3; Third Step

Don't Look Back

I couldn't stop staring.

Tao, althought seemed surprised, smiled timidly and said "Hello, Yi Jae. Pleased to meet you." 

Snapping back to reality, I hastily greeted him back.

"Ah.. Oh. Nice too meet you too." I bowed down and he too, bowed.

However we were too close and hit each other's head.

"Oww!" I quickly retreated a few steps and rubbed my head that was throbbing in pain. Tao, who seemed unaffected by it, quickly asked "Ah! not again..." He mumbled. He went over to me.

"Are you okay?" He mumbled to me. It was a gentle, sincere voice though. 

I couldn't help it but suddenly, my cheeks felt hot and was flushed red by this sudden words that travelled out of his mouth. What can I say? "I'm fine?" "It's okay?" What will make me sound.. Normal?


"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Sudden laughter could be heard from the two old man, sitting beside each other on the chairs. "Both of you look so sweet," Mr Huang chuckled.

"...Father!" Tao shifted to his gentle gaze to his Dad, that changed into a piercing stare from side view. Then fast, fluent foreign language flew out from his mouth, clearly trying to send a message to his Dad and does not want us to understand. Though I couldn't understand what he was saying, the tone of his voice was clearly harsh, and yet revealing alittle bit of anger. 

"Okay, okay." Mr. Huang chuckled again. "Why don't both of you take a seat? Unless you both want to have some talk alone... I welcome you to." Mr. Huang smiled.

"Ah! No need to!" My cheeks was burning hot as I quickly sat beside Dad.

The dinner was pretty much awkward, except Tao and I stealing occasional glances at each other. It was really silent and uncomfortable, until Mr. Huang called my name.

That made it more uncomfortable.

My head snapped up, as I wasn't listening what he was saying. The tea had arrived, and Tao unexpectedly stood up, poured the tea expertly into the small, Chinese cups that are left on the table. After he had poured all the cups, he personally placed the cups infront of us individually.

When he reached to me, he shyly placed it infront of me. "For you," he smiled. I kindly returned the smile. "Thank you," I said.

For helping me at the coffee shop and the tea.

He seemed to understand what I was trying to say, and grinned as he took his seat beside Mr. Huang.

As the food arrived, one by one, filling the room with the strong, raw smell of vegetables and meat, fresh smell of seafood and and the fire, which boils the clear broth settled in the middle of the table.

The dinner was mostly quiet, occassional sudden outburst of laughter from either Dad or Mr. Huang as they spoke about business.

What business does Dad do, you may ask? I couldn't, I wouldn't want to answer. Although the outer appearance shows a successful business of being the CEO of a trading company, it was, no doubt to me, all a lie.

Why, you may ask? When I was a kid, although I was young, but Dad usually have calls infront of me... About his goddamn buisness.

Killing... Setting up people... All those words I heard it with my own two ears when I was seven.

I couldn't forget... His voice of command to kill... Was my nightmare.

I couldn't remember what happened when I was younger before I was 7 either, I tried--- And tried. I couldn't remember anything. I mean come on, peeing in the toilet for the first time was atleast memorable, right?

And going the doctor for that seemed stupid.

"Ah, Yi Jae ah, why don't you have a walk outside with Tao, because Mr. Huang and I needs to talk about... Business." Dad pressed his lips together.

knowing I can't do anything, I shrugged and grabbed my bag as Tao and I left the room. A whoosh of relief went through my body, it seemed like a storm has just went past.

"Relieved huh? The air back there was tense," Tao laughed.

i giggled as I nodded. I in a deep breath as I feel the cold air whooshed all over my body. I felt like I was suffering back there.

As we walked aimlessly towards a quiet park opposite the restaurant, I sighed as I placed my bag down. This question has been bugging me for a long time.

"Are you Chinese?" I asked, staring into his eyes. The big dark orbs that faced me blinked rapidly for a moment and grin. "Of course, if not why would you think your dad would invite us to a Chinese restauarant?" 

I laughed, feeling dense. "Quite true." I said as I looked up to see the moon.

It was a full moon, accompanied by twinkling stars by its side. This wasn't so bad after all, as I played with the bracelet that clinks on my hand.

"Thank you," I whispered out aloud.

From the corner of my eyes, I could see he looked down and interlocked his fingers together as he sat down comfortably beside me. A hidden grin that I couldn't really see as the lamp luminates its shadow over his face. "You are welcome." He chuckled slightly before looking up at the sky again. 

"You must know what your dad does for buisness right? Here we are, pretending we don't know anything about it." I laughed at myself. "Although that's the only way I can protect myself. I couldn't let it out to anyone, but to you, I guess I could," I gave him a weak smile.

He didn't say anything until moments later he asked "...What makes you think so? You... Trust me?" He whispered.

"I couldn't even trust myself, I'm not even sure, probably it's because we are in the same boat, huh." I looked down, fighting back the tears that is forming on my eyes. "Aren't I pathetic?" I looked up at the sky, trying to make my tears go back into my eyes. "Even though I know he's out there.. Killing people... To save his own ... I can't even do anything about it." My voice shook at the end of the sentence as a tear slipped down my cheeks and dropped on my bare leg.

"To the extent that, he's ready to sell his own daughter, to prosper, to bring wealth into the family. What can I do? Nothing," I sighed. 

Tao's POV

Why is she saying all these to me all of a sudden? Wasn't she used to it?

Even though I know Father will marry me off someday, but deep down, he still loves me. 

Doesn't her father does love her, like my dad? Was her father a heartless and cruel creature that make use of everyone around him?

What's even worse, he couldn't keep it in his pants? To hurt her, and to even show it openly infront of her? 

What can I say? I'm not good at comforting either... I sneaked a peek at her, to see a tear sliding past down a cheeks as it reflects the light of the lamp post.

Why do I care so much about her? Is it because she's the client Father is working with, or isit because she's the first girl that I've ever felt so comfortable with?

Or is it I fell in love with her?

I couldn't not just do anything. I stared at her as she looked at me, giving a weak smile again. "Pathetic, right?" she sighed.

"No, you're not," I mumbled, as I grabbed her shoulders gently to face me and I slowly pulled her over for a big hug.

I tried to not get myself so close for a hug, but her tears shamelessly started flowing non-stop and she pulled me closer by grabbing around my neck with her arms as she cries out all the grief she have been trying to push it to the back of her mind.

As my shoulder of my shirt continued to form a patch of wetness from her tears that can form a river, I carefully wrapped my hands around her narrow waist as I rested my head on her shoulder.

What a way to comfort a girl you like, Tao.

-------------- author notes -----------

yey i haz updated againnnnn

because the first scene kept lingering in my head (when they bow and hit each other on the head hahahahhah ridiculous)

hahahahhah okay this relationship is kinda developing fast huh. I did Tao's POV because I think it would be fair to have what Tao is thinking too :<

yea. If you realised Yi Jae was preeeeetttyyyy much affected by her dad's working of way of life. She just tries to avoid it but have to let it all out infront of Tao. 

Why? Wait for the next chapter and I'll tell you wahahhahah! ^_^

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter!!!! Thank you, subscribers so so so much /kisses and hugs you and spin you everywhere/ for the support. Also thanks for those who gave support for this story, and supported me. You don't know how much this means to me :')

ugh i wanna sob but I can't U_U (turns on Baby Don't Cry and starts sobbing) [this actually sounds suitable for the later part of situation when Yi Jae cried actually wts] 

Anyway, thank you for reading guys~ ^^

bye!!! /waves/


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Chapter 11: woahhh... what just happened? o.o
Chapter 2: I dont know what u mean when you say u update really slow. You update super fast!
Ahaha Yi Jae-ah dont be fooooooled! Cant wait for the next chapter, dont rush too much and take your time :)
As always, fighting!
sheeesh09 #3
Chapter 2: nice story to look forward :))
Chapter 1: Yaaay! Dudettee this is epic! I totally love love this the tags. Awesome update btw! Fighting!
Chapter 1: Yay! You updated! WHOOOOOOOOOO~*bear hugs*
misajinki93 #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^