Scary Luhan?

Americano Bubble Tea [HIATUS]

''HYUNG :D'' Sehun put on a happy face and jumped between Luhan and Indio, preventing the two to get closer than necessary. ''YAH! Sehun! What are you doing here! Can't you see that there's a guest! Be nice and introduce yourself!'' Being the childish boy Sehun is, he turned to guy next to him and looked at him with a bored expression, not saying a word for quite some time. ''Sooo, your name is Sehun, right?'' Silence. 'I'm Indio.' Silence. ''Do you live here with Luhan?'' More silence. ''You seem kinda tense, are you sick?'' Even more silence. ''Do you want -'' He stopped when he saw Sehun's deadly glare. Indio got quite scared and it didn't help that Sehun started to growl at him. Luhan, being the ignorant diva he is, continued watching pororo and ignored the growling Sehun and the scared Indio completely. ''L-luhan, I think it's better if I go now. See you tomorrow at seven. B-bye Sehun.'' And with that he stood up from the couch, and ran out of the door. Luhan turned to look at Sehun, finally realizing that Indio was gone and it obviously was the childish boy next his fault. ''Sehun, hun?'' Said boy knew it was never good when Luhan used that bittersweet voice and smiled like an angel, his eyes mirroring the burning flames of hell. ''Y-y-yes hannie?'' Oh boy was Sehun scared, he almost ted his pants. ''You've got three seconds.'' With that said, Sehun ran as fast as he could into his room, hiding under his blankets. Three seconds later he heard his bedroom door opening and feet nearing his bed. ''Poor Sehunnie. Always hiding in the same spot.'' After saying his he let out an angelic little laugh and sat down on the bed, next to the pile of blanket under which Sehun hid.


Three hours. Three damn hours and he's still under his blankets with Luhan beside him. The boy occasionally hummed or whistled a nursery rhyme. You know, like all those psycho killer in those horror movies always do. Sehun was scared, needed fresh air and had to piss desperately. 'Maybe Luhannie will let me go this once?' he thought hopefully. ''Luhannie?'' He asked in a cutesy voice. ''Yes my dear?'' Luhan's calm voice sent shivers down his spine. ''I really really need to use the bathroom.'' 'Aegyo always gets him, he has to let me go!' ''Well, use it Sehunnie. No one's holding you back, right?'' Both of them knew that Sehun could not just stand up and go, it would be the death of him. But Sehun was a naïve young boy in love and believed the pure words leaving his hyung's mouth. He stood up and slowly went to the bathroom. He already held the doorknob in his hand and was about to open it when someone, Luhan, breathed down his neck and whispered into his ear. ''Sehunnie. Why did you disturb me and Indio and scared him out of our apartment?'' ''I-i-i..'' ''Shhh. It's okay, honey. It really is.'' And with that he went out of Sehun's room. The younger boy was confused and scared and damn his bladder was about to burst.


After spending quite some time in the bathroom he went into the living room. To be honest, he was scared Luhan might kill him in his sleep, but he wouldn't do that, right? Luhan wouldn't kill someone he loves. 'He loves me, he just doesn't want to say it out loud because I'm not American, but he loves me!' He went into Luhan's room hoping to find him there, but the boy was nowhere to be found. 'He probably went out.' Shrugging, he sat down on the couch and watched some TV.


'So, let me sum it up. Indio was at your, Tao and Sehun's apartment talking with you, deciding on the next date which by the way is tomorrow at seven pm. Sehun came out of his room after some time, probably upon hearing you laugh when Indio told you this funny joke, that wasn't funny at all but you wanted to be nice and laughed anyways, and he sat down between you and Indio. Oh and Indio caressed your thigh before, which he couldn't continue then because of Sehun. After that Indio tried to talk with Sehun, but said boy sat there in silence and later he growled at him scaring him out of the apartment, while you ignored the whole scene watching pororo. You were pissed and used your scary voice and gave Sehun three seconds to hide. Of course that dumb dude hid under his blankets like always and you came after him, sitting on his bed straight for three hours, occasionally humming like the psycho you are to scare him even more. The poor boy had to take a piss though after those three hours and you let him go, simply saying that it's okay. You ran out of the apartment, came all the way to me, and sat down on my couch, started to cry, told me that crappy story and now I'm repeating it, trying to understand what the hell you want!'' There was silence, well, silence when you don't count Luhan's loud crying which sounded like some dying whale. ''CHEEENN! What should I do!!'' Rolling his eyes Chen replied. ''Hurt him, punch him, scream at him like you always do.'' Hearing that Luhan started to cry even more. ''B-b-but I ca-ca-can't. A-and I do-don't kno-know why!! I can-can't h-hurt my pr-pr-precious b-baby!'' Chen let out a way to dramatic gasp. ''Don't say you finally realized that you love that stupid fool?! Should I get the guys and let's throw a part-'' ''WHAT?! NO! I DON'T LOVE HIM! You know I only like American guys!'' Luhan stopped crying but still sniffled and looked like . ''Dude, you love him.'' Luhan narrowed his eyes, slapped Chen and stomped out of his house, throwing his door way to hard. ''Yep. He's so in love with him.''



A/N: comments save the unicorns make me smile :D 

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writing the next chapter right now :D


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Chapter 12: I'm... kind of lost.... "-"
Chapter 11: I'm happy so far with the story... xD
Viewfromabove #3
Chapter 11: Wow....she probably heard the english introductions from exo and couldn't handle irt any longer
Chapter 11: How did u throw the laptop outta the window??????



Chapter 11: Omfg
You threw your laptop out the window?

angel2001 #8
Chapter 9: Update soon