s e v e n

Animal Inside


Suho strolled into Yixing's apartment and was instantly surrounded by 10 sets of eyes.
"Where the hell were you?" Chen snarled.
"Don't worry about it." Suho smirked.
"We sent for you an hour ago." Luhan said lightly. He and Suho looked at each other, unblinking.
"I came, didn't I?" The alpha scoffed. The pack dispersed and Kyungsoo crept toward him.
"Hyung, what happened to that girl?"
"Don't," Suho raised an eyebrow. "Worry about it."
"But how did she make Tao like that?" Kyungsoo implored.
"Do I really have to tell you? You're a big boy now." Suho shook his head. "Let's just say that our baby Tao likes the strange girl but he doesn't know it yet."
"You mean she's-" Kyungsoo blinked repeatedly as his leader shushed him. "But Yixing didn't react that way when he met Kori noona."
"That was under different circumstances." Suho waved him off. "Plus Kori is human."
Kyungsoo stood quietly, trying to understand.
"Suho." Yixing came up in front of him. Tao was at his shoulder, as usual, and was almost fully recovered.
"About the new guy.." Chanyeol winced.
"He gives me the willies." Baekhyun shivered for effect.
Xiumin shrugged. "He doesn't effect me like Yixing but I don't really mind his presence."
"He's alright." Kai watched Yixing nervously for a reaction.
Sehun gulped. "But it's uncomfortable because we don't know what he's capable of."
Chen nodded his agreement.
"I don't like him." Tao intoned, devoid of all emotion.
"We need to do something about him." Yixing slid his hands into the pockets of his jeans.
"Be patient." Suho said flatly. "I'll take care of it."
"How." There was no question in his counterpart's tone, only stony austerity.
"Either he joins the pack," Suho sat down and stretched his legs. "Or he dies."
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dodging -jiral's (aka jeah) threats tbh /bombed


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AlicornInLove #1
Oh unni,why do you hate Suho-nim?0.0
AlicornInLove #2
Oh unni,why do you hate Suho-nim?0.0
-jiral #3
-jiral #4
-jiral #5
Chapter 7: i don't like you suhoe -w-
-jiral #6
Chapter 5: Ouch Suho so shallow offerring Yixing's spot off the bat xD "I'm a grower not a shower." Suho dear you might as well be a shower because you aren't going to grow any taller /slapped
-jiral #7
Chapter 4: At least Suho likes Kris too u.___u /bricked
-jiral #8
Chapter 3: OTL is Yixing doubling over suppose to be from being in the same area as Kris or is it just that he's sick? .__. gfukgjdf I seem very pitiful in this chapter the title is fitting u_u
-jiral #9
Chapter 2: Have I ever told yoy how much I hate you? .____. jfc my feels
Chapter 1: Update soon! :D