Workaholic Kyu

SeoKyu So Cute Romance

Kyuhyun checked the time and despite all the obstacles he encountered, he still had approximately 5 minutes left before the meeting would commence. ‘I think I will reach there just in time if I run as fast as I can,’ Kyuhyun told himself. So he did his best to run as fast as he could, ignoring the pain at some parts of his body. 5 minutes later, Kyuhyun was right in the meeting room, panting and sweating profusely.

“Kyu! You’re just in time! Did anything bad happen?” Changmin, his best friend, who was assigned to the same case as his, asked curiously. Changmin was so relieved that Kyuhyun was on time. He was worried that Kyuhyun could not make it on time because when he called Kyuhyun a moment ago, Kyuhyun never picked up the phone.

“Nothing important, really,” Kyuhyun brushed it off while trying to get his breath under control.

“Then, shall we start our investigation?” the client asked, which was then followed by some nods from the 2 interns.


Meanwhile, Seohyun was also rushing to her piano recital. She was a bit late, and her friends were questioning her once she arrived, as Seohyun was hardly ever late.

“I bumped into a erted guy!” Seohyun answered, still catching her breath.

“MWO??!!” her friends shrieked in unison, making all eyes on them.

“Sssh..quiet, guys!” Taeyeon reminded the rest.

“Jinja? What did he do to you? If I meet him, I’ll get him into jail!” Tiffany said furiously.

Then Seohyun told them the whole story, making them chuckle due to the funny ending.

“That would serve him right! Wait a minute! Do you know his name?” Yuri asked.

“Hhhmm.. if I’m not wrong, his name is Kyu..kyu.. hyun?” Seohyun replied, a bit unsure.

“Kyuhyun? By any chance, is he your senior in Seoul Uni? You’ve probably heard about this handsome law student who is very popular yet is still single. A perfect guy every girl would want to date. I heard it from Siwon Oppa,” Sooyoung said. Siwon was her boyfriend, who was also attending Seoul University.

“I don’t think so. Well, he is quite handsome. But his attitude is horrendous. I don’t think any girl would want to date him,” Seohyun said.

“Oh, well. By the way, why were you running all the way here? You never follow my motto, don’t you?” asked Jessica, out of the blue.

“What motto?” Seohyun asked.

“Never ever run, no matter how late you are,” all the girls answered in unison.

“You’re so lame!” Seohyun replied with a small chuckle.

Then they stopped chatting and enjoyed the rest of the performances. When it was Seohyun’s turn to perform, all of them gave her encouragement. Seohyun played her piece beautifully, making the audience awed and give her a standing ovation. It was already lunch time when the recital ended. So Seohyun and the other 7 SNSD girls (except Sunny) went for lunch together in a nearby restaurant before visiting the sick Sunny, who lived nearby.


Kyuhyun was still assessing his case when his stomach grumbled loudly. In that extremely quiet moment, the sound would be very audible, hence Changmin and the client sitting next to Kyuhyun simultaneously asked, “Are you hungry?”

Kyuhyun’s face turned bit root red out of embarrassment, but he could not deny what seemed so obvious. He just nodded with hesitation.

“Then why don’t we have lunch together? We can still discuss about this case while eating,” the client suggested. And the 2 interns smiled in agreement. So, they went to a café nearby.

“Hey, you haven’t told us your story that made you pant this morning,” Changmin started the conversation.

“I thought we’re going to discuss the case?” Kyuhyun tried to change the topic.

“It’s ok, I’m also interested to know,” the client said.

So Kyuhyun told the story with his pissed-off expression. The two men laughed their heads off from Kyuhyun’s hilarious incident.

“Hey, I think you need to check that out. How badly injured is your..” Changmin said teasingly.

“Shut up! We’re eating right now!” Kyuhyun snapped.

“Well, I mean after eating,” Changmin continued, and Kyuhyun gave him his death glare.

After eating, the client excused himself as he had another meeting in his office. So Kyuhyun and Changmin went back to the law firm and worked on the gruelling case. It was 2PM when Changmin’s cell phone rang. He picked up the call and his eyes grew wider.

“Kyu, I need to go now. My mom fainted and was sent to an emergency room,” Changmin said in panic.

“Hey, do you want me to accompany you?” Kyuhyun was also shocked.

“No, it’s ok. I’ll inform you her condition as soon as I know,” Changmin said.

“I hope it’s not serious,” Kyuhyun said and bid Changmin good bye. He was sad for his friend, he could really understand that feeling he once had when his mom was first sent to a hospital. So there he was all alone, reminiscing some memories with his beloved mom. But soon after, Kyuhyun was already deeply engrossed with his work again.


It was 7PM and Kyuhyun was still fixed in his seat, doing his tasks.

“Kyu, do you want to have dinner with us?” his colleague asked. Kyuhyun heard it but felt too troubled to respond. So she tap on his shoulder and repeated her question. Kyuhyun felt annoyed and said coldly, “No, I’m busy.” without even looking at her. That was typical of him and his colleagues already knew it. “See? I told you, didn’t I?” one of them said.

“Gosh! Time flies so fast!” Kyuhyun complained in frustration. If not because of his colleagues who had kindly reminded him to go for dinner with them, Kyuhyun would not realise about the time.

“Hey, don’t overwork yourself. You don’t look good, your face is pale,” another colleague told him. Kyuhyun just nodded but was still painstakingly working till he got a phone call. Changmin!

“How’s your mom?” Kyuhyun asked directly.

“Thank God, she’s fine. She’s got high blood pressure and the doctor had managed to bring it under control. How’s the case going?” Changmin asked.

“Hhhmm I’m still working on it. I haven’t seen any light yet, but soon. I think I’m going to go home very late,” Kyuhyun replied.

“Hey, why don’t you continue tomorrow? You need to take care of yourself. You get sick so easily and..”

“I need to hang up, see you tomorrow!” Kyuhyun quickly cut him off and then he continued working with the case after calling Ahra to tell her that he would be home quite late. Somehow he could sense some light on the case just a moment before he hung up the phone. On the other end of the line, Changmin was cursing for being cut off while being caring.


It was 10PM and Kyuhyun sighed in relief as he finally managed to come up with a good solution for his case. So he packed his stuff and went home. He walked to his car, which was parked randomly at the roadside not too far away. When he walked pass SeoKyu Street, he could not help smiling as he recalled his morning incident. ‘Seohyun? Kyuhyun? SeoKyu Street? Gah! I’m already insane!’ A sudden thought came into his mind, making him cringe with disgust at his own ridiculous thought.

But his cringe of disgust soon turned into a cringe of pain when he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach. ‘Damn! This pain again!’ Kyuhyun cursed under his breath while clutching his stomach.



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Chapter 3: Why haven't i known my kyunee cute side.I never think he is adorable.Only think he's gentle handsome.Beautiful story.
ZoieBonite #2
Chapter 7: Sequel?? Your story is amazing... :)) seo is so evil..
soneELF001 #3
Chapter 7: OMG, sequel please! This story was so sweet. Although, at first i thought you were gonna pair Victoria with ZhouMi. That would have made my day, but I still like Kris :)
Stand4SeoKyu #4
Chapter 7: LoL, even until the ending they're still fighting!!!
Vic and Kris?? Not bad Eventhough i though u would paired up Vic with Changmin ^^v
Stand4SeoKyu #5
Chapter 7: LoL, even until the ending they're still fighting!!!
Vic and Kris?? Not bad Eventhough i though u would paired up Vic with Changmin ^^v
Popopo #6
Chapter 7: Sequel please:)
I love seokyu so much:)
snarkyu #7
Chapter 6: I'm so sad and feel so sorry for Vic!! She lied to Kyu just because she doesn't want to make kyu feels burdened, and she doesn't want to ruin seokyu's relationship. Ugh my kyutoria's heart! T_T
Author, please let Vic finds her Mr. Right if she couldn't be with Kyu! >_< I just dont want to see her sad because of seokyu.
Popopo #8
Chapter 6: Update soon please:)
Chapter 6: ah, kyu, she IS in this love triangle.
i really like your story! i find it kinda cute! well except wut happened rite now wit victoria
update soon!