Chapter 19

Pieces of You

Natalie’s POV:

After a long hard week of work, I finally was able to reunite with my wonderful bed without having a worry about oversleeping or waking up late. Snuggling up into my covers, I felt the fatigue beginning to set in as I struggled to keep my eyes open. Right before the crack of slumber, my phone beeped twice—indicating that I had just received a text message. Reaching lazily over to my nightstand, I pulled over my phone and flipped it open. It was a text message from Yongguk.


Hey N. Sorry if this woke you up but are you free tomorrow night?


A smile played on my lips as I texted back a reply.


Hey B. Nah, I’m free.


Within a few minutes after I sent the text, I received one back.


Alright. See u tomorrow then. Good night N.




Yongguk’s POV:


“Bang! Where are you going?” ChangJo suddenly called out before I could walk out the door. “Jin’s going announce today’s mission in a minute. Hurry and go change.”


I nodded disappointingly before hurrying back inside and changing into uniform.  After slightly adjusting my mask, I pocketed my phone and quickly texted Natalie.


I’m going to be a bit late, sorry. Something came up.


I hastily turned off my phone after the message was successfully delivered and shoved it back into my pocket before gathering up at the center of the lair along with the other members. Jin stood in the front of the group with his back facing us. Once the clamoring had ceased and everyone was in their assigned positions, he turned around—displaying his recovering wounds and bruises from weeks earlier during the brawl with JiYong.


“Today’s mission,” Jin announced with sternness evident in his voice, “will be to kill Kwon JiYong.”


My stomach churned as I squeezed my eyes shut—understanding the difficultly and danger that lay in this mission.


“This will be an extremely challenging and risky assignment. Because of that, I have everything carefully planned out. All you must do is follow the instructions—not leaving a single step out—and everything will go smoothly,” he explained.


“Tonight, JiYong will be leaving the HaeSang Hotel through the back entrance with his men. I don’t know if they’ll be armed or not, but I will provide those who are in charge with silent pistols. On the top floors, everyone in position ‘C’ will take position at a specific corner—in which I will assign to you all personally later. It is your job to watch for JiYong’s men and take them out if you see any.


DaeHyun, DongHae, and L.JOE—you three will be waiting at the corner of the first story building right next to the elevator. DaeHyun, you will be in charge. L.JOE and Donghae—you two must not make a move until DaeHyun approves. This will be the most difficult part of the plan; you must all be on time. A few seconds of delay will already allow JiYong and his men enough time to leave to the first floor, and that means that the team waiting at the entrance will be outnumbered and will be severely injured. So therefore, you must be extremely careful.


Once JiYong and his men arrive and leave the elevator, attack immediately, and if you can—kill him right on the spot. However, it won’t be easy. Mostly likely, some of his best men will him the rest of the way downstairs while the rest of his men are busy fighting you three. Yongguk, ChangJo, and MinHo—you three will be waiting outside the entrance; Yongguk will be in charge. Once JiYong arrives, it will be your job to take him down if DaeHyun and his group hadn’t done so already. After DaeHyun’s group is done taking out the men, they will come down and give you a hand,” Jin carefully instructed. “Does everyone understand?”


“Yes,” everyone answered in unison.


“Alright. Prepare yourselves. We’re leaving in an hour.”




Natalie’s POV:


I let out a sigh as I shut my phone close after reading the text Yongguk sent me—disappointed that he was unable to join me for dinner. The table was filled with delicious food, but there was no one to enjoy it other than myself. 


“So much for that…”


DaeHyun’s POV:


“Is everyone properly situated at station B?” Jin’s voice rang out through my earpiece.


“Yes sir,” I replied in a hushed tone as I pressed myself up against the wall with DongHae and L.JOE right beside me. Although the real mission hasn’t started yet, I already felt myself shaking.


“This will be the most difficult part of the plan; you must be on time. A few seconds of delay will already allow JiYong and his men enough time to leave to the first floor and that means that the team waiting at the entrance will be outnumbered and will be severely injured. So therefore, you must be extremely careful,Jin’s words flashed into my mind once again.


I promised myself that I wouldn’t let Jin down—and I was going to keep my word—but this was the perfect opportunity to get rid of Bang, and I had to do it. I wasn’t going to sit back and let him take everything I ever worked for.  A few seconds was all it was going to take for Bang to be outnumbered—or even killed—and that was exactly what I wanted to happen. Once he becomes unconscious, I will take on JiYong by myself.


I looked down at the mold that held my gun. It was empty. I gulped nervously to myself before turning to DongHae and L.JOE.


“Guys, I can’t find my gun anywhere. It probably dropped on the way to our station. I have to go back and get it,” I lied, knowing that I had intentionally dropped the pistol to buy time.


“Hyung, you can’t go! JiYong’s coming, you heard what—“ DongHae hissed angrily under his breath, completely disagreeing with what I was about to do.


“Don’t worry, I’ll be quick,” I cut him off and began running back for my pistol.


As I rounded the corner, I heard the elevator chime open.


The mission had officially started.


Yongguk’s POV:


I cocked the hammer of my pistol down, and held it close to my chest. My breath was inconsistent and heavy, and I was already beginning to sweat.


Suddenly, I heard murmurs approaching the back doors.


“You guys ready?” I whispered to ChangJo and Minho. They nodded firmly in response. The glass doors squeaked open and out came JiYong.


My eyes widened in shock when the large flock of his men came out behind him. There was no way we were going to finish them off with only three people. We were blatantly outnumbered. Something must’ve gone wrong.


“H-Hyung,” ChangJo began to stutter frantically, “W-What are we going to do now?”


I, too, didn’t know the answer. I watched as JiYong’s men quickly escorted him towards his car and then came into realization that there wasn’t much time left. We had to make a move—even if we weren’t strong enough to defeat all of them.


“We have to start the attack,” I finally decided. “There’s no time left.”


“But hyung, we’re outnumbered. We’re going to—“


“We have no choice,” I cut him off coldly, hoping that he was able to understand the seriousness of this situation.


“GO!” I roared as I began to charge towards the group of men with ChangJo and Minho right behind my heel.


I blindly shot at every man in white and tackled those who were strangling ChangJo and MinHo. But no matter how hard we tried, our efforts were not enough. They were too strong. My energy and strength slowly drained from the alternation between protecting myself and protecting ChangJo and MinHo. My pistol had been kicked out of reach; only having myself to depend on, I began throwing punches although they weren't as effective.


I couldn’t remember what happened next, but I felt a piercing pain through my abdomen as I fell to the ground. Looking down, I found myself bleeding uncontrollably. I had been shot by my own pistol.


ChangJo and Minho were both lying unconsciously on the ground.


JiYong hovered over me and lifted my chin up with his filthy index finger.


“No matter how hard you ing dogs try, you’re never going to beat me,” he insulted as he began chuckling immorally to himself. I grunted in pain as he kicked me to the ground and began making his way back to his car.


No… That bastard can’t just leave like that…


I began crawling helplessly towards my pistol as JiYong walked further and further away. Praying that there was at least one bullet left inside, I raised the gun and began aiming directly at JiYong’s head. Due to my blurred vision and the excruciating pain on my side, I struggled to steady my hand.


It was all or nothing.


I pressed down onto the trigger and watched as JiYong collapsed limply down onto the ground before I completely knocked out with a satisfying smile on my face.

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Chapter 27: omg why you kill bang T0T I'm not ready to this
Chapter 30: The ending is so sad T-T
Chapter 30: Goddamnit! I want a happy ending with babies, rainbows and Zelo! TTnTT
fbgliskfjksadn3 #4
Chapter 30: WAHHHH. I finished. Nice story I really liked it. It didn't seem like it's your first fanfic. Hehe
fbgliskfjksadn3 #5
Chapter 6: Haha, the mother just called herself a ... Opps I typed a bad word D:
yooamie #6
Chapter 30: oh my gosh this is soo sad! I loved it a lot! c:
Chapter 30: WOW! The ending was sad, but still it was a very good fanfic! Keep up the great work my chingu! ILL BE READING WOLF SOON! :)
Chapter 30: Even though Sunshine and rainbow endings is cool..the ending is still nice ^_^ Good job looking forward to you're next fanfic :D
Chapter 30: I loved it! Beginning to end! I actually liked the ending. Very realistic. Great job!