Chapter 8 - Answer

Moirai (STOPPED)

May 15th

-I stopped talking to Kai and began to constantly avoid him

-During lunch, Kai called out to me.

-I regret not answering to his call.

Please, I know you have the courage. If he calls out to you, I want you to answer. You should have a lot to say to him.


Talk to him? I don’t know if I can even look at him as long as that Yoona is around. I can’t talk to him unless he’s alone.


During lunch, I go outside to go eat alone. I really don’t feel like eating with my friends today. I need some time to just organize my thoughts.

As soon as I step outside, I see Kai sitting at a bench near a tree.


It was surprising to see that Yoona wasn’t currently with him.

Now’s my chance.

As I look at Kai from a distance, Kai notices my appearance. He stands up.

“Kyungsoo! I want to talk to you for a second” He calls out to me, just like what the text stated.

If he calls out to you, I want you to answer.”

I gather up the courage to slowly open up my mouth, about to reply to him. Until suddenly, I see Yoona approaching Kai. Unconsciously, my feet began to move in a different direction, away from them. I hurriedly walked away to a random location outside.


I can’t do it. “Answer him?” I’m sorry I couldn’t erase another regret, future Kyungsoo. The things you tell me to do…..are definitely easier said than done.

And if I do speak to him, will he even turn around and pay attention to me? Will he even listen?


May 16th

-During lunch, I got outside again to eat alone.

-Kai sees me again and approaches me up front this time.

-Kai and Yoona get into an argument.

-I went home without speaking to Kai at all.

-I regret not talking to Kai and realizing how worried he was about me. I was being selfish. Speak to Kai


I go outside with my lunch in my hands. There, I see Kai and he notices me. He began to walk up to me, causing my heart to beat quicker as he gets closer and closer to me.


Suddenly, a body rushes past me and towards Kai, bumping into my arm. My handmade lunch falls out of my grip and the food spills all over the ground.I look up to realize that it was Yoona who ran past me.

“Oh. Oops!” she says to me. I gave her a scowl as I dropped to the ground, attempting to clean the mess. Kai stood there with widened eyes.

“What the hell Yoona?!” Kai yelled at her.

“I just bumped into him accidentally and his lunch fell. No big deal!” she replied to him.

“At least apologize to him!”

Yoona’s face turned into a sour frown.

“He was in my way! You shouldn’t have went up to him in the first place!” Yoona screamed at him.

Kai only sighed and continued to go closer to me. The next thing I knew, he was on the ground as well, cleaning up the mess with me.

“…Ugh!” Yoona yelled, irritated. She then ran away, leaving us alone.

“Are you alright?” Kai asks me.

I quickly cleaned up everything and abruptly stood up.

“Sorry, I’m fine.” I muttered as I turned around and walked away.

They fought…..because of me. Yoona yelled at him…..because of me. Kai is troubled….

because of me.

That’s why I shouldn’t speak to Kai anymore. I will only cause him trouble.


Suddenly, I bumped into a body as I was quickly walking into school. I look up to see Suho, looking down on me in concern.


“Sorry I need to go.” I said as I tried to continue walking. Suho then put his hand on my shoulder, stopping me.

“Don’t run away Kyungsoo.”


This wasn’t in today’s text. It’s different this time….

I gulped before speaking to him.

“They got into an argument because of me. I can’t to speak to Kai normally again. It’ll only cause him more trouble.”

“But?....” Suho waited until I spoke again. My throat began to constrict.

“But I have so much to say to him.” I said as my eyes began to water. I felt Suho pat my head in care.

“Then talk to him. We are all still friends right?” Suho says. “To tell you the truth, nowadays, he can’t concentrate during practice at the performing arts club. He told me he really wanted to talk to you, but he doesn’t know exactly what to say and gets low in spirits. If you keep running away, he can’t talk to you Kyungsoo.”


That’s right. I kept running away from Kai. That’s what caused him the trouble. Running away. For all this time, I thought I caused him trouble by speaking to him. It turned out to be the opposite instead. He called out to me, but I completely avoided him.


“Suho…I’m gonna go find Kai and talk to him now.” I muttered. Suho then gave me a cheery smile.

“Hehe, go ahead.”

“Thanks Suho.”

I run back outside, attempting to find Kai again.

The 26 year old Kyungsoo has regretted it this whole time. He had so much to say to Kai, yet he never said it to him. Kai isn’t there in the future anymore. So future Kyungsoo had to keep it in his heart for a lifetime.


But Kai is here now in the present.

It’s my chance to fix this.


I finally see Kai, by himself, about to head back to his classroom.

“Kai!” I call out to him. He turns around his head, surprised to see me. I sighed in relief. “Making lunches everyday was really fun! You said that I had to go through the trouble in doing it, but it’s not like that at all! Making you your lunch everyday made me really happy. And I’m sorry for not answering when you called out to me yesterday! So please, tell me what you needed to say to me yesterday. What was it?”

I anticipated Kai’s reply while he only gave me touched smile.

“Hehe. I forgot already Kyungsoo. You’re too late.” Kai said to me with a grin.

“You were worried about me, right?” I asked him.

“….Haha! You’re right. I was.” he said as he gave a small chuckle. I smiled at him, happy that I was able to relieve this regret and speak to Kai again.

I want to remember and treasure this precious moment forever.


After school, Kai and I sat outside together.

“….I’m gonna break it off with Yoona today.” Kai tells me.

“Eh? Why?” I ask him. Although on the inside, I felt pleasantly surprised.

“I don’t feel right when talking to her. As if we’re not on the same page. We don’t have anything in common.”

“I see….”

“I guess you should never go out with someone for their looks.”

“You said yes because she was pretty?”

“Unfortunately, ahem.”

Kai and I laughed together for a moment. He then sighed.

“Well, that doesn’t matter now since I decided to break up with her.” he says to me.

“Is it because you guys argued?” I ask.

“No.” Kai replied. “It’s because you told me not to, remember?”


Kai saw the note?.... My face turned red and my heartbeat got louder, slightly embarrassed.


“I really hated it. Not being able to talk to you when I was with her.” Kai tells me. “Anyways, there’s someone else I’m more interested in than her.”

I turn to look at Kai, with a surprised look on my face.

“Someone you’re more interested in?” I ask him.

“Yeah. I realized it when I was dating Yoona.”

“You mean, someone you like?”

Kai gave me another one of his bright smiles while I sat there, dumbfounded.

“I’m not telling you~” Kai said as he stood up and ran away.

“Wait! Kai!”

“Gotta go to performing arts practice! I’ll see you tomorrow. And by the way.” he says, turning around to face me with a grin. “I’m expecting a well-made lunch tomorrow!”

I returned him a smile. “Leave it to me, Kai.”

“Bye Kyungsoo!” he says, continuing to run away.

“…Bye…bye.” I softly mutter.

I look up to the sky, viewing the sunset.


I wonder if future Kyungsoo found out who Kai was interested in.


a/n: Yay KaiSoo is back on track!

And can we just celebrate it with Kaisoo forehead touch on Music Core today?


(Baek and Jong ya'll cute but if you guys can just please move aside a bit)


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I hope you'll update soon.. Because now i ship baekyeol (i read my previous comment ㅋㅋ) !!
Chapter 10: omg i just found your story and kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

<3 <3 <3 sends you hearts and love mwa mwa :*
when will I get an update? x'(
don't you think we need a poster? :3
Chapter 10: oh oh oh they'll be watching fireworks together??
you'll add BaekYeol?
it's fine for me, I am like shipping baekhyun with everyone LOL
I'm fine with baekyeol, baekris, baektao, baekchen.. except baekkai and baeksoo omg -__-
and let me say this first, I dont ship hunhan, so please dearest author-nim, dont write them T_T

and thanks for the update, I'll be waiting for your next update ^^
Chapter 10: Actually I don't ship baekyeol... But a little baekyeol would be fine i think^^ thanks for updating authornim~~~
Chapter 9: wow I love time traveling theories and parallel worlds,is so fascinating and mind blowing and confusing
been learning about it in school right now,finally something excited about physics
Chapter 9: oh, I understand..
it is just little similar to future-present-past concept of arbitrage, just a little simpler..

uh Baby-Soo don't cry T_T
even though future Kyung cant have his Kai back but he wants you to have your Kai :')
he'll be happy to save you from the same regret dear :')
Chapter 9: ah kyungsoo don't cry, just cherish the moment when Kai's around. this is what future Kyungsoo want.
Chapter 8: yes yes yes definitely yes!
you know what? when I pointed it out to my friends they were all "aah, I cant see them because baekhyun and jonghyun being cute" so I was all -__-
but you are just in the same team as me LOL
and that picture give me just the right amount of feelings to squealing like when I saw wolf teaser LOL

anyway, thank you for the update ^^
finally, they talk again *huft*
I'm so frustated reading them like that..

hey you know, this is confusing me why only a little reader you got here,
when this fic is really good.. :(