Chapter 5

Pieces of You

Natalie's POV:

“Who are you?” I heard my grandmother’s fearful voice ring out from the living room. I slightly opened my bedroom door and peeked outside.


Hovering over my tiny and frail grandmother was a man dressed in black. A mask veiled most of his face—only allowing his eyes to be visible.


“Listen, you better hand over your granddaughter right now,” the man threatened, slowly walking closer and closer towards my grandmother, causing her to back away.


“W-What? I don’t have a granddaughter. What are you—“


I felt tears running down my face.


How could halemeoni say something like that?


“Do you take us as stupid fools? You knew exactly why we’re here. Now hand her over, or else you’ll regret it,” he warned as he reached his hand into his pocket. Before I could discover what he was going to pull out, I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist and pull me deep into my closet.


“Mmm!” I attempted to shriek, but the only sound that could escape from my throat was a small whimper due to the hand that was tightly pressed against my mouth—not allowing any sound to be delivered any further out of the closet I in.


“Shh!” the person holding me from behind hissed. “I’m not going to hurt you, I promise. Close your eyes cover your ears.”


Although I didn't know who this person was, and my parents and grandparents always told me to never listen to strangers, something about the warmth and comfort of this person's voice made me trust them. I nodded quietly and obediently followed the person’s instructions.


After what seemed like forever, I thought I heard a loud thump and a slam that followed right after. The person’s hold gradually loosened and as I slowly allowed myself to open my eyes.


I turned around to see a boy sitting limp on the floor. He too, was dressed in all black and was masked. Although it was dark, I could see his shoulders shaking.


He was crying.


“A-Are you okay?” I poked at him.


Suddenly, he pulled me into a hug.


“I’m so sorry, Natalie,” he apologized with sincere guilt in his voice.





I suddenly jolted awake.


Ugh… That dream again…


My heart was racing and I felt a droplet of sweat rolling down from my temple.


I opened my eyes to find myself in an unfamiliar place, although I couldn’t see too clearly. My vision seemed to have worsened since the last time I opened my eyes, and my head was pounding and spinning like no tomorrow. Everything before me seemed to have many duplicates of itself, and it was hard to tell where I was.


An immense pain in my wrists and ankles brought my attention to them and I realized I was tied up in ropes and stripped down to my tank top and leggings. My shoes, purse, and keys were nowhere to be seen. I tried to sit up, but ended up falling right back down to the ground.


What the …? Did I get drugged or something?


“Good morning, sleeping beauty,” a voice echoed into the room.


I looked up to see a bunch of men dressed in black. They were all masked—surprisingly, just like the one in my dream.


“Well, if it isn’t Mr. and Mrs. Lee’s precious daughter, Natalie. You know, you have great luck,” a man stepped out from the group and approached me. A cross necklace hung around his neck—differentiating him from the rest of the others. “You were supposed to be killed years ago, but I guess you got away thanks to a traitor,” his eyes suddenly narrowed in hatred as he looked into the distance.


“What the hell is g-going on?” I sputtered drowsily. “What are you saying?!”


These s DID drug me…


“Oh, you don’t know? Your lovely grandparents never told you? Oh hahaha, I remember. Your grandmother died—under my hand,” he laughed mockingly.




“Hush, I’m not done yet, princess. You know your grandfather? The one that fell into a and is now lying there lifelessly in a coma? It wasn’t because of your grandmother’s death that led his health to deteriorate into that condition.”


Every word that came out of that man’s mouth stung.


“Stop it... You’re lying. STOP IT!” I denied.


“Oh, the truth hurts, doesn’t it? Where was I? Oh yes, your grandfather. He fell down the stairs. Oh no, wait. I pushed him down the stairs,” he casually informed me as if it was the easiest, most painless piece of news to break to someone.


I felt my blood boiling as tears trickled furiously down my cheeks.


“You… YOU BASTARD!” I threw myself at him only to be kicked back onto the ground and repeatedly be stepped on.


“Don’t try to resist now, unless you want your death to be excruciatingly painful. Tie her up into the chair,” he commanded.  


“No! DON’T ING TOUCH ME!” I shrieked and tried to kick at anyone who came near me, but it was useless. I was obviously outnumbered, and even if I wasn’t, I was still at a disadvantage due to my immobility from all the ropes tied tightly against my skin.


The men tied me up against a metal chair and aimed a gun directly at my head.


“Now, the real fun begins,” the man chuckled immorally. “Now is the time for us to wait.”


Wait…? Wait for what?


Hello friends! :D I apologize for the suuuper short chapter. I just thought it would be a good place to stop hehe. I know, I know, cliffhangers . u_u But they are what keeps the anticipation and suspension going! ^_^ Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! \o/ HAPPY READING~ Here is an adorable GIF of Yongguk clapping :3
PC: Tumblr. Please message me if you edited this image! :o I will leave credits~

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Chapter 27: omg why you kill bang T0T I'm not ready to this
Chapter 30: The ending is so sad T-T
Chapter 30: Goddamnit! I want a happy ending with babies, rainbows and Zelo! TTnTT
fbgliskfjksadn3 #4
Chapter 30: WAHHHH. I finished. Nice story I really liked it. It didn't seem like it's your first fanfic. Hehe
fbgliskfjksadn3 #5
Chapter 6: Haha, the mother just called herself a ... Opps I typed a bad word D:
yooamie #6
Chapter 30: oh my gosh this is soo sad! I loved it a lot! c:
Chapter 30: WOW! The ending was sad, but still it was a very good fanfic! Keep up the great work my chingu! ILL BE READING WOLF SOON! :)
Chapter 30: Even though Sunshine and rainbow endings is cool..the ending is still nice ^_^ Good job looking forward to you're next fanfic :D
Chapter 30: I loved it! Beginning to end! I actually liked the ending. Very realistic. Great job!