Chapter 2

The Only Key To Life~ [ON HOLD]


I was running throught the forests when suddenly I bumped into this lady. She was a very elegant lady. Suddenly, she collapsed.

"Hey! Are you okay???" I asked her as I ran to her. I turned her around and gasped when I saw an arrow pierced right through her stomach with alot of blood flowing.

"Y-you n-need a doctor!!!" I said and wanted to run but she held me back.

"Please listen to me." she wheezed.

"O-okay" I stuttered. I barely even knew this lady.

"T-take the...key...around my...neck. And put it around yours." she said.

"Okay." I obeyed her and quickly did it.

"Good.... Now...listen to me....The Only Key To Life is now in your hands. Please take care of them for me and banish the sad and hatred feelings forever." She said and then she closed her eyes.

"E-excuse me... are you okay???" I asked her but there was no reply.

Suddenly there were 12 men who surrounded us. I clutched onto the lady's body afraid of what these people are gonna do.

"Queen Lia..." a tall one said. I just passed the lady's body to him.

"Lay!!! Can you heal her highness???" the tall one said and shouted. Then, one of the boys immediately went to his and the lady's side.

The boy named Lay slowly took out the arrow from her stomach. Then, he placed his palms over the wound. His palms emitted a bright light and the wound started to close. Once the wound closed, he quickly placed his palms over her heart. A bright light appeared again. After a few minutes, the boy stopped and told the tall one who was clutching onto the lady's body "I'm sorry Duizhang but I can't save her highness anymore." All the boys kneeled on one leg and bowed their heads down towards the lady.

*Okay, I'm totally freaking out now.* I thought to myself.

Suddenly, there was a really bright light. I looked to where the light was coming from and saw that the light was coming from the lady's body. Her spirit floated out from her body and she floated. I was really freaked out at this time. Who are these people??? Are they even humans??? Suddenly, her spirit opened her eyes.

"My dearest EXO." she said in a very soothing tone.

"Your Highness." the 12 boys replied and kneeled before her. I just sat there watching all these happen. Not knowing what to do.

"Please take care of her. I passed down The Only Key To Life to her. She is one special girl. Fufill my last wishes, banish the sad and hatred feelings forever. I trust you with this EXO." she said and walked towards me.

"Sorry for freaking you out but can you please help me with this mission. I'm Queen Lia, the Queen of happiness. No matter what I need you to continue this mission. I know you can. EXO will become your guardians and will help you." she said with a smile. I just nodded my head. She smiled one last time before her spirit faded. Her body also turned into sparkles and floated up to the sky.

"Please come with us." the tall one said.

"O-okay." I stuttered. I was afraid of what these people. Wait. I don't even know whether they're human or not. They'll hurt me.

Suddenly, all of them whistled at the same time. Then, 12 unicorns appeared from the sky and landed gracefully in front of us. One of them had a big smile plastered on his face and held his hand out to me.

"Follow me." he asked me.

I reluctantly took his hand and he swiftly carried me and put me up onto his unicorn. Then he climbed up and sat behind me. He wrapped his arms around my waist and said "GO!" The unicorn started flying up in the sky. The others also followed suit.

"Wow..." I said quietly as I could see the whole of Seoul beneath us.

The boy chuckled at my reaction which caused me to blush.

Suddenly, there was a some dark purple swirls in the middle of our way which I assumed was a portal.

*Bye Earth~* I thought to myself. Then the boy went through the portal. In the portal, I could see many different colors of flowers, hearts and much more. There were also many rainbows in the portal. Then we finally went out from the portal.

"Welcome to Land of Happiness..." the boy whispered in my ear.

There were many happy villagers there. The kids were playing and smiling and laughing together. I smiled at the sight in front of me.


A/N That's the 2nd chapter for ya guys. Hope you're enjoying this story so far. Subscribe and comment!!! Thanks to ren1234 for subscribing!!!

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11/12/13 Hi everyone!!! I'm back!!!


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little-rainbow #1
Chapter 5: Hello! please update since your other story already ended. but I will not rushing you to update. tbh,I like this kind of story. :)
Chapter 2: seems interesting update soon
cant wait