Chapter 2

Pieces of You

Natlie’s POV:



I groaned loudly before rolling over onto my side and reaching blindly for my phone on my nightstand. I forced myself to pry open my eyes and dismissed the alarm.


Eyeing the time, I noted that it was 10AM. I had exactly an hour to get ready.


I worked part-time at a bookstore during the daytime and spent my nights working at the Changsa club. It was definitely challenging trying to juggle both jobs at a time, but with precise time management and organization, I was able to fit both into my schedule with a little bit of time left over on the weekends for “me” time.


My parents had passed away when I was very young, and I was left with my loving grandparents. However, after my grandmother passed away, my grandfather’s mental and physical health plummeted, and I was left with all the electricity and hospital bills to pay. College had never been an option for me after my grandfather’s health deterioration, so I had no choice but to take on more than I could handle. But I guess I’m pretty decent at adjusting to my environment, and I’m still working hard until this very day.


A text message notification popped up onto my screen.


It was from GiKwang.


Hey sorry about last night Nat. I know I made you feel uncomfortable. I apologize. How about some brunch before you go to work to make it up to you? :-)


I smiled before quickly replying.


It’s cool. No hard feelings!!! And no thnx I will b fine. I have leftovers fr. yesterday


I hit the send button and placed my phone back onto my nightstand.


Finally getting out of bed, I began my morning routine. After I finished, I threw on a loose gray top with some old ripped up denim jeans and tied it all together with my everyday pair of black Converse. Grabbing my small cross body bag and keys, I left the house and drove off to the bookstore.

I stepped inside to be greeted by the well-known musty—but homey and comfortable—smell of the old bookstore. Mrs. Kang, a small and kind woman that owned the place, smiled at me and waved.


“Good morning, Natalie!” she chirped cheerfully.


I bowed politely, “Good morning Mrs. Kang.”


“There isn’t much to do today, so you can just unpack all the boxes inside and we’ll call it a day!” she informed me before returning her attention back to her lunch meal.


I nodded and headed back to the storage room.


With extra caution, I unpackaged all the books and placed them all onto their designated shelves—making sure that I was bending or creasing them. After about an hour or two, I finished my task and returned back outside.


A gang shooting just occurred near Gangnam at around one this afternoon. This shooting one was the third shooting within a week of the first. Seven bodies were found dead, and five were severely injured.”


Mrs. Kang and I turned our attention to the radio.


“A witness claims that she had seen the faces of the suspects and is willing to help the investigators out. For now, please try to avoid staying outdoors for a long period of time. Thank you for tuning us with us. We will be back with plenty of updates on this incident as well as many others. Thank you. This is Kwon Maru, and you are currently listening to KSB 95.9.”


Mrs. Kang shook her head in disappointment.


“I wonder if that kid’s still out there,” she muttered under her breath.


Although curious as to whom she was referring to, I knew it was best for me to stay out of her business. I kept to myself until the end of my shift.

It was a Friday night.


Friday nights at Changsa Club meant hell.


Just looking at the amount of people in the room made me dizzy already, but I was determined get my work over with so I could peacefully enjoy my weekend.  Changing into uniform once again, I began taking orders.


The man seated in front of me motioned me closer.


“Good evening, what would you like—“


He suddenly pulled on my arm, causing me to lose my balance. I dropped my notepad and pen and accidentally knocked over an empty glass beside him on the bar table while I was at it—causing it to shatter to pieces. Everyone’s attention shifted to me.


“I would like you. How about you come over to my place tonight?” he smirked slyly as he s his arm around my waist.


“Sir, please get your hands off me,” I snarled through clenched teeth, trying best to keep my composure although my blood was boiling just below the surface of my skin.


“Don’t resist baby. It’ll make things a lot easier between us. We can start off by introducing each other, if that makes it easier for you. My name’s Joon, what’s yours?” he whispered as he inched in closer to my face. His hand began moving its way up my shirt.


Alright, I’m ing done.


Impulsively, I grabbed the nearest leftover drink and hurled it into his face. I quickly regretted doing so when I saw his face turn into the darkest shade of red.


“You ing ! DO YOU KNOW WHO THE HELL I AM?” he roared. Everyone in the club went silent.


HimChan rushed out of the kitchen and frowned. His eyes expressed the need of an explanation, but it obviously wasn’t the best time for one. I shook my head at him as a gesture to stay out of this.


“I do not know who you are nor do I care who you are. You should be keeping your hands to yourself,” I retorted with confidence although my legs were shaking viciously.


“Natalie, what the hell do you think you’re doing?!” HimChan hissed under this breath before nudging me painfully in the ribs.


The man raised his clenched fist into the air, getting ready to aim it directly at my face. I closed my eyes shut and prepared myself for what was to come.


“Excuse me, where is the restroom?” a voice spoke out.


I slowly opened my eyes to find a man positioned right in between Joon and me. His eyes were piercing—just one look sent shivers down my spine—but they were also extremely soulful. Dressed in a perfectly black tailored suit with a pair of ivory tusk earrings dangling on his lobes, he was extremely tall and quite charming, although a mask covered most of his face.


“Get the hell out of my way!” Joon attempted to push the man in front of him away, but failed miserably. The man stood there as firm as a boulder—unwilling to be moved.


“Excuse me, I’m trying to find the restroom. If you could wait a minute, sir,” he shoved Joon backwards, causing him to stumble onto the ground. Knocking over a few tables and chairs, Joon left through the doors in embarrassment.


I couldn’t help but smile at this man’s clever tactics.


“Uhm, it’s in the hallway. Just walk straight and then make a right,” I instructed.


He nodded and left.


I resumed my usual activities when I suddenly realized that I didn’t have an opportunity to thank him or even get his name. I turned around only to find out that he was no longer there.


“Holy , Nat. Do you realize what could’ve happened?! Your face could’ve been smashed to pieces!” HimChan lectured. “Don’t get yourself into something you can’t handle.”


“Haha,” I chuckled at his excessive worrying. “Hey, but it didn’t happen did it? Don’t worry. I’m fine, aren’t I?”


HimChan stared at me as if I was just about the strangest person on this earth before shaking his head in disbelief and leaving back into the kitchen.


For the remaining of shift, I tried my best to stay out of trouble. I occasionally stole a glance at the hallway, wondering if the man from earlier was going to come back out so I’d get a chance to thank him. However, he never came.

I let out a satisfying yawn before leaving through the doors and making my way towards the parking lot.


“Nat!” I heard a recognizable voice call out my name. I looked up to find GiKwang leaning on his car with a plastic bag in his hand.


He smiled gleefully as I approached him.


“Long day?” he pushed a lock of hair out of my face.


I nodded and let out a chuckle before shoving my hands into the pockets of my hoodie to keep myself warm.


“Thought you’d be hungry so I bought you some food,” he handed the bag over to me. The wonderful aroma of sweet and sour chicken and chaomein made my stomach rumble.


“Thanks,” I muttered in embarrassment.


“Hey, I have something to show you,” he opened his car door. “Get in.”


“GiKwang, but what about my car. You know I can’t just leave—“


“I got it taken care of,  don’t worry. Just get it in. I promise you won’t regret it,” he insisted.


Too exhausted to resist, I got in. GiKwang started the car and drove off. We sat there in a comfortable silence, neither of us saying a word.


Before I knew it, the consistent hum of the engine lulled me to sleep.  


I shifted onto my side.


Realizing that the environment around me was nothing close to being as comfortable as my bed, I immediately opened my eyes and sat up.


GiKwang looked at me strangely.


“You okay?” he asked.


“Where are we?” I croaked, extremely confused.


“You’ll see. Let’s go.”


I looked at him, still confused as hell. This was the reason why I hated taking naps—I always woke up feeling like a lost puppy. Gikwang sensed my bewilderment and chuckled to himself. He reached over and unbuckled my seatbelt for me before tossing me his jacket.


“Here. Put this on. It’s cold outside.”


I opened the car door to be greeted by a gust of wind.I looked around to find millions of colorful glowing orbs below me. I realized that I was looking at my own city, Gangnam. I let out a slight gasp at the breathtaking view.

“Gorgeous, isn’t it?” GiKwang smiled down at me. I nodded in response, wrapping my arms around myself for extra warmth. It was still pretty chilly even with his jacket on.


“Thanks for taking me here, GiKwang. I really needed it. This is amazing.”


“Natalie…” he started. I turned all my attention to him.


“I know you might not feel the same way, but…I love you.”


“G-GiKwang…” was all I could manage to say. 


He turned to face me as he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me in closer. Although my heart was beating right out of my chest, his warmth made me feel at ease. I was a mixture of tangled emotions and I had no idea if this was appropriate for a relationship like ours or not, but I knew I couldn’t bring myself to pull away from him.


GiKwang looked at me with sincerity and faith. His eyes scanned mine before slowly moving down to my lips.


He slowly inched in closer—so close that I could feel his breath on my upper lip.


The moment I closed my eyes, I felt his lips on mine. A light shock was sent throughout my veins.


What is this feeling…?


We finally broke away.


I leaned in closer and rested my forehead on his. His fingers laced through mine.


A sudden pang of guilt washed over my body when I suddenly realized what I had done.


You don’t love him.


You can’t reciprocate his feelings.


You could’ve stopped him.


But you didn’t. You lead him on.


This is your entire fault.


What the hell did you just do Natalie?

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Chapter 27: omg why you kill bang T0T I'm not ready to this
Chapter 30: The ending is so sad T-T
Chapter 30: Goddamnit! I want a happy ending with babies, rainbows and Zelo! TTnTT
fbgliskfjksadn3 #4
Chapter 30: WAHHHH. I finished. Nice story I really liked it. It didn't seem like it's your first fanfic. Hehe
fbgliskfjksadn3 #5
Chapter 6: Haha, the mother just called herself a ... Opps I typed a bad word D:
yooamie #6
Chapter 30: oh my gosh this is soo sad! I loved it a lot! c:
Chapter 30: WOW! The ending was sad, but still it was a very good fanfic! Keep up the great work my chingu! ILL BE READING WOLF SOON! :)
Chapter 30: Even though Sunshine and rainbow endings is cool..the ending is still nice ^_^ Good job looking forward to you're next fanfic :D
Chapter 30: I loved it! Beginning to end! I actually liked the ending. Very realistic. Great job!