Working Atmosphere

Nine Tails, One Heart

Jonghyun ambles towards the front door, squatting down on the small step separating the polished wooden floor from the section of tiled floor; shoes of all colors bordering it. Placing a brown paper bag neatly next to him, he pulls on a black pair of converse, the tongues flapping out over his white pants. Satisfied with his look, he stands back up, the soles of his shoes squeaking against the tiled floor underneath them.


“Key! We have to go now! Are you ready?” He calls out, earning himself an excited bark from Roo and a loud squeal of surprise from the fox. A door quickly opens from a distance, followed by hurried steps made by bare feet and slight clicks on the wooden floor by Roo’s tiny claws.


In a matter of seconds, Key appears in all of his shimmering glory, dressed in a large gray sweater and white pants that hug his legs tightly. The snow white material matches his hair to a tee, his sky blue eyes contrasting strongly with the dull shades of color. Jonghyun could have sworn that those clothes had been small, but they look perfect on Key. The larger clothes make the fox himself look even smaller and more innocent, causing Jonghyun to internally swoon at the adorable boy.


At the fox’s bare feet, Roo twirls around happily on her tiny paws. She yips cutely, briefly gaining the fox’s attention; the boy gently petting her head before straightening back up to look at Jonghyun.


“I am here, hyung. Forgive me for making you wait so long. I could not quite understand how to turn off the shower.” Key mumbles, shyly pulling on the sweater sleeves that stops below his thin fingers. One of his pale feet lifts up to rub on the other, making Roo stare at it curiously.


Jonghyun smiles in understanding, “It’s okay, Key. We really have to leave now though, okay?” He states, earning a quick nod from the pretty fox. Jonghyun lovingly says goodbye to Roo, Key innocently copying him, before they both leave the apartment, heading towards the garage.


In a matter of minutes, the two boys are in Jonghyun’s expensive car, making their way along the busy streets towards Jonghyun’s studio. Key’s feet are clad in one of Jonghyun’s platformed converses, matching with his gray sweater while giving a small splash of color to the outfit. Key sits with his head leaning up against the window, his icy blue eyes flicking excitedly as he studies the moving city outside. The brown paper bag that Jonghyun had neatly placed Key’s breakfast in jostles slightly on the fox’s lap as Key squirms around like a hyper child, trying to study every new thing that they pass by before they drive out of sight.


“Key,” Jonghyun calls softly, earning the latter’s attention quickly. The fox hums in response, distractedly watching a mother pushing a stroller along the sidewalk before he gives Jonghyun his full attention. “Where I work is usually very loud and busy so I might not be able to show you around too much before I have to focus on the job. I’ll try to introduce you to some people so that you don’t feel too lonely and you’ll have someone to talk to, but I’m afraid that that might be all I can do.” Jonghyun says in a slightly guilty voice, accelerating the Porsche when the light turns green.


Key nods in understanding in the passenger seat, smiling gently at the human; Jonghyun glancing at him briefly before focusing back on the busy street. “It is perfectly alright, hyung. I will simply watch you work.”


Jonghyun sighs in relief before he asks, “When you said you would model for me…” He trails off, unable to find the right words to ask the question that he had been begging to ask for a while now.


Key smiles beautifully, tilting his head endearingly. “That offer stills stands, Jonghyun-hyung. If modeling for you will help me return the favor to you for letting me stay at your home, I will gladly do all I can.”


Jonghyun blushes lightly, clumsily parking his expensive black Porsche in his reserved parking spot in front of a tall building. “If you’re still okay with it, then today we’ll try some poses to see if you’re comfortable in front of the camera. You can take your time with it, there’s no real rush.” Jonghyun mutters, turning off the ignition and smiling toothily towards the fox. The latter smiles back, his shimmering pale skin and bright blue eyes leaving Jonghyun speechless before he forces himself to look away. The human steps out of the car quickly, rushing over to the passenger side to shyly open Key’s door for him. The fox gracefully slides out of the car, seemingly floating on his lithe feet as he glides by Jonghyun, softly thanking him.


The human can only smile goofily, his hands dumbly pushing the car door shut.


“Good morning, Mr. Kim, would you like your coffee? Oh, and who is this?” A female voice asks kindly as Jonghyun and Key amble into the studio, exiting the elevator. The fox looks around, watching with curious blue eyes as people flit around busily or lounge about lazily on the couches spread around the gigantic room. Beautiful women strut around in full makeup, resembling dolls; all dressed up and fragile-looking. Muscular men sit around and chat with others, most of them also wearing almost gaudy amounts of makeup.


“Miss Jung, this is Key. He is a new model that I’ve recruited for a few of my projects.” Jonghyun’s voice pulls Key’s attention away from a group of scantily dressed women that are staring at Jonghyun with hungry eyes; Key can feel the pure lust radiating from their auras. The fox turns towards Miss Jung, his plump lips stretching to reveal his beautiful smile, his cute dimples making an appearance as well. His icy blue eyes crinkle adorably, making Miss Jung visibly swoon.


“My, you’re a cute one, aren’t you?” She teases in a friendly tone, holding her hand out for the fox to take, “My name is Jessica, I’m Jonghyun’s assistant!” She greets energetically as Key grasps her hand to initiate a handshake. When their hands touch, Key senses her aura clearly, seeing that it is not fully pure. The aura is loud and energetic like Jessica is, but there are parts that are hardened with obvious struggles in life. Jessica has the aura of a hard worker, obviously having gone through a lot to get where she is. With a firm shake, their hands separate, Jessica’s aura dissipating slightly to simply become a low hum of energy that Key can still sense.


“It is a pleasure to meet you, Jessica. I look forward to working with you.” Key says in his overly sophisticated way of speaking, earning himself a proud smile from Jonghyun and a vaguely shocked look from Jessica.


“Well ain’t he just a pretty little chickadee. I like him.” Jessica states, nodding firmly to Jonghyun. The latter laughs lightly, gladly taking the coffee that Jessica offers him.


“Jonghyun! Finally, you’re here!” A male voice exclaims, a man wearing a simple green t-shirt and black skinny jeans tripping over to the trio. His eyes are wide in panic, his hands instantly grasping Jonghyun’s arm when he is at a close enough distance. “I really need your help, Taemin is being a brat again and refusing to come out of his dressing room! We need to finish up his photoshoot and send the pictures to the company as quickly as possible!” He exclaims in a panic, not able to acknowledge anyone’s presence other than Jonghyun’s as he hyperventilates.


Jonghyun sighs, Jessica taking his barely touched coffee back with a flourish, already knowing that the poor man will need both hands to finish the job. She walks away, placing the coffee on a table nearby before she grabs a camera and quickly comes back to Jonghyun, Key, and the panicking man. With a trained movement, she drapes the camera’s strap around Jonghyun’s neck then turns to Key.


“Follow me, Jonghyun will have to focus on work now.” She says, walking off towards a rack of clothing, Key following her obediently. Behind them, the hyperventilating man drags Jonghyun off, shouting something about Taemin being a stubborn child.


“Key, right?” Jessica asks, earning a nod from the fox, “You’re truly very beautiful, if I may say so bluntly. Jonghyun really does have a good eye.”


Key blushes slightly, smiling coyly at the woman, “Thank you, Jessica. You are very beautiful yourself.” He retorts, watching with amusement when the woman becomes flustered, flicking her hand dismissively. He eyes the rack of clothes behind Jessica, curiously studying the clothing before asking, “Jessica, Jonghyun-hyung said earlier that we will be trying out some poses to see how comfortable I am in front of a camera. Will I, by any chance, be wearing one of these outfits?” He asks, pointing at the rack that is practically overflowing with different colors and styles of clothing.


Jessica chews her lower lip in thought, shaking her head lightly, “No, all of these outfits are specifically tailored for the models here. Each have a specific theme to them. If it’s only test shots that you will be doing, what you’re wearing now should be enough. I think, unless Jonghyun says otherwise, we will be putting some makeup on you to make you look even prettier.” She says, nodding her head with finality, her hair bouncing slightly at the abrupt movement.


Key pouts cutely as he mulls over the information, startling when Jessica coos dramatically and pinches his cheek, exclaiming that he is ‘an adorable little chickadee’.


Almost an hour later, Key is sitting gracefully on one of the many couches in the room, trying to focus entirely on Jonghyun’s frame while simultaneously trying to ignore all of the eyes on him. He can sense various different auras radiating envy, interest, or lust as people stare at him from different points of the room. Once he had sat down on the small duvet where more people could see him clearly, he had instantly felt all of the auras shift around him. He sighs in annoyance, starting to feel dizzy from so many auras being sensed at once.


Jessica whines under her breath as Taemin, the model that Jonghyun is photographing at the moment, once again refuses to change his pose; he is acting like a stubborn brat and they are running out of time to deliver his pictures.


“Taemin, please, why are you being so stubborn today?” Jonghyun asks gently, lowering the camera from his eye as he looks at Taemin desperately. The latter simply crosses his arms, lifting his powdered and made up face defiantly. Jonghyun sighs, rubbing his nose with his thumb and forefinger. Key quickly senses the frustration in Jonghyun’s aura, smoothly getting up from the couch and lithely walking up to the other. He pulls on the ends of his sleeves, feeling multiple pairs of eyes land on him as auras shift again, going darker.


“Hyung…” Key softly mumbles, placing a gentle hand on Jonghyun’s arm. The latter quickly relaxes under Key’s soft touch, his puppy-like eyes softening as they turn towards the pretty fox. “Why don’t I try to talk to him for a moment?” The fox asks, tilting his head cutely, his pure white hair falling smoothly across his flawless forehead.


“Go ahead.”


Key smiles adorably, ignoring how almost all of the auras around him go even darker as lust and envy overtake them. He focuses on Jonghyun’s pure aura for a second before he reluctantly lets his hand slide away from Jonghyun’s arm, the latter’s aura dissipating until it becomes a pleasant hum to Key’s ears.


The fox gracefully walks over the various wires covering the floor, stepping softly onto the white floor that makes up part of the set where Taemin is stubbornly sitting. He cautiously walks forward with light steps, stopping only when he is standing in front of Taemin. The latter glares up at him, his pouty lips pulled into a disgruntled pout. Key smiles down at the model, bowing in greeting. The other simply looks away from him, his eyebrows furrowed as he maintains his stubborn brat look.


“Hello, Taemin. My name is Key. Will it be a problem if you tell me what is bothering you?” Key asks gently, watching as the model glares at him again, his brown eyes flashing.


“I don’t want to talk to you.” Taemin grumbles, puffing his cheeks out angrily. The fox pouts unconsciously, making Taemin’s angry face falter slightly before regaining its full power.


“But, Taemin, these pictures must be sent out soon or else problems will arise.” Key states, his lips still pouting.


“Who told you that?”


“Jonghyun-hyung did.” Key answers.


Taemin scoffs, crossing his legs as he slumps down further in his seat. Key looks at him closely, studying the tense shoulders and fingers of the boy. He seems angry and nervous for some reason. Boldly, Key lifts one of his pale hands, gently placing it on Taemin’s shoulder. He looks deeply into the model’s eyes, his icy blue orbs keeping the boy still.


Taemin’s aura is a mess. It is not fully pure, showing signs of fear and guilt that riddles the boy’s mind. Focusing, the fox quickly uses his powers to send a comforting wave over the dark parts of Taemin’s aura, effectively guiding the model’s mind towards the solutions that it needs. He smiles softly just as Taemin’s angry pout slowly turns into the ghost of a smile, his tense shoulders relaxing against Key’s hand.


“Everything is alright now, nothing is your fault.” Key breathes quietly, pulling his hand away from Taemin, smiling gently as the model takes a deep breath.


“Sorry, Mr. Kim. I can focus now.” Taemin says to Jonghyun, looking at Key briefly before shifting in his seat to go into the pose that he had earlier been refusing to do. Jonghyun gapes for a second at the two boys, his puppy eyes following Key’s figure as the fox saunters back to his seat beside Jessica, smiling prettily at Jonghyun. He blinks in slight confusion before remembering that there is a strict deadline for the pictures of Taemin. He focuses back on his work, swiftly taking pictures of the now elated Taemin.


Half an hour later, all of the pictures have been printed out and packaged safely; sent out with an assistant to the company. Taemin lazily stretches his arms, quickly being ushered to take off his makeup and outfit by the stylists. Jonghyun sighs in relief, stumbling over to Key and Jessica, flopping down tiredly between them. He whines like a child, rubbing his head against Jessica’s arm.


“Jess~ Can you please get me a coffee now? I’m tired~” He whines, pouting at the older woman. Jessica rolls her eyes at him, playfully pushing his head away from her shoulder.


“Fine, ya big baby.” She laughs, getting up to go get Jonghyun his coffee, her heels clicking as she leaves. As soon as she is gone, Jonghyun eagerly turns towards Key, grinning at him with sparkly puppy eyes. The fox looks back at him with a soft smile playing on his pink lips, his blue eyes glimmering in the bright light of the studio.


“Key, how did you make Taemin stop being so stubborn?” Jonghyun asks curiously. Key shrugs, knowing that he shouldn’t reveal his secret to Jonghyun. He smiles cutely at Jonghyun, pulling at his sleeves nervously. Jonghyun’s eyes soften as he looks at Key’s pretty face, his eyes studying the adorable way the icy blue eyes of the other sparkle in the light. “I think your smile made him change his mind.” He mumbles, blushing when he realizes what he has said.


Key giggles cutely, the sound like bell chimes.


Jonghyun grasps a pillow, stuffing his face into it and letting out a loud groan that is muffled by the plush material. His entire body is splayed across the couch, his feet hanging lazily from the armrest.


Jessica rolls her eyes at her boss, making a shooing motion towards a group of models who have come closer to gawk at Jonghyun. “Mr. Kim, come on. Only a little bit more and you can go home.” She reasons, professionally taking one of the many empty coffee cups that had been thrown lazily by Jonghyun and throwing it into the trashcan.


“I dun wanna do any more.” Jonghyun whines into the pillow in a muffled voice, kicking his legs childishly against the armrest. Jessica slaps Jonghyun’s reprimandingly, earning herself a muffled squeak from the photographer.


“Jessica? Hyung?” A soft voice asks, Key making his appearance and walking closer to the duo. At the sound of the fox’s voice, Jonghyun quickly whips his head up from the pillow, scrambling to sit up right before he suddenly stops. His puppy eyes widen comically, his mouth falling open in shock.


Key looks amazing.


The fox is wearing full make up now, the stylists having done their best to bring out his beauty; though they didn’t really have to do much to achieve such a goal. His blue eyes are rimmed with black eyeliner, making the orbs pop considerably, contrasting even more with his gray sweater and pale skin. His pure white hair is lightly gelled to the side, curving delicately at the ends to look naturally wavy. His high cheekbones look slightly rosy with hints of blush having been added to bring them out more. Other than those slight tweaks, that was all of the changes that had been made. Though that was all the stylists had done, Key still looks especially amazing to Jonghyun.


The puppy-like man gapes at Key, only snapping out of his speechless daze when Jessica smacks him upside the head.


“Okay Key, lift your arm a little more-- that’s it, perfect.” Jonghyun says, the shutter of his camera going off along with a loud beep that reverberates through the studio. He looks at Key for a second without the camera inhibiting his view, a tiny smile gracing his lips as he notices the clumsiness in Key’s movements. He snaps another photo before lowering the camera again. “Now, grab that flower on the chair and bite it.” Key stares at him incredulously, tilting his head cutely.


Jonghyun has half a mind to snap a picture of that adorably clueless face.


“Yes, bite it. It’s okay, it doesn’t have any thorns.” He says, watching as Key picks up the flower and inspects it closely. The fox pouts, looking over at Jonghyun with shining blue eyes.


“Hyung, it is real.” Key pouts, handling the flower with great care.


“Yes, Key, it is.”


“But…” Key pouts adorably, staring down at the pretty flower before looking back at Jonghyun with sad feline eyes. “I do not want to hurt it.”


Literally the entire studio full of people simultaneously swoons at the fox’s cute actions, admiring how beautiful and gentle the fox is. Jonghyun smiles gently before lifting the camera and snapping a photo of Key’s sad kitty face. The latter blinks at the flash, his pout deepening even more as he stares at Jonghyun with his icy blue eyes.


“Alright, fine, hold the flower near your face and smell it.” Jonghyun compromises, grinning behind the camera. The fox complies, gracefully bringing the purple flower towards his face, letting his eyes flutter closed as he sniffs the flower. A soft smile play on his lips at the nice smell, Jonghyun quickly snapping a picture of the breathtaking face. Slowly, Key opens his eyes slightly, staring at the camera with hooded blue eyes as he covers part of his face with the flower.


Jonghyun stops breathing for a while, snapping back to earth when his finger naturally pushes the button on his camera, snapping the picture.


“Water, I sense the Hunters again.” Wind mutters, fluttering her pixie wings outside one of the windows of the studio. Her piercing green eyes are trained on her master, watching him closely while sensing all of the dark auras surrounding him. Water sits on the windowsill, her head turned to also watch her master, her blue eyes calm as her large fairy wings open and close like a butterfly’s wings. She turns to Wind, looking at her friend with worried eyes.


“We’ll protect him from them, don’t worry.” She comforts her, her body trembling in fear. The water that makes up her entire body shivers and ripples as she becomes paranoid. Beside her, Wind sighs, the winds of her body twirling faster as she becomes overtaken with worry and anger.


“I wish master Kibum can just live his life in peace.” She mutters before melding with the air around her, disappearing from sight. Water smiles bitterly before following her friend’s example, becoming dew on the window.


The brick wall beside the window trembles slightly, a solid form emerging from it. Earth finally makes his appearance, his yellow eyes looking into the window at his master. He turns his attention towards the dew on the window, a crooked, stiff smile forming on his crumbling lips.


“Water, I’ll be here to help as well. Tell Wind that too, please.” He grunts in a raspy voice, his yellow eyes shifting around shyly at the mention of Wind. A light, airy giggle comes from behind him, startling him. A gentle wind flits around him, gently caressing his brick form.


Thank you, Earthy. Wind breathes telepathically, lightly kissing the Earth guardian’s solid cheek with her air currents. The bricks forming his cheeks crumble and become a darker color of red, resembling a blush. Earth becomes flustered as Wind giggles airily again just as Water, in her dew drop form, snorts teasingly at him.







Well hello

Did you like this chapter? *puppy eyes*

I tried to make it as adorable as possible since in your comments, y'all were fangirling over cutie Jongkey.

Jonghyun is just a dumb little idiot around Key, isn't he? *coos over him*

And Key is just a majestic little creature~

Please COMMENT and VOTE! *cute face to bribe you*

Thank you to all 32 votes~ *palms my cheeks* 10 more since last chapter! *hyperventilating*

Oooh and there are 186 of you now! *fans myself* 47 of you little weirdos joined since last chapter! *huggles*

*dramatic crying* I FEEL SO LOVED.

Okay, please tell me what you thought! Bai~ *greasy wink*


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lylwizz #1
Chapter 9: Woah author nim dont tell me u abandon the story, i just found it and i love it so much
Jesminda90 #2
It is a very cute Story. I Hope that you not forget this Story :)
JongKey285 #3
Chapter 9: This is beautifully written, the plot is great, I love the idea of key as a innocent god and Jonghyun a pure human, it's so cute and fluffy, I lost count of how many times I squealed, can't wait for an update~
zianart #4
Chapter 5: I couldn't stop watching the Luhan gif.....
JjongKeyyForLife #5
Chapter 9: I juste start to read your fanfic and I already be at the last chapter you write and I just want tell you something: JONGKEY IS JUST SO CUTE *O* I JUST LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS FIC! Please update soon!
Chapter 9: Omg this is overflowing with cuteness xD
Chapter 9: This is SOOOO cute! *squeals* Please update soon! I want more adorable JongKey♡
Chapter 9: gimme more chapters to read
I nid to read b4 I go for exams on the 13
Chapter 9: This is sooooo cute
This is the cutest story I read b4 I join aff
rainbowcloud #10
Chapter 9: Aww isnt this story is he cutest ever? You know, i was smiling by myself whole reading all the chapters (im sure my sister was sending me the same usual weird stare but lets ignore her lol)
so i hope you could update soon since im kind of wanting to read moreee!!
thanks for writing anyway :)