Leaving Home

Nine Tails, One Heart

The full moon shines down on a lush forest, reflecting its light on the green leaves. The night is quiet, the only sound being the wind's soft howls. The breeze ruffles the shining foliage, causing a chorus of trembling leaves.

Among the trees, a pure white paw appears from behind an aged trunk. The grass waves with the wind, as if it is beckoning the creature.

An identical paw makes its appearance, landing soundlessly beside its twin. Soon after, two more pure white paws present themselves, making the first two move forward to accommodate them. From the paws, long white legs connect to the thin body; smooth muscle lines stretching along the limbs.

Gracefully and silently, the animal moves forward, pausing in a speckled ray of moonlight that is distorted by the leaves overhead.

The angelic creature lifts its head, revealing a snow white snout and blue, feline eyes. A long tail swishes behind it, accompanied by eight identical ones. Its nine tails move together, swaying from side to side, moving in small waves with the wind.


In the distance, an owl hoots and the animal tenses, looking around in alarm.

"My lord." The wind whispers, its voice smooth and quiet like its movements.

The pure white fox looks up into the trees, waiting for the wind spirit to continue. Its muscles relax slightly but it is still alert.

"There is danger nearby." The wind spirit breathes, moving swiftly around the nine tailed creature.

What type of danger? Humans? The creature asks in its mind, its white nose flaring and wiggling as it speaks telepathically.

"Yes, my lord. Humans with nets and strange weapons."

The creature sighs and looks over at a tree ahead of it, its tails curling slightly.

How far are they? It asks, its blue eyes twinkling as the moonlight reflects against them.

The wind spirit sends a gust of gentle wind around, inspecting the area. Soon, the wind calms down into a light breeze, ruffling the creature's white fur.

"Two miles to the South, my lord. They are moving quickly."

The nine tailed fox acknowledges the wind spirit's words, turning swiftly towards the North. It sets off at a run, its nine tails flying behind it.

What is their target? The creature asks, gracefully leaping over a fallen tree. It lands soundlessly on the grass and continues bounding forward at an incredible pace.

The wind whirls around the creature, not responding.

What is their target, Wind. The fox commands, its four white paws pounding quietly on the grass.

"... you." The wind finally whispers in a scared voice.

The nine tailed creature stops for a second, growling in frustration. It bares its teeth, its lips pulled back. It begins running once again, heading toward an area in the Northeast that it knows it will be safe in. As it runs, the fox lowers its lips, focusing on the matter at hand and not on its own anger.

The wind remains quiet, sensing its master's frustration. It follows obediently, occasionally spreading its power through the forest in search of the humans.


After a little while of running, the creature slows to a walk, emerging from the trees. In front of it is a park with a sparkling lake situated in the middle. A few benches surround the lake, their polished wood glinting slightly as the light from the full moon reflects off of the body of water.

Sensing no humans nearby, the nine tailed fox walks over to the edge of the water, staring at its reflection.

"My lord, I suggest you disguise yourself. The humans coming after you are looking for you in your true form." The wind says, causing a few ripples to appear in the water.

The creature nods in agreement and coils its nine tails around its body, leaving only its face revealed. Its blue eyes close and a bright light shines around its form.

The wind spirit watches in fascination, witnessing the power and greatness of its master.

Seconds later, the light slowly fades and reveals a boy sitting on his side, his long legs bent slightly at the knees. The boy stands up, a white cloth covering his upper body and part of his thighs. The cloth drapes from his shoulders, smoothly flowing down. It looks almost like a dress but, a golden belt tied around the boy's waist makes it look less feminine.

"This body is too frail, I don't like it." The boy says out loud with a smooth voice, his blue, feline eyes looking at his own thin arms.

"But my lord, you look beautiful." The wind says encouragingly, dancing around its master.

The other simply sighs, stretching his limbs as a fox would do. He bends forward slightly and juts out his , stretching his arms and back while making a small noise of contentment.


"Ah, my lord, you're here!" Another voice squeals excitedly, sounding fluid and gentle.

A soft glow appears over the lake and a string of water rises up into the air, a few feet above the lake. The floating string of water slowly molds itself into a body; arms and legs connecting to a fluid looking torso. Transparent wings spring out from behind the form; a head forming as well. A small waterfall forms on the top of the head, resembling long hair. The water makes fluid movements through its form, smoothening the lines until a transparent girl floats above the lake, smooth fairy wings flapping behind her. Her body shifts slowly, resembling small ripples in a puddle.

"Water!" The wind spirit squeals in glee, blowing around its fellow spirit.

"Wind! Go into your Nymph form." The water spirit says, following her companion's movements around her with her light blue eyes.

The wind spirit complys, calling its winds to itself, spinning them into a small tornado. The winds form into a lithe body, making an illusion of firm limbs. Pixie wings spring out just as the water spirit's did, flapping quickly in order to keep flight. A head forms, spirals of wind mimicking curls of hair. The girl blinks, her green eyes twinkling in the light of the moon.

Both spirits fly to each other, dancing joyously in the sky while holding each other's transparent hands.

"Wind, Water." The fox calls out impatiently, effectively catching both nymph's attention. Both float back down near the ground, hovering in front of their master.

"My lord, may I ask why you're in your human form?" Water asks shyly, studying the other's sharp cheekbones and piercing blue eyes.

"Humans are coming after me." The fox in human form replies shortly, glaring back at the forest behind him. His eyes soften when he sees his home.

His home... that he has to leave behind.


"Goodness! I didn't know humans still believed in gods!" Water gasps in surprise, earning a smack across the head from Wind. "Wha-" She asks as a large ripple spreads through her entire body from the spot she was hit.

"Dimwit, humans are hunting down Lord Kibum. Can't you see that this is dangerous?" Wind scolds, glaring at her friend with her green eyes.

Water whimpers in response, looking down in shame.

The fox gives her a comforting look, his blue eyes twinkling as the full moon's light hit them.

"It's ok, Water. I just have to stay safe for the sake of Korea." He says softly, making Water look up at him just with his voice.

Kibum smiles gently at her and looks back at his forest with slightly sad eyes.

"I can't let them catch me, or else... evil will reign."





Annyeong my sweeties! Chapter one guys! FINALLY!

I hope you liked it~

To all of you guys who subscribed without even reading the first chapter: THANK YOU! I feel all happy and fluffy inside!

Hey... Please VOTE and COMMENT!

I hope you liked the first chapter and please be patient for the next one!

I'll update soon! BYE~

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lylwizz #1
Chapter 9: Woah author nim dont tell me u abandon the story, i just found it and i love it so much
Jesminda90 #2
It is a very cute Story. I Hope that you not forget this Story :)
JongKey285 #3
Chapter 9: This is beautifully written, the plot is great, I love the idea of key as a innocent god and Jonghyun a pure human, it's so cute and fluffy, I lost count of how many times I squealed, can't wait for an update~
zianart #4
Chapter 5: I couldn't stop watching the Luhan gif.....
JjongKeyyForLife #5
Chapter 9: I juste start to read your fanfic and I already be at the last chapter you write and I just want tell you something: JONGKEY IS JUST SO CUTE *O* I JUST LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS FIC! Please update soon!
Chapter 9: Omg this is overflowing with cuteness xD
Chapter 9: This is SOOOO cute! *squeals* Please update soon! I want more adorable JongKey♡
Chapter 9: gimme more chapters to read
I nid to read b4 I go for exams on the 13
Chapter 9: This is sooooo cute
This is the cutest story I read b4 I join aff
rainbowcloud #10
Chapter 9: Aww isnt this story is he cutest ever? You know, i was smiling by myself whole reading all the chapters (im sure my sister was sending me the same usual weird stare but lets ignore her lol)
so i hope you could update soon since im kind of wanting to read moreee!!
thanks for writing anyway :)