The Fateful Bump

SeoKyu So Cute Romance

It was Monday morning in July, the hottest period of the year. All uni students were having their summer break and they would spend their vacation at home or doing internship. Most of them would commonly stay indoors, where air-conditioners would keep them cool, while a few others would visit parks or recreation centres to have some fun. Unfortunately for Kyuhyun, who was currently working in an established law firm as an intern, he needed to wake up early and do some research to get his task done. Just like any other day, the maid working in Cho house would wake the ill-tempered Kyuhyun up after bracing herself for Kyuhyun’s scolding she was certainly going to receive.

KNOCK KNOCK.. “Kyuhyun-shi, please wake up now.. your breakfast is ready..” the maid said while knocking at Kyuhyun’s door. But Kyuhyun, who was still in his deep sleep, did not move a bit. The maid knocked again but she still did not get any reply. That was bad, because it meant she had to shake Kyuhyun’s body to wake him up and that would also mean that she would receive a rather harsh scolding. She sighed a bit and opened the door slowly, looking at Kyuhyun who was surprisingly not sleeping on his king sized bed, but at his desk with his laptop still . Everyone who knew Kyuhyun would immediately think that he should have been playing starcraft or any other games the whole night. And that would be true for most of the time, but not today. Kyuhyun was doing his research till 3 in the morning, and before he knew it, he fell asleep right there, at his desk, in front of his laptop.

With an anxious expression and a pounding heart, the maid tip toed towards Kyuhyun and gently shaked his body. She needed to repeat it at least twice until Kyuhyun woke up and groaned. At first Kyuhyun felt disturbed by the maid’s persistent shake. Then he got irritated by the shaky voice she produced. So he hesitantly opened his eyes and slowly but surely he felt the pain all over his body, especially his head, spine and arms that had been supporting his head for at least 4 hours. So he let out a husky groan and massaged his throbbing head and aching neck before scolding the poor maid furiously. “GET OUT OF MY ROOM OR YOU’RE FIRED!” he shouted at the very end of his scolding, making the maid hurriedly went away.

So Kyuhyun was all alone again, trying to cool down and control his breath. But that did not last so long as Mrs Cho soon went into his room and advised him not to scold the maid as the maid was, in a way, helping him. Mrs Cho was Kyuhyun’s step mother and got married to Kyuhyun’s dad just 6 months after the death of Kyuhyun’s biological mother, which was due to gastric cancer. Kyuhyun was so depressed after his mom’s death that he changed so much from someone lovable and kind to someone spiteful and full of hatred. He would treat everyone around him badly, except his elder sister, Cho Ahra, and his best friend, Shim Changmin. Kyuhyun became very cold to his father as he condemned his dad's marriage, but he still respected his father nevertheless. Kyuhyun hated his step mother so much and never once called her ‘Eomma’. He believed that his step mother was just interested in his dad’s money and nothing else.  So when Mrs Cho came and fussed about his attitude, Kyuhyun became even angrier.

“STOP FUSSING AND GET LOST!” he shouted and stomped towards his bathroom. Mrs Cho was not surprised at all at his rude behaviour towards her. It had been a norm as there had never been a day without him showing his hatred towards her since she met him. But Mrs Cho, who genuinely loved Kyuhyun, Ahra and their father, could accept this painful reality. She kept telling herself that sooner or later Kyuhyun would realise that she did love him. She truthfully regarded him and Ahra as her biological children. She felt fortunate enough that Ahra was such a sweet step daughter and was willing to accept her from the beginning of her marriage 10 years ago.

After taking a shower, Kyuhyun quickly packed his stuff and ran downstairs. He was a bit behind time to meet his client. He did not say a word to his dad, Mrs Cho and Ahra who were all eating in the dining room and briskly walked to the front door. He was about to put his shoes on when Mrs Cho stopped him and said, “Kyu, why don’t you eat your breakfast before you leave? You need it to supply your body with energy. Look at you. Your body is becoming thinner and your cheekbones start to…”

“Shut up! I don’t need your opinion!” Kyuhyun snapped back before Mrs Cho finished her sentence.

“KYU! Behave yourself!” Mr Cho was now getting angry.

“Sorry, Dad, but I’m in a rush, I have no time for breakfast. I need to go now,” Kyu said while tying up his shoelaces.

Ahra could not stand it any longer. It had been days since Kyuhyun skipped breakfast and it would not serve him any good. In fact, now his already pale face looked even paler and dark circles were visible under his eyes. She was worried for him, since she knew that Kyuhyun had a weak body and would get sick easily. So she walked towards Kyuhyun, grabbed his arm and forcefully dragged him to the dining table. “Eat!” she said with a snarky look.

“I’m not eating, I’m going to be late, please just let me go,” Kyuhyun stubbornly said.

“I don’t care! You must eat, or else I would throw your PSP away!” Ahra threatened Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun’s eyes grew bigger in disbelief. How could his sweet sister be such a pain in the ? But he could not imagine how his life would be without his PSP around. That would be the worst nightmare! So he hesitantly scooped a spoonful of his fried rice into his mouth with his annoyed expression. It only took him effectively 2 minutes to eat half a plate. Ahra was so happy looking at Kyuhyun eating his breakfast that she his hair, saying, “Good boy! Eat slowly!” with a wide smile, making Kyuhyun retort back, “I don’t have time!” while pouting his mouth. Then everyone in the dining room chuckled at his adorably cute expression. “Whatever! I’m done!” Kyuhyun said in annoyance then quickly drank a glass of water before leaving the house.

So now here he was, sitting on his car, driving at a high speed with his seatbelt fastened. ‘Damn you people! I can’t be late for this! Get out of my way!’ he mumbled to himself while trying his best not to cause any accident. Unfortunately, there was bad traffic congestion and Kyuhyun decided to park his car at the roadside and ran all the way to his destination, which was not that far away from his current position. So he ran in full speed. At the corner of SeoKyu Street, when he was about to make a left turn, there was a girl in a white dress running from the left towards his direction. So they inevitably bumped into each other and both of them fell on their butts.

Kyuhyun, being his usual bad-tempered self, immediately yelled at the other victim, “Yah! Can’t you walk properly! Aish! What on Earth is wrong with me today?” But as soon as his eyes met her eyes, time seemed to stop and his gaze was fixed at her eyes.

Meanwhile, the girl who was in pain but getting yelled at for something beyond her own fault was also in fury, but she managed to control her emotion. She looked at the guy in front of her and suddenly her heart skipped a beat. But she realised there was something wrong with the guy. His gaze seemed to be fixed to her eyes and did not blink at all. Then she thought that the guy was probably blind, so she hurriedly apologised to him, “I’m so sorry, I have no idea that you are a blind person that you would not be able to see me running.”

Kyuhyun slowly digested what he had just heard, and a sudden wave of realization hit him.

”WHAT DID YOU SAY? I AM BLIND?? IF I AM BLIND, HOW ON EARTH CAN I SEE YOUR UGLY THIGHS BEING EXPOSED FOR AT LEAST 15 SECOND LONG?” Kyuhyun blurted out. The girl and people surrounding her, including Kyuhyun instantaneously looked at the girl’s thighs that were indeed exposed quite a bit as the dress was crumpled up when she fell down.

“MWO?! YOU ARE A ERT! HOW COULD YOU SAY THAT HERE?!” the girl immediately covered her thighs and burst into tears.

“Nope, I’m not a ert. I’m Kyuhyun. And I’m just saying the truth! Anyway, I don’t have time to argue with you and I need to go now! Bye!” Kyuhyun hurriedly stood up and was about to leave. But the girl felt so humiliated that she lost her virtuous self. She took off one of her high heels and threw it to Kyuhyun when he just managed to stand up. And the poor Kyuhyun had to suffer from yet another sharp pain around his vital area.

“ARRGGHH!” he screamed while holding the body part that was in pain. The people watching the 2 youngsters were amused at how cute their quarrel was, that they could not hold back their laughter.

“ARE YOU CRAZY?” Kyuhyun yelled at her again.

“Nope. I’m Seohyun! And I hope I will never ever see you ever again!” she replied with a witty smile while putting her heels on again.

“So do I!” Kyuhyun replied with a hiss of pain still. With that, both of them continued walking to their own destinations.

So there they were, at the corner of SeoKyu Street, bumping into each other for the first time at worst possible time, under worst possible circumstances, feeling utterly mad at each other. What they did not realise was that the fateful bump was the beginning of their cute romance.



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Chapter 3: Why haven't i known my kyunee cute side.I never think he is adorable.Only think he's gentle handsome.Beautiful story.
ZoieBonite #2
Chapter 7: Sequel?? Your story is amazing... :)) seo is so evil..
soneELF001 #3
Chapter 7: OMG, sequel please! This story was so sweet. Although, at first i thought you were gonna pair Victoria with ZhouMi. That would have made my day, but I still like Kris :)
Stand4SeoKyu #4
Chapter 7: LoL, even until the ending they're still fighting!!!
Vic and Kris?? Not bad Eventhough i though u would paired up Vic with Changmin ^^v
Stand4SeoKyu #5
Chapter 7: LoL, even until the ending they're still fighting!!!
Vic and Kris?? Not bad Eventhough i though u would paired up Vic with Changmin ^^v
Popopo #6
Chapter 7: Sequel please:)
I love seokyu so much:)
snarkyu #7
Chapter 6: I'm so sad and feel so sorry for Vic!! She lied to Kyu just because she doesn't want to make kyu feels burdened, and she doesn't want to ruin seokyu's relationship. Ugh my kyutoria's heart! T_T
Author, please let Vic finds her Mr. Right if she couldn't be with Kyu! >_< I just dont want to see her sad because of seokyu.
Popopo #8
Chapter 6: Update soon please:)
Chapter 6: ah, kyu, she IS in this love triangle.
i really like your story! i find it kinda cute! well except wut happened rite now wit victoria
update soon!