Epilogue: Discovery

SMtown Disney


             Manager Chio Jin and Mr. Lee So Man came to pick me up the next morning, I had told my parents I was walking and window shopping and would meet them for lunch.  Manger Chio Jin and Mr. Lee Soo Man picked me up outside in a car.  We went to the hospital where I was poked and prodded, they drew blood and got my records from New Mexico. They then sent me to the cardiologist who was apparently a friend of my Uncle. Who is an anesthesiologist; they went to pre-med together. This Vacation has made me realize how small the earth has become and how fiction isn't all just fiction. I explained my condition and what I knew, he looked concerned.  He wanted to take a look at my heart he suggested a CT scan. I got a little scared and looked at Mr. Lee So Man he also looked unhappy.

“Doctor is this test necessary?”

“Yes I’m afraid so these symptoms don’t’ completely fit with what Miss. Segura’s first cardiologist diagnosed. These attacks are too extreme. ”

“Um it’s okay I can have a CT Scan when I get back home.” I said, I didn't what Mr. Lee So Man to be put out any more

“We don’t need to do this, we have enough and I can get checked out  at home” I said to Mr. Lee  again he looked thoughtful.

“I’m afraid that as a doctor I cannot allow you to fly, you may have clot in your heart, if you fly you could have a heart attack.”

“are you sure?”

“That or a murmur but honestly I can’t tell you for sure until we take a look.” I looked at Mr. Lee So Man and he nodded. Doctor Couch (cook) left the room to order the CT scan.  I looked at Mr. Lee So Man “Are you okay with this Mr. Lee So Man?”

“Yes of Course”

“I don’t mean to sound rude I am grateful but why? ”

“Because these past two days you have helped those who are mine even when they caused trouble for you.”

“But it is not like I didn't get anything out of it. I met my favorite K-idols got to go the their concert. I see it as a fair trade.”

“Well I don’t.” He patted my head and walked out of the room “I’ll talk to the doctor for a while.” Manager Chio Jin followed him out. When he left I got up and started pacing the room.  I didn't mean to eavesdrop but the hospital walls were so thin.

“You have something in mind, what do you suspect she has.”

“Mr. Lee I don’t think I should say until I am 100% sure.”

“Doctor please tell me.”

“This is just my hypothesis but I believe her symptoms point to Pulmonary Hypertension” 

“What does that mean…”  Mr. Lee So Man may not know what Pulmonary Hypertension meant but I did I had suspected it when I went to the cardiologist the first time but when they found nothing I dropped the idea.

5 minutes passed when they rolled me into the CT room. I had to lay down on a table perfectly still for what seemed like hours. When the scan was done I was asked to change into my cloths. We met in Dr. Couch’s office, he didn't come in for a long time. When he did I knew, he didn't look happy at all.

“Its what I feared.”

“Are we at the point of Atrial septostomy? I asked and caught him a little off guard  

“I suspected Hypertension the first time but they said everything was normal”

“And it was Miss Segura, Hyptension can only be diagnosed after a certain point. You will not need surgery.” he looked relived he didn't have to explain

“You are a little young for this condition… but its manageable you can fly home, and your cardiologist will be able to get you prescriptions in order but I recommend no highly stressful situations from now on.”

I nodded and rose Mr. Lee So Man and Manger Chio Jin did to they shook hands with the doctor first and waited for me,

“Dr. Couch I was wondering if I could bring my parents by later today so you can explain my condition.”

“Yes that’s fine here’s my card we can schedule it for later today.” We walked out of the office and I waited for Mr. Lee and Manager Chio Jin to finish with the paper work. In the car it was quite.

“How will you explain this to your parents?”

“With the truth…” I smile sadly to Mr. Lee So Man “well half truth. I’ll tell them I went to the concert was selected to go on stage and fainted after as a precaution you took me to the doctors and this is what we found.” He nodded.

“Thank You Mr. Lee So Man for everything” I bowed 90% degrees well as much as I could as I was seated. “Also Mr. Lee So Man I think we should keep my condition between the three of us… the others don’t need to know. They have other things to worry about.” He thought it over and nodded; I looked to manager Chio Jin and he nodded also. 

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SuperShinee2pm2ne1 #1
Chapter 16: Oooo Minho and Eli sitting in a tree K I S S I N G....lol I am excited to read the next part.
SuperShinee2pm2ne1 #2
Chapter 7: Lol the underwear thief stealing Siwan's food. This great.
SuperShinee2pm2ne1 #3
Chapter 2: Mmmmm Mexican food. I like this chapter. I see a lot of you in it
Chapter 7: This would definitely be a fun day. I can imagine going around with SM artists. F(x) noonas especially.