The Runaway

Nine Tails, One Heart


Jonghyun's eyes look deeply into Kibum's, mesmerized by their icy blue color. He practically melts on the spot, the beauty and depth of those orbs mingling with the heat radiating off of the other; making him feel far too comfortable. The sleek touch of the boy's nose on his causes a light shiver to run down his back.

Slowly, his eyes slide down, stopping when they reach the other's bow shaped lips. He stares at them longingly, a strong pull in his stomach urging him to lean forward.

I want... A small voice whines, fading quickly.

The voice snaps Jonghyun back to reality and he realizes what's going on. He hurriedly pulls away, flailing in a panic. His cheeks burn mercilessly, urging his face to darken to a raging red color.

Why did I just...? H-he's a boy! He scolds himself in his mind, staring at the beauty before him.

The latter stares back at him, his blue eyes full of innocence. He blinks, his long eyelashes batting cutely. He gives Jonghyun a questioning look, his pure white hair shining in the moonlight as he tilts his head.

Both boys stay silent, staring at each other intently, one confused and the other oblivious.


Suddenly, the fox's nose scrunches up and his eyebrows furrow. His feline eyes close tightly as his chin lifts up, stretching his slim neck.

Jonghyun watches in shocked fascination as the boy sniffs then sneezes forcefully, his head whipping forward. He leans back, wiping his button nose with both of his hands like a puppy would do.

O-oh my god. That... was adorable. Jonghyun thinks in astonishment, his heart melting.

"A-are you cold?" He asks in a worried tone, noticing how the boy's pale skin is barely covered up by the white cloth he is wearing. Small goose bumps show themselves to Jonghyun as his eyes slide over the boy's milky legs.

A meek nod escapes the beauty, his arm's trembling snapping Jonghyun out of his reverie.

"Well, no wonder! You're barely wearing anything!" Jonghyun exclaims like a worried mother. He quickly gets up, stripping himself of his jacket.

Thank god I wore this today. He sighs in gratitude, walking towards the boy, gently draping the jacket on his milky shoulders. He pulls back slightly but stays standing, pulling at the ends of the sleeves of his gray hoodie that he wore underneath the coat.

The fox looks up at Jonghyun, his turquoise eyes full of innocence and happiness. He smiles gently at Jonghyun and grips the collar of the jacket with his dainty hands. He snuggles into the warmth, a content smile on his lips.

Jonghyun's heart skips a beat at the sight and his cheeks instantly flame up. He clears his throat awkwardly, turning his gaze away from the beauty who is currently sniffing his coat like a curious animal would.

A cricket chirps from a distance, its sharp melody sounding like mocking laughter to Jonghyun's pink ears.

"It's pretty late. Shouldn't you be getting home?" He asks, looking down at the boy cuddling his warm jacket happily.


The fox freezes, his blue eyes glazing over as he remembers the situation he's in. His features immediately droop, his fingers tightening on the jacket's hem.

Wind notices his change in mood and flits over to her master, her smooth movements causing a few prematurely fallen leaves to flip or fly a few inches.

My lord, are you alright? She asks telepathically, worry in her voice.

I'm fine... He replies quietly, looking back up at Jonghyun.

The latter smiles down at him, gently urging him to talk to him with his big eyes. Like a puppy asking for attention.

Kibum sighs once then says, "I don't have a home to go back to at the moment."

His own words are like a knife to his heart and he looks over at the forest with slightly sad eyes. They are calling him, pleading for him to come back.

"Aaaah, a runaway huh?" Jonghyun replies in understanding, nodding slowly.

Kibum looks up at him in shock, surprised by his knowing tone.

Jonghyun sends a goofy grin to the fox while his hand scratches the back of his neck in a shy gesture.

"Don't worry, I get it. Believe it or not, I ran away from home when I was younger too." He tells him, acting as if it's a big secret between them. He looks around the area with dramatically alert eyes before grinning like a fool once again. 

"I..." The fox can't even form words in his shock. His mouth gapes open and he stares at Jonghyun with his feline eyes.

Jonghyun chuckles and holds out his hand, palm facing the sparkling night sky above them. His puppy eyes soften as he looks into Kibum's blue orbs, understanding and kindness filling them.

The fox stares at his hand silently, unsure of what to do.

Beside him, Wind stares as well, questioning the meaning of the strangely welcoming hand.

"Come with me. You can stay at my house until you figure out what your next step is." Jonghyun says quietly, smiling gently at the white haired boy.


Wind's invisible jaw drops at the human's words, shocked by how kind and pure he sounds.

My lord, I don't think it would be a good idea to trust a human at this time. She says urgently in the fox's head, her panic causing a small swirl of wind to pirouette over the shining lake.

Kibum unconsciously tunes out her voice, focusing on the gentleness radiating from Jonghyun's chocolate eyes. The warmth of the jacket draped on his shoulders calms him down and reminds him of how pure Jonghyun's heart is.

His heart is pure so I can trust him... He thinks, his hand slowly lifting itself from his lap. Before their fingers touch, he hesitates; Wind's cautious words finally being registered in his head.

Sh-should I? He asks the nymphs, the fear from earlier invading him. He knows he can trust Water and Wind, they are there to protect him after all.


Windy, will you stop it already?! Water exclaims impatiently, the lake rippling slightly at her angry tone. The human is no threat! Stop focusing so much on trying to shield Lord Kibum away from everything! He needs to learn how humans work anyways, let him go.

But- Wind tries to interject, worried for her master.

NO! Water says firmly, effectively silencing her companion. My lord, you can trust him. Both Wind and I believe he is no threat to you. She continues, directing her words to her master's mind. Her tone is gentle and fluid, like her own being.


Kibum takes a deep breath and finally lets his fingertips slide into Jonghyun's grasp, the latter's large hand instantly gripping his small one. The human tugs gently on the fox's fragile hand, pulling him up to stand.

Roo wakes up from her nap, awoken because of her pillow's (Kibum's knees) sudden movements. Yawning cutely, she wobbles on her stubby legs toward the stone walkway, heading home.

Jonghyun doesn't separate his hand from Kibum's, instead moving it slightly to wrap it entirely around the other's. He pulls the beauty towards the path to his home, his grip gentle and warm.

Roo leads them along, Jonghyun close behind her with Kibum stumbling after him on his bare feet. His white cloth drifts slightly with his movements, flowing along with the air. 

The fox stares at the back of Jonghyun's head, his blue eyes shining and full of fascination.

I never knew humans' ears could become such a dark shade of red. He thinks out of curiosity, staring at Jonghyun's currently flaming ears.


Oh, if only he knew what that meant.


Wind and Water watch as their master walks away with the human, silently staring.

"Windy, follow them." Water voices out, watching as the human and her master disappear into the darkness.

"I thought you said to let him go." Wind replies in an annoyed and defiant voice.

Water sighs at her friend's behavior, making the lake ripple softly.

"That doesn't mean that your job as a Guardian should be abandoned. Lord Kibum is still in danger, just keep an eye on him."

Wind huffs in understanding, mad that her companion has a point. Without another word, she flits away, the grass sending her off with a gentle wave.

Water watches her go and silence once again overtakes the park, interrupted only by a cricket's lullaby and the water's soft rippling.

I hope he stays safe with the human. She thinks with a sigh, lazily swimming with flowing movements through the lake's shining water.


The cricket hits the last note of its song before falling silent, leaving the area in a gentle calmness.









So this is chapter 4! I hope you liked it!

Guys, I'm pretty sure I only had 27 subbies last chapter. Now I have 42...

Guys... guys... I love you~ huggles for everybody!


Thank you for the support and patience you guys have given me!

Please COMMENT and VOTE! I can't believe I actually have 2 votes!

I'll update soon! BYE~


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lylwizz #1
Chapter 9: Woah author nim dont tell me u abandon the story, i just found it and i love it so much
Jesminda90 #2
It is a very cute Story. I Hope that you not forget this Story :)
JongKey285 #3
Chapter 9: This is beautifully written, the plot is great, I love the idea of key as a innocent god and Jonghyun a pure human, it's so cute and fluffy, I lost count of how many times I squealed, can't wait for an update~
zianart #4
Chapter 5: I couldn't stop watching the Luhan gif.....
JjongKeyyForLife #5
Chapter 9: I juste start to read your fanfic and I already be at the last chapter you write and I just want tell you something: JONGKEY IS JUST SO CUTE *O* I JUST LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS FIC! Please update soon!
Chapter 9: Omg this is overflowing with cuteness xD
Chapter 9: This is SOOOO cute! *squeals* Please update soon! I want more adorable JongKey♡
Chapter 9: gimme more chapters to read
I nid to read b4 I go for exams on the 13
Chapter 9: This is sooooo cute
This is the cutest story I read b4 I join aff
rainbowcloud #10
Chapter 9: Aww isnt this story is he cutest ever? You know, i was smiling by myself whole reading all the chapters (im sure my sister was sending me the same usual weird stare but lets ignore her lol)
so i hope you could update soon since im kind of wanting to read moreee!!
thanks for writing anyway :)