Jaelousy's Darkness

Nine Tails, One Heart

As they walk along the sidewalk of a busy street, their hands still gripping each other, Kibum follows Jonghyun blindly. He keeps blinking erratically; the blaring headlights of the passing cars hitting his sensitive eyes. His feline eyes had adjusted perfectly to the dark. Suddenly having strange, unnatural light attacking his blue orbs made his pupils dilate.

A sudden honking from a car's horn close by sends the fox a foot into the air, the hair on his entire body standing up in surprise.

"HEY BABY!" A man's voice yells out suggestively, his head sticking out from the backseat window of a slowly passing car. The car stops at the side of the road and he stares at Kibum with lust filled eyes, his lips as he examines the beauty.

The confused fox stops and blinks, with his forehead scrunched up slightly as he tries to decipher the meaning behind the human's words. He squints in a weak attempt at picking out the man amongst the bright lights.

Jonghyun stops with him, glaring over at the man who is currently staring at Kibum with erted eyes. It was like he was undressing him with his eyes; which would be fairly easy considering how Kibum was only wearing his short, white cloth and Jonghyun's bulky jacket.

"Wanna come with me and my friends and... play?" The man asks the still confused fox, leaning forward and raking his dirty eyes along Kibum's milky legs. A few muffled laughs escape the interior of the car, probably from the man's 'friends'.

The man glances over at Jonghyun, a dark smirk forming on his lips. "Or would you rather stay with this little kid." He asks, snickering as he studies Jonghyun's short form.

Jonghyun growls lowly, like a dog being threatened. He tugs on Kibum's hand firmly, causing the surprised fox to bump up against his chest. Before Kibum can even react in anything else but shock, Jonghyun slips one arm around his slight waist; his other arm snaking through the space between Kibum's side and arm. Jonghyun holds the fox close, glaring at the erted man in the car.

His stance is possessive and threatening, like a dog protecting its favorite toy. He growls lowly, his big eyes flaming with hatred that is aimed at the occupants of the car.


The man clicks his tongue in annoyed defeat and signals his friend to drive away. He pushes a button on the door and the car window rolls up. His dark eyes glare at Jonghyun until the window is fully closed, the car pealing away into the busy road.

My lord, you are not hurt, are you? Wind asks worriedly, watching as Jonghyun's hold on her master tightens.

I-I'm fine. I don't think Jonghyun is though. Kibum replies, feeling the other's hands trembling on his body. Being in Jonghyun's arms is oddly comforting, keeping him calm and warm.

"Jonghyun... hyung, are you alright?" Kibum asks tentatively, almost forgetting to add the respectful 'hyung' the human had urged him to call him before. He pushes away slightly in order to look over at the other's face.

The sight before him instantly causes his heart to melt and his lip to unconsciously form into a pout. Jonghyun's puppy eyes are currently teary, void of any of their previous angry fire. He is trembling all over, gripping Kibum's shirt tightly with his large hands.

"I-I'm sorry Key. I-I got scared that they were going to h-hurt you. I d-don't like p-people like them. They're mean and they hurt people like you w-without thinking about the c-consequences." Jonghyun stutters quietly while sniffing weakly, trying to keep his tears at bay. He looks down at the ground sadly, emotions and harsh memories invading his mind.

"Jonghyun hyung, i-it's alright. I am safe because of you, thank you." Kibum says gently, trying to stop Jonghyun from crying. He could clearly sense the latter's pain, his powers naturally tuning in with Jonghyun's heart and mind. "It is alright hyung. Please don't cry."


Jonghyun sniffs one last time then nods, wiping his eyes with his hoodie's sleeves. He lifts his head up and looks into Kibum's eyes which are mere inches away from his own.

Kibum's turquoise orbs soften as they look into Jonghyun's big puppy eyes. Slowly but surely, he lifts up one of his hands and softly wipes away the last remnants of Jonghyun's tears. He gently trails the pad of his thumb underneath Jonghyun's eye, across his strong cheekbone. He looks straight into the other's eyes then smiles gently.

"Thank you, hyung." He whispers, genuinely grateful to the other.

Jonghyun's heart skips a beat and his breath catches in his throat. Comforting warmth continuously radiates from the fox's hand, practically burning his skin.

"N-no problem Key-ah." He stutters nervously, swallowing the lump in his throat.

Kibum's smile widens as he hears his nickname, content that it has such a nice ring to it. Jonghyun's smooth voice just adds to the good feeling he's getting in the pit of his stomach, making happy butterflies flutter around inside of it.

"Let's get going, I don't want you to catch a cold." Jonghyun says, turning once again towards his apartment, dragging Kibum behind him while a blush creeps up his muscular neck.

Roo toddles ahead of them, looking back at them every few seconds to check if they are still following.

"How far away is your home, hyung?" Key asks curiously, studying the surrounding area with innocently blinking eyes. He notices a few convenience stores, a gas station and a regular supermarket lining the opposite side of the busy street.

"We're actually almost there." Jonghyun replies distractedly, letting his feet lead him along the path that he has long since memorized. "Aaaaaaand... we're here!" He exclaims, letting Kibum's hand go and spinning around to face him with his arms wide. His face shines through the darkness, happiness and pride mingling to form their own natural light.

Excitedly, he motions to his right, making grand gestures at an apartment complex.

The fox follows his exaggeratedly pointing fingers with his blue eyes, studying the tall building with floor after floor stacked upon it. The dark, starry sky above it causes an illusion of sorts, making the partially lit building melt into the darkness. It looks endless.


"Let's go inside!" Jonghyun says excitedly, hopping slightly in place. Seeing him acting like a hyper puppy, Key obliges and follows him inside, immediately being surrounded by warmth once he enters the premises.

A cozy lobby greets him, a few couches and armchairs scattered here and there. He instantly sniffs around curiously, his animal instinct coming into play. He notices that the area smells like lilac and lavender, probably from cleaning.

Thinking that the constant sniffing from Key is due to a runny nose, Jonghyun immediately grabs the other's delicate hand and drags him over to the reception desk.

Kibum follows obediently, used to the warmth from Jonghyun's hand wrapped around his. He stands quietly next to Jonghyun as he speaks to the pretty receptionist, his blue eyes studying the spacious area.

"Who might this be?" The receptionist asks Jonghyun, motioning towards Key. Her brown eyes scrutinize the fox's form, like a girl would do to another girl that was hitting on her boyfriend. In her eyes, there's a hint of disgust but it soon disappears when she looks into Key's blue orbs.

But, Kibum knows better. The hint of disgust in her eyes is still there, just masked by fake innocence. His divine powers had detected it and they still pointed them out to him every few seconds, warning him of potential but not life threatening danger.

Just jealousy; one of the darkest forms of hatred in a human's heart.


"This is Key, he'll be living with me for a while." Jonghyun says to her, completely oblivious to the silent battle Key and the girl are having with their eyes.

Key glances at Jonghyun, smiling slightly. Good puppy. Stay oblivious to other's darkness; it will keep your heart pure. He thinks, looking back at the receptionist. Threateningly, he furrows his eyebrows, staring at her with his piercing gaze.

Instantly, the girl looks away, a hint of fear showing up in her aura. "O-oh so he'll be living with you? For how long?" She asks, a slight tremor in her voice.

Key continues to stare at her threateningly before he finds it enough to keep her quiet for a bit. He already has a group of Hunters on his tail(s), he doesn't want a jealous girl to add to that with her own pitiful drama.

"He'll be staying for a while; until he decides what to to next." Jonghyun replies, smiling kindly at the girl, his eyes turning into half moons as he unconsciously pulls out his aegyo.

Kibum can literally feel the fluffiness of the girl's aura as it becomes full of fangirling feelings.

He sighs and unconsciously brings a hand to his hair, his fingers threading through the pure white strands. He yawns without thinking, looking around as he does so.

"Ah, you're tired!" Jonghyun exclaims as he notices Key's sluggish actions beside him. "We should go." He says to the receptionist, gently grasping Key's thin wrist, tugging him towards an elevator a few feet away.

Roo follows them like an obedient puppy, almost slipping on the waxed marble floor. Her small claws click along with her every step, her tail wagging as she trails behind the fox and her owner.

"Ah, neh, good night Jonghyun-ssi." The girl responds, barely able to hide the disappointment in her voice. She watches them as they go, looking down at some pieces of paperwork on her desk once she can't see them anymore.


As the elevator doors slide closed, Kibum's powers spike. Ignoring the warm and inviting aura of the young man beside him, he tunes in with the only other aura in the vicinity.

Sadness and dreariness are all Kibum senses before the elevator doors shut, cutting off his connection.

The receptionist's aura had darkened so quickly; too quickly. He needs to do something soon or else that darkness will overtake her heart and... break her.

She needs a blessing.






Hey kiddies!

Sorry if this took a bit! I have to take my finals~ Bleh.

Ok guys, here's the thing. The receptionist, I think she's gonna remain nameless. I don't want more characters~ It's too much work~ *whines and stomps my feet*

Thank you to all of my subbies! I have 57 right now! KYA! *kishes you all*

Guys! I only had 2 votes before! Now I has 6! YAAAAY!

SO MANY ACCOMPLISHMENTS! Hehe. Sorry, my A/Ns are where I spazz the most. :3

Please COMMENT and VOTE!

Love you all! BYE NOW!


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lylwizz #1
Chapter 9: Woah author nim dont tell me u abandon the story, i just found it and i love it so much
Jesminda90 #2
It is a very cute Story. I Hope that you not forget this Story :)
JongKey285 #3
Chapter 9: This is beautifully written, the plot is great, I love the idea of key as a innocent god and Jonghyun a pure human, it's so cute and fluffy, I lost count of how many times I squealed, can't wait for an update~
zianart #4
Chapter 5: I couldn't stop watching the Luhan gif.....
JjongKeyyForLife #5
Chapter 9: I juste start to read your fanfic and I already be at the last chapter you write and I just want tell you something: JONGKEY IS JUST SO CUTE *O* I JUST LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS FIC! Please update soon!
Chapter 9: Omg this is overflowing with cuteness xD
Chapter 9: This is SOOOO cute! *squeals* Please update soon! I want more adorable JongKey♡
Chapter 9: gimme more chapters to read
I nid to read b4 I go for exams on the 13
Chapter 9: This is sooooo cute
This is the cutest story I read b4 I join aff
rainbowcloud #10
Chapter 9: Aww isnt this story is he cutest ever? You know, i was smiling by myself whole reading all the chapters (im sure my sister was sending me the same usual weird stare but lets ignore her lol)
so i hope you could update soon since im kind of wanting to read moreee!!
thanks for writing anyway :)