Chapter 12

One Ring Two Loves

Hello readers :D

Dont forget to leave me some comment ^^

I joyfully announced that this chapt is longer than usual, so please read it carefully (but dont focus on my gramatical errors,LOL)

Thanks, Enjoy (or not)...



Seoul – December 2013

It was almost Christmas.. As Sehun’s promise, he would spend his Christmas eve with Hanie and Haneul..

At first, Kyungsoo insisted them all to spend Christmas eve at Kyungsoo’s house instead,

but Sehun refused her and Kyungsoo eventually knew that Sehun has feeling for Hanie so she didnt say anything more..


There were not too much differences in Hanie’s flat except her new dining table set plus its chairs..

After a rather long argued with Sehun, she finally gave up and let Sehun bought her the said table..

Its not that much though, it was just a simple polished wooden dining table plus 4 chairs..

But Hanie really didnt want to if the younger spent his money for Hanie neither Haneul..


It was Monday morning, 23rd December.. Haneul got his school’s holiday for a week at winter break..

He said he really want to visit Minkyung and ofcourse Hanie hesitated still but Sehun convinced her that Haneul will be alright with Jongin arround him..

So Hanie let Sehun drove Haneul to Minkyung’s house and Kyungsoo insisted Hanie to let her son stay over there for a night before Christmas eve..

Because Kyungsoo smelled something had happened and would’ve been happened if she let Hanie and Sehun alone together without a ing ‘Haneul’..

Kyungsoo smiled devilishly upon this thought.. She wanted to set Hanie and Sehun up and she was really want Sehun getting married with her soon..


So, there they were in Minkyung’s playing room..

Kyungsoo and Minkyung arranged lego blocks, Haneul played and arranged some 3D puzzles, Haneul’s favourite..

They were so much focused on their lego blocks and puzzles when Jongin came in.. Jongin sat beside Haneul and smiled to him..


“Hey, how have you been Kai ahjusshi..?” Haneul asked him innocently..

“Good.. May i join you to arrange this puzzle..?



Not long after that, Minkyung played a piano, her favourite kid song while Kyungsoo sang loudly followed by her daughter..

Jongin and Haneul had finished their puzzle and sat on the fluffy carpet just to listened a rather crazy Mom and her daughter sang a song loudly..

“Haneul, do you like Sehun..?” Jongin asked him out of the blue..

“Ofcourse, he is a nice and good hyung..”




There was a rather long pause before Jongin spoke up again..

“Do you accept him if he will getting married with your Mama..?”

“Yes, i accept him.. He cares to us, and he promises that he will make us happy..”

Jongin seemed disagree with Haneul but he just kept silent until Haneul spoke up


“I just want Mama to be happy, she is lonely although im with her everyday..

But i guess its the time for her to move on.. I promised i will punch Sehun hyung if he even dare to hurt Mama and make her cry, dont worry Ahjusshi..”


Haneul gave Jongin a warm smile and reassured him that his Mama will be okay with Sehun, he was not a wrong person for Hanie..

“I guess, my Papa also likes him.. I bet Papa will accept Sehun hyung if he will getting married with Mama..”




“Yeah, i guess so..”

Jongin thought this is it, this is the time he had to let go of Hanie and let her be happy with another man, Oh Sehun..



After Sehun drove Haneul to Kyungsoo’s house, he decided it would be nice if he asked Hanie out for a date..

He would take Hanie for a walk in the amusement park or Lotte World or watched a movie and get a lunch..

These thoughts made him grinned so wide..

Sehun rang the doorbell several time unpatiently until a certain beautiful young woman opened it..


“Hanie Noona, would you go out with me today..?”

Sehun blushed madly and he blabbered, again..

“Uhm.. I am not.. I mean, its not a date tough, just-”



“I said okay.. Besides, i dont want to be alone here without Haneul..”


Hanie smiled to Sehun, and Sehun grabbed her hands after she locked her flat’s door..

“Lets go..!!”

Sehun said cheerfully while he intertwined their hands..

He felt really warm and put their hand inside his pocket’s coat which only made Hanie blushed..




There they were, in amusement park which packed with people because it was a winter break, for God’s sake..!

(A/N : Is this even make sense? I dunno guys..)

Sehun insisted to ride rollercoaster while Hanie only said that they were not kids anymore and the younger only pouted cutely to make Hanie felt guilty and finally gave up..


After their rollercoaster session, Sehun once again insisted Hanie and dragged her to the haunted house,

and once again Hanie gave up so she let the younger led her in..

Sehun hold Hanie’s hand and intertwined their fingers even before they enter the entrance and they stayed still until they were outside the haunted house..


“Noona, are you tired..?” Sehun asked Hanie who walked hand in hand with him at his left side..

“Hmm,, just a little..”

She lied if she said that she didnt tired at all, but she didnt want to make Sehun disappoint..

‘Im too old for this’ she thought

“Wait here okay..”

Sehun asked Hanie to sat on the empty bench and he fixed Hanie’s red scraf just to made sure she was warm enough before he left her for a while..


After a rather long wait there, Sehun came back to her with two plastic bags of cotton candy..

“Taddaaa.. Do you like cotton candy? ‘coz Minkyung really like it..” Sehun and gigled..

“Hey, im not 4 anymore..” Hanie pouted cutely..

“Lets go...” Sehun offered his left hand to hold Hanie’s hand while his other hand hold his cotton candy..

“Dont you gonna to unwrap it? I want it..” Hanie said shyly and pointed to cotton candy in Sehun’s grip..


Sehun only smiled at her timid action.. She is very cute and adorable, Sehun thought..

They decided to buy two cups of hot chocolate to warmed them at the nearby stall after they finished their cotton candy..

“Two cups of hot chocolate, please..” He said to the man..

“Here you go, have a nice date with your girlfriend..”

The man handed two cups of hot chocolate to Sehun and ofcourse Hanie heard it and blushed madly..


They strolled along the path hand in hand.. It was seem that Sehun didnt want to make Hanie lost in this newplace

because she told him that she never come to an amusement park before and she really want to ask Haneul to come with them next time

which Sehun agreed..

“Are you feeling cold..?” Sehun once again asked Hanie but she only shooked her head..

‘How can i feel cold if your hand is so warm..’ Hanie mentally said..


“Oh.. Noona, do you bring your phone..?” Sehun suddenly asked her..

“Yeah,, why..?”

“May i borrow it just for a while..?”

Hanie was struggle to find her phone inside his handbag because her right hand still clapsed with Sehun’s, so Sehun helped her instead..

“Let’s go...” Sehun led them once again to walked inside an accessories store..


“Which one do you like..?” Sehun asked her and pointed at some couple phone straps..

“Uhm... I like this one..” Hanie pointed at a very cute little plush Rilakkuma phone strap..

“Okay then..” Sehun asked the shopkeeper to give him two Rilakkuma phone straps and headed toward the cash register table..

“Let me set these straps at our phone..”

Sehun unwilingly broke their intertwined but he had to set these phone straps as fast as he can..


“Okay, we have a couple phone strap now!!”

Sehun spoke rather loudly and earned some gigles from other customer there..

“Hey Sehun~ah, arent we too old to be like this..?”

“No, im not that old, but Noona is old..” He darted his tongue out playfully..


Hanie slapped his arm lightly but the two of them just laughed like there is no tomorrow,LOL..


“Uhmm,, where are we going..?” Hanie asked him as they entered Sehun’s sedan..

“Lunch!! Im hungry to death..” Then he stepped on the gas pedal and quicken his car’s speed..



They were in Sehun’s favourite restaurant and from what Hanie saw this restaurant is rather big and luxurious from outside

as if it couldnt be approached by a dirty peasant like her but inside, a warm atmosphere welcomed them as they were at home.. It was cozy enough..


A waiter led them to the table which placed at the corner of the room,

and from what Hanie had scanned every table had a wooden partition surrounded it so the customers will feel as they were on their private room..


“Does this place make you comfortable..?” Sehun asked her after he made an order for the two of them and the waiter left them..

“Yeah.. I guess so.. Its warm here tough” She chuckled..

Not long after that, their foods came and Sehun devoured his food rather hungrily..

Ofcourse he was hungry, it was 2.00 PM and it was considered as a late lunch..


When they were at their desserts time, Sehun took Hanie’s cherry which was on top  of her chocolate pudding and ate it..

“Oh my God Sehun, how childish can you get more, huh..?”


Again, he snapped Hanie’s pudding plate and ate her half part pudding mercilessly despite the fact that his own pudding still half left untouched..

He only earned a death glare from Hanie, but being the mature one she decided not to fight back although Hanie still wanted that pudding..

Before Hanie reached a napkin to wipe some stains on , Sehun called her..


“Noona, open your mouth.. The plane is coming..”

Sehun wanted to feed her with his own pudding and even make a weird sound of an airplane..

“Oh my God, no way..! And can you please stop it..?”

“Noooo.. I will not until you open your mouth and eat this delicious pudding..”


Sehun even make some weird gestures as if his spoon is an airplane and tried his best to feed Hanie..

He leaned toward Hanie and let Hanie ate his supposedly airplane..?

“Nyyaammm... Here it comes again, its a train now...”

Sehun didnt only feed her once with his stupid airplane but also with his stupid train only to make Hanie laughed..

“The train is coming.. Gooocchhaaaa,, goooocchhaaaa....”


“Stop it, you weirdo..!!” Hanie laughed so hard because of Sehun’s weird train sounds..

“Oh wait a minute, i dont really know how it sounds actually, mianhae Noona..”

“No, its okay.. Youre so funny..” Hanie pinched Sehun’s already flushed cheek just to make it more flushed..

“Then say aaaaa...” Sehun feed her once again..

“Thanks..” Hanie said shyly only to make Sehun had the urge to hugged her..


After they finished their seemed to be forever dessert time at their lunch time, Sehun decided to drove Hanie home..

‘I guess today’s date was more than enough..’

He smiled while focused on his road but little did he know, his smile didnt go unnotice to Hanie’s eyes..

It was 4.00 PM.. Finally they arrived at Hanie’s flat frontdoor..


“Sehun~ah, thankyou for today, im very happy..”

“Youre very welcome Noona.. I guess i’ll take my leave..” Sehun turned around and walked away..

“Sehun..!!” Hanie called.. Just in time Sehun turned his body to faced Hanie, he gasped..

He felt a very soft and warm lips on his right cheek..

“See you tomorrow..!” Hanie shouted without looked back at Sehun and shut the door close..


Sehun only stood there dumbfounded while his hand touch his cheek, his fingers stop at a certain place where she kissed him and he smiled..

He decided to walked away from Hanie’s flat with his smile plastered on his face..

Every steps he took felt so light as if he walked on a fluffy cloud and he was surrounded by rainbow and flying unicorns..


Little did Sehun know, Hanie was blushing madly while she covered her face with her palms..

She leaned her back againt the doorframe and her heartbeat raced uncontrollable..

She felt butterflies inside her stomach while she thought about her date with Sehun today and also about her peck on Sehun’s cheek..

‘Oh my God, what i’ve done..? Dont tell me.... I like him’



Sehun parked his sedan at Kyungsoo’s front yard and headed toward kitchen just to robbed his favourite orange soda..

But before he headed toward the kitchen, he said his hello to Haneul, Minkyung, and Kyungsoo which were playing at Minkyung’s playing room,

Jongin the only one whom he didnt say any hello, no need..


He hummed a song and seemed very happy at that time after his date with Hanie..

Sehun opened the refigerator and took a can of orange soda and drank it up then he yelped when someone touch his shoulder so sudden..

“Holy Krisus..!!”

Sehun shocked and turned around only to met Jongin’s face..


“Have a nice date, huh..?”

Jongin smirked and asked him.. Although his voice monotonous, but his voice sounded less sarcastically this time..

“None of your business..” Sehun said calmly with his usual poker face..

“Can you put off your poker face..?”


Sehun didnt answer him but he sat on the chair instead while Jongin took a can of milk soda to drink up..

“You must thank to Haneul.. Because he likes you..”

Jongin said calmly and drank his drink without even spare a single glance toward Sehun..

“I know..” Sehun answered him..


When Jongin tried to approached Sehun by sat on a chair next to him, Sehun prefered to stood up from his seat instead and left Jongin..

But before Sehun left the kitchen, Jongin could manage to called him.. And..

“What was that for?!!”


Sehun yelled after a rather big fist landed on his left cheek.. Jongin had punched him before he left the kitchen..

“Nothing.. Just, dont you ever make her cry and left her with other men instead!!”

Jongin walked away after he had his seemed to be warning toward Sehun..

But little did Jongin know, his lips slightly twiched upward which didnt go unnotice to Sehun’s eyes..





Sehun quietly muttered his words for not to be heard by Jongin and ofcourse Jongin didnt hear it because he already left the kitchen and headed to upstairs..




“Baby, are you sleeping..?” Jongin playfully nudged his wife’s squishy arm but the latter didnt turn her body and stayed still backfacing him..

“Kyungsoo.. I need to tell you something..”

His voice softer and he caressed his wife’s soft black hair but failed, Kyungsoo didnt turn around..

“I’m sorry.. Hanie and i-”


“No! Please dont say anything..”

Finally Kyungsoo said something and turned around to face his husband.. She seemed like she was gonna cry..

“I’m sorry, we-”

“No, i dont want to hear anything!”

Kyungsoo covered her ears with her palms and shooked her head furiously.. Jongin decided to calm his wife by hugged her..


“Please dont.. It’s enough, i know it..” Kyungsoo cried and hugged her husband tightly and burried her face in Jongin’s manly chest..

“The only one who have to say sorry is me, Jongin.. I’m sorry.. I took you away from her.. I’m sorry...”

Kyungsoo even cried harder this time and tightened her grips at Jongin’s arms..


“No, baby.. You even didnt know about us back then.. It wasn’t your fault..”

Jongin tried to assured his wife by saying some comforting words and apologized..

“Im sorry Kyungsoo.. Please forgive me..”

Jongin said sorry mutiple times to his wife and kissed the top of her head..


“I’ve even already forgived you from the very begining baby..” Kyungsoo mumbled between her sobs..

“Thankyou, i really love you.. I love you Kyungsoo..I didnt regret to meet you..” Jongin kiss her forehead..

“I love you too Jongin, promise me that you will never leave me..”

“I promise..”

They hugged eachother and that night, Kyungsoo drifted into her beauty sleep in Jongin’s warm embrace after their cry session had ended..





A/N : Oh my,, this chapt supposedly filled with hunhan’s fluff date but then i have the urge to fixed some things between KaiHaneul, SeKai n KaiSoo..

Things are getting  better now.. Right??

Hurray....!! I just want to say GOOD JOB for me, this is my first time to write such a fluffy chapt.. But i failed, Bahahahaa :D

See yaaaa n till next chapt ^^


P.S: I wrote this chapt on a rush so please forgive and excuse my error spellings/gramaticals/etc.. Thanks..

Next chapt will up a week later coz i've been busy to do some stuffs at my University lately (related with my graduation,etc)

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Thank you!
I, Galita Miina, author of One Ring Two Loves, declare that MY FIC IS COMPLETED.. Thanks n Goodbye.. Till we meet again :)


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seungrin123 #1
I want to start read this story now so make sure it about hunhan and kaisoo okey..I will vote you later
aini_13 #2
Chapter 16: OH MY GOD !!!! this is toooooooo CUuuuuuuute !!! Minkyung want to have honeymoon with Haneul.... haha LOL...
aini_13 #3
Chapter 11: Ainindya
17 y.o
Luhan and Sehun
Chapter 19: Hei.. I like your story..
snqlxoals818 #5
Chapter 12: I really enjoy it ^^
thanks for mentioning me (again) :D
snqlxoals818 #6
Chapter 9: oh hai ^^
sorry for not comment on the first chapter. you know, I have already read your story several months ago when I haven't aff's account yet. jeongmal mianhaeyo ( _ _)
but nowdays I remember your story and almost frustrated coz I couldn't found it. I was screaming /LOL/ when I found it ^^ #I'm not kidding :)
really love love love your story ^^

*sorry for bad grammar, coz I'm Indonesian :) nice too meet you ^^
LovesAsianDrama #7
Okay, sorry I just found this fic as I am SUJU OTP first, so sorry I am just discovering your story. And I am still learning a few if the members LOL.

I will gladly read the story and leave comments and look forward to it. Thank you for mentioning me ^.^
baekyeolhunhanship #8
Chapter 12: I lov it!!i think I read it 10 times already..hee~
eLfish_hAnueL #9
Chapter 5: i was shocked by the user name thingy.. haha!!
nice fic!!
Chapter 11: Hi, silent reader here.. Sorry...
>>Selangor, Malaysia
>>D.O & Baekhyun.