Chapter 2

Finally, A Happy Ever After

“What is her answer??”

The sudden question of an unnoticed visitor came running into my mind like a volt. I froze at what I saw—dozens of people came inside the house from the front door and the person who gave the sudden question in front of me and Luhan turned out to be my uncle Bob – Luhan’s father.

I glanced at Luhan and noticed that he froze as well but he was quick to adjust and answered his father’s question.

“She doesn’t want to.” Came his short reply.

“Whaaaat?” Uncle Bob reacted. He was about to say something to me since he turned to look at me with his eyes all serious and stuff when another aunt came to me and hugged me at the side.

“Luv! Why didn’t you go to the party? Everyone was there. And from what your mom told me, you won’t be staying here anytime soon.”

“Hi aunt.” I greeted the woman as I kissed her on the cheek. “Well... I needed to pack.”

My aunt looked down for some reason I don’t know. “Is that what you are packing right now? Why are you packing a vase for?”

Confused, I looked down to where she was looking and my eyes widened as my cheeks grew hot in embarrassment. “Oh... sorry... I got this by mistake.” I explained and excused myself to all the people on my way to where the vase should be.

“You come back here, Yang Mei Xin.” I heard my uncle call out as I was still at the vase’s table, fixing some unknown things, hoping that I can just sneak away or something but flinched when I heard his call. I sighed and hurriedly made my way back. “Of course, uncle.” I murmured.

“Were you carrying that vase this whole time?” Luhan asked curiously when I passed by him to return to the place where I was standing.

I glanced at him as he made an innocent smile. “I guess.” I murmured my answer as well.

“So what about your answer, young lady?” My uncle brought the subject back up again. He made his look stern as he looked at me with his hands on his waist.

“Oh... that.” I looked down on my feet. “Well uncle. You know how the life of being an idol is. Luhan had just debuted and if we go together, someone might see us.”

“Again, shouldn’t I know better than you?” Luhan countered, frowning at my reason.

Uncle Bob looked from me, to Luhan, and back to me. “Well, what do you have to say?”

I stood silent.

Uncle Bob sighed and I felt an arm wrapped around my shoulders. “You know that we are all worried about you... your parents and I have been talking about this earlier at the party and we all wanted you to be safe. Ask Luhan. We were there with him when he went to Korea a couple of years ago.”

“Well... he is your son...” I countered with my voice low, barely a whisper. My eyes diverted to the other direction. “Why is everybody here anyway?”

“Oh that...” Luhan caught my attention. “I was about to tell you earlier but I was cut off when they came in... Everybody came here to have some coffee.”

I frowned at what he told me. “Since when did our house become a coffee shop?”

My uncle chuckled. “Well, you weren’t there at the party. So your parents just gathered everybody who wanted some coffee to your house.”

“Ah.” I nodded my head, but inside, I was smirking because I successfully diverted the subject. “Where are my parents anyway?” I asked curiously since I never saw them come inside. Besides, I don’t believe that they are involved with this kind of plan that I'm stuck with right now...

“We are here!”

I froze at the voice of my mom. I can feel myself sweating a lot with nervousness inside of my head. I didn’t expect that they would actually show up. And come to think of it, could they really have pushed me into this huge mess that only I can understand?

“Sorry. We got caught up by some people.” My mom huffed as she reached us. She composed herself by taking a deep breath and releasing it slowly. “So, what seems to be the serious discussion about?”


“Well... Mei Xin here doesn’t want to go with Luhan as her to Seoul.” My uncle explained with his serious face back intact.

“That's because she said she knows that there will be controversy if we go together.” Luhan explained for me before I could say anything.

I glared at him. It was a bit insulting in a way that he spoke on my behalf when I am able to speak on my own. But I think he gave me a silent message as well—that he knows what I would say and that I should really think of a better reason when all of the people know that my reason .

“Would it really, Xiao Lu?” My mother asked worried about what he said—if it was true or not.

I squinted at the old nickname. It was my mom’s first time saying that nickname because of my influence ages ago. That nickname is already getting popular as it is in the idol world; Luhan’s friends call him that as well – same as I did in the past. I looked at Luhan and studied his expression. He didn’t seem to mind. He must've thought my mother got it with the influence of his parents? 

“Well...” Luhan paused for a thought. “Yes, but we could always have our disguises when we go out...”

My lips twisted into a pout. Well this would be interesting. Why does Luhan have to be on their good side?

“See?” Uncle Bob pointed out. “Besides, you might get lost because Korea is pretty big, you know?”

“I know...” I sighed my answer—not caring anymore of what I act. I am getting tired if this conversation and I want a break from it.

“And so? Did you plan on going to Korea all by yourself? Are you serious?” My mom fretted.

“I am not alone~!” I whined already, showing a bit of irritation. “I am going with Chun Hua! I thought I told you that, mom.”

“I know; but is she already familiar with Korea?” My mom inquired –her suspicious look intact.

“No...” I murmured my answer.

“See? You two would get lost together then.”

I frowned at my mom. “Look I am already a grown up woman. Do you guys think that I don’t know how to ask my way around or even read directions from a map?”

“Of course you can, Luv.” My uncle reassured me, tapping one of his hands on my right shoulder. “But think of it this way...”

My uncle got cut off when my mom made me look at her eyes. “It is either you agree to this or you won’t be able to stay with Chun Hua like you would want to.”

“Ummm... who is Chun Hua?” Luhan asked randomly.

“You’ll know when we get to the airport.” I answered as I turned to look at him. After that, I made eye contact with my mom and my uncle. “Isn’t that a good enough answer?” I wish that they could have been more laid back like my father and my auntie Nin who hasn’t even joined the discussion but were both busy laughing with their friends’ stories or jokes.

“Pretty much.” My uncle grinned before my mom could retort me with my bad behavior. “Now come, child. We have much to catch up to.” Uncle Bob wrapped his arms around my shoulders and guided me away from the place where we just had a serious talk.

“Welp.”Luhan stretched. “One mission down.”

I looked back at him, hearing his sentence. I understand that when he said mission, it was the fact that he’s obligated to accompany me to Seoul... But is there another mission that he is still obligated to do?

The next morning, I woke up early and busied myself with packing. There are still tons of things to pack and things to clean. I sneezed a lot from all the dirt that was all over the place and got a bit dizzy because of all the cleaning that I had been doing. I suddenly felt so sick so I decided to take a rest, away from all these dirt. I sat on a sofa and rested my head on the headrest and closed my eyes. I was drifting to sleep when I woke up from the doorbell ringing. I shrugged it off and just closed my eyes again since the maid would just open the door if she hears it.

“Well... what do we have here—the new version of Santa Claus?”

I opened my eyes, not surprised to see Luhan from above, looking at me downwards.

"Or better yet... a raindeer...?" He continued, grinning at me.

“What are you doing here?” I asked tiredly, not moving an inch.

“Someone told me that you might need some help.”

“And who are you—Superman to come save the day?”

“Come on~” He whined. “Give me some credit here. Superman? Really? Of all heroes?”

I couldn’t help but laugh at his childishness. “Whatever, Xiao Lu.” I dismissed him but stopped when I remembered what I just called him.

“Oohh~” he chimed. “It’s been a long time since you called me that.”

“Yeah. Well, what gives? My mom just called you that and you didn’t mind.”

“Oh, so it was your influence~” He nodded, his lips turned up into a smirk.

“What? How would you know?”

“No one calls me that here, you know.”

“How about your parents?” I countered.

Luhan chuckled. “You know they don’t call me that. Not since I turned high school, that is.”

I frowned at him. Damn I got cornered. I shrugged at him. “Whatever.” I dismissed him again.

“No more Xiao Lu?” He taunted.

I looked back at him and gave him a blank stare. “If you came here to help me, then make yourself useful by starting now.” I then left him as I continued with what I was doing.

“Yes, ma’am.”

It had already been a long time since I had talked properly to a man. All of my conversations with guys for the past couple of years have been serious business. I did not talk to them to flirt but I wanted information from them—something that I can gain for my future.

Luhan is older than me for 2 years. He is now 24, I on the other hand, is 22. I liked him the moment that we noticed each other, got to know each other more as well as the times that we innocently flirted with each other. That was all before one of my sisters got pregnant and the other followed. The people then gave me all the guiding that I never even bothered to keep in my mind because I already know them. Having the responsibility to have to go through the straight path, I felt the whole world’s weight on my shoulders. That is when I started keeping my distance from men—men that I deem dangerous to my heart. I know that I easily fall for anyone. My sisters told me so and I know that it is a fact. That is what I am afraid of. And so, I started with the guy that I really like the most in the whole world—Luhan.

He approached me plenty of times, brought up many conversations that we could’ve enjoyed talking about, but I had to be a and act like I didn’t want to talk to him—had no reason to talk to him. Soon, Luhan gave up on me. He never approached me anymore, when we meet, there are times that we would acknowledge each other, and there are also times that we act that we never saw each other at all. Back then, it was easy to ignore him but easy to ignore doesn’t mean that you don’t really like that person at all. It was easy fooling myself not seeing him but I could have never fooled my heart. There are certain times every day that I would remember our past—how much I want to return back to that past and never move on. But since I can’t do that, I had to wrap my heart in thick steels so it would not beat for Luhan. Not yet. Not when I had to graduate and concentrate on working my off for family reasons.

2 years ago, before I graduated from college, I broke my own rule and approached him. Why? It is because he was so focused on his phone that day at his father's birthday, sitting alone on a huge place—something that I saw my cold self in him—the one who didn’t want to talk to anyone and just busied oneself with ones phone or book. I was worried about him when I saw this—worried that he might end up like me who could never be a sociable person. When I approached him, I was very thankful that the Luhan I knew was still there. Despite of us not talking to each other for years... he talked to me like I never pushed him away from me. That was the happiest day of my life after so many years of being separated from him. But the night had to end, I had to go back to my iron shell and shield myself with utmost protection. As time passed by, I always hope every day that he would always stay the same—the same Luhan that I loved.

I looked absently at the clock and decided to prepare some snacks. I saw the maid on my way to the kitchen and just greeted her.

“What are you going to do?” she asked casually.

“Ah... just going to grab some snacks.”

“Ah.” She nodded absently.

“Have you already eaten?”


“Go eat.” I scowled at her.


I shook my head at her. The maid can be pretty stubborn at times and so, I just left her with what she was doing. I arrived at the kitchen and grabbed any food and drinks that I can carry until my arms were full then I made my way to look for Luhan.

I found him at the living room, sitting on a chair, scanning what looks like a book.

“Hey.” I announced my existence but he seemed to be so distracted with the book that he didn’t even show any signs of hearing me. I frowned but still continued to walk closer to him until I am by his side. I noticed then and there that he wasn’t scanning just some book. It’s a photo book—our family and family friends’ pictures. Noticing my shadow, he looked up at me.

“Hi.” he murmured absently, I feel like his mind is still elsewhere.

“I brought some snacks.” I told him, moving both of my arms a bit but not enough for what I am carrying to fall off.

“Oh...” He stared at the snacks that I carried. “Thanks.” He smiled a little and grabbed one of the snacks from my arms as well as something to drink.

I sat on an empty sofa and dropped all the rest of my load on my lap and opened a snack. Luhan did the same but he seemed to be out of focus still—like he is in his own world.

“What made you look at those photos?” I asked him curiously—breaking his thoughts.

He looked at me and I met his gaze. It took him a while to answer me. “Nothing, I guess.”

I gave no reaction. I sighed internally, dreading the thought why Luhan became like this. In the past, he used to be so honest but playful as well. Right now, he is secretive to me. Like what I am now... we are both purely strangers to each other. Seeing some of the pictures from the book makes me wish that if only we can go back through time, it was simple back then, no worries and happy moments with everyone.

Silence enveloped us as we just continued eating our snacks.

“Regarding your place to stay in Seoul...” He started, breaking the silence. I looked at him and saw that he wasn't looking at me. “Do you guys already have a place to stay?”

“Umm... no?” I answered honestly. “But it is no big deal. Chun Hua and I can easily find a place.”

“In which world did that idea come from...?” he asked me weirdly. I guess I was a bit unrealistic.

I shrugged at him. “Well, it’s a positive thought...”

He sighed. “...Everyone wanted to give you something as a gift.”

“Really...?” I asked, uninterested. Everyone not including you, you mean?

“Yes. And that is a place to stay in Seoul.”

I shot up from my seat. “No way...” I muttered not believing.

“Yes way.” He confirmed. “They told me to you to your place.”

“Woah... Thank you...”

“It’s fine.” He dismissed. “You should thank the others.”

“Yeah... I will.” I agreed with him.

“Welp.”Luhan stretched. “That went well...”

“Well with what?” I asked confused.

“It’s nothing. Let’s go back to packing.” He stood up from his seat and made his way out of the living room but he stopped when I called out for him.



“Thank you... for everything.”

Today is the day to finally be able to be free from this place—the place that I lived my whole life. I haven’t slept a wink from all that is happening and will happen. I am so happy to finally leave this dreaded place but at the same time, I know that I will miss every one of my family even though I often say that I would never regret leaving them.

It is barely sunrise that I decided to get out of my bed. I would have to leave in 3 hours. I opened the door from my room and noticed that everyone was still asleep because of the empty space that I am seeing. I shrugged and made my way to make coffee for myself. Today is going to be a dreadful day... no sleep, how exciting.


I looked at the direction in which I heard a voice and saw that it was one of my sisters, Mei Tsu.

“Hey yourself.” I greeted back.


I frowned not at the question, but at the uncertainty of my feelings. “I don’t know...” I honestly answered her.

“Well... you should be.” My sister told me and I can feel that she is grinning even though I’m not looking at her. “It is your first ever travel outside China; and you will go to your dream place remember? Get to see those “CATS” of yours.”

I chuckled at her label when it comes to Koreans. She calls them cats. I don’t know why but she just does.

“You take good care of yourself there, okay?” her tone became serious.

I nodded my head, looking down at nothing in particular. I have been trying to avoid this kind of conversation because I know that I will switch into my cry baby self again—crying over little things.

“I'm worried about you... scared that you might end up like what happened to us. Whatever you do, think of everything that you decide to do carefully.”


“Is dad going to drive you to the airport?”

“No...” I shook my head slowly. “You know I would never ask him that after the time that he showed irritation at me when I asked him if he could pick me up...”

My sister frowned. “But that was a long time ago.”

I shook my head again. “I would never ask him again.” The mention of that time came running through me like it was yesterday.

It was late at night, raining, I called him if he can wait for me in the store at least for today. Of the many things that I could never expect from my parents, it is to show irritation toward me who is asking for a little time to wait for me because it was very dark at night and it was scary to consider only riding some public ride. It scared the hell out of me—I told him so. I thought he understood my fear. But he showed irritation instead, which hurts me and made me think that he doesn’t care about me.

My sister sighed. She can’t blame me. She can’t really say that what I'm thinking is wrong... because she herself of all people knows how our parents are. Not one of us sisters would have loved to stay here and spend time with our parents. But love for them is still there nonetheless...just not enough to add drama to my leave and say to them that I love them and would always want to be with them and all that cheesy stuff.

My sister and I left the serious conversation and just enjoyed all the time left that I have by just talking nonsense things and enjoying ourselves.

Soon, it was time to go. She bid me goodbye as she went back to sleep as I left an hour before my flight and just rode a taxi on my way to the airport. There, I met Luhan. He was the first one to arrive, wearing so many clothes that covered most of his body and his face and hair.

I giggled at how he looked. “You looked like some rolled up food or something.”

Luhan rolled his eyes—the only ones that are not covered.

“Hello!” I heard Chun Hua greet.

“Hi, mommy~!” I chimed.

“Hello~” She greeted once again. “Who’s that?” she asked—pointing at Luhan, the rolled up guy.

“Luhan...” I murmured in her ear.

Chun Hua’s eyes widened and immediately went near to Luhan who was shocked as well for his eyes went wide—the same with Chun Hua’s.

Chun Hua pulled Luhan’s face mask that covered his mouth, looked him in the eyes intently and to top it all she peeked under his cap that he wore on his head to see his hair color.

“Luhan!” She exclaimed.

I jumped at the exclamation and looked around to see if anyone heard but thankfully no one was near us. Plus, at this time, very early in the morning, not many people had the right mind to book a flight therefore, everything was safe.

Chun Hua didn’t notice anything and just kept on exclaiming. “Luhan! IT! IS! REALLY!YOU!”

Luhan chuckled. “Yes, and you are Chun Hua, right?”

Chun Hua nodded furiously and ran to my side but she unexpectedly slapped my arm.

“Hahaha~ I get it. Now why don’t we proceed already?”

It took quite a long while in my point of view until we got to sit on the chairs in the airplane. Chun Hua sat on the very inside, followed by me and then Luhan. I sighed contentedly as I sat on the chair. With my shades on, I closed my eyes to give them some rest—only now that I feel very sleepy; thus, I fell asleep.

“Mei Xin~! Wake up already.” Chun Hua shook both my shoulders. As I woke up, I realized that I am on a plane and some people were already going out. I sat up, grabbed my things and started to stand and made my way out.

“How long have I been asleep?” I asked Chun Hua.

“2 hours... You slept the moment you sat on your seat.”

“Oh... where is...” I stopped; I am not supposed to mention his name.

“He is getting our bags.”


Chun Hua and I finally got to go inside the Incheon airport, looked for the bag waiting area and eventually saw Luhan from one corner with our bags.

“Hey.” I poked him to make him notice that we were already here.

He looked at me through my shaded eyes. “Finally, you’re awake? Or am I just dreaming?”

I smiled a little at him as I slapped him on the arm lightly. “Quit joking around.”

“Okay.” Luhan agreed. “But let me tell you one thing.” He said as he stepped closer to me which made my heart go all panicky. “You look like a mess.” He whispered right at my ear.

I squinted a little, blushing at his actions but was horrified by his words. My hands immediately made their way to my hair and tried my best to put it in good condition.

An arm wrapped around my neck. “Ahem..!” Chun Hua coughed lightly. “I saw that~” She chimed into my ear.

I dismissed her teasing. “More importantly, mom, do I look okay now? Not messy anymore?”

Chun Hua nodded her head, a bit confused. “You were fine earlier as well, so what’s the diff?”

I stopped fixing myself and glared at Luhan who was smirking at me. I slapped him on the arm. “You are going to pay for this.” I muttered as I overtook him.

The three of us got out from the main entrance and was about to grab a cab when Luhan stopped us.

“Wait.” He said as he seemed to be looking for someone. “Come here for a sec.” His hands wrapped on my own and Chun Hua’s to guide us to wherever he was going. The three of us soon stopped in front of 3 people.

“Hi guys.” Luhan greeted to the three newcomers.

“Hyung~” One of them exclaimed and immediately hugged Luhan which caused Luhan to release us and return the hug back.

“Hi hyung~ welcome back!” the other one greeted.

“Did you have fun with your vacation?” the last asked.

“Yeah~ I did. Thanks.” Luhan grinned.

Chun Hua and I recognized the voices and guessed that they were the other members of EXO namely Sehun, Tao and Suho.  We appeared calm like the water but in the inside, we were already screaming our heads off, for being able to meet the others in person was like a dream come true.

“Hyung, who are they?” The guy that I thought was Sehun asked, pointing at the two of us.

“They’re pretty...” Another guy that seemed to be similar to Tao’s voice murmured which made me blush.

“Are they Chinese too?” Suho asked. “They seem to understand us though...”

“Oh. Them?” Luhan pointed. “She is Mei Xin.” He pointed at me. “My family friend’s daughter. And this is Chun Hua.” He pointed to Chun Hua. “Mei Xin’s friend.”




Each of them introduced themselves with a low voice.

“Nice to meet you.” I bowed.

“A pleasure to finally meet you guys.” Chun Hua grinned widely as she bowed a little as well.

“Wooo~” The three guys and even Luhan were surprised because of our Korean way of speaking.

“You speak Korean fluently.” Suho observed and was smiling widely.

“Not really.” Chun Hua shook her head. “We just know the basics.”

“Wow. What a basic.” Sehun muttered.

“Where did you learn Korean?” Tao asked curiously.

“Umm... Online and shows...?”

“That's amazing.” Sehun clapped.

“Well, they are ready. They are, after all, going to stay here.” Luhan informed the other members.

“Really?” the three asked with curious eyes.

“Yeah.” Chun Hua nodded. “I'm going to study medicine here and as for Mei Xin, her work is now here.”

“That's great!” Suho exclaimed.

“We should get going now.” Luhan announced and soon, all 6 of us rode a cab and were on our way to the place that Luhan said everyone gave as a gift. Along the way, we found out that my workplace was coincidentally near the place we were going, as well as Chun Hua’s school of medicine.

“Oh, that means you guys are near SM Entertainment as well.” Suho stated absently.

I gasped in shock as Chun Hua’s eyes widened as well as . “Really?!” We exclaimed both in unison. And after that there was squealing of excitement and such. It took quite a while for us to calm down, leaving EXO to go speechless, just watching our state of excitement. Only Tao and Luhan could understand us as we were speaking in Chinese very fast.

The cab finally pushed to a stop and we got out of the car.

“Hyung, isn’t this your...” Sehun said but was stopped by Luhan as the latter covered the former’s mouth.

“Well, we have arrived at your place.” Luhan informed the two of us as we looked up in amazement at the tall building standing only a few steps from us.



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fahea|| revising the posted chapters~ read them. it has more content now


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Chapter 18: O.O!!!!!!!!!!!!
This chapter.
Much love <3<3<3
Nyahahahaha I hate how I can finally relate to sleepless nights and eyebags on the fezz (since i'm starting med school now lols)
Anyway, back to the story... ASDFGHJKL LUHAN it is illegal to walk around the house with just boxers and a wifebeater. You mad bro? XD geez! I actually imagined whatever Chun Hua was imagining which didn't make things easier for me lolololol @///////@
Oho~ a doubledate, i see~ and poor Channie... Everyone rejected him. Even Kris?! Aigoo my KrisYeol heart... But ohwell.... There's Chun Hua now /bricked xDDDD
So sweeeeeeeet~ omooooo~ thr ants are everywhere! I can't help but smile reading that short bit on the beach as Channie was picking up random shells. Much love.
Oh! I can't believe you incorporated me fainting again xD but jf it makes for a good scene with Channie then it's worth it! Nyahahahahahahaha!
Good job yeobo! Can't wait for the next chapter! :D
Chapter 17: LMAO HOORAH YOU UPDATED AT LAST (now go and update the other one /wink) XD
Omo omo, the tension. IT BURNS HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I might have to reread what happened in Hong Kong again but that'll be for another time. These girls... bwaha!
LOL Tao is so persuasive or is Mei Xin just so easily persuadable? Does the panda miss the girls or something? Must be hard living with guys 24/7 /bricked
(Didn't Chun Hua tell the dudes that she hates being called Noona?! Tao never learns! /throws bricks everywhere)
GEH. SOCCER. /wipes sweat/ XD Yehet THE NECK IS ALWAYS THERE! /twirls Omo omo, the description of Xiumin's /double bricked I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU SOBS
Lewls. "My Chanyeol." Chun Hua gurrrrrrrrl. XDDD
Hahahaha wait wait that part where they realized the bit of the plot and Chun Hua was like, "You want to leave?" and Mei Xin was like, "No!" and then "Oh wait..." hahahaha SORRY BUT HAHAHAHAHA I LOLed SO HARD LIKE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA /nonsense
Well done author-nim <3 <3 <3
keep it up! FIGHTING!

Good on Kris for taking command of the situation! That's a Duizhang for you! :D

"You're the villain in my fantasy." BOOM SHA! :))))



eeeeeeeee what's going to happen next chapter? well, I kind of know what'll happen but the CONTENT will still surprise me!
Chapter 15: My character is so loud here, it reminds me of my other OC Kyungmi XDDD
HAHAHAHAHA I couldn't help but laugh when Mei Xin had to get out of work after recently returning to it. She has some pretty lax bosses, I believe.
Oh~ now our characters sound a lot like how they're supposed to sound after Luhan appeared XDDD
Teehee~ Luhan's being overprotective~ Ohohohoho! /squirms
Aha! A party with EXO! /fist pump/ Can't wait~! :D
Chapter 14: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH~~! That first part! "Good morning." And it's a good morning, indeed for Mei Xin :))) Hahahaha~ Luhan's so fluffy in this chapter, Idk. XD
Oh! Random bodyguard, okay. *shoo shoo* XD
This chapter was fuuun~ :D Good job! ^^b
Chapter 13: *screams* this was so sweet!!!!! I want Luhan to hug me too... :c jealous.......
Luhan's so sweet ;~; and that last scene with Mei Xin crying alone in her room and Luhan suddenly coming in there with his three cute reasons for being there~ *swoons* XD
Good job! I LOVE THIS! :D
Chapter 12: traumatized? why are you traumatized? O,O
LOL! It's all Chun Hua's fault! But oh wells, this gave Mei Xin and Luhan to be even closer~ so I guess... it's all good(?) *wiggles eyebrows*
rainbow_bananas #9
Chapter 9: So cute! Is Luhan gonna stay there overnight?? :)
Chapter 9: Awww... So cute