Chapter 4

One Ring Two Loves

Seoul – A week later


“Haneul baby, are you ready?”

Its Saturday afternoon.. Hanie is sitting on a chair in their diningroom..

They will stay over in Kyungsoo’s house.. She promised it..


“Im coming..”

Haneul with his backpack which loaded with his spare clothes and stuffs..

Hanie only smiled at her lovely son..

“Are you gonna bring your plushie?”

Hanie asked as she pointed at a small white rather greyish rabbit plushie in Haneul’s clutch..


“No, im not gonna bring Momo with me!” A tinge pink crept on his cheeks..

“Oh,, so her name is Momo?” Asked Hanie as she raised her eyebrows mischievously..

“Momo is a he, Mama... Oh my God. Dont make fun of me.. He is the only sibling i have!”


Hanie laughed so hard from her son’s statement.. How came this kid so adorable..

Yes, Momo is the only one plushie-sibling Haneul has..

This little white rabbit is the first plushie Haneul has ever since he was a toddler..

Its color started to faded into greyish and its ears are terrible.. Its Haneul’s habbit to nibble on its ears..


“Take care of yourself Momo.. Dont worry, hyung will be back soon..”

Haneul said as he put Momo down on his bed and kissed its forehead..

“Let’s go Mama..” Said Haneul as he grabbed his mother’s hand and heading to the first floor of their flat area..

“Do you want another sibling besides Momo?” Hanie asked her son as they got into a bus ride..


“What? A real one??”

“No, a plushie..!” Hanie’s eyes grew wide upon heard his son’s question..

“No, i dont want any plushies..” Haneul looked back at his mother and grined so wide..

“I want a real sibling..” He added..


Hanie only face palmed and sighed, she confused..

Haneul stared outside the window as if he didnt want to know his mother’s confused state..



“Why you didnt take the guest room upstairs?”

Kyungsoo stood under the door frame and asked Hanie..

Hanie was unpacking her and Haneul’s stuffs and put them in the drawer..

Hanie decided to take the guest room in the first floor beside ‘Minkyung’s play room’ instead..

She didnt want to bother Kyungsoo and It seems not right to freeload her house,

however Hanie and Haneul are only guest, indeed..


“Its okay Kyung,, Haneul and I’ve already got more than enough from you.. Im gratefull for your kindness.. Thanks.. Oh by the way, where is your lovely cousin?” 

Hanie raised her head, take off her eyes from the drawer and staring at Kyungsoo..


“He is not lovely, for God’s sake! Maybe he was sleeping over his friend’s house.. Partying or clubbing with some s out of there!”

Kyungsoo frustated and plopped her body on Hanie’s literally bed, and deep sighs came out from her plump lips along with some cursed words here and there..


Hanie only chuckled..

But deep down her heart, she was shocked by Kyungsoo’s statements or bad habbit of Sehun to be exact..

Sehun seems like a nice guy except his extravagant appearance and he really loves kids, indeed.. Hanie thought..

But once again, dont judge a book from its cover..


“Oh you know what, three days ago he bought his new car! That little brat even showed-off his new baby blue metalic sedan by honked his car several times infront of my home, what a shame!”

Kyungsoo once again said how frustated she is because of her lovely cousin..


“I think he is a nice guy beside his playfull manner and extravagant appearance..”

Hanie smiled and sat beside Kyungsoo on her bed..

“Maybe..” Kyungsoo deep sighed as she said this word as if its the heavy word ever in the world to be said..

“Oh, will you come with me to do weekly groceries? It will take 2 hours or so.. Please?” Kyungsoo asked her friend innocently..




There, in the end of long hallway at upstairs, she stood for only God knows how long..

She gasped when she found this huge incredibly beautiful painting..

Its a potrait of Kyungsoo’s and her husband at their wedding attire..

How came ??

She was eyeing the said painting..

No, It cant be.. Maybe her husband is just happened to has a same face with Jongin.. Hanie thought..


Yes,, Kyungsoo in this painting is not same with the real Kyungsoo.. Hanie is talking to her self..

But her eyes grew wider when she read the sentence on the right corner at the bottom of the painting..

Kim Jongin & Do Kyungsoo’s wedding

No, she shooked her head,, there are bunches of people whose name Kim Jongin all over South Korea, right?

Hanie still convince herself and think as positive as she can..



Still the same day, the first day Hanie and Haneul will sleep over at Kyungsoo’s home..

It was 11.00 AM and Kyungsoo left the house for weekly groceries and took Minkyung and Haneul along in her silver Hyundai Sonata.. Kyungsoo insisted Hanie to go with them but to no avail she refused..

She didnt refuse her in a harsh manner though, but Hanie didnt feel well..

She got a little headache and she even didnt know why her heart beat rather fast than usual..

Her palms were sweat horribly.. So Kyungsoo let Hanie took a rest..

But Hanie feel bored alone in her room, thats why she decided to looked around Kyungsoo’s house..

Its not like she is gonna robbed it though.. But what she found in upstairs really shocked her..

End of flashback


Hanie decided to go downstairs and left the unbearable shockness and hurtfull in her chest..

What if,, what if Kyungsoo’s husband is my Jongin ? What if Jongin doesnt want me and Haneul? What should i do if..

So many what ifs and questions in Hanie’s mind..

She headed to kitchen and gulped down a glass of cold water to calmed down herself and took a sit on a chair next to the kitchen counter..


But what happened next was, there is a black Mercedes car headed to Kyungsoo’s front yard and 3 minutes later followed by a certain baby blue metalic sedan..

“Kyungsoo baby....!”


Hanie heard the front door slammed open and she heard a certain man’s voice which she longed it more than 7 years followed by few steps.. A certain man’s voice which melted her heart a long time ago come closer to the kitchen..

A certain man’s voice which was long forgotten in her life is ringing in her ears for real now..

Then a certain man on his suit and tie standing under the kitchen’s doorframe..

A very handsome and gorgeous man with his tan skin gasping in shock as his mouth wide open..

(A/N : I dunno what he looks like rightnow :D )


Hanie, not moving an inch when the said man approaching her and trying to envelop her in his warm hug..

She is crying non-stop, her hot tears rolling down on her cheeks..

Her vission is blurring now that’s why she even couldnt register what is she feeling rightnow when the said man hugged her thight..


“Hanie..!! I cant believe it.. I-I...I really miss you” a certain husky and deep voice come out from his plump lips..

Hanie didnt respond anything, she become numbs, her arms even didnt try to reach the said man’s to give a hug back..

1 minutes.. 3 minutes.. 5 minutes..They kept like that.. None of them try to move from their very own position..

But later did they know, there is someone standing behind the kitchen’s doorframe from the begining and witness all of these scenes..


“Jongin?” Is the first word which Hanie said as she is taken aback to reality..

“Yes baby, its me Jongin.. Hanie, i-i really miss you!” Jongin hug her even more thight..

“I... You..How.....” Hanie stuttered.. She couldnt say any right words although so many words in her mind at that time..

But once she registered what happened at that time, she screamed and pushed Jongin hard..


“Go away!You betrayer!”

That’s the next words she said to Jongin as she stood up from her chair..

“How could you left me and our son??!!!!” tears are rolling down from her white cheeks and her eyes red and swollen..

Jongin shocked upon heard her statement about their son..


 “What? What are you talking about? Our son?? I never heard about that!”

Jongin shouted back and tried to came closer to Hanie..

“Stay back Jongin!” Hanie stepped back as Jongin tried to approaching her..

“Yes, there is no our son, he is only mine.. And i will never forgive you!” Hanie said desperately..

“Hanie, calm down baby, what are you talking about?”


Jongin tried once again to approaching her but to no avail.. Hanie ran outside kitchen and headed to the front gate..

Jongin decided not to chased her but someone chased her instead..


Hanie ranaway from Jongin, from Kyungsoo’s house, from her hurtfull memories, from everything..

She slowed her pace in the sidewalk and suddenly, she realized something..

She grabbed her left chest with her fist as if her heart breaks into pieces and its totally hurt..


How stupid i am.. Kyungsoo’s husband is Jongin and they have their daughter, they live happily..

How stupid and silly i am??How cruel this world to me??How hurt this reality..How miserable i am..


Hanie let out a few soft sobs which later turned into screams..

She cried and scream not to be bother with the judge looks from passers by, no need..

She slumped her body, she knelt down and cried, covered her face with her palms..

So pathetic, thats the right word to describe her state at that moment..


Then she felt someone knelt down infront of her and hug her..

A really warm hug enveloped her and she knows this person is not Jongin..

At least she feel relieved and she continued to cry so hard and soaked this person’s polo shirt..

Hanie felt so calm with this manly scent.. Yes, a very nice manly scent lingered her nostril..


“Are you okay?” This person asked and kept blabbering asking her..

This person’s voice is kinda unique.. Hanie sometimes heard sizzle voice between this person’s voice esp in s letter..

“Uhmm... are you okay and will you stand up? Because it was irritating me to get jugde looks from passers by..”


Sehun scratched the back of his neck nervously and then he released his hug from Hanie..

He held Hanie’s both hands and helped her stand up..


“You do not answer me yet.. Are.You.Okay?”

Sehun asked for the nthtime although he knew Hanie was far from okay at that moment..

He hold Hanie’s shoulder and stared at her face intensly..


“Uhmm.. I-I....” Once again Hanie stuttered and bowed her head down as she stared at her shoes..

“Shhhhh.. Its okay.. Oh, wait here and dont go anywhere, i will drive you home..”

Sehun ran as fast as light speed to Kyungsoo’s house and took his sedan..





A/N : Taddaaaaaah...... :D :D :D :D

A little drama here and there.. I like it..


I will be on my semi hiatus (enjoying my Ramadhan and continue my fasting month)

*Cuddles with Luhan*

See yaaa and till next chapt ^^

P/S : Thanks to 
you coz you spend your time to read my fic, my subbies and also you guys who gave me your coment..

Thanks.. I hope you aren't bored with my fic.. kekekekee :D

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I, Galita Miina, author of One Ring Two Loves, declare that MY FIC IS COMPLETED.. Thanks n Goodbye.. Till we meet again :)


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seungrin123 #1
I want to start read this story now so make sure it about hunhan and kaisoo okey..I will vote you later
aini_13 #2
Chapter 16: OH MY GOD !!!! this is toooooooo CUuuuuuuute !!! Minkyung want to have honeymoon with Haneul.... haha LOL...
aini_13 #3
Chapter 11: Ainindya
17 y.o
Luhan and Sehun
Chapter 19: Hei.. I like your story..
snqlxoals818 #5
Chapter 12: I really enjoy it ^^
thanks for mentioning me (again) :D
snqlxoals818 #6
Chapter 9: oh hai ^^
sorry for not comment on the first chapter. you know, I have already read your story several months ago when I haven't aff's account yet. jeongmal mianhaeyo ( _ _)
but nowdays I remember your story and almost frustrated coz I couldn't found it. I was screaming /LOL/ when I found it ^^ #I'm not kidding :)
really love love love your story ^^

*sorry for bad grammar, coz I'm Indonesian :) nice too meet you ^^
LovesAsianDrama #7
Okay, sorry I just found this fic as I am SUJU OTP first, so sorry I am just discovering your story. And I am still learning a few if the members LOL.

I will gladly read the story and leave comments and look forward to it. Thank you for mentioning me ^.^
baekyeolhunhanship #8
Chapter 12: I lov it!!i think I read it 10 times already..hee~
eLfish_hAnueL #9
Chapter 5: i was shocked by the user name thingy.. haha!!
nice fic!!
Chapter 11: Hi, silent reader here.. Sorry...
>>Selangor, Malaysia
>>D.O & Baekhyun.