Chapter 11

Love at War

Daehyun woke up at 3:14 and went to outside. When he outside he saw Youngjae on the bench. "What are you doing here?" Daehyun asked.

Youngjae didn't want to talk to Daehyun yet. Daehyun liked Youngjae still but he didn't want to show it.

He sat next to Youngjae and Youngjae wanted to hold it in. "So you moving." Daehyun said rubbing his hands together.

He didn't know how to start a conversation with him anymore. "Yeah, maybe." Youngjae told him. "I don't know where though."

Youngjae didn't care about Daehyun when he was with Yongguk but when he wasn't he liked Daehyun.

"Are you and Yongguk going out?" Daehyun asked him. He didn't feel right seeing him and Yongguk going out.

Youngjae looked at him. "Why do you care?"

Daehyun didn't know what to say. He didn't what to tell him that he cared about him. "Because I care about you." Daehyun told him.

Youngjae's eyes got big. "What?" Youngjae wanted to here that but Yongguk wouldn't like that. Daehyun slowly moved his hand to meet Youngjae's.

"Please come back to me." He asked Youngjae. Youngjae was scared and happy at the same time.

"No, I can't." Youngjae said. Daehyun wouldn't stop trying. He touched Youngjae's neck and kissed him. Youngjae kissed him back. He wanted to push him off but he couldn't.

Youngjae put is hand on Daehyun chest the his neck. With Daehyun's other hand he grabbed Youngjae's leg and rubbed it.

He began kissing Youngjae's neck. He whispered in his ear. "I miss you."

Youngjae missed the times like this too but he was now with Yongguk. Youngjae rubbed Daehyun chest as they kept kissing.

Soon Youngjae pulled away. "I'm sorry." He left. Daehyun knew Youngjae still loved him but Yongguk just got in his head.

He was smiling because that was all he needed from him so he could come back.


In the morning Himchan called Chun Hei. He liked her alot even though she cheated. Everyone was awake besides Youngjae.

He was sitting in his bed thinking about last night. Yongguk came in and sat next to him. "You okay?"

Youngjae nodded. "I just didn't get a good sleep." Youngjae told him. Yongguk held his hand.

"Is it Daehyun?" He asked him. Youngjae shook his head. "No." Yongguk smiled at him.

"Good." Yongguk said then kissed Youngjae and left. Youngjae got up soon and saw that no one was talking to each other.

Zelo wasn't even talking to him. Jongup and Youngjae were the only ones that didn't have a problem with someone.

"Zelo can I talk to you?" Youngjae asked him. Zelo followed him outside. "What?" Zelo asked him.

"Are you mad at me?" Youngjae asked him. Zelo shrugged. "No not really."  Zelo told him before he tried to  leave.

"Why?" Youngjae didn't want anyone mad at him. Zelo sat on the bench and shook his head. "Because I kind of like Yongguk."

Youngjae didn't know that he took his friends crush. "I'm sorry, why didn't you tell me?" Youngjae asked him sitting next to him.

Zelo stood up and wanted to leave. "Because I knew Yongguk was the only way you could stop thinking about Daehyun."

He left after he told him. Youngjae sat there. He was thinking about how Yongguk and Daehyun didn't like each other. Zelo didn't like him but who didn't Himchan like.

Himchan came outside about to leave.  "Where are you going?" Youngjae asked him.  Himchan looked up from his phone.

"To see Chun Hei." Himchan answered him. Youngjae looked confused. "I thought Daehyun was going out with her." Youngjae said.

"Not anymore they broke up yesterday." Himchan left after their conversation. Youngjae went in and walked over to Yongguk.

"So I'm moving out tomorrow." Youngjae whispered to Yongguk. He didn't want Zelo or Daehyun to find out.

"You coming?" He asked Yongguk. He nodded at Yongguk and kissed him on the forehead. Daehyun saw Youngjae and Yongguk.

"I'm leaving." Jongup said.  He was going to see Choon Hee. He went to her house for her sisters' birthday.

"Hey." He said giving her a kiss.  She smiled at him. Her sisters came up to him and hugged him.

"Happy birthday." He told them. They liked Jongup alot because he was funny. "My mom couldn't be here, she's at work." Choon Hee said.

Choon Hee's oldest sister came. "Hey Jongup." She said everyone in her family liked him. The grandma even liked him. Kind of wierd though.

"Eun Hee and Eun Mi said if you can't come then they don't want the party." Choon Hee's sister said.

Jongup laughed as they walked to the backyard.



Youngjae and Yongguk were att the movies. Yongguk put his arm around Youngjae. He wanted to move it but he didn't want Yongguk to think that he was thinking about Daehyun.

It was easy for Yongguk to know if he was thinking about Daehyun. "You okay." Yongguk asked him.

Youngjae looked at him confused. He didn't say or do anything. "No, why?" Youngjae asked him.

"You had that face like you were thinking about something." Yongguk whispered to him moving his arm.

"It's nothing." Youngjae said. Yongguk turned back to the movie. Youngjae put his head on Yongguk's shoulder.



Daehyun sat on the couch. "Daehyun do you still like Youngjae?" Zelo asked him walking out the kitchen.

"Yeah, kind of." Daehyun said. Zelo looked at Daehyun and wanted to kiss him. He wanted Youngjae to go back to him so he could have a chance with Yongguk.

"Do you think he likes you?" Zelo asked him sitting down next to him. Daehyun didn't want to answer. Zelo moved his hand closer to Daehyun's.

"No." Daehyun said. He looked down and saw his Zelo's hand. "No he doesn't." Daehyun told him and got up.

Zelo looked at Daehyun as he walked away. He leaned but and thought about how maybe he just shouldn't try to get Yongguk.


Soon Jongup came home. "Hey where did everyone go?" He asked Zelo throwing himself on the couch.

"They left, but Daehyun and I are still here."  Zelo told him. He got up and went to the kitchen. Jongup was Zelo best friend so he knew something was wrong.

"Zelo what's wrong?" Jongup asked him as he went to follow him. Zelo didn't answer for a while. He didn't what to tell him that he liked Yongguk.

"I kind of like Yongguk but Youngjae is going out with him and now I want to make him break up with him." Zelo said.

Jongup was surprised that he didn't tell him that he liked Yongguk. "Okay." He said. Jongup didn't know what to say.

"So you like Yongguk." Jongup finally said. "That's all you can say." Zelo yelled at him. Jongup didn't say anything anymore.

"I'm sorry." Zelo told him putting his hand onhis forehead. "It's okay." Jongup said.


Yongguk and Youngjae went to the beach after the movies. "Yongguk would you care if Daehyun kissed me?" Youngjae asked him loosening his grib onYongguk's hand.

"What did he?" Yongguk asked him pulling away from him. Youngjae was scared for a second. "Did he?" Yongguk asked again.

"No," Youngjae said. Yongguk shook his head. "You're lying to me." Yongguk whispered. Youngjae grabbed Yongguk's hand. Yongguk pulled him closer and hugged him.

"I'm sorry." Yongguk said before kissing his forehead.

Daehyun was in his bed thinking about Youngjae. He got his phone out and texted him.

I love you.

Youngjae was in the car when he got the text. He whipped a tear as he read it. He didn't text him back.

He had no reason to text him. When they got home he went to Daehyun's room. "Why did you text me that?" Youngjae asked him about to cry.

"So you know how much I miss you and what you back." Daehyun told him. Youngjae  wanted to cry.

"I'm trying to get rid of you." Youngjae said sitting next to him. Daehyun rubbed Youngjae's leg then kissed his neck.

"Daehyun stop." Youngjae begged. Daehyun began kissing his lips whiling rubbing his body. Youngjae grabbed his hand tightly.

Daehyun layed him on the bed and climbed on top of him. Youngjae pusshed him off. "I can't do this."

Daehyun got off of him. "I'm sorry." Daehyun whispered. Youngjae left the room. He layed on the bed. He decided tto go to sleep before Yongguk came.

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