Chapter 25

Pieces of You

Natalie’s POV:


I threw the last bit of my clothes into my suitcase and placed my family photo on top before zipping my suitcase closed. I took a small step back and observed the emptiness and lack of characteristics of my bedroom, realizing how badly I was going to miss it. I had grown up in this house for almost all my life after all. Every memory I had made with my parents and grandparents had been made in this same building, and it was a shame that I was leaving them behind.


I exhaled nostalgically as I sat down onto my bed and pulled out my phone. I selected HimChan’s number and typed in:


Hey buddy, sorry if this message wakes you up, but if I don’t tell this you now, I probably won’t have the chance to tell you anymore in the future. I’m going to be moving to Jeju Island. Life has been extremely rough here for me in GangNam, and I decided that it would be better for me to start over in a new place. If boss asks you anything about my absence, just tell him that I won’t be working at the ChangSa Club anymore. I'm sorry for not being able to give you a proper goodbye, but this decision was extremely last minute. But anyways, I just wanted to thank you for everything you’ve done for me. Thanks for being a great friend, a great coworker, and overall, a great person. I’m going to miss you like hell man, and I hope that maybe one day, we’ll be able to see each other again. Please take care and don’t you dare forget me, okay? See you later.


—Natalie Lee.


I found myself weeping silently as I sent the ‘send’ button. Although there wasn’t much left in GangNam for me to linger on, the things that I did miss—I missed terribly. It was then that I was reminded of GiKwang. I flipped open my phone and opened up a new message. However, I was unable to get anything onto the blank page. I didn’t know whether it was because there was nothing left to say between us, or because I knew I had hurt him beyond forgiveness.


I shut my phone close and decided that maybe it was best if I simply left things unsaid.


As I wiped away my tears, I picked up my suitcase and turned off the lights in my room. I stepped into the kitchen to be greeted by the familiar welcoming hum of the fridge that I soon would never be able to hear again. I glanced at the old, tattered up couch that I would soon never be able to sit on again. I looked at the aged wooden table that I would soon never be able to eat supper on again. I then began to wonder whether I wanted to leave this place or not, but I knew that based on the current state I was in, I didn’t have much of a choice.


Before I stepped out my front door, I took one good last look at the somber house that I had once adorned so much before turning back around and heading towards the road to the new—and hopefully better—life that awaited me.


Yongguk’s POV:


I grabbed my black duffel bag and glanced at the door that led to the center lair—where Jin usually held his meetings and announcements. I had spent the majority of life in this place—my childhood, my teenage years, and now, my adultery. However, I knew that leaving it all behind wasn’t going to be something I was going to regret. I hated every moment I spent in this place, and I was glad it was time I bid it farewell. I took a good glance at the piece of paper in hand before placing it onto the table.


The door lightly snapped shut behind me as I began walking into the endless darkness—not once looking back.


GiKwang’s POV:


“Jesus Christ, you always drink yourself to the point where you can’t even recognize who the hell you are anymore man,” I heard HimChan curse under his breath as he helped me up my front porch.


Unstable and shaky, I grabbed ahold of his arm to maintain my balance.


“Hey, I gotta celebrate, you know! I finally got my college degree, you . Aren’t you happy for me?” I slurred drunkenly, chuckling when I saw two or three duplicates of HimChan standing before me.


“I’m happy for you, but you gotta understand the position I’m in dude. It’s like 3 in the morning and I had to take your home instead of getting my beauty sleep,” he complained with a hint of playfulness in his tone.


“Sorry bro, it won’t h-happen again! Believe me!” I promised—pointing a jittery finger at him and attempting to wink, although it probably just came out as a blink based on the large amount of alcohol intake I had tonight.


“It’s cool,” he sighed. “Hey, did Natalie tell you, by the way…?” he suddenly asked.


My heart dropped at the sound of her name.


“Tell me what? She hasn’t contacted me in like ten years,” I snorted bitterly.


“She texted me about an hour ago. She’s moving. To Jeju Island. And she’s not going to come back,” he whispered sadly. “…She didn’t tell you…? That’s strange. I would’ve thought that you were the first person she’d break it to.”


“No… What the hell… How could she—HimChan, do you have any idea where she is now?” I stuttered over my words in utter shock that she left without saying without a word to me.


“No, but I’m guessing she’s probably at the port waiting to catch her boat ride or something,” he replied plainly as his eyes met mine. “Oh no… Please don’t tell me you want me to—“


“Please man, just this time? I’d drive myself but I’m not in the right condition right now as you can probably tell… I mean, don’t you want to see her too?” I pleaded.


After a few seconds of hesitation, he gave in and sighed in defeat, “Alright, let’s go.”




Natalie’s POV:


I watched as the water flowed smoothly below me, reflecting the moon’s angelic yellowish glow, as I waited for Yongguk.


From afar, I could hear light footsteps. I quickly stood up from the ground and watched as Yongguk came into view with a large duffel bag in hand.


“Hey,” I uttered quietly and smiled.


“Hey,” he replied as he leaned in for a peck on my forehead. “You ready?”


“I guess so,” I sighed as I watched one of the boats returned back to the dock.


“Alright. Let’s go,” he whispered as he laced his fingers through mine and lead me over to our destined ship.


Yongguk handed our travel bags over to the pilot’s assistant and then helped me onto the boat first before getting on himself.


“All set guys?” the assistant verified cheerfully. After getting a nod from Yongguk in return, he began making his way back into the cabin along with the pilot. The engine soon started—humming loudly as it began to propel its way towards JeJu Island.


I turned to Yongguk and wrapped my arms around his waist—stuffing my face into his chest to avoid seeing GangNam slowly shrinking in size as the boat continued to move further and further away from the pier.


“NATALIE! WAIT!” an extremely familiar voice called out. I perked my head up to find two recognizable men standing on land across from our moving boat.


It was GiKwang and HimChan.


“Ah, wait sir! I… I have to do something!” I quickly informed the pilot assistant. He nodded and repeated what I had said to the pilot. Soon, the boat maneuvered itself back to the pier. I nodded at Yongguk—implying that I wasn’t going to be long—and got a nod back in response from him before I got off the ship.


“GiKwang… HimChan…”


“Nat, why didn’t you tell me you were going to leave…?” GiKwang asked disappointingly.


“Mianhae… I—I just didn’t know how to tell you. I was scared that you were still mad at me, and I just—“


My words trailed off into nothingness as GiKwang pulled me into a heart-warming hug.


“Natalie, I’m going to miss you so much,” he breathed into my hair. I returned the embrace, dampening his poor shirt with my overwhelming tears.


“I’m going to miss you too, GiKwang,” I muttered. HimChan soon placed his arms around the both of us—creating a sweet group hug.


“We’ll visit you whenever we can. Just call us, okay?” HimChan whispered as he lightly squeezed me shoulder. In between tears, I nodded at him and smiled.


“I’ll be going now. Bye guys, I’ll miss you both so so so much,” I bid my farewells and waved at the two before returning onto the boat.


The engine roared to life once again, and this time, I allowed myself to look back at GangNam—watching as my two dearest friends grew smaller and smaller, until they were no longer visible. 

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Chapter 27: omg why you kill bang T0T I'm not ready to this
Chapter 30: The ending is so sad T-T
Chapter 30: Goddamnit! I want a happy ending with babies, rainbows and Zelo! TTnTT
fbgliskfjksadn3 #4
Chapter 30: WAHHHH. I finished. Nice story I really liked it. It didn't seem like it's your first fanfic. Hehe
fbgliskfjksadn3 #5
Chapter 6: Haha, the mother just called herself a ... Opps I typed a bad word D:
yooamie #6
Chapter 30: oh my gosh this is soo sad! I loved it a lot! c:
Chapter 30: WOW! The ending was sad, but still it was a very good fanfic! Keep up the great work my chingu! ILL BE READING WOLF SOON! :)
Chapter 30: Even though Sunshine and rainbow endings is cool..the ending is still nice ^_^ Good job looking forward to you're next fanfic :D
Chapter 30: I loved it! Beginning to end! I actually liked the ending. Very realistic. Great job!