Profile:Kim Hyuna



    A little bird was perched at the top of the nest ready to jump out. He looked scared. Almost like a child clinging on to their mother for protection. Everyone experiences that scared feeling at least once in there life. The bird took a few steps back and jumped out of the nest hurdling to the ground. Just when he was about to touch the ground he flew up. I wish I could be like that bird. I want to soar too. I wrapped the clasp around my journal securing the book. My body was perched up on a tree in the school yard. This is the same place I go to everyday for lunch. Briiing!! I got up from my spot and walked to the 1st period class. Writing. I took the class because writing is the only way I could express myself. Plus its easy to pass.

 Honestly writing is the only thing that makes me happy. I smiled at Mr.Kang and took my seat at the front of the room taking out my notebook. I looked up at the board and started writing todays agenda.

The rest of the class slowly walked in after 5 minutes the bell rung. Mr.Kang let it go though.

The reason he let it go was because the principal held the school meeting . I overheard some girls talking on the way here. Apparently Junhyung spraypainted the principal's office calling her a and what not.

I don't see why everyone talks about him he rarely goes to school. Hyuna looked up as Myungsoo walked past her desk. He spoke outloud clearly "Sorry I'm late student council had a meeting".

Mr.Kang nodded and gestured him to sit down.  Myungsoo isn't in this class I guess he joined today. He sat down next to me... Maybe he thought I didn't talk much.

I watched him carefully place his bookbag onto the floor taking out his notebook. He was well organized. His hair was perfectly brushed and his uniform had no crease's on it.

He was the opposite of me my hair was messy, my clothes didn't look as if I ironed it and my glasses didn't frame my face at all. I didn't have any time in the morning to get ready. At least we had one thing in common we were both well organized.

I forgot to mention. I had the biggest crush on Myungsoo in grade school and I still kinda do. He doesn't even look my way though.  "Whats your name again?" You know that feeling you get when someone abandoned you... yea that feeling well the feeling I got felt far more worse. "Kim..Kim Hyuna".  Not to mention I have a name tag that says my name on it!

"Hyuna we have to do the assignment". "oh um yea". I was trying to concentrate but that was the first time he said my name. Hyuna glanced up at the board to check the assignment.


Write an essay about yourself discussing your personality or who you are as a person. Discuss your life experiences with your partner.


When I finally gained enough confidence and managed to say "So..what are your life experiences?" thats when the door flew open and in steped the principal with Junhyung right beside her. The whole time she spoke she glared at Junhyung." Due to Junhyung's actions our school will not tolerate such behavior".

"Mr.Yong will take this class for a whole semester". "If he doesn't pass he will not graduate". Junhyung gaped his mouth "You mean I have to come back to this ty school". "Yes" she said in a sharp tone.

"Mr.Kang he is in your hands now". The principal left the room with the clanking of her heels.

Junhyung has done so many bad things to the point that the school is running out of ways to punish him. Like for real a writing class thats not a bad punishment at all. By the the look of Mr.Kangs face his tolerence was very low.

"Sit at the back". I'm glad he didn't put Junhyung next to me.

After Junhyung took his seat the whole classroom started talking again as if nothing happened. I turned to Myungsoo who was already writing his essay. I didn't want to bother him so I decided to start mine.

    I joined this class because I'm lost and writing is the only thing that calms me down. Its the only thing that can express how I truly feel. My name? Hyuna. Kim Hyuna. I wish I could write out my life on a piece of paper but thats not how it works.


I looked over to Myungsoo who apparently wrote two full pages just about how many awards he recieved. Damn and I thought I was a good writer. Myungsoo looked up and saw me staring. He smiled at me and looked at my paper. "You wrote two sentences?"

"Yea its slowly coming to me". Myungsoo nodded at me and gave me his paper to read.

My name? Myungsoo the student body president. From elementary I was given various awards. In middle school I was the valedictorian. Now in High school I plan to earn a scholarship to an american school to study abroad. Even with so much going on in my life I manage to stay humble.

After reading the first two sentences I was bored. The whole essay talked about how much he accomplished. "Its very good". Yes I kinda lied but It was well written. I wonder if Junhyung wrote about how much places he robbed or how much girls he has.That would be funny to read.

Well I should be the last too judge I wrote two fricken sentences.

I grabbed my pencil and pressed it against the paper. "Students put your pencils down and hand in your papers". Really? Everyone crowded around Mr.Kang's desk giving in their papers. "Myungsoo, I'll take your paper for you". "Thanks", he replied.

I placed Myungsoo's paper on top of mine and gave it in. Okay it was wrong. I'll just do the work in detention tommorrow. 

The day went on slowly as usual. First days are always slow. Teachers go on and on, about how much notebooks you need but don't end up using at the end of the year.Before I could fall asleep it was time to go. I had a unusual shakiness in my grip. I ignored it , grabbed my bookbag and walked out with everyone.  Time to go home.


I walked to the same bus stop right near the school like I do everyday. For some reason I heard somebody calling my name walking towards me. I turned around to see who it was. Myungsoo. Am I dreaming? I blinked just to remind myself I'm not dreaming. "Hyuna. do you want a ride?" I nodded and walked to Myungsoo's car.

His mom polietly waved at me gesturing me to get In. I sat at the backseat with Myungsoo. "I saw you walking to the bus stop and my mom offered". So...his mom forced him to offer me a ride basically. "Thanks".

Hyuna looked out the window as the car passed a few houses. Oh yea.. I have to tell Myungsoo's mom my address. "Hyuna its okay I know where you live, you're  mom and me were good friends'. Wow she read my mind. She proberly was waiting to tell me. "Okay". I answered back. It was a beautiful day today too.

I didn't mind walking. There wasn't too much wind and the sun was out.

Wait.. What does she mean by "me and your mom were good friends". What happened to their friendship? Come to think of it my mom never mentioned Myungsoo's mom and I would know.

That question kept getting into my mind bugging me the rest of the ride. I looked over at Myungsoo to see what he was doing. He was sleeping. Being perfect must be very tiring. Hyuna looked back out the window to see her neighborhood. Awwh the ride's ending.

"This is the apartment". The car stoped and Hyuna got out. Waving Bye as the car drove off. What a nice lady to offer me a ride. Wonder how she knew what I looked like and my name. Maybe Myungsoo told her. Who am I kidding? Why would Myungsoo talk about me to his mom? Afterall when we were sitting down he had to ask again for my name.

I walked the rest of the way and opened my apartment door with my keys. It wasn't much but it was manageable. It had a mini kitchen and dining room. There were two vacant bedrooms. My sister took one and I took the other. After my dad left my mom nurched me and my sister Gna. Now we take care of my mom.

She's diagnosed with cancer and is constantly on medication at the moment.

Its hard on us but we manage. Some people have it far more worse. That was one of the reasons I started writing. I was going through a confusing time and I just had to spill out my thoughts on paper. When my mom was diagnosed with cancer that was when I was about 16 now I'm 18. So about 2 years.

Hyuna threw her backpack in her room and lied down on her bed. Taking out her journal out of her bookbag. She untwined the string and opened the journal flipping to the currant page.

Hey journal,

Today was a day too walk home. The weather was perfect. I didn't get too walk home because Myungsoo's mother drove me home. I was happy about that. Even though I know his mom forced him.

It was something she said to me in the car though "Me and your mom were close friends". Why was there a were? I wonder what happened between them. That question kept bugging me during the whole ride. I should have walked home. At least I got to watch a bird fly today. It was the same one that always gets scared but he finally did it. I should be like that bird and just ask. Nothing bad could happen if I ask right?

Well I was wrong.






               Hope you guys like it. The rest

              will be added in the next chapter but I wont give away

                       too many secrets! also I need a poster...

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Kimunnie4minute #1
Chapter 7: Wow I started to read this ff today and I really love it :3 junah shipper here
vita27 #2
Chapter 7: Myungah ❤❤ pliz update soon
Chapter 7: new reader i loveeee this story uodate soon
BabyJoQueen #4
the cast profil looks like JunAh but the story tell us more abt myungah. authornim please make it junah, I really miss them, Its been a long long time I never read junah's new fanfic. please I beg you
Chapter 8: Can't wait!
Chapter 6: new reader!please update author-nim! oh and hyunaXgd please~
kokoya15 #7
Dragonfly96 #8
new reader here,and just wanna say that your fanfic is so cool and i hope you will update soon,:)
Chapter 6: i love myungah but sometime i feel hyuna comfortable and get more happy when she stay with GD , he so cute ,always make hyuna laugh so much ..uhm...i like that ...update soon author
lahlah #10
Chapter 5: I think Myungsoo !! Btw thanks for your frequent update :)