Chapter 3 - Run

Moirai (STOPPED)

On one of the days that Kai was gone in those two weeks, Suho approached me.

"Man, where is that Kai? Did we scare him away? Too bad we don't have any of his contact information." he said to me.

"I have no idea....It's been awhile since he came to school. He can't possibly be sick for a long time, so what's the reason?.." I said, worried. Then I suddenly remembered the text I got from my future self the day we went out to eat. 


"-I really wish he hadn't invited him though"


Is that really the cause he won't come to school? If we hadn't invited him, he would be here right now? That just doesn't make any sense. Too bad the text didn't mention why he's not coming to school...


"Hey Kyungsoo. You look really worried right now. like Kai?" Suho suggested. I look at him with a surprised look as the bell rang.

"What do you mean?! Whatever, I'm going home!" I said as I stomped away from him. 


After those two weeks of Kai's absence, I receive another text:

"Hello Kyungsoo,

I hope by now, you trust that this is the 26 year old Kyungsoo speaking to you. Anyways, today is April 15 right? This means

-Today is the school's annual sports festival 

-A runner in your class got hurt and your classmates asked you to run in the race instead. 

-I really regret declining their request. I hope you run in the race and make everyone happy.

-I fell in love with Kai that day."


My eyes widen after reading that line of the text. Suddenly, Baekhyun and Chanyeol calls me over. We were currently outside of the school, in the middle of the sports festival.

"The half-time ceremony is about to start Kyungsoo! Let's go to the auditorium. I heard Suho was gonna sing!" Baekhyun says to me. While we were walking to the auditorium, a familar figure was at the corner of my eye. There he was. Kai was talking to a teacher near us. 


"KAI! YOU'RE HERE?!" Chanyeol screams. 

"You're finally back dude!" Baekhyun adds.

Kai turns his head and spots us. He gave all of us a smile while I could only sigh in relief. Thank god he's back to school. I thought something serious had happened to him. I would have never forgiven myself if something did actually happen to him.

Kai bowed to the teacher as he approached us.

"Uhm, where were you Kai for these two weeks?" I asked him.

"Oh I just got really lazy haha!" he replied to me. Too lazy to go to school? Is that really..the reason?


We all arrive at the auditorium, and Kai takes a seat next to me. Suho was up on stage, singing the country's national anthem. 

"Wahh Suho is a good singer isn't he?" Kai spoke.

"Yeah, he loves singing. By the way, are you participating in the sports fesitval?" I asked.

"Nope! I missed two weeks of school, so the teachers didn't let me. I'm just the water boy"

"Ahh, that's too bad."

"It's okay! I don't really do sports anyways. What about you?"

"The sports I'm playing today? Oh, I don't think I'm doing anything either haha. There's a lot of people in our class, so they only chose the best players to actually participate in the team" I say to him as a rub my leg. 

"Ohh I see. And....did you hurt your leg?" he asked in concern.

"I just pulled a muscle yesterday while helping my mother in the garden. It's nothing serious really." I say.


Suho finishes up his singing and everyone applauds. Finally, the sports festival continues.


"KYUNGSOO PLEASE RACE FOR US IN THE 100M DASH. OUR RUNNER GOT HURT WHILE PLAYING BASEBALL." one of my classmates begged me. The freaking text came true! The 100m Dash for boys was gonna start in 5 minutes. It was the last event of the day, which determines the class' place in the overall competition. We were currently at 2nd place. Everyone sat in the benches, staring at me.

I can't do it. That's too much responsibility and too much pressure on my shoulders. I just can't. 

Suddenly, Kai stood up.

"Kyungsoo pulled his leg yesterday. Have someone else do it." Kai says to the classmate as my face tints with red. 

"Aish, I guess it can't be done. I'll run for the class!" Baekhyun said as he walked towards the track.

"Wait what?! Aish, we're definitely gonna lose now. Baekhyun is the worst runner in our class!" Chanyeol exclaimed. I whip out my phone, checking today's text again. 

"-After I declined in running for the race, Baekhyun replaced me and ran instead.

-Baekhyun ended up in last place and the class' overall place in the festival went from 2nd place to 5th."

Was it really a good idea to reject running? It's not like I'll do any better than him. Although I do admit that Baekhyun isn't the best when it comes to running. But the older Kyungsoo apparently regrets it. I can't just run away from something I will regret in the future. I have to clear my mistakes!

"Wait Baekhyun! I'll run!" I scream after him. Everyone gets suprised. I stood up and walked towards the track.

"Kyungsoo aren't you hurt though?" Kai says to me. 

"I'll be fine! The pain is starting to fade away after all. Wish me luck!" I continue to walk towards the track as Baekhyun gives me a high five and sits back down.

I was right. The pain from my leg will fade away. But a regret that lasts for ten years doesn't. I don't want my future self to suffer any longer from my stupid mistakes in high school. 

I get ready at my position on the track. The gun shoots and we all run towards the finish line at the end. I could only hear the combination of screams in the benches. Everyone was watching me. Kai, Suho, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, and all of my other classmates. Although I can't promise I'll win, I can't disappoint them either! Before I knew it, I was at the end of the finish line. The announcer calls out the places of the race.

"First place is Huang Zitao from class 2-C!" he called. My heart sank a bit. Of course I didn't win. Everyone knew that I wasn't the athletic type. 

"Second place is Do Kyungsoo from class 2-A!" he calls. Immediately, my frown turned upside down as all of my friends ran up to me and rejoiced. I know I'm a spineless and timid person. But I'm glad I went beyond my limits today and made everyone happy.


I slowly walk my way towards a bench and sat down. Dang it, I think I pulled my leg muscle even more from running. It's okay. At least I don't regret it now. The festival ended and our class won second place overall, which isn't bad at all. Suddenly, Kai bends down in front of me.

"Get on my back." he says causing me to blush.

"Eh?! What do you mean?" I say, startled by his demand.

"I'm giving you a piggyback ride to the nurse. You're obviously not okay from the run." he says. After much pause, I finally give in as I mount on his back and he begins to walk towards the nurse.

"Don't you find this embarassing? Someone's gonna laugh at us." I tell him. 

"I don't care. You're hurt. Please take care of yourself next time and don't push yourself too hard." 

"It's okay Kai. I'm fine. I don't to cause anyone trouble because of me. As long as people don't notice it, I'll endure." I say with a smile. 

"I noticed." he says.

My face turned red, as I was suddenly reminded of the time when he gave me his cornbread at the pizza place. 

So Kai did watch me...

My heart was beating like crazy, and I really hoped Kai didn't feel it.

We reached the nurse and after examining me, she gave me painkillers. 

"Do you feel a bit better now?" Kai asked me.

"Yeah. Thanks for bringing me here Kai." I say, smiling at him. 

"Anytime. Anyways, do you need help going home?"

"I'm getting a ride from Baekhyun, so it's all good"

"Alrightie, I guess I'll head out now. See you Kyungsoo!" he says as he walks out the door. 

"Oh Kai!" I call out to him before he leaves.

"Next year, please participate in the sports festival! I'll be watching you too, Kai." I call out after him. He turns around and gives me a bright smile, making my heart feel heavy.

Once again, everything on today's text...

"-I fell in love with Kai that day."

came true. 


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I hope you'll update soon.. Because now i ship baekyeol (i read my previous comment ㅋㅋ) !!
Chapter 10: omg i just found your story and kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

<3 <3 <3 sends you hearts and love mwa mwa :*
when will I get an update? x'(
don't you think we need a poster? :3
Chapter 10: oh oh oh they'll be watching fireworks together??
you'll add BaekYeol?
it's fine for me, I am like shipping baekhyun with everyone LOL
I'm fine with baekyeol, baekris, baektao, baekchen.. except baekkai and baeksoo omg -__-
and let me say this first, I dont ship hunhan, so please dearest author-nim, dont write them T_T

and thanks for the update, I'll be waiting for your next update ^^
Chapter 10: Actually I don't ship baekyeol... But a little baekyeol would be fine i think^^ thanks for updating authornim~~~
Chapter 9: wow I love time traveling theories and parallel worlds,is so fascinating and mind blowing and confusing
been learning about it in school right now,finally something excited about physics
Chapter 9: oh, I understand..
it is just little similar to future-present-past concept of arbitrage, just a little simpler..

uh Baby-Soo don't cry T_T
even though future Kyung cant have his Kai back but he wants you to have your Kai :')
he'll be happy to save you from the same regret dear :')
Chapter 9: ah kyungsoo don't cry, just cherish the moment when Kai's around. this is what future Kyungsoo want.
Chapter 8: yes yes yes definitely yes!
you know what? when I pointed it out to my friends they were all "aah, I cant see them because baekhyun and jonghyun being cute" so I was all -__-
but you are just in the same team as me LOL
and that picture give me just the right amount of feelings to squealing like when I saw wolf teaser LOL

anyway, thank you for the update ^^
finally, they talk again *huft*
I'm so frustated reading them like that..

hey you know, this is confusing me why only a little reader you got here,
when this fic is really good.. :(