Chapter 24

Just Yesterday.
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It was the beginning of the second half of the soccer match and Seoul FC was losing, 1-0. Jessica and Taeyeon were on the edge of their seats as they clenched their teeth and watched the intense game. Jessica, who was squished between Luhan and Taeyeon, could sense how nervous Luhan was. She placed her hand over his and gave it a tight squeeze,

“Don’t worry, they still have time to score. The game can still be ours!” Jessica cooed soothingly and offered the older male a smile. Luhan relaxed his tensed shoulders and patted Jessica’s head lightly,

“You’re right. We can still win this game!”

At that moment, the crowd around them erupted in loud cheers. The two turned their attention back to the game and a wide smile appeared on Luhan’s face as he cheered for this teammates. Seoul FC was now attacking and had a good opportunity to score a goal since half of the opponent’s team was still on the other side of the field after an unsuccessful corner kick. Chanyeol skilfully passed the ball through two defender’s legs and right into Baekhyun’s awaiting foot. After dribbling the ball pass a few more defenders, he powerfully kicked the ball into the upper right corner of the goal post. The supporters jumped up in joy as they celebrated the goal with their team. Baekhyun ran towards the crowd and pointed to Taeyeon and winked at her. The crowd went wild, assuming that the wink was for all the fan girls in the stand, but really, he was pointing to the one and only, Kim Taeyeon. Baekhyun continued running around the pitch with all the cameras following him. He approached the closest camera and looked into the lens with an angelic smile. He made the letter ‘T’ with his arms and winked at the camera,

“That goal was for you, T” He said before proceeding back to continue on with the game.

Jessica gave Taeyeon and cheeky grin and nudged her best friend in the side, “He was totally winking at you!”

Taeyeon furiously shook her head and tried to cover her blushing cheeks, “No he wasn’t! It was for all the fans!”

Jessica rolled her eyes and cocked her eyebrow, “Oh really now? I didn’t know all the fans had names starting with ‘T’”

Jessica watched amusingly as a dark shade of red crept onto her best friend’s cheeks. She let out a hearty laugh, glad that her best friend was enjoying the day as much as she did.


The game carried on and neither team was able to score another goal. After failing to score any goals in the extra time given, the two teams were starting to prepare for penalty shoot out. As the players were selecting who would shoot the penalties, the kiss cam spotted Luhan and focused on the injured player.

“Oooo! It looks like our kiss cam have found the famous striker of Seoul FC!” Commentator 1 announced. The crowd erupted in cheers as the camera focused on Luhan and Jessica, who were busy whispering to one another.

“The number 10 player, Luhan Xi, was injured earlier this year and is out for at least 4 to 5 months. It’s great to see him enjoying the game with his lady friend next to him” Commentator 2 said over the speakers.

The fans around Luhan tapped his shoulders and pointed towards the big screen. He smiled lightly and waved towards the camera, causing thousands of fan girls to squeal. Suddenly, a heart frame appeared around Luhan and Jessica on the big screen and the fans started to chant,

“Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!”

Jessica shook her head and in embarrassment and tries to cover her face. The chants were starting to intensify and Luhan chuckled. He wrapped his arm around Jessica’s shoulders and gently pulled her in to plant a light kiss on her cheeks. The fans went wild as fireworks erupted around the pair on the big screen. Once the camera was no longer focused on them, Jessica pouted and lightly punched Luhan’s arm,

“YAH! Now everyone’s going to think that we’re dating. Your fan girls are going to kill me!”

Taeyeon snorted, “Thank god that massive

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vsecret #1
Chapter 25: Coming soon.. its almost been a year /:
Chapter 25: Coming soon o(╥﹏╥)o
Chapter 25: Aww~~~ I can't choose between lusica and myungsica
EunmiLee #4
Chapter 24: For some reasons, I ship Jessica and Myungsoo more
rasamira #5
Chapter 24: Arghhhhhh I feel u L...why sica have to be pretty TmT
mierolzafri #6
Chapter 24: please update soon author-nim...i really luv this story
Chapter 1: please update soon