Chapter 6

One Ring Two Loves

A/N : Please do coment, subscribe, or even vote for this fic ,,

i really apreciate it and reading your coment always make me smile and happy guys ^^



Its Sunday morning, the following day..

Kyungsoo decided to waking up Haneul as her maid made them breakfast in the kitchen..

Jongin woke Minkyung up and they headed to the diningroom..

And he decided to not wake Sehun up, Sehun is a young man so he will wake up by himself, Jongin thought..


“Oh my dear Jesus Christ! What the hell are you doing here Oh Sehun..??”


Kyungsoo shrieked as she entered Haneul’s room and saw something weird..

Haneul and Sehun slept and cuddled eachother..

Somehow Kyungsoo felt Sehun really likes Haneul, maybe its time for him to get married and have his own kids,

Kyungsoo thought..


“Oh God, Kyung.. Can you zip your mouth? What do you think am i doing here?”

Sehun woke up and yawned.. Haneul also woke up upon heard Kyungsoo’s terrible shrieked..

“Goodmorning Kyungsoo ahjumma..”

“Whatever.. Breakfast is almost ready, it better you two prepare yourself and heading to diningroom soon, okay..”

They only nodded when Kyungsoo left their room.. Half lidded eyes couldnt even compromise them..

“Lets brush our teeth and wash up.. Okay!”


Sehun exclaimed.. He got up from the bed and decided to used his own bathroom upstairs..

Haneul got up from the bed, and headed to the bathroom inside his guest room..

He brushed his teeth, washed up his face, comb his hair neatly and get dressed nicely (maybe)..

A white T-shirt with X-Men printed on it and a pair of darkblue shorts jean..

He has already packed his stuffs in his backpack..

There they are, in the diningroom.. Kai, Kyungsoo, Minkyung at the same side of the table..

Sehun and Haneul at the opposite of them..


“Haneul oppa, are you gonna back to your home today?”

Minkyung asked Haneul cutely..

“Hmm.. yes..” Haneul answered her but he stared at his full loaded plate infront of him..

But he had no appetite at that moment..


“Sehun~ah, when will you get married?”

Kyungsoo asked him out of the blue and only made Sehun choked of his water..

“How long you will be a nappeun namja, huh?” Kyungsoo added..


“I only will get married  with someone whom i treasure the most! And for your information, im not a man who has many girls! Not like someone..”


Sehun emphasis his last word and stared at Jongin intensedly.. Jongin only shot him a death glared..

“Haneul, lets go home, your Mama will be worries if you stay here longer..”

Sehun stood up from his seat and take Haneul’s hand..



All of them turned their heads to the source of voice and shocked upon heard this man’s voice for the first time this morning..

“Yes, Kai ahjusshi?” Haneul asked him innocently..

“Here, take this.. For you..!”

Jongin stood up from his chair and pull out some money from his wallet and gave them to Haneul..


“No, thankyou.. Mama always tell me to not accept anything from others..”

He smiled nicely to Jongin.. How bad Jongin wants to hug his son.. Yesh, his own son.. He and Hanie’s son..



After that encounter, Sehun left the house with his car while Jongin only stood there dumbfounded..

He walked upstairs to his room and get a shower and change his suit into his simple white polo shirt and a pair of beige trousers.. He sat on one of couches which near the glassdoor.. He sipped his watermelon juice and only looked oustide..

His mind also out of his now place.. Hanie’s face still visible in his eyes..

How is he really miss her, but he realized it he already has his own family here..  


But then he thought about Hanie’s words ‘our son’.. He knew that they were made love before he left her for Seoul..

Was Hanie pregnant our son back then? But why she even didnt tell me and i didnt receive any letters from her..

His train thoughts cut by a little girl’s scream..



Minkyung ran faster than usual toward her fatherand hugged him..

Kyungsoo and kids arrived at home from their weekly groceries..

Kyungsoo handed their stuffs to Mrs.Hwang (a servant) and walked toward her husband..

Haneul, the only one who left behind searched his Mama..


“Uhmm.. Excuse me Kyungsoo ahjumma, do you know where is Mama?”

Haneul asked Kyungsoo innocently because he couldnt find his Mama there..

Jongin’s eyes grew wider upon seeing this little boy who resembles him a lot..


“Ah yeobo, he is Haneul, Hanie’s son..”

Kyungsoo nudged Jongin’s arm and introduce Haneul.. Jongin only shocked and his mouth wide open (again)..

He throwed his arms around Haneul and hugged him..

All of them shocked upon Jongin’s sudden action, even Jongin seems unconciously hug Haneul at that time..


“Uhm.. Thanks for being Minkyung’s friend..”

Jongin released his hug and cleared his throat and walked away to his original position..

‘Oh Dear God, what’ve i done?’

Jongin feels guilty because he knew that Haneul is absolutely his own son with Hanie..

End of flashback


“Let’s go!”

Sehun grab Haneul’s hands, Haneul bowed to them and bid goodbye..

“Take your backpack and your Mama’s supposedly hand-bag, i will wait you at the front gate, okay?”

“Okay hyung!”

Haneul rushed to his room to take his backpack, he sling it on his shoulders and take his Mama’s hand-bag..


“Sehun, are you crazy? How could you take your and Haneul’s leave before you guys finish your breakfast?”

Kyungsoo ran towards Sehun to the front gate..

“Its okay Kyung,, i promise we will have our breakfast later..”

“What if Hanie mad at me coz she will think i didnt feed her son properly?”

Kyungsoo fidgeting her fingers, her habbit  when she is nervous..

“No Kyungsoo noona, she will not mad at you.. Im pretty sure she loves you as her own sister..”


This is the very first time of Oh ing Sehun called her noona, Kyungsoo thought..

And this is the very first time he could be serious like this..

Oh Dear God, what happened with him, Kyungsoo’s crazy thoughts was cut by Haneul’s statement..


“Kyungsoo ahjumma, thanks for being a nice aunty for me and welcoming Mama and I nicely.. Goodbye!”

Haneul kissed Kyungsoo’s cheeks..

“Send my best regard for your Mama!”

Haneul sat on the passenger seat next to Sehun, and Sehun throw Haneul’s backpack and Hanie’s hand-bag on the backseats..


“I will..” Haneul smiled.. 

His smile is so sweet, and sometimes Kyungsoo thought that Haneul’s tan skin and sweet smiles resembles to Jongin a lot.. Sehun buckled Haneul’s safety belt before pedalled the gas.. They drove off..


They were in the midway of their journey and suddenly Haneul nugded Sehun’s right arm..

“Sehun Hyung, i am hungry..”

He said timidly as some groumbled sound of his stomach could be hear..


Sehun decided to buy some take away foods for them and Hanie..

So he parked his car at a family restaurant at Seocho-gu district..

Sehun decided to buy 3 portion of bulgogi and sondubu jiggae (Haneul’s favourite) and three others side-dishes..

They came into the car quickly and Sehun pedalled the gas faster to reached the certain flat just in time Haneul not starve to death..


All the time of their journey, Sehun focus on the road and frowning..

He really deep thinking rightnow..

How came Kyungsoo really stupid and didnt realized that Haneul is her husband’s son with Hanie ??

Oh God, how really mad Sehun right now..

He has the right reason why he hate Jongin so much..

And he has the right reason why he cares Haneul and Hanie..



Sehun drove to Kyungsoo’s home and he annoyed because of a certain man also arrived at that moment with his black Mercedes car..

‘Nappeun namja has arrived’ Sehun said to himself..


He got out from his sedan and headed toward kitchen to found or maybe robbed some oranges soda, his favourite..

But then he witness something which really made him angry and want to kill that certain man..

He stood there, behind the kitchen's door from the very begining..

Yes, he heard all of Jongin and Hanie’s conversation about their past..

And also about who is Haneul’s father although Jongin himself didnt know what Hanie was talked about..

Thats why i have a familiar feeling when i met Haneul a week ago..’


Sehun mumbled under his breath for not to be heard....

He jumped a little when Hanie ran away from the kitchen, she passed him without even noticed Sehun there and she cried..

When Jongin about to chased her, Sehun grabbed his wrist so hard and thank God Jongin’s heart almost  flip because Sehun was startle him to death..


“What are you doing?? Let me go!!” Jongin yelled to Sehun..

“If you dare to chased her, i will kill you and i will tell Kyungsoo about your encounter with your ex lover

Sehun threatened Jongin with his eyes stared him fiercely..


Its not like Jongin had other choice, he wouldnt sacrifice his life to lost his Kyungsoo and everything..

Thats why he didnt chased Hanie and Sehun was really serious after all..

Knew that Jongin didnt fight him anymore, he loosen his grip from Jongin’s wrist and ran towards the front gate and chased Hanie..

End of  flashback



Finally they arrived at Hanie’s flat building.. Sehun parked his car at parking area..

Haneul took his backpack and his mother’s hand-bag while Sehun brought plastic bags of their food..

They reached Hanie’s flat..

Haneul rang the doorbell several times before a certain young woman open the door..

Her face was really terrible with her puffy red eyes plastered on her face, her nose was red and her honey brown hair rather messy.. But above thats all, she is still pretty..


“Mama... Im home..”

Haneul said and hug his Mama..

Hanie shrieked as she saw a young man with his rainbow hair stood behind Haneul..

“Dont you let me to come in?”

Sehun asked Hanie while showed up those plastic bags of food and grined so wide..



They are now in Hanie’s small kitchen which also as diningroom..

If Sehun recalled it, there are only a small livingroom with one couch and small TV

then a small kitchen with a small rectangle table with only two chairs can be found..

At the left side of the kitchen, a small bathroom can be found..

At the left side of livingroom, there is a room which Sehun assumed as Hanie and Haneul’s bedroom..


Hanie and Sehun are sitting awkwardly on chairs while munching their breakfast..

None of them dare to open their mouth and start a little chit chat between them..

While Haneul is sitting on the couch and watching his favourite Pororo while munching his breakfast..


“Uhmm.. I think i will eat there with Haneul..”

Finally Sehun broke the silence between them.. He stood up from the chair and brought his plate..

“Sehun~ah..” Hanie called him..

“Yes, noona?”



"For everything.."

“I didnt do anything.. No need to thank me..”


He smiled.. His best and warm smile ever in his life..

Hanie watched him in awe as Sehun’s eyes made little crescents shape when he smiled so sincerely..

Sehun stomped away from kitchen and sat next to Haneul and watched Pororo together..


“Hey Haneul..” Sehun nudged Haneul’s right arm and whispered to him..

“What hyung?”

“Would you call me Sehun Papa?”

He whispered on Haneul’s right ear for not to be heard by Hanie..


Haneul didnt answered him, he only gave Sehun are-you-kidding-me look..

“Urgghhhh.. Fine! I am your ‘hyung’” He emphasized his last word and pouted cutely..

“Hyung, you are not a baby anymore, dont act like you are..”


Sehun pretended angry at Haneul..







A/N : Hmm... I dont have any words to be said..

See ya guys.. Thanks for whoever read my lame fic, my subbies, and you guys who commented on my fic..



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I, Galita Miina, author of One Ring Two Loves, declare that MY FIC IS COMPLETED.. Thanks n Goodbye.. Till we meet again :)


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seungrin123 #1
I want to start read this story now so make sure it about hunhan and kaisoo okey..I will vote you later
aini_13 #2
Chapter 16: OH MY GOD !!!! this is toooooooo CUuuuuuuute !!! Minkyung want to have honeymoon with Haneul.... haha LOL...
aini_13 #3
Chapter 11: Ainindya
17 y.o
Luhan and Sehun
Chapter 19: Hei.. I like your story..
snqlxoals818 #5
Chapter 12: I really enjoy it ^^
thanks for mentioning me (again) :D
snqlxoals818 #6
Chapter 9: oh hai ^^
sorry for not comment on the first chapter. you know, I have already read your story several months ago when I haven't aff's account yet. jeongmal mianhaeyo ( _ _)
but nowdays I remember your story and almost frustrated coz I couldn't found it. I was screaming /LOL/ when I found it ^^ #I'm not kidding :)
really love love love your story ^^

*sorry for bad grammar, coz I'm Indonesian :) nice too meet you ^^
LovesAsianDrama #7
Okay, sorry I just found this fic as I am SUJU OTP first, so sorry I am just discovering your story. And I am still learning a few if the members LOL.

I will gladly read the story and leave comments and look forward to it. Thank you for mentioning me ^.^
baekyeolhunhanship #8
Chapter 12: I lov it!!i think I read it 10 times already..hee~
eLfish_hAnueL #9
Chapter 5: i was shocked by the user name thingy.. haha!!
nice fic!!
Chapter 11: Hi, silent reader here.. Sorry...
>>Selangor, Malaysia
>>D.O & Baekhyun.