Peaceful Sleep

Nine Tails, One Heart

Jonghyun is lost in his own little world, smothering Key with a tight, appreciative hug. His mind is already picturing how beautiful Key will look in his pictures, adorned in stylish clothes and sparkly jewelry. He can clearly imagine the breathtaking smile on the other's face that will shine brightly forever in each of his pictures.

Blushing slightly at his thoughts, he hugs Key's petite waist tightly, letting himself sink into his seemingly never ending happiness.

Key sighs contentedly, unconsciously burying his button nose into the space between Jonghyun's neck and shoulder. He breathes in the manly scent of the other, letting his warm and comforting aura wrap around him as if it's a fluffy blanket.

Slowly and completely unbeknownst to the human, Key begins to fall asleep. His blue eyes drowsily blink, his eyelashes softly Jonghyun's muscular neck. He yawns quietly, his throat creating a small whine like a puppy would when yawning.

The tiny sound catches the older's attention, making him snap out of his reverie and realize the position he is in.

The fox's long, silky legs are draped across Jonghyun's lap, bending smoothly at the knees so as to dangle lazily. The other's thin arms are wrapped around the older's neck, propped up on his shoulders while his head is softly laying against the other's collarbone; his bow-shaped lips a mere few centimeters away from the skin on Jonghyun's neck. His sparkling eyes are now closed, his long, barely visible eyelashes rim his eyelids, brushing against his high cheekbones.

He looks peaceful and beautiful; like a fragile flower.


Jonghyun smiles softly at the view, his hand automatically moving to brush away a strand of pure white hair that has made its way onto Key's temple. His finger gently moves from the younger's temple to his high cheekbone, lightly the flawless skin.

Suddenly, a low whine pulls his attention away from the beauty. He looks down at his lap, seeing Roo nestled in between his stomach and the fox's smooth legs, her puppy eyes staring up at him tiredly.

Jonghyun chuckles at the cuteness, bringing his hand down to pet the puppy's little head. "Alright, sleepyhead. Let's all go to bed." He whispers, scratching Roo behind the ear affectionately. The latter wags her tail slightly, rubbing against her owner's familiar hand. As if knowing exactly what the man said, she hops down from Jonghyun's lap, to the couch, then down to the floor with a soft 'thump'. She scampers off to the open bedroom, leaving the men to their own devices.

Jonghyun smiles after Roo's waddling steps, looking back at the boy in his arms after seeing his dog's tail disappear behind the door frame. He pouts slightly as he thinks, trying to figure out a way to not disturb Key's sleep while transferring him to the bed.

... Oh god, that sounds so dirty! He thinks in embarrassment, quickly shaking his head to rid himself of the thought.

Gently and slowly, he moves his arms so that one is wrapped firmly around Key's waist and his other is underneath each of the fox's knees. He steadily stands up from the couch, lifting Key along with him. Surprisingly, the fox is actually fairly light; Jonghyun having no trouble getting up with him in his arms.


A low sigh escapes the fox, his warm breath hitting Jonghyun's vulnerable neck. The older shivers slightly at the feeling as he walks around the couch, towards his bedroom's door. Once he's inside, he softly closes the door with his foot, carrying Key towards the King-sized bed.

The younger mumbles something incomprehensible then munches cutely, his lean arms wrapping themselves tighter around Jonghyun's neck. In his sleep, he nuzzles the other's lower neck, appreciating the warmth radiating from him.

Jonghyun's arms and legs stiffen at the fox's adorable actions, his cheeks going red. He stiffly wobbles over to the bed, pulling the covers away with some difficulty before slowly lowering the younger boy down onto the fluffy mattress. He gently unravels Key's arms from around his neck, placing them on either side of the other's body. He retracts his own arms, breathing out a sigh of relief as the blush on his cheeks slowly fades away now that Key is no longer in his arms.

Grasping the covers with both hands, Jonghyun brings them up to Key's chest, covering his long legs. He stands back up to check that Key is comfortable and the sight makes his heart skip a beat.

Key's face is calm and peaceful, his plump lips open slightly to let his calm breathing pass through. His eyes are shut softly, his long eyelashes brushing against his flawless skin.

Jonghyun's eyes slowly slide over the beauty, his heart beating quickly. He blinks dumbly, unable to grasp why he was so affected by the boy.

Key rolls onto his side with a tiny whine, his nose crinkling as his thin fingers grasp a fluffy pillow. In his sleep, he buries his nose into the puffy cushion, a content smile forming on his plump lips.

Jonghyun smiles down at the cute scene, reluctantly pulling his eyes away. Feeling tired and drowsy, Jonghyun yawns hugely, glancing at Key one last time before making his way towards the bathroom for a shower.

As Jonghyun enters the bathroom and closes the door behind him, his aura's presence is cut off from the bedroom. The warmth radiating from him is blocked from the rest of the house; and Key.

Almost immediately, the fox whines and scrunches up his nose in disapproval. The comforting and pure aura he loves so much isn't there anymore and he doesn't like that; at all.

Whining and squirming, the fox searches with his hands for Jonghyun, his lean hands running over the bed and grasping the air desperately.


Nearly ten minutes later, Jonghyun exits the bathroom with his pajamas on while his hands dry his hair with a towel. He hears a whine from Key and immediately looks up, worried for the boy.

Key is still whining desperately, though he has noticed Jonghyun's aura once again. He senses it but he wants him to be closer, to let his aura wrap around him like a blanket.

Completely lost, Jonghyun watches from the bathroom doorway as the younger reaches around himself, patting the mattress underneath him.

"Key...?" He asks in confusion, throwing his towel into the hamper. He runs his fingers through his dried hair, letting it settle correctly as he walks over to the bed; watching Key still struggling desperately.

Is he having a nightmare? He thinks, slowly getting closer.

As he comes closer, the fox's squirming dies down but his hands still grasp the air; trying to reach out for Jonghyun.

The human stands next to the bed, leaning forward quickly to see what's wrong with the younger. Upon seeing the other's furrowed brows, he worriedly inspects the other, trying to find a reason behind it.

Distracted and caught off guard, Jonghyun is suddenly ambushed by Key's hands, the fox's lean fingers grasping his black shirt.

Panicking, the older doesn't know what to do. He stares wide-eyed at the milky white fingers contrasting against his dark shirt. Hurriedly, he tries to pry the other's fingers off of him, already feeling his heart speeding up.

In response, Key whines lowly and pulls Jonghyun closer suddenly.

At the sudden force, Jonghyun topples forward, falling beside Key's sleeping form. His puppy-like eyes blink dumbly, staring at the beautiful boy's face which is mere inches away from his own.

A high pitched and very unmanly squeal escapes Jonghyun, coming from the depths of his throat. His heart beats against his chest, sending blood to his cheeks.

Key contentedly sighs, snuggling closer to the familiar warmth. He moves down a bit and nuzzles his nose into Jonghyun's strong chest, basking in the pure aura. He smiles happily, falling into a peaceful sleep once again in a matter of seconds; Jonghyun's warm aura wrapping around him.

All the while, Jonghyun is frozen, his cheeks an angry red. He tries to breathe slowly in a weak attempt to calm his racing heart, but to no avail. Looking down, he sees Key's flawless face hidden in his shirt, his puppy eyes barely noticing the sleepy smile on the other's face.

He swoons internally then smiles softly down at the fox, admiring his beauty. His heart beats a mile per minute and he tries his hardest to calm it down but having Key so close, he can't win.

Sighing, he gives up and drapes an arm around Key's waist, sneaking his other arm underneath the fox's head. He closes his eyes, fixing his head on the fluffy pillow.

He calms his breathing and eventually falls asleep, not noticing how Key's lithe arms wrap themselves around his midsection; holding him closely.


Outside of the room's window, on the small balcony, Wind sits on the railing. Her pixie wings open and close slowly as her solid-like legs cross; her green eyes staring into the room through a space in the curtain.

"My lord... why must you trust so easily?" She sighs, watching how her master cuddles with the human so naturally. "Once he finds out about your true form, I doubt he will be so accepting."

She shakes her head in disapproval, her wings picking up speed. Steadily, she raises up from her perch, her transparent legs straightening out.

Looking into the room with one last disappointed stare, she flies up into the clouds, her solid form dissolving into the air.


Down on the busy street where cars zoom by, their headlights creating streaks, the sidewalk is quiet and void of any pedestrians. One of the stone squares jiggles slightly before raising up a few inches. Underneath the slab of stone, two piercing yellow eyes glow in the night, looking up at the apartment building.

My lord... A deep and raspy voice whispers, the stone slab crumbling slightly at the sound.

A second later, the eyes have disappeared and the stone square has been lowered back to its original position; no sign of any disturbance evident.

A woman with a sloppy ponytail jogs by, her sneakered foot stomping onto the sidewalk as she goes along, oblivious to the earlier presence. As she jogs away, the sound of her steps fading into the sound of the cars driving by, a low, muffled grumble is heard by no one but the trees...











Look! I finally updated! Hehehe (Eventhough it's short!)

I'm only being slow with my updates because the summer makes me lazy~ Dun worry, once I start school, my body naturally sets up a schedule and I'll write more. Augh school! *crying*

THANK YOU TO ALL OF MY SUBBIES! There are 96 of you now~ WOOT WOOT! 13 more since last time! Frick yeah~

Did you like this chapter? I hope you did~

Jongkey cuddling~ KYA! *spazzing*

Please COMMENT and VOTE! Thank you so much for the 20 votes guys~ I feel so loved~ *high fives everyone*

Anyways! Tell me what you think and all of that nonsense!

Oh yeah! I've been thinking of writing a one-shot of Jongkey. It will most definitely be ty because of THIS! *points at the story* So much fluff and my mind has to be locked away. Tsk tsk. If I do post it, will you guys read it? *wiggly eyebrows*



I'm off to update Orphan to Vampire Prince! BAI! *gallops away*



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lylwizz #1
Chapter 9: Woah author nim dont tell me u abandon the story, i just found it and i love it so much
Jesminda90 #2
It is a very cute Story. I Hope that you not forget this Story :)
JongKey285 #3
Chapter 9: This is beautifully written, the plot is great, I love the idea of key as a innocent god and Jonghyun a pure human, it's so cute and fluffy, I lost count of how many times I squealed, can't wait for an update~
zianart #4
Chapter 5: I couldn't stop watching the Luhan gif.....
JjongKeyyForLife #5
Chapter 9: I juste start to read your fanfic and I already be at the last chapter you write and I just want tell you something: JONGKEY IS JUST SO CUTE *O* I JUST LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS FIC! Please update soon!
Chapter 9: Omg this is overflowing with cuteness xD
Chapter 9: This is SOOOO cute! *squeals* Please update soon! I want more adorable JongKey♡
Chapter 9: gimme more chapters to read
I nid to read b4 I go for exams on the 13
Chapter 9: This is sooooo cute
This is the cutest story I read b4 I join aff
rainbowcloud #10
Chapter 9: Aww isnt this story is he cutest ever? You know, i was smiling by myself whole reading all the chapters (im sure my sister was sending me the same usual weird stare but lets ignore her lol)
so i hope you could update soon since im kind of wanting to read moreee!!
thanks for writing anyway :)