
True Life

"Where'd she go?" Wandering the school grounds was all 12 guys searching for Ji Ea. Krystal looked out the window watching them try to find Ji Ea. "Psh those stupid boys don't know what a pretty girl looks like!!! They won't even be able to find her" Krystal said with a smirk on her face "Ji Ea!!! Ji Ea!!! Ji Ea!! Ji Ea!!!"Ji Ea heard that from afar and the memory of being kidnapped came to her mind she looked around her wobbling not being able to walk correctly. All 12 boys where close to getting to wehre Ji Ea was. Ji Ea went to lean against a tree but it was too late. JI EA!!! JI EA!!! JI EA!!! JI EA!!! JI EA!!! JI EA!!! JI EA!!! JI EA!!! JI EA!!! JI EA!!! JI EA!!! JI EA!!!  They all screamed watching her fall down the cliff. Kai, Suho, Kris, Luhan, Tao, D.O, Baekhyun, Chen, Xuimin, Sehun, Chanyeol, then Lay ran down the hill to her. The cliff was right by the lake but she hit the shore. They ran to sorround her then picked her up and ran to the hospital.

At The Hospital

 They had gotten a big room for Ji Ea just so that they could all sleep over with her but first Kris called her brothers. When Ji Ea's brothers got to the house Kris pulled Nickhun to the side. "Ji Ea has some broken ribs, her back is really really really bruised, she had surgery done for her internal bleeding also she has broken leg bones that'll take a while to heal sense the fall was really  hard but there is more injuries that i can't really remember." Nickhun looked into the room. "But Sunbae Nickhun I think she did't fall on accident I think she was pushed. When I looked at the scene it looked like there was a struggle." Nickhun's expression changed. "So your saying somebody did it on purpose?" They went back into the room but their timing couldn't be any better. Ji Ea's heart beat was dropping and when Taecyeon went to grab her hand it he saw that her body was bruised more than what Kris told him. The docters came in they moved her and her pillow was stained with blood...

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yorian #1
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