8; Eighth step

Don't Look Back

This is one hell of an awkward stiuation.

The chair awaits for me to sit on it as Tao gestured to me to sit on the chair. I nodded and gave a stiff smile at his direction, slowly sitting down on the comfy chair.

"Hello Sir and Madam," a waiter, no doubt a foreginer went up to us. "Here is your menu," he produced two huge menus from his arm. After we had ordered, the dinner "date" was practically silent all the way.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat and ate my pasta. Tao, finally noticed and cleared his throat.

"Hmm?" I looked up surprised. He looked away, and slowly asked. "You okay?" 

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. "What... Do you mean by that?" I slowly answered back.

He shrugged and smiled. "It's awkward," he admitted. I nodded and looked down at my food again. "Yeah, it is," We both quietly laughed. Slowly, the laughter died down and the atmospher became awkward again.

"I'm sorry," he finally said.

I raised my eyebrows. "What are you sorry for?"

"Well, our dad didn't come, and now we have this well... An awkward dinner I guess?" He gave me a tight smile.

I shrugged my shoulders helplessly. "It was kind of expected when I got here, I kind of figured it out. But if we don't go together Dad will probably force me too anyway," I gave a dry laughter. He nodded and smiled genuinely. "I guess that will happen to me too."

Ah Yi Jae. You are not falling in love again. How can this heart of mine just open up to anyone easily? Did it forget it's wound before? I turned away and cleared my throat. "Yeah probably," I tried to reply coldly.

He just continued to smile and nodded before he continued his food. I tried to finish mine as soon and elegant as possible, trying to make everything seemed normal before he paid the bill. Who knows the workers here will tip Dad off what happened during dinner.

"You sure eat fast," he chuckled as he headed to the car. 

"Does it matter?" I turned away and tried to hide my face. I felt mean, but what's a better way? I couldn't let him into my heart.

He simply shrugged. "Maybe it does, you'll get fatter you know," he simply stated before driving off. I turned and glared at him. "Well I don't really care anymore," I retorded, sticking out my tongue at him.

Just when I was about to feel guilty, I got really bashed by the face hard. I felt childish but now I couldn't care less.

So he realised I'm being cold and now he's being a douche, huh?

He chuckled while driving to my house direction. "Isn't it true anyway," he smirked. Once he stopped by my house, I quickly got off and reached to my gate. Dad greeted me, and eyed Tao suspiciously while he bowed to him.

"Did you do anything to my daughter?" Dad eyed and tried to sound like he is joking while smiling, but it made his serious expression even worse.

"Ah, no not at all, Mr Choi." He turned to me and bowed slightly. "I had a good time, thank you for today." He gave an insincere smile and left after I bowed back and nodded.

Dad quickly pushed me into the house and banged the door shut. "How is my baby?! Are you hurt?!" He panicked. I rolled my eyes and calmed him down by holding down his two arms. "I'm fine dad, you should go home and rest now." He sighed and glanced at me before leaving. "I really hope you are," he sighed again, knowing he can't force me. "Have a good rest tonight Yi Jae," Dad gave me a hug before he left. I closed the door slowly after he walked out of the door and slid down to the floor. 

I am such a liar.

Lying to my dad and saying "I'm fine"

Lying to Tao and said "I'm fine" when I'm not.

And most importantly, lying to myself, that I didn't like him.

And its turning into "love him" by those little action of his. 

I groaned. "Bloody hell," I muttered and grabbed my coat. And left the house, leaving the empty but warm shelter for a cold, shelterless and cruel world. 

But who cares? My heart is already frozen dead from loving Taemin, long time ago.

And no one can revive it, not even Tao....

I hope.

-----------------------------author notes

hi i am so sorry for giving you all a short chapter

originally i wrote this last night but my phone decided to crash my safari and it restarted itself and again, all my data is gone *shakes fist*

but i really kind of got stuck from chapter 7 when they had dinner back then and i just gosh /facepalm/

but i hope you all enjoyed this chapter anyway or the story /sobs/ i still love you all for reading this ty update.


bye!!! /waves while crying and run away/

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Chapter 11: woahhh... what just happened? o.o
Chapter 2: I dont know what u mean when you say u update really slow. You update super fast!
Ahaha Yi Jae-ah dont be fooooooled! Cant wait for the next chapter, dont rush too much and take your time :)
As always, fighting!
sheeesh09 #3
Chapter 2: nice story to look forward :))
Chapter 1: Yaaay! Dudettee this is epic! I totally love love this the tags. Awesome update btw! Fighting!
Chapter 1: Yay! You updated! WHOOOOOOOOOO~*bear hugs*
misajinki93 #6
This seems nice, I'll be waiting for you to update it ^^