Oh! So now i'm a two-timer?

Being the coordi of Boyfriend

I called MinWoo Oppa as soon as possible after I was discharged on that day its self.

" HaeHyeon-ah~! " MinWoo Oppa screamed as soon as he heard my voice.

" Oppa! How could you do this! Why didn't you tell me about the interview? " I said. Needless to say , i'm very dissappointed.

" Ah...About that , I was planning to tell you when you come back to work....HaeHyeon-ah~ mian..." MinWoo Oppa soften his voice.

" I....I.....Ah! Forget it! " I ended the call.

* Ah! Pabo! I should have discussed with her! Now she's angry , what should i do? * MinWoo Oppa regretted.

I was at home the whole day since my new manager wants me to rest more.

I my computer , like always , I was looking through kpop news and I saw this title.

" Boyfriend , No Min Woo has a Girlfriend? "

There were pictures all over the net and ofcourse there were dozen of comments , yup! thats right! its all about me!

I shooked my head in despair , I didn't know what to do.

* Bang Bang Bang! * I heard some knocking on my window....what? my window?

I ran to where the sound was coming from and all i could see was eggs spattering all over my window!

And also some cabbage and tomato which makes my window look like an art piece :P

Anyway , I looked out of my window and tada! A bunch of teenage girls holding onto some boards that wrote :

" Leave MinWoo Alone! " " Give MinWoo Back To Us! " " Get Away From MinWoo" Blah Blah Blah~~

" Aish! Don't they need to study or something? " I wondered.

I run down the stairs to stop them from throwing anymore vegetables but all i get was....

* Piak * An egg spattered on my shoulder.

" Yah! You are the girl who seduced MinWoo Oppa right! Come here you! " A girl grabbed my hair and pulled me into the open space.

" Ouch ouch ouch! It hurts! " I screamed in pain.

" Who gives you the right to seduce our MinWoo! " The girl shouted and i received a tight slap from her.

* Ouch! What the! * I hold onto my burning hot cheeks.

The pain was unbearable , a tear uncontrollably dropped. * Someone....someone help me please... *

" Yah! What are you doing? Get away from her! " My lifesaver came.

The girls suddenly moved aside and all i heard was , " JinYoung Oppa......"

JinYoung Oppa? He's here? What is he doing here?

He carried me like a princess and brought me back home. " Kamsahamnida , JinYoung Oppa.... " I whispered.

He shooked his head and let me down. " HaeHyeon-ah~ Are you okay? "

" Ye Oppa , What brings you here? " I asked.

" I saw everything on the net and expected something bad to happen to you ,  so i came to take a look at you and...." He paused.

" And you saved me! " I smiled and rubbed against my cheek.

JinYoung Oppa walked towards my kitchen and came back with a pack of ice.

" This should help! " He placed it on my cheek. My eyes turned red and teary.

" Wae yo? " JinYoung Oppa widened his eyes.

" Ani....Oppa...kamsa , I really don't know what to say but thank you! " I hugged JinYoung Oppa tightly.

Oppa Hugged back too. * Ah! How i wished you were my real brother! * I thought.

" Oppa has to go now okay? See you around my lovely dongsaeng! " We released the hug and Oppa messes my hair.

He left my house and i walked to the window again to see if they are still there. But i saw none!

I went back to my computer again and guess what i saw!

" No Min Woo's Girlfriend Is A Two-Timer? "

" Omo! Things are getting more and more complicated!!! What should i do!!!!! " I hit myself hard with a pillow.

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I wish you would update so bad! It's been too long TT
Update sooooon~~
Minwoo is Hndsome Prince....Right?!?!?
Yea~ updates .. Hmm handsome prince...
GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR PRELIMS:D update soon:D kekek<3
JennMin #5
@GirlsG3n3rationLub3r - ohhh I see...hmm it a rumor about this coordi that always sort of like flirt with guys and there's this video of her flirting with b2st...so...the b2uty are upset about this matter..but I guess its just rumor aye :)
GirlsG3n3rationLub3r #6
is the very beginning it is in one of the author notes
JennMin #7
@lametardedx33 - Yup..hmmm I guess that's life.Haha :)
lametardedx33 #8
Its sad to know that June hols have ended. Sheesh.
GirlsG3n3rationLub3r #9
what happened 2 the coordi 4 b2st?
OMO back hugg!! so sweet~~:D