

            “You sure? Didn’t I tell you that I prefer Chinen?” he said. She nodded. They sat on the bench near the school gym the awkwardness returned. She merely looked down on the ground while he looked at the horizon. He read her thoughts because her mind was left open for him. It was like a book placed upon a display case where everyone could flip through its pages. He read so many things there but the most dominant thought was sadness and shock she felt at how her friends and classmate treated her.

            “Sunny-chan how about we skip school today?” he asked her flashing his signature playboy grin. She laughed.

            “Chinen-chan I don’t think that’s a good idea.” She told him as she stared out at the open field beyond the school walls.

            “School is just making you more depressed. Let’s go out and have fun.” He told her as he made a gesture using his hands. She smiled and finally agreed.


They left the school premises by jumping over the wall. He leaned down and let Sunny use his back as a stepping block wherein she could use to jump over the wall. He effortlessly jumped over landing next to Sunny who brushed her skirt since it got dirty.

“Did you fall? Did you get hurt?” He asked worriedly.

            “No Chinen-chan I’m fine.” She told him with a smile.

            “Let’s go.” He reached out for her hand and beckoned her to follow.

            “But Chinen-chan where are we going?” She asked him as she took his hand heistantly. They ran a little bit just to get far away from the school premises.

            “Where do you want to go?” He asked her. “A restaurant? A theme park?”

            She stopped running and paused for a moment. She was thinking. He smiled as he looked at her. She was so cute!

            “Chinen-chan can we go to an amusement park?” she suggested in a very cute way. He smiled and pinched her cheeks. She complained of course but in a good way.

            “Alright to the amusement park we go!” he said. Her mood became bright and he saw Miss Sunshine again.They ran happily down the street hand in hand like little kids. They rode a bus on the way to the train stations.

           They sat together at the very last row of the bus. They admired the view that the saw through the window. For the first time in his life Chinen appreciated how nice it was to be like a human. They talked about the things they liked and of course he got Sunny to talk about what she liked in a boy.

            “So I’m your dream boy.” He said in a half meant joke after she had finished describing her ideal guy. Sunny hit him lightly.

            They arrived at the train station and Chinen was a bit confused.

            “Chinen-chan what’s the matter?” Sunny asked as she headed towards the ticket booth.

            “This is my first time riding a subway train.” He said a bit embarrassed. Sunny tried hard to hold her laughter.

            “Eish you rich boy!” She teased. “Leave it to me.”

            They got to sit down comfortably because the train wasn’t crowded. They arrived at the amusement park  and they were excited like little elementary students. They rode many scary rides to which Chinen showed no signs of fear. After they had tired themselves beyond what they could handle or more like what Sunny could handle. They decided to have a break and eat ice cream.

            “Whew so are you having fun?” He asked her as they ate separate sundaes.

            “Yes! You know it has been five years since I last went to an amusement park.” She said in a somewhat sad manner.

            “So you mean to tell me Sungmin has never brought you to an amusement park?” he asked in disbelief.

            “Sungmin is a scaredy cat he hates going to amusement parks.” She replied.

            “Well at least now after five years you have finally gone to one!” Chinen said happily.

            “And it’s all thanks to you Chinen-chan. Thank you so much for comforting me and for turning my awful day into something memorable.” Sunny said happily but tears formed at the sides of her eyes.

            “Sunny-chan it’s ok if you want to cry.” He told her.

            “Why would I? He is not worth my tears.” She said as she ate a large spoonful of chocolate ice cream.


            After their trip to the amusement park Chinen-chan decided to Sunny home. She felt very grateful because he was there for her. Now that she had discovered Sungmin’s betrayal she realized that she still had feelings for him but she was fully intent on banishing him from her life. That wasn’t very hard since Chinen-chan was so damn lovable.

            They arrived at her house and was about to bid farewell to each other when her Shindong oppa came out of nowhere and confronted them.

            “Sunny who is this guy? Why aren’t you with Sungmin?!” Shindong bellowed.

            “We will talk about this later.” She said coldly then turned to Chinen

            “Thanks for everything Chinen–chan see you at school.” She said kindly.

            “Let’s talk about this now!!” Shindong yelled in anger.

            “I’m tired oppa I had a rough day save it for later.” She told him as he entered their house and made her way to her bedroom.

            “Where do you think you are going? Who was that boy? ARE YOU CHEATING ON SUNGMIN?!!” Shindong yelled after her.

            “ME cheating on your precious Sungmin??! WHY DON’T YOU GO AND ASK HIM HOW HE HAS BEEN HAVING AN AFFAIR WITH OUR SCIENCE TEACHER?!! Ask him how he turned me into the school’s laughing stock! And as for that boy oppa you should be THANKFUL TO HIM BECAUSE HE WAS THE ONLY ONE WHO TOOK PITY ON ME!” she yelled at her Shindong oppa letting all her anger flow out of her. She ran to her room in tears and slammed the door behind her.


            Luhan stared at his surrounding nothing looked familiar even though he was in his own room. His mind was occupied by only one thing and that was to escape. He saw his chance when a spotted the window near his bed, It was made of glass he could easily break it.

 He charged towards it only to be thrown back. He stared at it and realized that it had been bonded by a spell. He searched his room for his spell book. He needed a spell to break the glass. When he couldn’t find any he started to think. His alchemy lessons came rushing back to him, and then he remembered the spell he needed.

             “Hetalia Vectas!” he said as he casted the spell and the glass broke to a million pieces. He jumped out of the window even before the smoke cleared because he knew his captors would come rushing in.

            He felt the presence of other lycans(werewolves) chasing him as he ran through the streets. He tried to out run them but they were too many. He went into the dark alleys and hid but they were still on his tracks. He heard them speaking.

            “Search through the alleys he couldn’t have gotten far!” One yelled.

            “I think he is just around the corner!” one yelled. He broke into a run. He jumped across the walls then unto the roof. The lycans were following him on top the roofs. He summoned all his strength and jumped off the streets and headed towards the a crowded place. He stopped to catch his breath in a deserted corner. One lycan caught up with him. He vent out his rage and defeated his pursuer. He escaped into the sewers and started to think of a way to throw them off his tracks.

            “Think! What can I do?” he said to himself. Then it hit him what he needed was cloaking spell. He decided to use his blood as the instrument of casting so he could create a very powerful spell. He used his sharp nails and injured a small portion of his palm. Using his blood he casted the spell.

            “Animus secretus.” He said in an instant he felt freedom his pursuers could not feel his presence nor could they find him even if they searched the whole city. He ran into the sewers up to the open city on his mind there was only one person he remembered. He needed to see Melody no matter what it took…


            Donghae arrived at Sunny’s school and was shocked when so many students crowded the gates. He saw a group of students being crowded by numerous students but he couldn’t see their faces. He afterwards spotted Sunny’s bestfriends Hyomin and Hara.

            “Hyomin! Hara! Where is Sunny?” he asked them.

            “She wasn’t feeling well so one of our classmates brought him to the clinic.” They answered sort of sourly.

            “Why what happened?” he asked them.

            “Her boyfriend was having an affair with our science teacher. It’s so embarrassing the whole school is talking about it! Good thing they kicked him out along with that teacher!” they answered shortly then they started screaming when the said group earlier came into view.

            He asked them if she was still inside the clinic but they replied that they did not know so he went inside to look for her but she was not in the clinic.

            “Nakamaru-san never went here.” The clinic doctor said. He was in a state of shock and panic. His blood boiled at what Sungmin had done. He was called his Shindong hyung to check if she went home.

            “Yes she is here she went home with a …” he didn’t let his hyung finish what he was saying he immediately went home.

            He found his Shindong oppa sulking in their shop. He immediately approached him.

            “Where is she?!!” he demanded.

            “Why was is this all about?” Shindong said coldly.

            “SUNGMIN was kicked out of school today HE WAS HAVING AN AFFAIR WITH A TEACHER IN THEIR SCHOOL!” he yelled angrily. His Shindong oppa stared at him in shock and confusion. His otasan was furious. “Now where is SHE?”

            His hyung didn’t answer so he ran upstairs to check her bedroom. His father followed behind him.

            “Sunny-yah are you in there?” he asked as he knocked on the door.

            “I’m here oppa why do you need anything?” she said as she peered out of the door. Her eyes were puffy.

            “Princess your onichan told us what happened in school today.” His otasan said lightly he hoped ease Sunny’s pain.

            “Otosan I’m fine actually a classmate of mind made me feel a lot better…” she said then she saw Shindong and she suddenly became angry.

            “Until Shindong oppa treated that classmate RUDELY! If you have nothing else to ask appa I want to be alone there is a person here I don’t want to see.” she said as she eyed Shindong. She closed the door behind her while Donghae stared at Shindong in disbelief.

            “Tell me hyung are you gay or something? Why are you always siding with that Sungmin?” he asked straightforwardly.

            “Nakamaru Shindong I want you to apologize to your sister and her classmate tomorrow.” His otosan said in a very apathetic voice then he went down the stairs to his shop.

            Donghae also left his brother and went to his room to calm himself if he ever saw that Lee Sungmin…

            “You would wish you were never born!” He said with clenched fist.


            Melody couldn’t sleep nor could she stand still in her bed something was terribly wrong she thought. She kept on tossing and turning in her bed. She opened her window in hopes of warding off the weird feeling that she had. Cold night breeze greeted her as she opened her window. She shivered and hugged herself. The moon was full it looked so mesmerizing that she found herself gawking at it. She stood there in front of her window for two hours. She finally closed the window half past ten and went back to her bed to sleep.

            She dreamed that she was in the sewers. She was running from something. It was large and hairy with large red eyes and sharp claws. It was nearing her, she felt herself being thrown back with such a full force. Moonlight seeped through the crevices of the sewers and she saw the monster that chased her.

            She screamed in her bed as she awoke with a jolt. What she saw in her dream looked so real. The monster was a large beast with jagged teeth. Its body was covered in fur and there was a maniacal look in its eyes. Her neechan rushed to her room and tried to calm her down as she cried. Something wasn’t right and she could feel it… something terrible had happened.





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I am near the end of drafting for the last part of the girl with the golden voice


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Chapter 14: Yoona and Sooyoung!! <3 <3 <3 <3 I love em! UPDATE PLEAAAAAASE!!
Chapter 13: Whoah~ A new Album! I love the fight scenes! >.< I just can't help it!

Sunny's with Chinen! Melody x Luhan story!! >.< I really love it!!

And OMG YUYA!! HE WOKE UP! I WONDER WHO TOLD HIM THAT! >.< I just can't believe that 'The Girl with a Golden Voice' is done...

Looking forward for the next chapter (or not)

I just wish AUTHOR dear would update the Kingdom of Eras~

Chapter 12: Oh YUYA~ I missed that guy! >.< I got a glimpse of him but he was still sleeping~ YAMADA'S SUCH A LIAR, wahahaha the FOOD!! YAMADA SHARE SOME FOR ME!!





Chapter 11: Oh! SUNNEN For The Win!! lKZDSJfhsldukfsdb they look so adorable!! >.< PERFECT!! AMAZING!! GOOD JOB Akanishi Mama and Papa!! and Nakamaru too!

A transfer student FIT for Ryosuke's taste, PINK!!

Poor Luhan, still cant find his other half.. you will soon see him! >.<
Chapter 10: Sooyoung and Yoona last chapter was epic! I wanted then to make up, and I was hoping they would in this chapter, I guess they didn't.. Only one thing can make them up, FOOD... >.<

Poor Luhan, just go find Melody! >.< and SUNNY x CHINEN in action is soo BEST!!

wish Sooyoung will have her someone too!! >.< and Yoona!! >.< SOON! and I want to see it!! >.<

Author-san THANK YOU!! Update more okay?
Chapter 9: The HEIGHT ISSUE was so funny! >.<

Uwaaaah! the imprint thingy~ plus sunny, CHinen~ just go get Sunny, see, Sungmin was cheating on her! GO SAVE HER!

lsdjfhoiryewi SUNNY x CHINEN!!
Chapter 5: I loled at Chinen and Jessica!!

They look soo cute!!

Sunny and Chinen also!! >.< they're just too cute together!! >.<

Kei is such a narcissist! He loves himself too much!! MORE UPDATES PLEASE!!
LePetitAdelfi #8
Chapter 4: Killed me at the first chapter! Chinen's room is soooo yellow!

krakien #9
Chapter 3: Waaaah! I am so loving the characters! >.<
At first I thought it would be creepy!
The characters are just so cute! Seororo~! <3 and lol at Heechul! >.<
krakien #10
OMG a new fic! And there's Akame! Kyaaaaaa~ xDD
And Seohyun as Akame's daughter! alkwefjaiowdnevaioeg~! <3
Oh and yay for Shori and Marius! \:D/
And that Song Yoogeun kid is soooooo cute~! :3

I'll definitely read this! :D