A Party...

Being the coordi of Boyfriend

Days flew passed like a lightning~ It was already the day i'm going to be discharged.

I was packing all my clothes when the door slow opened. I stared at it for awhile until....

" HAEHYEON-AHH!!!! " MinWoo Oppa shouted when he ran towards me.

" Shhh..this is a hospital. You will disturb the others. " I covered his mouth.

" mmfff...mfffff.mmmfff....ffmmm. " He tried to say something when my hands are still covering his mouth.

" What did you say? Oh..Opps. " I quickly let go of my hand.

" I say~ Let's get out of here and start the PARTY!! " MinWoo Oppa shouted again.

" What? Party? Where? Who? For? " I asked without any hesitation.

" Woah , relax! You will know when we got there! Kaja! " He grabbed my hand and my bag.

We got onto a van and zooooooom! off we go...

" Oppa! Tell me where are we going? " I pulled his shirt and asked.

" Secret! hhaha! " He laughed.

The van pulled to a stop and before i could even open the door of the van , MinWoo Oppa covered my eyes with a piece of black cloth.

" OMO! What are you doing! " I struggled.

" Shhh...don't move! " He warned.


Sorry~ I will update this chapter again because i have smth urgent now. Mian~ 

He tighten then cloth and guide lead me out of the van slowly. It was scary because i do not know what he is going to do and he took away my sense of sight!

I held his hands so tightly that it almost bruised him :x

The cloth loosen , " TADAAAAAAAA SURPRISE!!!!!!!!!! " They shouted!

I covered my mouth tightly incase i screamed too loudly. All of them are here....everyone...

And that includes , My family , B1A4 , Boyfriend , Yuri Unnie & SHINee but without Key Oppa...

Anyway , they looked so happy and excited while they raised they drinks.

" AISH! No wonder all of you didn't come and bring me back from the hospital! " To speak the truth...My memory hasn't been doing any good but I guess I just have to continue pretending.

" HaeHyeon-ah! I'll go get you some drinks okay?" MinWoo Oppa said and ran off without another word.

I looked around and everyone is enjoying themselves. I walked out of the building where the party was held.

The sky is clear and i could see tons of stars. It was really peaceful.

MinWoo Oppa quietly sat beside my and hold my , " HaeHyeon-ah~ I promise you that i will never ever make you angry anymore and I will always stay by your side no matter what happens! " He showed me his pinky as a promised.

I smiled. He looked into my eyes and slowly , he came closer and closer~

I naturally closed my eyes because i knew what he's going to do beforehand........a kiss~




Nikee_Vuee - Updated ^^Hey!  I like Key too :)

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I wish you would update so bad! It's been too long TT
Update sooooon~~
Minwoo is Hndsome Prince....Right?!?!?
Yea~ updates .. Hmm handsome prince...
GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR PRELIMS:D update soon:D kekek<3
JennMin #5
@GirlsG3n3rationLub3r - ohhh I see...hmm it a rumor about this coordi that always sort of like flirt with guys and there's this video of her flirting with b2st...so...the b2uty are upset about this matter..but I guess its just rumor aye :)
GirlsG3n3rationLub3r #6
is the very beginning it is in one of the author notes
JennMin #7
@lametardedx33 - Yup..hmmm I guess that's life.Haha :)
lametardedx33 #8
Its sad to know that June hols have ended. Sheesh.
GirlsG3n3rationLub3r #9
what happened 2 the coordi 4 b2st?
OMO back hugg!! so sweet~~:D