1; First Step

Don't Look Back

"Hide here..." someone whispered...

"Don't look back..." the voice whispered again...

"Caught you." I see the grin only, the face only hidden by the shadows.

I gasped and flew open my eyes in shock. I touched my foreheat, only to realise I broke out in cold sweat. My hair roots seems to be drenched by the sweat too.

I sighed deeply. Not that dream again.... I don't know why, recently I have this dream, and it kept coming back to me, like a predator who doesn't give up on eating its prey.

Will the dream be my predator, and I, will get eaten by this horrific dream?

The sudden beeping of the alarm shocked me. I whipped my head around just to see my alarm beeping for my daily wake-up call for work.


I sighed deeply and rest my hand on my chin, looking outside of the car windows. I couldn't get it out of my mind, it seemed surreal, so real, yet.. terrifying. Have I experienced it before? Or was it all just a simple, figment of imagination in my head?

"Miss.... are you.. alright?" the concerned driver of mine asked, trying to look from the rear mirror to see my expression.

"Ah?" I looked up to see his back. "Ah... I'm fine..."

The driver nodded, seeming to acknowledged what I've just said. "Understood, miss..." however a tint of uncertaincy after replying.

As I got off the car, I slammed the door shut and looked up to the coffee shop ahead me.

Another day of work. Let's hope this will be a good day, I sighed as I walked into the shop.

To be honest, I've never felt good lazing at home while dad works to raise me. Although (honestly) Dad was rich, I did not feel comfortable spending all his money; relying on him.

I wanted to be independant, and I told Dad that I'll be fine living alone too. As much as he hated to let go, he did. However, he wanted to atleast send a driver to bring me to work or school.

After I had graduated from high school, I've decided to have a part time job during university. Here I am, getting ready for work during my vacation. Sure I may not enjoy it much, but it was better than shopping all day long and studying at home. Atleast I'll get to earn my own money.

Barista kinda had been my thing, since I loved coffee.

"Ah! Yi Jae! Morning!" Luhan shouted as I entered the shop. I smiled at him and warmly greeted back to him too.

As I settled down my things in the staff's room and tied my apron, Luhan asked "Are you working full-time today or part-time? Since you know... It's the holidays and the boss said we could have an option.." he pressed his lips tightly together and waited for my reply.

"Ah, I'm working part-time today," I could see his disappointed smile. "Sorry, I had to study today and pick out some books." I patted his head and smiled timidly.

"It's okay! There will always be tomorrow!" he smiled brightly, trying to hide his disappointment. Luhan is always trying to be positive, isn't he? Typical Luhan.

Luhan was the first friend I've made while working here. We were working beside each other at the counter, and he taught me how to do basic things in the coffee shop. We got close after that, especially after we realised we were from the same university.

We both walked out to the counter of the coffee ship, getting everything ready--- cakes, tidbits, cleaning up any dirt or spills and putting the chairs neatly together as we ready the store to be opened.

The day went off fast, as I looked at the clock ticking on my watch. 1 more hour till I'm off work, I thought as my excitement builds up. As I cleared the table, I turned around and bumped into somebody while holding the tray. Thank god the cups were empty, or else...

However, I was losing my balance. and back stepped a few steps to regain my balanceuntil someone bumped me on the back. My eyes widened as there was a strong grip on my arm. I turned around to see who it was, just to see a man with striking red hair holding a cup of coffee.

"Be careful," he said in a low, deep voice.

I quickly snapped back to reality and embarrasingly smiled. "Sorry for bumping on to you, and thank you." I bowed to him while holding the tray.

"You're welcome," he replied smoothly with a slightly... unrecognizable accent, and walked off to the direction he was heading.

I quickly turned around and apologized to the lady I bumped into before. Luhan looked at me curiously from the counter, momentarily distracted and quickly went back to work.

I sighed deeply. I, Choi Yi Jae, just embarrased myself even though I worked here for about 4 months already.

I took off my apron and shoved it into my locker. It was time for me to leave as I grabbed my bag and left the staff room.

"Bye Yi Jae! Have a safe trip!" Luhan waved to me. I smiled and waved back before heading for the door. It is January, as the cold air attacks my face. I shivered from the sudden change of heat as I plugged in my earphones and walk towards home.

Nope, I didn't feel like studying anyymore or getting a book... For some reason, the man with red hair is stuck in my head.

Where is he from? How old is he? Is he working? as curious questions went through and forth my head... It was pointless, but I had this sudden interest in it...

As I walked towards my home, I saw a black mercedes waiting outside my car with the driver waiting outside the car. Curious, I went up and asked "Mr Lee," may I know what you are... doing here?" I gestured to my house.

"Mr Choi is waiting for you, miss." My mouth made an 'o' shape, as I walked towards the door and turned open it.

Dad is sitting on the couch.

"Dad! Wha.. What are you doing here?" faking a surprise, since Mr Lee just told me Dad was waiting inside as I removed my shoes by the door.

Dad stood up and turned to you. "Yi Jae... I have something to tell you..."


Hey!!! hahahaha i finally haz done this first chapter!!!

honestly to me i tihk its boring but you shold atleast know the background of her life :(

and the red hair guy is tao. 9I'm sorry i know his hair is blonde but actually i preferred his hair when it was red :<)

Tao i still love you nonetheless, you just look hotter in dat fire burning hair of yours. ;)

Im not sure if yall enjoyed the chapter.. but i hope you do U_U

and yay i have reached 14 subscribers!!! thank you all so much it may seems little to you all but thisactually spurred me to write for you U_U /sobbing cos i was too touched/

ohyeah please comment because i want to find out how you feel about these chapters!

I've hope you enjoyed!!

thank you for reading and subscribing!!! bye!!! /bows and runs/



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Hello ^^ thank you all for the 34 subs in this story, i love you all so much


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Chapter 11: woahhh... what just happened? o.o
Chapter 2: I dont know what u mean when you say u update really slow. You update super fast!
Ahaha Yi Jae-ah dont be fooooooled! Cant wait for the next chapter, dont rush too much and take your time :)
As always, fighting!
sheeesh09 #3
Chapter 2: nice story to look forward :))
Chapter 1: Yaaay! Dudettee this is epic! I totally love love this the tags. Awesome update btw! Fighting!
Chapter 1: Yay! You updated! WHOOOOOOOOOO~*bear hugs*
misajinki93 #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^