Chapter 2 - Kai

Moirai (STOPPED)

During that dreaded 6 hours of class, I've learned some things about Kim Jongin. He didn't speak much, since it is his first day after all. However, he was super quiet. Not one peep from him today. Also, his eyes were a bit, mysterious? I would say tired-looking, but that isn't quite it. Nonetheless, it seems that he's got a lot on his shoulders and much responsibility. Is he stressed from something? Perhaps he goes to work too? Family problems?


Just what is your story Kim Jongin?


Suddenly, somebody slammed both of his hands on my desk, facing me.

"Kyungsoo! Let's go out to eat today! With everyone!" Suho said. Suho is a close friend of mine. Probably one of my closer friends. He always seems to be happy and very friendly. A very passonate singer he is too. 

Baekhyun and Chanyeol came towards us too.

"Hey let us join! Today was such a long day and I'm starving." Chanyeol whined.

"We should go to that new pizza place that opened around here!" Baekhyun added.

As we were conversing, the bell rang and Jongin immediately stood up and walked towards the door.

"Hey Jongin! Do you wanna go eat with us? It'll be fun!" Suho called out to him. I suddenly remember the text I recevieved this morning.


"-Your friends will invite Kim Jongin to eat after school.

-I really wish we hadn't invited him though."


I just stay quiet while the others try to persuade him in going. 

"No, I really can't--" Jongin says as he gets cut off by Suho.

"I know I know~ We just met each other and you think it's gonna be awkward. Don't worry! We're really friendly people Jongin." Suho says as he goes to Jongin and wraps his arm around his shoulder.

"I heard that pizza place is really good!" Baekhyun joins.

"And the more the merrier!" Chanyeol says.

We all begin to leave together out of the school. Should I tell the others about the text? But they all, including Jongin, seem to be very happy right now. I bet they won't even believe me when I say "Oh by the way, my future self from 10 years into the future says we shouldn't invite Jongin!". Yeah, that would be very ridiculous. And it would make it seem like I'm trying to persuade them to not invite Jongin because I'm a person and I don't like him. Besides, whats the harm in inviting a person to go out to eat for one day? It'll be okay.




We reached the pizza place, and sat at a table. Jongin and I sat together on one side of the table (awk), while Suho, Baekhyun and Chanyeol on the other side. Our waiter brought out the bread and the butter. Baekhyun and Chanyeol almost charged for the various types of bread laid out in front of us.

"-Wait you hoodlums!" Suho screamed. Baekhyun and Chanyeol were inches away from touching the bread until they stopped and looked at Suho with a surprised look. Seriously, Suho would be the best dad ever.

"Since there are different types of bread we can choose from, we should really go around and tell what each of us wants, to prevent any arguments. Which seems to happen quite frequently--" he states. 

"--I call the wheat bread!!" Baekhyun screams.

"What the hell I wanted that!" Chanyeol tells him.

"Well you snooze you lose!" Baekhyun teases.

"Do you wanna fight?"

"Let's go!"

Baekhyun and Chanyeol tried grabbing each other, while Suho suffered in between their fight (Suho sat in between Baekhyun and Chanyeol). Suddenly, I hear a laugh from someone. I look to the left of me and see Jongin chuckling. Everyone stared at him in disbelief. 

"H-He laughed?!" both Baekhyun and Chanyeol say.

"He laughed!!!" Suho rejoiced. 

I smiled as everyone was rejoicing. Jongin had a really bright smile for such dark eyes. It was like a miracle to see him finally laugh, especially when he was so quiet in class. 

While Baekhyun and Chanyeol was still excited, Suho took the wheat bread, sliced it in half, and gave each half to Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Immediately, once they saw the piece of bread on their plates, they chowed down like children.

"Finally the chaos is over. For me, I'll just get me a piece of white bread. Anyways, what do you want Kyungsoo?" Suho asked me.

"Uhh, I really don't mind..." I told him. Honestly, I wanted the cornbread. But I didn't want to look to picky in front of Jongin. There were only two pieces of bread left. The cornbread and the sourdough bread. 

"Mmkay, what about you Jongin?" Suho asked.

"I don't mind either" he replied. 

"Jeez, you guys are like the complete opposite to Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Here Kyungsoo, take the sourdough. Jongin can take the cornbread" Suho said as he placed the pieces of bread on our plates. I thanked him and almost began to eat, until Jongin tapped my shoulder, surprisingly. I awkwardly turned my head to face him.

"Hm?" I said.

"I'll trade my cornbread for your sourdough." Jongin said as he smiled to me in kindness.

"Ahh..sure. Thank you." I say quietly as he took the sourdough on my plate and replaced it with the cornbread. I looked at him as he took a bite of the bread. 

Did he notice that I wanted the cornbread? He traded because he knew I preferred it instead? The thought of it made my face turn pink, which is highly childish of me. 


After enjoying our food at the pizza place, we walked home together. Eventually, Jongin told us that he had to walk a different way from us to get home. When everyone said their farewells, Jongin spoke.

"Uh, in my old school, only my close friends called me by a nickname." 

He paused for a while before speaking again.

"So everyone, please call me 'Kai' from now on." he said shyly. Everyones faces brightened up and agreed to call him Kai. 

"AHH KAI! WHAT A HANDSOME NICKNAME." Chanyeol exclaimed. 

"Welcome to the group, Kai" Suho smiled. Kai returned the smile. 

I couldn't help but smile as well. Who knew a quiet and mysterious boy turned out to be actually kind?


I went home and wrote in my diary, from the time I woke up late to everyone going out to eat. However, I didn't mention the strange text.  I still didn't see why my older self didn't want us to invite Kai. There were no problems today and everyone was happy. I took my phone out and compared the events that took place today on my diary and on the text. Everything was exactly the same, which scared me. Perhaps, the text is really true. I am really get texts from older self tens years into the future. Which doesn't make any sense at all. I wish I can tell my older self to stop.I don't wanna know what happens in the future. The future scares me.


The next day in homeroom, I noticed that Kai wasn't here. The desk next to me was empty. Is he sick today? Everyone wondered where he was. 


Kai didn't come to school for the next two weeks. 

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I hope you'll update soon.. Because now i ship baekyeol (i read my previous comment ㅋㅋ) !!
Chapter 10: omg i just found your story and kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

<3 <3 <3 sends you hearts and love mwa mwa :*
when will I get an update? x'(
don't you think we need a poster? :3
Chapter 10: oh oh oh they'll be watching fireworks together??
you'll add BaekYeol?
it's fine for me, I am like shipping baekhyun with everyone LOL
I'm fine with baekyeol, baekris, baektao, baekchen.. except baekkai and baeksoo omg -__-
and let me say this first, I dont ship hunhan, so please dearest author-nim, dont write them T_T

and thanks for the update, I'll be waiting for your next update ^^
Chapter 10: Actually I don't ship baekyeol... But a little baekyeol would be fine i think^^ thanks for updating authornim~~~
Chapter 9: wow I love time traveling theories and parallel worlds,is so fascinating and mind blowing and confusing
been learning about it in school right now,finally something excited about physics
Chapter 9: oh, I understand..
it is just little similar to future-present-past concept of arbitrage, just a little simpler..

uh Baby-Soo don't cry T_T
even though future Kyung cant have his Kai back but he wants you to have your Kai :')
he'll be happy to save you from the same regret dear :')
Chapter 9: ah kyungsoo don't cry, just cherish the moment when Kai's around. this is what future Kyungsoo want.
Chapter 8: yes yes yes definitely yes!
you know what? when I pointed it out to my friends they were all "aah, I cant see them because baekhyun and jonghyun being cute" so I was all -__-
but you are just in the same team as me LOL
and that picture give me just the right amount of feelings to squealing like when I saw wolf teaser LOL

anyway, thank you for the update ^^
finally, they talk again *huft*
I'm so frustated reading them like that..

hey you know, this is confusing me why only a little reader you got here,
when this fic is really good.. :(