Enter Jonghyun

Dry Erase

The cafeteria was buzzing with action. Some students would sit together, whereas others would sit on their own. Away from all the tables, a group of girls were surrounding someone.


Was someone about to be beaten up? Yoon Mi thought.


“Jonghyun oppa! Look over here!”


“No, oppa! Look at me! I made you cookies!”


“Jonghyun oppa! I love you!”


“Jonghyun oppa! Saranghae!”


Oh, probably not.


“Who is Jonghyun?” Yoon Mi turned to Dongwoo.


“Kim Jonghyun? He’s sort of a local celebrity. He taught himself how to play the guitar when he was eight and started performing at venues when he was ten.”


“It doesn’t hurt that his face is nice.” Yoon Mi stated amorously.


“Aish! Don’t say that out loud!”


Yoon Mi jumped, startled by Dongwoo’s sudden exclamation.


“W-Why?” she meekly replied, still shaken.


“His fans...” he whispered.


Dongwoo motioned for her to get closer. Yoon Mi stood on her toes to hear what he had to say.


“They’re crazy. Crazier than my fans.”


Yoon Mi gasped “You have fans?”


Dongwoo stood, flabbergasted. “That’s not the point!” He exclaimed, attracting the attention of the whole cafeteria. He awkwardly waved, “Hi guys...”


Dongwoo turned back to face Yoon Mi, whose face was beet red from laughter.


“It wasn’t that funny...” He mumbled, as the crowd of girls surrounded the two.


“Girls, I really would like to get back to my dorm room,” Yoon Mi heard a deep, masculine voice say.

She turned around just in time to see Jonghyun run straight into her.


“Oh, sorry. Didn’t see you there.” Jonghyun looked down at Yoon Mi, who seemed to be engrossed with the laces on her shoes. “Um... are you... okay?”


Yoon Mi looked up and met his gaze. Wow, she thought, he’s even better looking up close.

“Uh... Yoon Mi?” Dongwoo nudged Yoon Mi.


Yoon Mi slid behind Dongwoo. “I’m...fine” she responded quietly.


Jonghyun flashed his winning smile and chuckled. “Great,” he said before continuing to his dorm.


Most of the girls followed him out, but two stayed back. The girls turned towards each other, but kept their gaze on Yoon Mi.


“Wow, rude.” one said.


“I know, right?” the other replied.


They both emphasized their eye roll, then trailed behind the others without another word.


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Chapter 5: Update! Nice story