What a Twist

SeoKyu So Cute Romance

Kyuhyun was rushed into ICU after Seohyun told the doctors that there was something wrong with his stomach and that his stomach hurt so much. Seohyun waited nervously outside the ICU. She prayed hard that Kyuhyun would be ok. After some time, a doctor came out and approached her.

“Miss Seohyun? You can see your boyfriend now. He is still weak but he had gained his consciousness,” the doctor said.

“What? He’s not my boyfriend! And how do you know my name?” Seohyun was a bit shocked.

“Well, as soon as he gained consciousness, the first word he said was ‘Seohyun’, I was just guessing that it’s you, and I was right. I think you two would make a perfect couple,” the doctor said with a gummy smile.

“Geez, we won’t! We always fight once we meet. Anyway, how’s his condition? Does he have any serious illness?”

“He is fine right now. Yes, he suffers from Crohn’s disease, which causes inflammation of his terminal ileum. It’s rarely life-threatening, but it could get serious and makes him in so much pain. It often relapses even after medication or surgery. For his case, it was not so serious, so don’t worry. But his body and immune system is rather weak. If he is tired or overworks himself or gets stressed and angry, his disease would relapse easily,” the doctor explained.

Seohyun nodded. ‘Pabo! Even with such a disease he still dares to get angry so easily! Such a bad-tempered guy!’ she mumbled to herself.

“Is it curable?” Seohyun asked again.

“There is no known pharmaceutical or surgical cure for Crohn’s disease. And treatment options are restricted to controlling symptoms, maintaining remission, and preventing relapse,” the doctor said with a gloomy expression. Seohyun also frowned in disappointment and sorrow.

“But there is a very powerful and effective medication for Kyuhyun’s case, and it has been proven by many sufferers of Crohn’s disease,” the doctor smiled brightly.

Seohyun’s eyes grew wider as she enthusiastically asked, “What’s that?”

“Love!” the doctor said in a serious tone.

“MWO?!” Seohyun was shocked and almost choked at the very word she least expected to hear.

“Someone he loves will be a great influence for him and can potentially change his personality, turning him from a bad-tempered, workaholic guy to someone calmer, patient and laid back. And that special someone would need to protect him by preventing him from being exhausted, stressed or angry. As long as he can contain himself, lives happily and does not overwork himself, it’s unlikely that the disease would relapse,” the doctor explained while looking at Seohyun as if saying that Seohyun was that special someone.

Seohyun got his point. It made so much sense for her. But she could not imagine herself being Kyuhyun’s girlfriend. On one hand, she would love to be able to help someone in need (she was a virtuous girl, after all). But, on the other hand, Kyuhyun was so far from her ideal guy. She was stunned, not knowing what to do.

“Seohyun-shi, hello… can you hear me? Seohyun-shi..” the doctor waved his hands in front of Seohyun, who was still in her own world. Then the doctor tapped on Seohyun’s shoulders, making her go back to the real world. “Ah.. n..ne..ne?” she stuttered.

“Don’t think too much, just follow your instinct. And your first impression on him might be the exact opposite of what his real self is like. I need to go now. Good night,” the doctor smiled and waved her good bye.

Seohyun bowed a little and slowly went to Kyuhyun’s room. Her heart sank when she saw Kyuhyun’s weak body lying motionlessly. Once she stepped into the room and walked towards him, his eyes were fixed at hers without blinking, just like when they bumped into each other less than 24 hours ago. But this time, she felt so sad for Kyuhyun, who should have suffered a lot due to his disease. Before she knew it, tears rolled down her face. “Kyu..” she called him with her trembling voice. She had no idea why she felt this mournful for a complete stranger who always irritated her every time they met.

“Yah! What’s wrong with you?” Kyuhyun asked weakly.

“I’m.. I’m so scared..” Seohyun started to choke. Now she was just beside Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun reached her hand and held it gently.

“I’m fine. The doctor must have scared you, right?”

“…” Seohyun did not say a word.

“Are you that worried about me?” Kyuhyun asked.

Seohyun just nodded. Kyuhyun smiled at her.

“Do you love me?” suddenly Kyuhyun asked her that question.

Seohyun’s eyes widened at the sudden question. She stared at Kyuhyun, who was still waiting for her answer. Then Seohyun lowered her gaze and nodded with a blushing face. Kyuhyun’s smile became wider.

“So do I,” Kyuhyun said truthfully, also with a blushing face. Seohyun stared at him quizzically, not believing what he had just said.

“I know this sounds crazy, but my heart is racing whenever I see you, since our fateful bump at SeoKyu Street,” Kyuhyun confided in her.

Suddenly Seohyun stood up with a totally different expression. Her face was full of anger.

“Wha.. what’s wrong?” Kyuhyun asked in confusion.

“Yah! Idiot! Then why did you irritate me so much?! You treat me so badly that I hate you so much!” Seohyun suddenly yelled in fury while hitting Kyuhyun’s arm.

“Ouch! Stop it! I’m a sick man, you shouldn’t hit me! My body is still weak!” Kyuhyun blurted out.

“Yah! Who asked you to overwork yourself, and get all too emotional? Don’t you dare being sick like this ever again!” Seohyun yelled at him again, but this time without hitting him whatsoever.

“Yah! I won’t be here if I took my medicine when my disease relapsed! I dropped the medicine when I bumped into you! And you happened to be the one who spotted me lying unconsciously on that street corner!” Kyuhyun said matter-of-factly.

“So now you’re saying that it’s my fault that you become this sick?” Seohyun asked with anger.

“No, I’m saying that all those occurrences seem to happen for a reason,” Kyuhyun replied.

“And what’s the reason?” Seohyun asked, still in anger.

“That you and I ought to be a couple,” Kyuhyun said with a meaningful grin.

“Mwo?!” Seohyun was in shock, but everything started to make sense for her. She realised there was a truth in what Kyuhyun just said.

“So are we officially a couple now?” Seohyun asked shyly. She herself was so amused by how unique and cute their romance was.

“I’d love to,” Kyuhyun smiled happily. That was the first time Seohyun saw Kyuhyun’s happy and genuine smile, a smile that Kyuhyun never showed to anyone but Ahra, Changmin, and last but not least, Seohyun.



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Chapter 3: Why haven't i known my kyunee cute side.I never think he is adorable.Only think he's gentle handsome.Beautiful story.
ZoieBonite #2
Chapter 7: Sequel?? Your story is amazing... :)) seo is so evil..
soneELF001 #3
Chapter 7: OMG, sequel please! This story was so sweet. Although, at first i thought you were gonna pair Victoria with ZhouMi. That would have made my day, but I still like Kris :)
Stand4SeoKyu #4
Chapter 7: LoL, even until the ending they're still fighting!!!
Vic and Kris?? Not bad Eventhough i though u would paired up Vic with Changmin ^^v
Stand4SeoKyu #5
Chapter 7: LoL, even until the ending they're still fighting!!!
Vic and Kris?? Not bad Eventhough i though u would paired up Vic with Changmin ^^v
Popopo #6
Chapter 7: Sequel please:)
I love seokyu so much:)
snarkyu #7
Chapter 6: I'm so sad and feel so sorry for Vic!! She lied to Kyu just because she doesn't want to make kyu feels burdened, and she doesn't want to ruin seokyu's relationship. Ugh my kyutoria's heart! T_T
Author, please let Vic finds her Mr. Right if she couldn't be with Kyu! >_< I just dont want to see her sad because of seokyu.
Popopo #8
Chapter 6: Update soon please:)
Chapter 6: ah, kyu, she IS in this love triangle.
i really like your story! i find it kinda cute! well except wut happened rite now wit victoria
update soon!