One Ring Two Loves

Seoul – July 2014


“May i come in..?”

Kyungsoo asked as she popped her head inside the bride’s waiting room..

“Yes Kyung..” Hanie answered her as she sat on a chair and faced the mirror..

“You’re soooooo pretty..!!” Kyungsoo squaled and clapped her hands like a mad woman..

Hanie, indeed really pretty in this very special day.. Kyungsoo was the one who helped her and Sehun to prepared all of those wedding stuffs..

From the church, the priest, the wedding attire and gown, and whatever Hanie needed..


Kyungsoo’s parents also knew about Hanie and they considered Hanie as their own daughter because Kyungsoo told them she really wanted an older sister like Hanie..

“I'm very happy for you..” Kyungsoo said as she placed her hands on Hanie’s shoulder as they stared the mirror..

“Thankyou so much Kyung for everything.. Im glad that i meet you in my life..”

“No, you shouldnt thank me.. Im the only one who have to say thankyou and im sorry Hanie for everything between you and Jongin..”

Yeah, Hanie and Kyungsoo had talked about their matters and it was not burden for Hanie to let go of Jongin and gave him up over an amazing woman like Kyungsoo.. She had no regret this time..


“Ommaaaaaaaa....” A terrible screaming let out from a certain little girl as she ran to hugged her mother’s leg..

“What’s wrong Minkyung..?” asked her Omma..

“Haneul oppa doesnt want to marry me..” Kyungsoo only rolled her eyes while Haneul sat still on the luxurious sofa acted like better not to know..

“Minkyung-ah, you shouldnt think about marriage because youre too young indeed.. You might find someone better than your Haneul oppa few years later..”

Hanie said calmly as she caressed her soft hair and Minkyung only pouted..


“Girls.. Are you ready..?”

A pretty middle aged woman came in.. Her big owl eyes really resembles Kyungsoo plus her mischievous grin..

Follow after her, also a pretty middle aged woman with his super fair and white skin came in, yes, she was Mrs.Oh in her hanbok attire..

“Yes Mom..” Hanie said and stood up..


Kyungsoo’s parent insisted Hanie to called them as Mother and Father and considered them as her own parents..

“I bet Sehun will faint to see you.. Youre really pretty and glowing today..” Mrs.Oh said as she hugged Hanie..

“Thankyou Omma..” Hanie smiled at her..


Sehun was in the other room, the groom’s waiting room along with Jongin, Mr.Do and Mr.Oh..

They shared some advices about how to handling wives,LOL..

Sehun was actually mad because he couldnt meet Hanie that day from the morning but the mothers said it would be great if Sehun meet her in wedding ceremony because she would glowing and shine.. Yeah, that thought..



Friends and family gathered in the church, expecting HunHan’s wedding vow..

Sehun in his black tux, a classic wedding attire, stood on the altar with Jongin beside him as his bestman..

Sehun couldnt focus on what was going on and even his poker face was more poker than it was usual, if it was possible..


“Calm down.. Dont be so nervous or you will ruin everything!”

Jongin whispered to Sehun’s ear and only made him earned a deathglare from mister poker face..

“Just dont say something!I just want to puke rightnow..!” Sehun screamed in the most low tune voice..

“Eww.. Gross!”


“Oh my God, it will be harder and more difficult than took an university’s entrance test..!”

“Shut up Sehun! I dont give her up to a coward man like you rightnow!”

Thanks God the crowds were very crowded at that time Jongin yelled to Sehun..

Sehun’s heart was pounding very fast and he looked around nervously, the guests gave him encouraging smiles, he smiled back politely..


At the first until third row right column, exactly in front of him,

Sehun could find his families and Kyungsoo’s families but Jongin’s parent didnt show up that day..

Minkyung sat at the very first right row and at her left side, her grandmother (Mrs.Do) sat along with Mr. & Mrs. Oh..

At her right side, a pretty young lady name Ashley sat, she was Minkyung’s Godmother..

She gave Minkyung her favourite lollipop candy, best Godmother ever..


And at the very last row of left column seats, his eyes stop at some men..

Sehun could find his so called bestfriends Baekhyun and Chanyeol chatted happily and clapped their hands like seals when those young pretty ladies (guests) told them something..

Those ladies are Kyungsoo’s friends, their names are Alyssa, Nazirah, and Unyu..

Sehun also saw his college’s friends there, Minseok, Junmyeon, Yixing, and Zitao as well..


The music started to play, startling Sehun a little..

Behind the church’s door, those pretty bridesmaid waited in line along with flower kids, Haneul, and also the bride..

The church door opened and pretty bridesmaid walked down the aisle..

If Sehun recalled it, they were Hanie’s close friends who also worked at Do daycare center..


Those pretty bridesmaid's names are Nikka, Chacha, Shasya, Shenez, and Sumii..

They were so pretty and carried fllower’s bouquets then behind them Sehun saw some kids sprinkled flower’s petals along the aisle,

one of them was Jongdae, Haneul’s friend..


Behind the flower kids, Sehun saw Haneul in his cute white dress shirt and a big black bowtie at his collar made plus point for his cuteness..

Haneul brought a pillow with a set of wedding rings.. Yeah, he is the ring bearer..

He really liked it when his Mama asked him to be the ring bearer because it reminded him of Frodo in Lord Of The Rings trilogy movie..


Behind the ring bearer, Sehun looked a figure of someone wearing a pretty fluffly white wedding dress with middle long wavy brown hair and a small tiara with its veil..

The figure was walking with Mr.Do, and was holding a bouquet of pink and white roses..

The figure was Hanie, her soon to be wife and his future’s kids mother..


When they reached the altar, Mr.Do took Hanie’s hand then gave it to Sehun which was only accepted gladly by Sehun and led her to the altar facing him and there, Kyungsoo stood beside her as her maid of honor..


Sehun stared at Hanie because he awed by her looks..

Like the mothers said, Hanie was really pretty and glowing at this time.. Hanie only blushed, felt the stares she received from all direction especially Sehun who didnt have interest to take off his stare from Hanie..


The priest which was really young, handsome and tall according to Kyungsoo’s thought read the vows..

Yeah, Kyungsoo who found that the priest was indeed too handsome as a priest was squaled everytime she looked at his handsome face..

Kyungsoo could manage to know his name, Kris was the priest’s name..

Sehun listened to the vows carefully but he didnt take off his eyes from Hanie..


"Do you Oh Sehun take her, Lu Han, to be your lawfully wedded wife..?"

Sehun exhaled the air that has been stuck in his throat when he saw Hanie earlier and said his vow loudly..


"I, Oh Sehun, take you, Lu Han, to be my lawfully wedded wife, i promise before God and these witnesses, to love you unconditionally through life’s joys n sorrows, for better for worse, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer as long as we both shall live until death do us part.."


"Do you  Lu Han take him, Oh Sehun, to be your lawfully wedded husband..?"

Hanie blushed but lifted her head after all and she stared into Sehun deep's eyes as she gulped and also said her vow loudly..


"I, Lu Han, take you, Oh Sehun, to be my lawfully wedded husband, i promise before God and these witnesses, to love you unconditionally through life’s joys n sorrows, for better for worse, in sickness and health, for richer or poorer as long as we both shall live until death do us part.."


The handsome priest said

"You have declared your consent before the Church.. By the authority committed onto me as a Minister of the Gospel of the Church Christ, i declare that Oh Sehun and Lu Han are now husband and wife according to the ordinance of God.. What God has joined together, men must not divide.., Amen.."


All the guests said Amen and this time for HunHan to exchange rings..

Haneul stood up from his seat at the first row left column, headed the altar..

Sehun muttered thankyou as he took the ring and slipped it on Hanie’s left ring finger.. Hanie did same as well..

“Now you may kiss the bride..” The priest exclamed..


Sehun leaned forward and captured Hanie’s soft lips..

As they were sharing sweet and innocent kiss, Jongin tried to hold his wrenched heart, yeah, he felt a little bit sad but as soon as he saw Kyungsoo there behind Hanie, he felt relief..

Kyungsoo stared him and KaiSoo exchange sweet stares between them as HunHan were kissing and all of the guest cheered happily for HunHan as they parted themselves from the crowd and smiled ..



The wedding reception was held at the Church’s backyard and its view was like a fairytale (or maybe not).. It was look like this CLICK HERE..

The guests chatted happily as they enjoyed the foods and the drinks..

Sehun’s college’s friend along with BaekYeol took their seats at the same table and talked about Sehun, but that was not a badmouthing him thought..

Beside them, those pretty ladies (Kyungsoo’s friends) and also the bridesmaid took seats..

It was seem like those pretty ladies had a love affair with Sehun’s friends,LOL..


Sehun and Hanie smiled at eachother and whispered something to each other’s ears then giggled..

You know, about their plan of honeymoon..

Kyungsoo who sat beside Hanie was only rolled her eyes upon witness this newly wedded couple talking about their honeymoon..

Kyungsoo nudged her husband’s arm who sat beside her and whispered


“Kai baby, what if we have our second honeymoon tomorrow..?”

“Huh,,!??” Jongin only widened his eyes after he heard his wife’s words..

“But, why so sudden honey..?” He asked Kyungsoo..

“........” Kyungsoo didnt answered him as she lowered her head and stared her lap instead..


“Kyung, honey..” Jongin lifted her face and stared at her big owl-eyes..

“Okay, we’re going.. As long as you’re happy, i will do it.. My wife is more important than my job..” Jongin grinned mischievously..

“No! Your job is important but, yeah i am number one..!” Kyungsoo blushed madly as Jongin leaned forward and kissed her lips..

“Not in public..” Kyungsoo said after they broke the kiss..

“Too late..” Jongin only grinned..


“Omma, Appa.. Can you two stop it..?”

Minkyung who sat beside Jongin only rolled her eyes and stood up..

“Im so gonna have my honeymoon with Haneul oppa!!” She ran toward where Haneul sat along with those flower kids..

“Someday they have to know that they are siblings..”

Kyungsoo whispered in a low tune to Jongin’s ear which only got a slighty nodded from Jongin..


“Kyung.. Its the time..” suddenly Hanie nudged Kyungsoo's arm..

“Uhmmm?? Ohhh..!! I almost forget..” Kyungsoo stood up..

“Attention everybody..!” Kyungsoo said as she stood up from her chair which was next to Hanie’s at the front center..

“Our pretty bride will sing a special song for his husband..”

“Ooooohh.. Waaaawww....” the crowd said and applaused in unison..

Ofcourse Sehun himself didnt know about that, it was a surprised.. Hanie stood and left her seat to reached the small stage in the center..

"I love you.." but before she stood up from her seat, Hanie kissed Sehun ..

"I love you too.." Sehun stared her with full of love..


“I dedicated this special song to someone’s special in my life, Oh Sehun..”

Hanie began to sing with her heart because at that moment, she felt very happy and grateful to have Sehun in her life, so did Sehun..


(A/N : This song is sung by Maher Zain, he is a Muslim..

So please dont misunderstand or take this wrong or mixed between this song and the wedding because i made the wedding ceremony in Christian way..)






I praise Allah for sending me you, my love..

You've found your home and it's here with me and i am here with you..

Now let me let you know..

You’ve opened my heart..

I was always thinking that love was wrong..

But everything was changed when you came along..

And there’s a couple of words i wanna say..

*For the rest of my life, i’ll be with you..

I'll stay by your side, honest and true..

Till the end of my time, i’ll be loving you, loving you..

For the rest of my life, through days and nights..

I ‘ll thank  Allah, for opening my eyes..

Now and forever I, I’ll be there for you..

I know it deep in my heart..

I feel so blessed when i think of you..

And i ask Allah to bless all we do..

You’re my life, and my friend, and my strength..

And i pray we’re together in Jannah...

Finally now i've found myself i feel so strong..

Yes verything was changed when you came along..

And there’s a couple of words i wanna say..

*And now that you’re here, infront of me, i strongly feel love..

And i have no doubt, i’ll sing it loud,

That i will love you eternally..



~*~ THE END ~*~




A/N : about the lyrics and the wedding ceremony...

Jannah means Heaven for Muslim people..

The original lyrics for Life is actually Wife, thats why i bold the word “life” in the lyric..

Because it is actually a husband sing for his wife..

I am not a Christian, so im sorry if did make mistakes about how the wedding ceremony should be..

I’ve tried my best to do small researched about Christian’s wedding..

(Beside that, i also bothered my Sist and Saeng who actually my friends on virtual world, and asked them about Christian’s wedding ceremony..)



~*~ My FAREWELL  ~*~



I, Galita Miina, Author, wanna thank you guys..

Ashley Saeng as a special Author whom i trully love and adore and give me inspiration so i can make this fic.. (You guys have to read her great Diaries of a Broken Family fic)..

- Vickiie Eoni, Nikka Saeng, Chacha Saeng who helped me and give me inspiration and courage and talk to me personally, I LOVE YOU GUYS..

- You guys who always leave me your comments, I TRULLY LOVE YOUUUU... (i can't mention you one by one but you have to know that im very grateful for your feedback.. Thanks!!)

- Subbies.. (I LOVE YOU ALL) and Who upvote my fic.. Love youuuu..

- Readers (silent readers also considered)..


I hope someday we meet again with my new other stories.. Till we meet again.. Goodbye.. ^^

P.S : I dunno why im crying rightnow espc when im writing this last part of our farewell and listen to Maher Zain – For The Rest Of My Life..

Goodbye.. :’)



Galita Miina


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Thank you!
I, Galita Miina, author of One Ring Two Loves, declare that MY FIC IS COMPLETED.. Thanks n Goodbye.. Till we meet again :)


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seungrin123 #1
I want to start read this story now so make sure it about hunhan and kaisoo okey..I will vote you later
aini_13 #2
Chapter 16: OH MY GOD !!!! this is toooooooo CUuuuuuuute !!! Minkyung want to have honeymoon with Haneul.... haha LOL...
aini_13 #3
Chapter 11: Ainindya
17 y.o
Luhan and Sehun
Chapter 19: Hei.. I like your story..
snqlxoals818 #5
Chapter 12: I really enjoy it ^^
thanks for mentioning me (again) :D
snqlxoals818 #6
Chapter 9: oh hai ^^
sorry for not comment on the first chapter. you know, I have already read your story several months ago when I haven't aff's account yet. jeongmal mianhaeyo ( _ _)
but nowdays I remember your story and almost frustrated coz I couldn't found it. I was screaming /LOL/ when I found it ^^ #I'm not kidding :)
really love love love your story ^^

*sorry for bad grammar, coz I'm Indonesian :) nice too meet you ^^
LovesAsianDrama #7
Okay, sorry I just found this fic as I am SUJU OTP first, so sorry I am just discovering your story. And I am still learning a few if the members LOL.

I will gladly read the story and leave comments and look forward to it. Thank you for mentioning me ^.^
baekyeolhunhanship #8
Chapter 12: I lov it!!i think I read it 10 times already..hee~
eLfish_hAnueL #9
Chapter 5: i was shocked by the user name thingy.. haha!!
nice fic!!
Chapter 11: Hi, silent reader here.. Sorry...
>>Selangor, Malaysia
>>D.O & Baekhyun.