Chapter 7;

Three Words

Seohyun was walking alone in the street. She’s not sure where to go but her feet just kept on dragging her. She’s thinking of so many things, things that she isn’t sure if it’s worth thinking of. She was thinking about her parents who have been far from her, she’s thinking about her upcoming debut – which is quite a bit stressful for her and also, she’s thinking about Sehun. Sehun. SEHUN. She kept on crying and thinking if she could take it any longer. She couldn’t believe that a person like her is crying too much at the very moment. Seohyun is a very strong girl. She never cried because of too much pressure nor stress and not even Sehun – as a reason - made her cry this much before, but she thought that maybe she had reached her limit. She realized that she had been too strong for long and she definitely needs to release everything before she gets home. She decided to just stay still and cry her heart out.

Some people who were passing by the area looked at her, some were whispering things like what a weirdo and some older people were asking her if she’s alright but she’d just shook her head as a response. She thanked the heavens that most of the people who went to the showcase event didn’t pass by or else the image of the group she’s in might get into trouble.

I really need to cry it all out before I get home, she thought. She was still standing in the aisle when she felt a pair of arms snaking around her waist. She felt that it is a guy, a guy – back hugging her.

“Stop crying.” He mumbled into her hair. Seohyun felt his arms pulling her close, that’s when she turned around to face him.

“Lu-Lu Han-ssi?” She gasped. “What are you doing here?” She asked, trying to get off his grip but Lu han didn’t allow her to do so.

She was jailed in his arms and all she could see are his doe eyes pleading, asking her to just stay. Lu Han genuinely smiled at her and moved an inch closer, “It’s already late, I’ll send you home.”  And without a second thought, Seohyun nodded.

Seohyun and Lu Han aren’t that close but because Sehun’s favourite hyung is Lu Han; she was able to feel that she’s safe if Lu Han’s with her. Lu Han, on the other hand, felt relief that Seohyun agreed to his offer. He doesn’t want to let Seohyun go home alone especially when she looked tired and upset. He, then, put his arm around her shoulder and accompanied her.

“Thanks Lu Han-ssi.” She whispered, enough for him to hear it.

“Oppa.” He chuckled.


“Call me Oppa. Drop the formalities, Seohyun.” He said.

As Seohyun and Lu Han walked together, they didn’t notice that there's a pair of sad eyes watching them from behind.


A/N: OMG I'M SO SORRY, THIS IS JUST A VERY SHORT UPDATE D: I didn't realize that it was short until I pasted it here on AFF. So, recently, my imagination has been failing me. But don't worry, I'm going to finish this before the deadline! \o/ Thank you so much to all the readers!

PS: And to those who subscribed to my other story, WOLF, don't worry, I'm going to update it as soon as I finish studying for my prelim. I actually remembered that I have a WOLF fanfic because of EXO's drama version ((that was released awhile ago, have you seen it? DAMN SO GOOD!))

Comments are much appreciated. <3

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I'm loving all the little seohan moments, & seohun is definitely making their way up my seo-ships list! Seriously making me smile non-stop. Hehe. Thank you for such a great story! <3
themartyr #2
Chapter 11: Aww.. i loveee it! I'm a seohan shipper but its ok. :)
Chapter 11: i love it <33333
HerLovelyWinterRose #4

Am I too cruel if I kindly asked our super-duper lovely Author-nim for a SHEQUEL? o w o

ichigokissu has been a favored author of mine for awhile~! I hope to see more of your lovely written works~! Please do more~ Komawo~! And I really love the way you wrote it~ Lovely work author-nim~! =^o^=
Chapter 11: wow!!!!!!! its really daebak..cuwae....
Chapter 11: asdfghjkl FINALLY! But there's a ? O.o
Chapter 11: They are totally adorable!!
YB_aspi #8
Chapter 11: omgggg a seokai ff ?! can't wait for it 0^◇^0)/ AND SEHUN FINALLY REALISED , haha they'reso cute together ♡
Chapter 11: I will miss this story, warghhhh :'( .. And i love this story ..
Chapter 11: Omo..the ending is so cute.argggggh...i could just pass out already.