Life with an Idol

Being the coordi of Boyfriend

3 Weeks had passed~

Life with MinWoo Oppa was erm......normal? I guess. I'm still having the same old Anti fans loitering under my block.

Many pieces of vegetables artwork on my windows......And OH! I miraculously had some Fans pages and ofcourse tons of Anti Fans pages too.

MinWoo Oppa had been working very hard now since he had also gain some Anti Fans.

We had been spending almost everyday with each other but its just not that romantic....You know~ Boyfriend & Girlfriend~

I had been waiting for like so long but he just doesn't seems to get anything! Argh! I know i have to do something to show that i'm unhappy right now , but what should i do?

This question have followed me for the whole week and tadaaaaa! I finally got an ideal!

One morning , I went to work as per normal and ofcourse since our relationship had been exposed , i need somebody to "excort" me to and back from work.

" HaeHyeon sweety! Get on the van! " MinWoo Oppa shouted while he opened the door for me.

" Thankyou , Oppa " I smiled.

MinWoo Oppa held my hands all the way even until we had already reached the venue.

" MinWoo-ah! Can you stop making us jealous? " The Jo twins said as they covered their eyes.

MinWoo Oppa and I smiled and continued walking into the large building. Soon , we have already settled down for make-ups and also dressing up.

During the performance ,  sneaked back to the dressing room and took out a warming packet ( the one people used during winter) and placed it on my forehead.

It was until i heard footstep getting closer , i immediately threw the packet back into my bag and acted as if i'm seriously ill.

" HaeHyeon-ah~ " MinWoo skipped into the room and looked at me , " Are you sick again? " He touches my forehead and finched when he realised the heat.

" I tell Hyung about this and i will accompany you home afterwards. " MinWoo Oppa ran off , looking worried.

My heart hurts but I really want a date with him alone , just the two of us but i'm really sorry :P

MinWoo Oppa guide me into the van and sat by my side while he hold tightly to my hands.

" Er....Oppa...I'm feeling fine! I actually lied to you , i'm sorry.." I apologised hunging my head down.

" Yah! How could you do this! Do you know that every practise means alot to me? " He shouted.

His reaction was totally unexpected for me...... My eyes swell up with tears and keep on apologising with fear that he might get too dissappointed with me.

He covered his face with his palms and ignored me totally. I just wanted a date thats it really that difficult?

" Ahjussi. Can you please stop the car? " I asked , I don't want to face him now because i'm guilty.

" Wae? Where are you going? " MinWoo Oppa lifted up his head and looked at me.

" Ani.....Jeosonghamnida... " I jumped out of the van and started running.

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I wish you would update so bad! It's been too long TT
Update sooooon~~
Minwoo is Hndsome Prince....Right?!?!?
Yea~ updates .. Hmm handsome prince...
GOOD LUCK WITH YOUR PRELIMS:D update soon:D kekek<3
JennMin #5
@GirlsG3n3rationLub3r - ohhh I see...hmm it a rumor about this coordi that always sort of like flirt with guys and there's this video of her flirting with b2uty are upset about this matter..but I guess its just rumor aye :)
GirlsG3n3rationLub3r #6
is the very beginning it is in one of the author notes
JennMin #7
@lametardedx33 - Yup..hmmm I guess that's life.Haha :)
lametardedx33 #8
Its sad to know that June hols have ended. Sheesh.
GirlsG3n3rationLub3r #9
what happened 2 the coordi 4 b2st?
OMO back hugg!! so sweet~~:D