A Reunion

SeoKyu So Cute Romance

Kyuhyun and Seohyun were in an amusement park, walking hand in hand with their bright smiles.

"Kyu, let's ride the roller coaster!" Seohyun asked excitedly.

"I don't mind riding it, but the queue is too long and the weather is scorching hot now. We better play something else," Kyuhyun replied.

"How about riding the pirate ship?" Seohyun suggested. Its queue was much shorter than the roller coaster's.

"OK! Kajja!" Kyuhyun agreed. So they queued for the pirate ship.

On the ship...


All the passengers were screaming loudly with fear and excitement. But SeoKyu couple did not make a single sound. All they did was closing their ears with their hands. They looked pissed off, especially Kyuhyun. He thought it would be an enjoyable and romantic ride. But he was so wrong. Seohyun was not scared at all and did not scream a bit, let alone hugging him in fear. And to make things worse, there was a couple sitting at the opposite side of the ship, doing exactly what he wished he and Seohyun would be doing. The girl hugged the guy tightly in fear while the guy comforted the girl and acted like a hero. While Kyuhyun was staring at the couple in jealousy, Seohyun took a quick glance at him and observed his expression. She immediately knew Kyuhyun's feeling and laughed secretly. 'So you wish I would hug you in fear, huh? You're such a ert!' She chuckled.

They sighed in relief when finally the ship slowed down and everyone stopped screaming.

"Seo, weren't you scared or excited while riding the ship?" Kyuhyun asked curiously.

"I wasn't scared. I was actually excited, but their screams were irritatingly loud that I couldn't even enjoy myself," Seohyun replied. "What about you?" She asked.

"Same here," Kyuhyun replied with a sulky expression. Seohyun, knowing what Kyuhyun was feeling, suddenly laughed at him.

"Is there anything funny?" Kyuhyun asked in bewilderment.

"Disappointed that much, huh?" Seohyun chuckled. Kyuhyun was surprised at Seohyun's question. She seemed to know what was in his mind.

"Yes, you surely are disappointed, thinking that it would be great if I got scared and hugged you in fear. Am I right?" Seohyun said teasingly.

"You.. how could you.." Kyuhyun lost for words. Seohyun was really something. Seohyun, knowing how embarrassed Kyuhyun was, just laughed at him, who now turned bit-root red.

"Kyu, I'm hungry. Can we eat ice cream?" Seohyun asked.

"Sure!" Kyuhyun agreed as he also wanted to eat something cool in such hot weather. "You go ahead, I need to go to the restroom for a while," Kyu excused himself.

So Seohyun quickly went to the nearby ice cream stall and she was so elated when she knew that she came just on time to order the last strawberry ice cream, her favourite flavour.

"One strawberry ice cream, please!" but suddenly a blonde girl about her age ordered it before she had the chance to open .

"Mwo? That's mine! You're supposed to queue behind me before ordering the ice cream!" Seohyun complained in annoyance.

"Yah! I've been here and intending to buy it even before you walked here! If you don't believe me, you can ask the seller," the girl, who snatched the strawberry ice cream away from her, said.

"Is it true?" Seohyun asked the seller. The seller nodded with a sorry expression. Seohyun was so disappointed. 'Well, I should just buy another flavour.. hmm.. maybe blueberry?' Seohyun thought to herself when Kyuhyun, who just came back from the restroom, approached her.

"KYU!" suddenly the blonde girl exclaimed in surprise.

"Vic.. Victoria?!" Kyuhyun was utterly surprised too.

"Do you know each other?" Seohyun asked them in displease. She somehow felt rather jealous.

"Ah.. n..ne.. actually she..." Kyuhyun stuttered. So Vic helped reply Seohyun's quetion.

"Yes, we know each other very well. We are childhood friends. We used to study in the same primary school and we were very close back then. But after 3 years since we became friends, I suddenly had to go to China with my parents. So Kyu and I lost contact with each other since then. How have you been, Kyu? I miss you so much!" Victoria hugged Kyuhyun tightly in front of Seohyun. Seohyun just stared at them in jealousy.

"Ah.. Vic.. Uhm.. This is Seohyun, my girlfriend.." Kyuhyun stuttered (again) and released himself from Vic's hug.

Seohyun forced a smile, but her eyes were still burning with fury.

"MWO?! Kyu! How could you do this to me?! After all these years, I have never forgotten you and I've been waiting for the opportunity to be back in Korea to meet you and be your special someone. But all I get is betrayal?" Vic started to sob and Kyuhyun was dumbfounded, not knowing what to do. Should he comfort Vic? But that would make the-already-upset Seohyun even more upset.

"You two, just clear up the matters between both of you! I need to go home right now. My mom asked me to get home before lunch," Seohyun finally said and excused herself. But when she was about to leave, Kyuhyun, who knew that it was a lie, stopped her and grabbed her hand. But Seohyun was too upset and released her hand harshly. She then continued walking away without turning back. Kyuhyun tried to follow her but Victoria quickly hugged him from behind.

"Kyu, jebal.. Don't leave me alone," Vic begged with her trembling voice. Kyuhyun sighed in frustration.

"Ok, we need to talk and clear things up," Kyuhyun finally said and asked her to go to a restaurant nearby to have a chat.

Meanwhile, Seohyun was secretly watching them (Vic was holding Kyu's arm and they were walking together like a lovely couple) with teary eyes and an aching heart.

In the restaurant...

"When did you come here?" Kyu started the conversation.

"Last week. I'm currently helping my father run his business in Seoul. How about you?"

"I'm still studying law in Seoul University."

"Wah.. So expected of you!" Vic said in awe. She knew Kyuhyun was so smart even since primary school. "By the way, are you having a serious relationship with Seohyun?" Vic asked curiously.

"Why do you ask such a question? As if you're hoping that it's not serious," Kyuhyun asked her back instead of replying.

"Yah! Just answer me! From my observations, you two always fight over trivial things. I just can't imagine you are deeply in love with each other. It seems to me that the two of you are just close friends," Vic said.

"Hold on, how do you know we always fight? Did you stalk us?" Kyuhyun asked in disbelief.

"Hey, it was unintentional, okay! I saw you and her bumped into each other the other day but you were in a rush and so was I, so I could not even say Hi to you. Also, I happened to spot you when Seohyun teased you outside the court. But again, I was in a hurry and could only watch you from my car and I was so jealous. I also want to pinch your cheeks. Can I?"  Vic explained and in the end she did pinch Kyu's cheeks, which now turned red.

"YAH! That hurt!!" Kyuhyun snapped at Vic. Vic just grinned cheekily and continued talking, "So, no matter how I see it, you two just seem so awkward to each other that I can't imagine you're indeed a couple." She then added with a chuckle, " Well, probably 'an adorably cute couple' suits the two of you." Kyuhyun was frustrated. He knew it so well that his relationship with Seohyun was still awkward and that he needed to work it out, somehow.

"Hey, Kyu, your personality has changed so much. You used to be so lovely and cheerful, but now you're bad-tempered and unfriendly."

Kyuhyun initially did not want to reveal his dark secret, but Victoria kept asking and even attempted to show her aegyo. So he finally gave in and told her about his deceased mother and 'disloyal' father. Vic was so sorry to hear that and tried to comfort him. She hugged him and rubbed his back. All of a sudden, the tears Kyuhyun was trying hard to hold back flowed unstoppably.

Meanwhile, Seohyun was observing them from a hidden place. She apparently did not go home. She followed Vic and Kyu instead to know what was going on between them. She was sorry when she knew Kyuhyun's ugly past. She would comfort him and cheer him up for sure if only Vic was not there. And when she saw Vic hugging Kyu and doing all sort of things she herself wanted to do, she once again became jealous. Before she knew it, she burst into tears and her heart was aching.

"Vic, stop it! We're hugging for so long already! I'm fine," Kyuhyun released himself.

"Ah, but I want to hug you even longer! I miss you so much, Kyu!" Vic pleaded and hugged him again even more tightly.

"Yah! I'm not your boyfriend. I'm Seohyun's! Oh, by the way, are you even single?" Kyuhyun asked.

Vic chuckled at Kyuhyun's question. She realised she had not told him her status yet.

"Do you really wanna know? I'm afraid you'd be disappointed," Vic said teasingly.

"Yah! I don't care! Anyways, I already have Seohyun," Kyuhyun said curtly and looked away. He gazed at the other direction and spotted a girl sitting alone not far from him. She was reading newspaper, which blocked her entire face. 'Weird' Kyuhyun thought to himself.

"I'm attached too! He's a very tall and handsome Chinese guy that I met 3 years ago," Vic finally confided. Kyuhyun was speechless and stared at her in disbelief.

"Wae? You look so surprised," Vic chuckled again.

"Then why on Earth did you cry in front of me and Seohyun, causing unnecessary misunderstanding just now?" Kyuhyun yelled in rage.

"I.. I was.." Vic stuttered due to the shock. She had never seen Kyuhyun getting angry. Kyuhyun realised her situation and softened his voice while saying, "Sorry for shouting at you. But you shouldn't have done that. It might upset her."

"I'm so sorry. Like I said before, I thought you two aren't that serious. But now I know how wrong I was," Vic regretted.

"Ok, now we know each other's status. And I'm relieved that we are not involved in any love triangle. Let me talk to Seohyun and explain everything to her. You should also introduce your boyfriend to us next time when we meet," Kyuhyun said and was about to leave.

"Hold on! How can we meet if we don't know each other's number? Duh!" Vic asked, making Kyuhyun feel like an idiot. So they exchanged their numbers before Kyuhyun went straight to Seohyun's house.

They did not know that someone was stalking them both and smiled cunningly, saying, "Gotcha! I better hurry up!" before briskly leaving the restaurant.

Now Victoria was alone and she suddenly cried silent tears. 'I lied to you, Kyu. How could I have a boyfriend when all I think of is you? I've fallen for you since the first time we met and the feeling only grows deeper with time even after all these years. This is so painful, Kyu! So painful!'



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Chapter 3: Why haven't i known my kyunee cute side.I never think he is adorable.Only think he's gentle handsome.Beautiful story.
ZoieBonite #2
Chapter 7: Sequel?? Your story is amazing... :)) seo is so evil..
soneELF001 #3
Chapter 7: OMG, sequel please! This story was so sweet. Although, at first i thought you were gonna pair Victoria with ZhouMi. That would have made my day, but I still like Kris :)
Stand4SeoKyu #4
Chapter 7: LoL, even until the ending they're still fighting!!!
Vic and Kris?? Not bad Eventhough i though u would paired up Vic with Changmin ^^v
Stand4SeoKyu #5
Chapter 7: LoL, even until the ending they're still fighting!!!
Vic and Kris?? Not bad Eventhough i though u would paired up Vic with Changmin ^^v
Popopo #6
Chapter 7: Sequel please:)
I love seokyu so much:)
snarkyu #7
Chapter 6: I'm so sad and feel so sorry for Vic!! She lied to Kyu just because she doesn't want to make kyu feels burdened, and she doesn't want to ruin seokyu's relationship. Ugh my kyutoria's heart! T_T
Author, please let Vic finds her Mr. Right if she couldn't be with Kyu! >_< I just dont want to see her sad because of seokyu.
Popopo #8
Chapter 6: Update soon please:)
Chapter 6: ah, kyu, she IS in this love triangle.
i really like your story! i find it kinda cute! well except wut happened rite now wit victoria
update soon!