Chapter 11

Finally, A Happy Ever After

One girl walked her way to a tall building very late at night, carrying two large books in her arms and a backpack that was carelessly hung on her shoulders.

“Good evening. Chun Hua.” A short man in a security guard uniform greeted her as the doors slid open, sensing her presence. He smiled at her warmly; the sides of his eyes wrinkled a bit as he did so. “How are you today?”

Chun Hua’s lips turned into a smile. “Good evening. I'm fine as always, nothing that I can't handle.”

The guard chuckled. “That's a strong girl. Finish your med school with flying colors, okay?” He raised his right hand up just enough for Chun Hua to reach as they high fived. Her expression showed such happiness that one would doubt if she was ever tired or not. She waved her hand at him as she said goodbye. Once no one was around, her smile faded and here, she looked tired. Her eyes were very heavy as if they wanted to close there and then; her shoulders slumped, getting extremely exhausted already as she made her way to her room number. She opened the door with the key that is chained with her student id, dragged her feet to her room. It was a bit messy with all the papers on her table, scattered books on her bed and dust...?

Chun Hua frowned, her OC mode turning on as she saw the state of her room. She sighed heavily and gave in on her urge to clean. By the time she was done, she slumped on the floor, too tired to even clean herself. She closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep, the one thing that she needs the most.

Her eyes shot open at the rumbling of her stomach. She rolled on one side, a bit surprised to see herself lying on the floor. She willed herself to get up and got to the bathroom to finally clean herself. The hot water is very calming; it made her relax as she rested her head on the edge of the bathtub, taking her own leisure time taking the bath.

Once she was done, she changed into her comfortable clothes and soon got out of her room finding everything empty as usual. Mei Xin had already gone for work since the time now is nearly lunch. It is like Chun Hua is living on her own, since she can't possibly see Mei Xin because of the differences of their schedule. Mei Xin’s work start early in the morning and ends early in the evening; Chun Hua’s schedule on the other hand starts at early in the evening and ends very late at night.

She walked to the kitchen, finding all the goods nearly out of stock. She shrugged it off, too lazy to care as of the moment and just grabbed a cup of noodles since it was very easy to cook and eat. She sat at the sofa in front of the TV to turn it on and reached for her laptop located at the side table near it. The pad is in high security that's why she finds her things safe no matter where she leaves them.

Since the start of her class starts later in the evening, she indulged herself with updating herself with all her interests and the presence of the Tv talking non-stop as she concentrated with her world in the internet.

Being a med student is really hard, harder than Chun Hua thought since she transferred schools from China to Korea. So, in order to continue with what she had started, she had to keep up with all the lessons that she missed that was not credited to her schooling in Beijing. And so, not only did she get all the required lessons for being in 3rd year; she had to take the minor subjects that the med school in Seoul Korea had included for the said course. But despite these facts, she is determined to be able to graduate in medicine and fulfil her long time wish as she does it. This one wish was born ever since EXO were introduced. They are just so awesome and full of surprises that she had never got tired of them. That's why back in Beijing, she secretly applied in a med school in Seoul even though she already started in Beijing 2 years ago.

Of course, her parents were surprised when she finally dropped the bomb of her acceptance in Seoul med school, but then they easily forgave her for that knowing that she really wanted to go and that the purpose is still to study medicine.

“Hm...” She hummed, scanning through her AFF account finding comments about her Krisyeol stories. She giggled at the comments, her mind slowly working its evil ways how to troll her readers. She is known for writing mostly krisyeol because of her love for ever since she was in high school. She writes mature content and gets embarrassed rereading it. She is unique that way.

Chun Hua’s attention was caught by a notification of a message in her facebook. She clicked the tab and came to see her cousin’s message from the states. Her cousin’s name is Marie and is older than her for only a year.

Chun Hua~! How is it there in Seoul? Did you meet any idols yet?

Chun Hua grinned absently at the message and immediately typed her way on what had happened ever since her stay in Seoul.

What?! Lucky~ ;~;

Chun Hua laughed but typed a reply saying that she should come here as well. Get to meet EXO in person—a goal that she had been yearning to achieve like what Chun Hua and Mei Xin had in theirs.

Sigh... it's not that easy... but maybe I can go there like...6 months from now...?

Chun Hua encouraged her to come even so it would take that long and even volunteered to pick her up when that time comes with the mention of EXO possibly coming with her as an act of teasing for Marie. The two girls chatted excitedly at the thought of that until it was time for Chun Hua to leave to prepare for school once again.

Chun Hua left the pad two hours before her class intending to search for a place to dine for tonight. She walked the side street in which there are many restaurants lined up as she stared at each one of them as she passed. Finally, she stopped at an Italian restaurant, contemplating if she should really go for it or not. She finally decided to go inside because of her huge love for pasta. It has been a while since she had one and especially the Italian one.

A guard pushed one of the double sided doors from the other side of the restaurant for her to come in as she silently stepped her way inside and inwardly gasped at the beauty of it.

This must be pretty expensive. She thought. Chun Hua was a little worried about the money that she would have to spend for this restaurant but it was hurriedly pushed back when she rationalized her way that having to eat in this kind of restaurant is more or less a once in a lifetime kind of thing—all for the love of pasta.

As she walked to find an empty table, she noticed that there is a small ruckus at the near end of the restaurant. Curious as Chun Hua is, she walked her way there to find out what is all it is about. She tip toed to see from all the women that surrounded what seems to be a group of people from the back of the crowd but hardly saw anything from her short height. She was shoved aside by someone a bit rashly and when she was able to catch herself, she turned to look at the person; it turned out to be a waiter who is struggling his way to get through the crowd, carrying a small notepad and a bunch of menus in his arms.

“Excuse me~!!” The poor waiter fretted.

 Suddenly, someone stood up among the crowd which caught Chun Hua’s attention because of the sudden action that the person just did. Chun Hua looked up and came to see Chanyeol holding out his hand to receive the menus but his eyes averted and met Chun Hua’s and forgot the whole idea about getting the menus. Instead, he exclaimed. “Noona~!”

This exclamation from an idol made the fangirls that surrounded stop with all their chatter and turned their heads to look at the direction where Chanyeol was looking.

Chun Hua smiled nonchalantly, honestly unaware of the stares that she earned because of getting Chanyeol’s attention. “Hi, Chanyeol~”

Gasps were heard from the crowd but they were unnoticed once again by the couple.

“Did you eat dinner yet?” Chanyeol asked, using his normal voice now that the people have gone quiet unknowingly.

Chun Hua shook her head, still smiling. “No... That’s why I'm here to eat dinner by myself.”

“Eh? Why don’t you join us then...?” Chanyeol asked, his smile got wider than ever. With this the fangirls split into two without any word to make way for Chun Hua who gladly took the offer mainly because it's Chanyeol who offered it.

As she passed her way to the fans, she saw who Chanyeol was with. Kris was there, sitting regally at the long end of the sofa, next to him is Chen who was busy talking to his other side who is Kai who almost looks sleepy as ever. On the other side was Lay, listening to the music on his phone and Suho who turned slightly to meet Chun Hua’s gaze and gave her a warm smile.

“Hello, Chun Hua~” He greeted.

“Hiii~” Chun Hua waved her hand enthusiastically.

“Come and sit~!” Chanyeol ordered and immediately, the waiter came into view with a spare chair as he positioned it in between Chanyeol and Kris’s seat.

“Thank you...” Chun Hua murmured her thanks to the waiter who waited for her to sit down until he let go of the chair permanently.

“Good evening guys~” she smiled at the rest of the members who only took notice of her by the time when she sat down.

Kris waved his hand as a greeting, while Lay bowed his head, showing that signature dimple smile of his that would’ve killed Mei Xin, Chun Hua thought. But since she is not Mei Xin, she just finds Lay’s smile and his dimple... normal...

“Good evening noona~!” Kai greeted simply, as he fought for the urge to yawn.

“Don't call me noona!” Chun Hua scolded.

On a side note, fans had already begun to spread around, trying to be as normal as possible but eavesdropping still. The fans had already made friends with each other and knew each other’s numbers. Through texts, they could converse with each other even if they are in the same place just to stay quiet and possibly get some new information as well as pictures. Today is not an exception. They texted each other with their shock about this unknown girl but doesn’t seem so unknown to EXO themselves. And the girl should be close to them enough for the girl to scold poor Jongin about calling her noona. Some fans fretted about the girl’s outrageous attitude toward poor Jongin who was just being respectful. And some fretted about the girl’s thick faced attitude that has the ability to approach EXO the way she did. While others thought that maybe she is a relative of one of the members, that's why she is so carefree and doesn’t seem to mind all the attention.

“Eh...?” Kai whined. “But Chan-hyung just called you that.”

“He is an exception obviously.” Chen pointed out. “Being her bias and all.” He snickered at a thought that came to his mind.

“MmM.” Chun Hua nodded proudly nonetheless. “That's right.”

“Anyway... let’s go order something to eat.” Kris broke in. “I'm starving.” He opened the menu and started scanning it to look for something good to eat.

“I’ll have Pomodoro, please~” Chun Hua chimed, turning to the waiter without looking at the menu in front of her.

Lay who had just removed his earphones was a bit surprised. “Have you eaten here before...?”

“Nope.” Chun Hua answered proudly once again, unreasonably happy with all that is happening.

“Then why...?” Suho tilted his head.

“It's not Italian if it has no Pomodoro.”

“Umm... excuse me, ma’am.” The waiter cautiously called for the attention of Chun Hua.

“Hm?” Chun Hua turned her attention to him.

“I'm sorry, but your order, Pomodoro is currently not available.”

“What!?” She squeaked.

Chen muffled his laugh as he pushed Chun Hua’s menu nearer to her with his pointer finger. “Why don’t you look at the menu this time, ‘noona’.”

Chun Hua glared at him for the ‘absurd’ name but obliged at his suggestion. She flipped her way through the menu and stopped at the pasta section.

“Noona.” Chanyeol called and suddenly, her irritation for the ‘noona’ name disappeared like magic. “There is steak here!”

“Yeah~ that’s good~” Chun Hua smiled absently, her eyes still on her menu deciding on what to order.

“Can you recommend something for me?”

“Sure~” Chun Hua agreed and looked at the waiter. “I’ll have Lasagna Bolonese please. And ummm...” She got back to her menu, searching for something more. “He’ll have this.” She lifted the menu for the waiter to see and pointed at the one she wanted.

The waiter nodded. “Very good, ma’am.”

Chanyeol tilted his head, confused at what was going on. “Noona, did you order for me?”


“What was it? Is it steak?”

“It’s a surprise~”

The rest of the guys also gave their orders and soon the waiter fled.

“Chun Hua.” Kris called.

“Yes, oppa?”

“How high is your grade for your eyes?”

“900... plus.” Chun Hua answered honestly.

“Oh, so that's why it's so thick.” Kai muttered.

“Yeah~” Chun Hua nodded.

“Have you ever thought about getting a surgery?” Chanyeol asked curiously.

“Yeah... my parents did in the past... but I don’t know if they would still... pursue...”

 “But do you want to...?”

Chun Hua shrugged. “I don’t know how I really feel about this surgery thing so... yeah.”

Most of them seemed to be contented about that answer and soon moved on to the next conversation as they waited for their orders to arrive, they talked about shows and movies, even places that they had been to since Chun Hua can relate because of the fact that her family tends to travel a lot during vacations. Soon, the food had arrived and Chanyeol jumped on his seat because of the excitement of what kind of steak that Chun Hua might have ordered for him.

When his food was presented to him, he was silently staring at it. “Noona~ you ordered pasta?”

Chun Hua nodded as she dug at her own food.

“But I wanted beef~” He whined cutely.

Chun Hua stopped eating and made an effort to empty the food inside and pointed out to Chanyeol. “There is beef scattered all over~”

“But I thought...” Chanyeol didn’t get to finish his words when he heard the others laugh at his situation, trying their best to minimize it and pretend to be busy with their own food.

Suho sliced a piece of his steak and offered it to Chanyeol. “Here you go Chanyeol~”

Chanyeol pouted but was thankful to Suho nonetheless and had no choice but to eat his pasta that has only little steak with it. He thought it was tasty, the pasta. But he still wanted the steak, and so, he ate silently.

Chun Hua, Lay, Chen, Suho, Kai and Kris on the other hand ate merrily.

Chun Hua looked at her watch on her left wrist to check for the time and noticed that she should get a move on or else she would be late for her class. She took her drink and made her final sip before announcing that she had to go. The guys nodded and said their goodbyes as Chun Hua dug on her purse to pay for her bill, and as she stood up, she placed it on the side of the table.

Although Kris didn’t want to accept the money and intended for them to pay for her, he was too late since Chun Hua had already gone out of the door.

“Wow. She is quick on her feet.” He murmured and sighed, taking Chun Hua’s bill.

On another note, fans of EXO all over Korea are already receiving texts about the mystery girl that EXO ate with at an Italian restaurant.

Chun Hua on the other hand had plenty of a good time and was in a good mood because of her dinner with EXO, oblivious of what was coming for her, she walked her way to school.

Hello everyone~ so yeah~ change of plans. I ended up finishing this chapter even though I havent revised all the posted chapter yet... but oh wells~ hahaha enjoy this chapter~ Its Chun Hua's chapter.

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fahea|| revising the posted chapters~ read them. it has more content now


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Chapter 18: O.O!!!!!!!!!!!!
This chapter.
Much love <3<3<3
Nyahahahaha I hate how I can finally relate to sleepless nights and eyebags on the fezz (since i'm starting med school now lols)
Anyway, back to the story... ASDFGHJKL LUHAN it is illegal to walk around the house with just boxers and a wifebeater. You mad bro? XD geez! I actually imagined whatever Chun Hua was imagining which didn't make things easier for me lolololol @///////@
Oho~ a doubledate, i see~ and poor Channie... Everyone rejected him. Even Kris?! Aigoo my KrisYeol heart... But ohwell.... There's Chun Hua now /bricked xDDDD
So sweeeeeeeet~ omooooo~ thr ants are everywhere! I can't help but smile reading that short bit on the beach as Channie was picking up random shells. Much love.
Oh! I can't believe you incorporated me fainting again xD but jf it makes for a good scene with Channie then it's worth it! Nyahahahahahahaha!
Good job yeobo! Can't wait for the next chapter! :D
Chapter 17: LMAO HOORAH YOU UPDATED AT LAST (now go and update the other one /wink) XD
Omo omo, the tension. IT BURNS HAHAHAHAHAHAHA I might have to reread what happened in Hong Kong again but that'll be for another time. These girls... bwaha!
LOL Tao is so persuasive or is Mei Xin just so easily persuadable? Does the panda miss the girls or something? Must be hard living with guys 24/7 /bricked
(Didn't Chun Hua tell the dudes that she hates being called Noona?! Tao never learns! /throws bricks everywhere)
GEH. SOCCER. /wipes sweat/ XD Yehet THE NECK IS ALWAYS THERE! /twirls Omo omo, the description of Xiumin's /double bricked I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU SOBS
Lewls. "My Chanyeol." Chun Hua gurrrrrrrrl. XDDD
Hahahaha wait wait that part where they realized the bit of the plot and Chun Hua was like, "You want to leave?" and Mei Xin was like, "No!" and then "Oh wait..." hahahaha SORRY BUT HAHAHAHAHA I LOLed SO HARD LIKE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA /nonsense
Well done author-nim <3 <3 <3
keep it up! FIGHTING!

Good on Kris for taking command of the situation! That's a Duizhang for you! :D

"You're the villain in my fantasy." BOOM SHA! :))))



eeeeeeeee what's going to happen next chapter? well, I kind of know what'll happen but the CONTENT will still surprise me!
Chapter 15: My character is so loud here, it reminds me of my other OC Kyungmi XDDD
HAHAHAHAHA I couldn't help but laugh when Mei Xin had to get out of work after recently returning to it. She has some pretty lax bosses, I believe.
Oh~ now our characters sound a lot like how they're supposed to sound after Luhan appeared XDDD
Teehee~ Luhan's being overprotective~ Ohohohoho! /squirms
Aha! A party with EXO! /fist pump/ Can't wait~! :D
Chapter 14: OOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH~~! That first part! "Good morning." And it's a good morning, indeed for Mei Xin :))) Hahahaha~ Luhan's so fluffy in this chapter, Idk. XD
Oh! Random bodyguard, okay. *shoo shoo* XD
This chapter was fuuun~ :D Good job! ^^b
Chapter 13: *screams* this was so sweet!!!!! I want Luhan to hug me too... :c jealous.......
Luhan's so sweet ;~; and that last scene with Mei Xin crying alone in her room and Luhan suddenly coming in there with his three cute reasons for being there~ *swoons* XD
Good job! I LOVE THIS! :D
Chapter 12: traumatized? why are you traumatized? O,O
LOL! It's all Chun Hua's fault! But oh wells, this gave Mei Xin and Luhan to be even closer~ so I guess... it's all good(?) *wiggles eyebrows*
rainbow_bananas #9
Chapter 9: So cute! Is Luhan gonna stay there overnight?? :)
Chapter 9: Awww... So cute