Comfortable Awakening

Nine Tails, One Heart

The early morning sun peeks over the tall buildings of Seoul, gently shining on the streets which are beginning to crowd with people, making their ways to work. A soft breeze slides between the buildings, spreading throughout the large city. One wisp of wind whips between two exceptionally tall buildings, ruffling the feathers of a flock of birds. The birds wobble precariously in the air but they soon set themselves into an orderly pattern, smoothly gliding back into their usual triangular shape. In the middle of their flock, a transparent figure shines in the morning sunlight; glimmering pixie wings fluttering and stretching as far as possible. Sparkling green eyes slowly shut in bliss; swirling, wind-made arms reaching out to feel the cold of the air. The birds do not notice the presence, but they sense something different in the wind. A few squawk in confusion, causing a chorus of high pitched chirps and screeches to start. Green eyes snap open in annoyance, a small sigh escaping from transparent lips.

“Aish, so annoying.” Wind grumbles, flying higher up into the sky, leaving the squawking birds behind. She flies higher and higher, the soft rays of sunlight going through her form. Her pixie wings flap rapidly, ushering the clouds in her way to every which way as her winds gain force. She suddenly stops flapping her wings, her momentum sending her straight through a fluffy cloud; then another; then another.

After passing through three clouds, she finally settles on sitting atop of one; her transparent form melding slightly with the clear fog of the cloud. Her fragile looking wings open and close lazily, her figure giving an impression that it was constantly spinning as her winds move in order to maintain her nymph form. Her green, piercing eyes stare at a particular building, watching closely as the morning sunlight slowly climbs up along the side, shining off of the windows.

A soft glow appears beside her and she glances over, smiling slightly when she notices that her best friend has made an appearance.

“Hi, Raindrop.” She sighs her friend's nickname, lightly bumping the other's knee with her own. This minor contact causes a ripple to form in Water’s entire body, earning a giggle from Wind.

“Yah, don’t do that!” Water whines, her fairy wings fluttering in her annoyance, “You know how I hate when you do that! It takes so long for the stupid ripples to stop.” She says, grumbling as the ripple continues spreading through her transparent body, rebounding when it reaches her fingers and head.

Wind giggles again, earning a childish slap from the other. When their childish spat ends, they both look over at the building ahead of them, green eyes fierce while blue eyes contain only gentleness. They sit beside each other on the cloud, watching as the sunlight finally reaches the tenth floor of the building; its soft yet bright light reflecting off of the windows.

A single wisp of sunlight sneaks into the bedroom through a small gap between the curtains, dancing its way in smoothly. Its soft light heads straight towards the bed, gently caressing the white sheets with its light. Slowly, it creeps up the covers, reaching the serene face of a sleeping god, better known as Kibum. His bow-shaped lips turn into a pout, his closed eyes scrunching in irritation as the sunlight teases him awake. Trying to find an escape from the playful sunlight, Key buries his face deeper into the warm pillow that he is hugging. It’s so warm and comfy that even after having successfully evaded the sun, he continues snuggling closer. His face slips just a bit and hits something hard, the heat suddenly surrounding his entire face. The fox furrows for a second, quickly forgetting about it when his lips ghost over something warm and soft. He sighs contentedly, shifting even closer. Plush lips press against a smooth, heated surface; slim fingers grasping a fabric tightly.

A low groan reaches his ears, strong arms tightening around his waist. A comforting aura that he has become very familiar with wraps around him even more, just as the arms did.

Key’s blue eyes flutter open slowly, focusing on a tanned neck right in front of him. Relaxed muscles showcase themselves proudly to the god, making the corner of his lip twitch in appreciation. The fox’s brain doesn’t register what’s going on immediately, his mouth stretching as he yawns awake. Unconsciously, he purrs contentedly, pushing his face against the warm neck. His body rolls over, stretching over something warm and comfortable. The familiar aura caresses him gently, his bow shaped lips lazily stretching wider. He almost wakes up fully, his mind still a bit blurry from sleep.

Another low groan reaches his sensitive ears, then the form that he is laying on shifts underneath him. The arms around his waist loosen at the same time, a high pitched whine of disapproval escaping him as the warm aura depletes a bit, leaving him cold. He curls into a ball, feeling muscles tensing underneath his form.

“Key?” Jonghyun grumbles sleepily, his voice deep and husky as he blinks slowly; trying to ward off his drowsiness. He yawns hugely, his chest moving up as he breathes deeply.

The fox whines pathetically in response, burying his face into the other man’s neck in a desperate search for his warmth. By now, Key is sprawled over Jonghyun’s body, drowsily appreciating the other’s strong muscles; using them as his bed. He purrs like a content kitten, taking in the masculine and clean scent of the human.

“Key, why are you on top of me?” Jonghyun asks dumbly, unable to grasp the strange situation.  A beautiful, god-like (pun intended) boy is laying on his chest comfortably, stubbornly trying to go back to sleep while he himself is trying to wake up. His cheeks are dusted with a light blush, his body tensing when the other childishly rubs his nose into his neck; his pure white hair tickling his chin.

“You are very comfortable.” Key mumbles cutely, sighing contentedly when Jonghyun’s warm aura wraps around him like a cocoon. He snuggles into the human’s muscular chest, like a puppy seeking attention would.

Jonghyun blushes even more, awkwardly trying not to focus on how warm and light Key is. His hands twitch at his sides, wanting to the fox’s smooth skin; clenching into tight fists as he holds himself back.


Riiiing. Jonghyun’s alarm clock screeches loudly, interrupting the comfortable atmosphere of the room. Key startles fully awake, falling off of Jonghyun in his shock; his bare legs hurriedly bending underneath him to catch him.

Jonghyun groans in annoyance, already missing the soft warmth from the other. With slightly groggy movements, he grabs his alarm clock off of the nightstand and shuts it off. He sighs tiredly, sitting up on the bed; the mattress creaking just a bit at the movement. He looks over at Key, seeing him pushing himself up to sit on his knees, his smooth legs bending elegantly underneath him. Milky skin shines prettily in the morning sunlight, making Jonghyun’s tanned cheeks flush in embarrassment; catching himself staring. The fox is outrageously beautiful.

“Key,” He calls gently, the latter immediately looking at him curiously, his snow white hair falling over one of his icy blue eyes. Jonghyun smiles softly at the adorable sight, getting up off of the bed before turning to look at Key once again, “I have to leave for work in a bit, will you be coming with me?” He asks, tilting his head a bit, resembling a curious puppy.

Key yawns cutely, rubbing one of his eyes with his slim hand. As he does so, he nods tiredly, affirming that he will accompany the human to his work.

Jonghyun grins proudly, hurriedly scuttling over to his closet to get some clothes for both him and Key. He finds a few items of clothes that are a bit small on him, grinning childishly when he imagines Key wearing them. He grabs a pair of white skinny jeans and a loose blue shirt for himself, turning around to give the clothes he picked out to the fox.

What he sees makes him chuckle a bit, his cheeks red and his heart pounding.

Key is standing beside the bed, struggling in the most adorable way possible. His thin arms are stretched above his head, the white cloth he is wearing bunched up slightly at his chin. The cloth covers his mouth and nose, only letting his pure white hair and icy eyes show. His blue orbs contain only distress and confusion, his entire body squirming. The white cloth rides up his legs, showing both of the long limbs in all of their soft and milky glory. He must have been trying to take off his garment when he saw Jonghyun getting an outfit for him. He at least knows the basic needs of humans; he isn’t that clueless. But apparently, he’s clueless enough to not be able to undress himself properly.

Jonghyun chuckles good naturedly, catching the fox’s attention. Reflective turquoise orbs look into big puppy eyes, all previous squirming of the fox’s delicate body pausing completely. The fox blinks cluelessly, his long eyelashes fluttering as he does so.

“What in the world are you doing?” Jonghyun chortles, snorting slightly in amusement. He comes closer, placing the clothes in his hands on a chair that he passes. The fox mumbles something shyly, the cloth covering his mouth muffling his words.

Jonghyun lifts an eyebrow at him, silently telling him to try again. The latter blinks, having expected Jonghyun to understand his words. He pouts a bit behind the cloth, repeating his words once more, louder and clearer.

“I was simply trying to undress, hyung. My garment has gotten stuck.” He explains in his overly sophisticated way of speaking. His slim arms are still over his head, his white cloth flowing messily down to the beginnings of his thighs; covering everything important. The older boy holds himself back from snorting, impressed with how completely innocent yet seductive Key can be. He’s literally half , completely vulnerable to anything. It’s a good thing that he’s with Jonghyun, because if it was anyone else, they wouldn’t be able to hold themselves back from defiling the beautiful boy.

“Aigoo,” Jonghyun coos, his cheeks still a bit pink from seeing Key’s bare, smooth legs. He comes closer, pulling the garment back down; freeing Key’s face. The fox huffs, tilting his head curiously at Jonghyun, “Key, your clothes got stuck on your belt.” The puppy-like man explains, grinning childishly at the other.

“Oh… Forgive my ignorance.” Key mutters, blushing a bit in embarrassment. His hands go to the golden belt, unhooking it and letting it fall onto the bed. The white cloth flutters smoothly as it becomes looser around the fox’s hips. It has an appearance akin to a medium length dress, falling to the fox’s knees.

“Do you need… um… u-underwear?” Jonghyun asks awkwardly, blushing beet red as he realizes what he just said. The fox pouts a bit in thought, eventually nodding in affirmation. He doesn’t seem to notice Jonghyun’s embarrassment; his icy blue eyes simply noting that the other’s ears are red as he walks back to the closet.

Jonghyun grabs a pair of boxers, scuttling awkwardly back to Key. He fetches the clothes he had picked out for the fox, giving everything to the boy at the same time. The fox smiles appreciatively, taking the clothes with graceful movements. His soft fingers lightly over Jonghyun’s, sending a shock through his body. When Key has the clothes firmly in his hands, the human puts his hands behind him, clutching them together shyly.

“I-if you need to take a shower, the bathroom is right over there.” He says coyly, blushing when he sees Key nodding cutely, understanding his words, “We have to leave in about thirty minutes so I’ll go make breakfast, alright?”

Key nods again, smiling appreciatively at the human, his dimples appearing. Jonghyun’s breath hitches, his cheeks regaining their red color.

Aish, stop blushing! He grumbles to himself, hurriedly fetching the outfit he had picked out for himself. He nods to Key, scuttling awkwardly over to the door to make his way to the kitchen. He stops when a gentle voice calls his name.

“Jonghyun hyung.”

The puppy-like man looks back, his big eyes meeting feline blue orbs that seem to look into his soul. A pretty smile stretches across Key’s bow-shaped lips, making Jonghyun blink dumbly at the beauty.

“Thank you.” Key says gently, sincerity lacing his soft voice. The human gulps as his heart drums in his chest, his head nodding instinctively.

“You’re welcome, Key.” He mutters awkwardly, hurriedly leaving the room to let Key have his privacy.

The last thing the fox sees before the door closes are flaming red ears; an amused giggle escaping him.


Outside, the sun shines gently, finally shining in every corner of Seoul. People are flooding into the streets, hurrying to their workplaces. A bird sits on a stone statue that depicts an impressive man looking up at the sky with one of his hands covering his heart. The bird settles down on the statue's head, looking bored.

Suddenly, the head that the poor creature is sitting on moves slightly, startling the little chickadee. It flies away in a fright, leaving the statue alone on its pedestal.

As if it is possessed, the statue moves in very small movements that not even the sharpest eye could pick up. The monument is clearly made of stone; not animated at all. The statue looks up at the sky, an almost inaudible sigh escaping it. Its carved eyes focus on a particular cloud, an emotion akin to sadness flooding into the blank orbs.

Through detailed, stone-made lips, a name is uttered forlornly yet lovingly.









Lolololol I finally updated after like three months

Augh I'm such a horrible author. Mianhae~

I hope you still love me~

Oh thank you to all of my new subbies! Since last time, 46 of you joined in my weirdness! *brag brag*

Hehehe welcome to hell!

OH OH! The ty Jongkey chapter that I mentioned last chapter! (If you remember) I wrote it! Also, there's a sequel! Go check it out!

COMMENT and VOTE please! Thank you for the 22 votes~ *spazzes happily*



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lylwizz #1
Chapter 9: Woah author nim dont tell me u abandon the story, i just found it and i love it so much
Jesminda90 #2
It is a very cute Story. I Hope that you not forget this Story :)
JongKey285 #3
Chapter 9: This is beautifully written, the plot is great, I love the idea of key as a innocent god and Jonghyun a pure human, it's so cute and fluffy, I lost count of how many times I squealed, can't wait for an update~
zianart #4
Chapter 5: I couldn't stop watching the Luhan gif.....
JjongKeyyForLife #5
Chapter 9: I juste start to read your fanfic and I already be at the last chapter you write and I just want tell you something: JONGKEY IS JUST SO CUTE *O* I JUST LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS FIC! Please update soon!
Chapter 9: Omg this is overflowing with cuteness xD
Chapter 9: This is SOOOO cute! *squeals* Please update soon! I want more adorable JongKey♡
Chapter 9: gimme more chapters to read
I nid to read b4 I go for exams on the 13
Chapter 9: This is sooooo cute
This is the cutest story I read b4 I join aff
rainbowcloud #10
Chapter 9: Aww isnt this story is he cutest ever? You know, i was smiling by myself whole reading all the chapters (im sure my sister was sending me the same usual weird stare but lets ignore her lol)
so i hope you could update soon since im kind of wanting to read moreee!!
thanks for writing anyway :)