The Welcoming

Dry Erase

Dongwoo had never seen such a small college student before.


No, she couldn't be a college student. Is she lost? Maybe I should... say something?


Dongwoo made his way to the little girl. “Hey kiddo, are you lost?”


What is this fascination with the word “Kiddo” today?! Yoon Mi thought, her anger displayed on her face.



Did I... upset her? Dongwoo froze.


A cheeky dorm advisor made her way to Yoon Mi.


“Are you here to get your dorm key?” she piped up.


“I think she’s-” Dongwoo started, only to be interrupted by the tiny girl.


“Yes, I am.” she stated abruptly. She turned to glare daggers into the meddling boy’s face.


“Perfect!” the dorm advisor exclaimed, seeing the tension between the girl and Dongwoo. “Name?”


“Yoon Mi,” she said, proudly puffing out her chest. The dorm advisor appeared to be shocked.


“Are you perhaps the ridiculously smart girl who graduated 3 years early? I heard about you!”


“It was two years earlier...”


This kid is a college student?! Dongwoo’s jaw nearly fell to the floor, to which Yoon Mi took note before he regained his composure. She couldn’t help but feel a little smug.


“Perfect! I’ll get your dorm key and we can have one of the upperclassmen show you around!” the advisor proclaimed, breaking the silence. She looked around the office before settling her focus on Dongwoo. “Dongwoo here can be your guide!” she beamed, gruffly patting the boy on the back, sending him forward.


Of course. Of everyone I could have gotten paired with, it had to be him. Yoon Mi had no time to protest as the dorm advisor was no longer anywhere to be found. Dongwoo looked at Yoon Mi, abashed.


“Listen, I didn’t know that you were-”


“No worries” Yoon Mi said a little too quickly. “Shall we get started on the tour?” she said while walking away.


Dongwoo scrambled to catch up to her. “Uh, yeah! Let me show you your room first, so you can set your bags down.” He let out an awkward laugh and flashed the most cheesy smile. He jingled a pair of keys in front of her face, the tag read “#403”. Yoon Mi snatched it out of his grasp.


“Fine.” she sharply replied, “Lead the way.”


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Chapter 5: Update! Nice story