The Arrival

Dry Erase

A grey taxi pulled up in front of Halla University. Of course there were many taxis piled along the curb, but this one was special. The taxi door burst open and out stepped a young girl. She was quite small in stature, and her heavy coat covered her down to her knees. A light peach skirt peaked out beneath the coat, followed by thick white leggings and perfectly laced black Converse. Her knees wobbled - from the cold or from nerves you couldn’t tell - and knocked together. She clutched her diary close to her chest for a moment before furiously scribbling something within its depths. A shout from inside the cab brought her to her senses.


“Hey, kiddo! Are you just gonna stand there, or are you gonna get your bags?”


The girl furrowed her brow and snapped her head in the direction of the cabby. “Kiddo?” she giggled, “I’m a college student, sir”.


“Heh, could have fooled me.”


Overlooking his last comment, the girl headed toward the trunk to retrieve her bags. After placing her luggage on the sidewalk, she handed the driver a crumpled wad of paper money. The driver studied the bills before straightening them out, but quickly realized something was missing.


“Hey, where’s my tip?”


The girl stared at him, innocently blinking her eyes and replied in a cool tone, “The service was unsatisfactory.”


“You ungrateful little --!”


The driver was cut off by the girl shutting the door in his face.


She puffed out her chest, bags in each hand, and confidently walked toward Halla’s administration building.

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Chapter 5: Update! Nice story