Chapter 7 - "Gay boy"

Moirai (STOPPED)
After I arrive home, I immediately isolate myself in my room and write in my diary, writing the events that occurred today. However once I reach to the section where Kai accepted Yoona’s confession, the tears just began to flow out of my eyes.
I couldn’t erase another regret. At this rate, how can I change the future? How can I save Kai? A timid and spineless person like me, saving someone? I couldn’t even be honest with my feelings to Kai. I’m sorry future me. Do I really have what it takes to carry this huge responsibility? Why did I have to affiliate myself with Kai in the first place.
Why did I have to fall hopelessly in love with him?
At school, I was at my locker, gathering my stuff before school started. Suddenly, I see at the corner of my eye that Kai just
arrived to school and went to his locker, which is almost right beside mine.
“Good morning” I hear him say to me.
“H-hi…” I nervously reply. “Oh by the way..I didn’t make your lunch today.”
“Hmm, forgot?”
“Yes…I mean, no!....No I didn’t forget. It’s just that you have a girlfriend now…And I don’t want to cause any trouble for her. Maybe she wants to make your lunches?”
“I see….Well thank you for going through the trouble to make them for me everyday. Sorry I forced you to do it.” Kai said as he closed his locker and walked away.
Wait no. That’s not it. I loved making him lunches everyday. I loved seeing that look on his face whenever I gave him the lunchbox everyday. I loved the bright smile he gave me as he said “Thank you Kyungsoo!”. I really loved it. I have to tell him.
“Uhm! Kai!” I call out after him. Kai stops and turns around.
“It’s wasn’t--“
“—Jongin baby!” I hear Yoona cut me off behind me. I could feel the breeze as she runs right pass me and hugs Kai in embrace. She then holds his hand, smiling at him.
“What is it Kyungsoo?” Kai impatiently asks.
Both Kai and Yoona walk away, their hands still tightly in grasp to each others. I couldn’t do it. Not with Yoona here.
At this rate, I’ll never be able to speak to Kai.
“Who was that? A classmate of yours?” Yoona asked me.
“Mmm….it looks like he got the hots for you Kai. It's probably best to stay away from him..” she says to me. I frowned upon her suggestion.
“Kyungsoo is a close friend. I can't do that." I tell her firmly. 
"I'm just kidding! By the way, we should out on a date soon! Where do you like to eat Jongin?"
Immediately, I thought of the pizza place that everyone visited on the first day of school. That was probably one of the most memorable places I went to this year. That's where I officially met all of my close friends. Suho, Chanyeol, Baekyun, and Kyungsoo. 
"Can we eat at a pizza place I really like?" I asked her in excitement.
"Yuck Jongin! Pizza? Jongin, you should know by now you're a high class person as long as you're with me, mmkay? If you really like pizza so much, let's go to that fancy Italian restaurant downtown instead." Yoona said.
".........Sure." I say, with a slight disappointment in my tone.
"Hehe yay! By the way, how come only some people like that Kyungsoo kid calls you Kai? Kai is a really hot name you know? Can I callyou that babe instead of Jongin?" she asked me. Kyungsoo kid? You've got to be kidding me. I let go of her hand, causing her to be a bit surprised. 
"Only my close friends are allowed to call me Kai." I say as I give her a shrug and walk ahead of her.
"Wait, what? Jongin! Wait for me!" 
"Man where's Kai?" Chanyeol said as we sat in the cafeteria during lunchtime.
"Yoona took him away already." Baekhyun stated. 
"Damn, she takes him away from us every chance she gets!" Chanyeol exclaimed.
"................." No one spoke. I just sat there, looking down. 
"I don't like her" Chanyeol states.
"Me neither." Baekhyun follows. 
"If Kai had to choose between us or Yoona, I wonder who'll he choose."
"Us of course! Bros before hoes all day everyday!"
"But she is hot I must admit."
"But we never see Kai now because of her."
"True. Why did he even start dating the girl?"
"I know right. That jerk."
"You hypocrites were cheering him on after he started going out with her!" Suho exclaims. 
I only sat there, eating my lunch in silence.
Whenever they're together, my chest always hurts. If only I told him "No" earlier. If only I told him directly in person, instead of writing it in a note. I wonder if he ever saw that note...
"Kyungsoo, you're awfully quiet today. Anything wrong?" Chanyeol asks.
"Oh! Nothing...really." I reply.
"Are you hiding something from us perhaps?" Baekhyun asks. 
"Of course not!" 
I could see at the corner of my eye, Suho. He was giving me a look of concern. I stood up. 
"I'm gonna go buy a drink at the vending machine." I said as I excused myself from the lunch table. 
I can't tell them I like Kai. That would be weird. Although Suho knows about it. But I can trust Suho since he's nice. For now, I'll just keep it to myself. Damn, it hurts even mentioning his name.
As I approach the vending machine, I see both Kai and Yoona standing in front of it, just talking. God dammit. Can a guy just get a drink in peace. I slowly go up to them,
"Excuse me." I muttered to them, looking down.
"Oh sorry." I hear Kai say as both him and Yoona moved out of the way. 
"Jongin, can you do me a favor and go get my makeup bag in my locker? I'll go buy you a drink from the vending machine in return, okay babe?" Yoona asks Kai.
".....Fine." Kai then leaves the cafeteria, leaving Yoona and I alone.
As I was inserting my money into the vending machine, Yoona goes right beside me.
"Hi! I'm Yoona! Jongin's girlfriend. You must be Kyungsoo right? I heard you and Jongin were close friends." Yoona says to me.
"Hi....yeah..I guess we are." I say, not making any eye contact to her and focusing on choosing my drink. Suddenly, Yoona violently slams the vending machine with her hand, causing me to step back in suprise. 
"Listen up here, gay boy. I know you like Jongin. It's way too obvious." she says to me in a low voice. 
"......" I was speechless for a second, shocked at Yoona's y attitude. I then keep my composure and face her. "What do you mean? Kai and I are simply friends. So don't get me involved."
"That's right. You guys are only friends. And you wouldn't want to ruin that friendship right? So sweetie, I suggest you stay away from him in order to prevent yourself from getting hurt."
"And if I don't?"
"Expect major consequences from me. And don't get cocky because you're a guy and I'm a girl. Don't forget. I'm the most popular girl at this school. I have connections." 
I hear Kai's footsteps approaching us. Yoona quickly presses a random drink button on the vending machine (which was from my money I inserted earlier).
"I'll be taking this." Yoona says as she bends down and grabs the drink from the vending machine. "One more thing Kyungsoo. Just remember that Kai doesn't like fags like you." she whispers, giving me a dirty look.
"Jongin baby thank you so much for getting my makeup bag!" Yoona says as she runs up to him and gives him a hug. Wow. She could be a great actress. mode to fake mode was initiated quite quickly.
"Here's your drink babe." she says as she hands him the drink.
"Thanks." Kai says to her. 
"Let's go head up to class now Jonggie~"
I see Kai staring at me, noticing the uncomfortable look on my face. He mouths, "Are you okay?" to me. At the same time, Yoona was giving me a glare without him knowing. I quickly pretended not to see Kai and avoided making eye contact. Both Kai and Yoona turned around and began walking away. I returned my gaze at them, just to see Yoona looking back and giving me a fake smile. 
I stomped away, heading the opposite direction they were going. In the hallway, I angrily punched the wall, breathing hard.
What the hell am I supposed to do now?
a/n: short update? ;-;
I'll try updating tomorrow. Please be patient~
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I hope you'll update soon.. Because now i ship baekyeol (i read my previous comment ㅋㅋ) !!
Chapter 10: omg i just found your story and kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

<3 <3 <3 sends you hearts and love mwa mwa :*
when will I get an update? x'(
don't you think we need a poster? :3
Chapter 10: oh oh oh they'll be watching fireworks together??
you'll add BaekYeol?
it's fine for me, I am like shipping baekhyun with everyone LOL
I'm fine with baekyeol, baekris, baektao, baekchen.. except baekkai and baeksoo omg -__-
and let me say this first, I dont ship hunhan, so please dearest author-nim, dont write them T_T

and thanks for the update, I'll be waiting for your next update ^^
Chapter 10: Actually I don't ship baekyeol... But a little baekyeol would be fine i think^^ thanks for updating authornim~~~
Chapter 9: wow I love time traveling theories and parallel worlds,is so fascinating and mind blowing and confusing
been learning about it in school right now,finally something excited about physics
Chapter 9: oh, I understand..
it is just little similar to future-present-past concept of arbitrage, just a little simpler..

uh Baby-Soo don't cry T_T
even though future Kyung cant have his Kai back but he wants you to have your Kai :')
he'll be happy to save you from the same regret dear :')
Chapter 9: ah kyungsoo don't cry, just cherish the moment when Kai's around. this is what future Kyungsoo want.
Chapter 8: yes yes yes definitely yes!
you know what? when I pointed it out to my friends they were all "aah, I cant see them because baekhyun and jonghyun being cute" so I was all -__-
but you are just in the same team as me LOL
and that picture give me just the right amount of feelings to squealing like when I saw wolf teaser LOL

anyway, thank you for the update ^^
finally, they talk again *huft*
I'm so frustated reading them like that..

hey you know, this is confusing me why only a little reader you got here,
when this fic is really good.. :(