
SeoKyu So Cute Romance

Seohyun's POV

So I was jealous for nothing? They're just friends, thank God! I better quickly go home and pretend that I don't know anything. But I think it's only fair for Kyu to feel the jealousy that I felt.

Seohyun's POV ends


Seohyun had reached home a few minutes earlier than Kyuhyun. When she was about to enter her house, someone called her with his low, deep voice that sounded so manly. Seohyun turned to where the sound came from and was stunned at the handsomeness of the tall guy who just called her.

"Long time no see, Seo. How have you been?" the tall guy asked her with his mesmerising smile.

"Kris! You're Kris, right?" Seohyun was still in shock. The guy nodded and laughed at Seohyun's shocked expression. After a while, Seohyun smiled delightedly while saying, "Such a perfect timing, come on in!" She opened the gate then intentionally held Kris' warm hand and asked him to sit down at the terrace. "Please take a seat, I'll make some drinks," Seohyun said and briskly went into her house.

Meanwhile, Kyuhyun, who just arrived and saw Seohyun treating Kris so sweetly, was standing just behind the house gate. It was a perfect spot for him to hide himself and eavesdrop the conversations between Seohyun and Kris. He was burning with jealousy, especially when Seohyun held Kris' hand, but remained quiet nevertheless.

Soon after, Seohyun came back with 2 glasses of orange juice and some pieces of strawberry cheesecake. She then chatted with Kris so happily. She knew Kyuhyun was observing her from behind the gate as she spotted a glimpse of the blue shirt Kyuhyun was wearing. 'This is my revenge, Kyu!'

"Seo, you're so beautiful," Kris complimented her with glistening eyes.

"Kamsahamnida! You're too kind," Seohyun replied humbly. "You're also very handsome now, and your complexion is so pale, I almost didn't recognise you. I think you're even more handsome than Edward Cullen in Twilight," she complimented him back.

"Aaah..probably it's because of my make up. I'm working as a model and just finished my photoshoot before I rushed here, so I haven't got a chance to remove my make up," he answered with a blushing face.

"Waah.. jinja?! So you're currently working and staying here in Korea?" Seohyun exclaimed elatedly. Kyuhyun was obviously displeased with her reaction.

"Yes, so of course, first and foremost, I have to pay a visit to your house," Kris replied.

"Awww... You're so sweet," Seohyun said while pinching Kris' cheek gently, making Kris let out his charming smile again. Kyuhyun was startled. 'What is she doing? Does she always treat guys like that?' Kyuhyun was getting angrier as they continued chatting delightedly and Seohyun constantly made a conscious effort to make Kyu as jealous as possible.

"By the way, how do you know my address?" Seohyun asked curiously.

"Uhm.. I guess I was just lucky. Yesterday I saw you pinching the cheeks of a guy in front of a court and I was rather jealous because you're someone special for me. Then I tried to follow you, but before you reached home, my manager called me, asking me to rush for a photoshoot. So I was so lucky today when I spotted you on your way home," Kris explained. Seohyun's heart skipped a beat when Kris said that she was someone special for him. She just smiled at him with a blushing face.

Then Kris ate the cheesecake and its cream smeared around his mouth. Seohyun delicately wiped his mouth, making Kyuhyun frustrated beyond words. He almost could not hold in his anger when suddenly Kris' handphone rang. Kris answered the call in mandarin with a worried expression.

"Seo, I think I need to leave now. Thank you for your warm hospitality, and hope to see you soon," Kris stood up and was about to leave. However Seohyun held him back, saying, "Hey, it suddenly becomes cloudy and seems like it's going to rain soon. I'll get you an umbrella." Kris nodded and thanked her, then Seohyun quickly grabbed her umbrella from the living room. Yes, it was very sunny and scorching hot, but suddenly it became cloudy in a moment. When she came out with the umbrella, it started to rain so heavily. Seohyun's eyes immediately grew wider as she was shocked, not because of the sudden heavy rain, but because she found Kris crouching and clutching his stomach, breathing heavily. His skin became reddish and he sweated profusely. Seohyun ran to him quickly.

"Kris, what's wrong with you?! Ommo! You're burning!" Seohyun exclaimed in panic after touching Kris' forehead.

"Ugh.. I'm allergic to peanuts.." Kris replied while trying hard to breathe. The strawberry cheesecake he ate should contain peanuts. Seohyun felt so guilty. If only she did not offer him the cheesecake, Kris would not have been like that.

"We better go to the nearest hospital. Hold on for a while, I'll catch a taxi," Seohyun said and she quickly ran to catch a taxi.

Meanwhile, Kyuhyun's condition was not any better than Kris'. After standing still under the blazing sun and being furious due to jealousy for more than half an hour, his Crohn's disease relapsed. But he did not even bother to take his medicine. He just bore the excruciating pain in his stomach till he collapsed, unconscious, after weakly calling out Seohyun's name. When he was about to faint, fortunately Seohyun (who was catching a taxi) saw him and ran to him (who was now soaked in the rain) just on time to prevent him from falling onto the rough pavement. Seohyun realised her big mistake. She forgot that Kyuhyun (who was temperamental) could not get angry or tired, otherwise his Crohn's disease would relapse. "I'm sorry, Kyu. I didn't mean to hurt you. I won't do it again," she said with teary eyes.

Soon after, the taxi arrived and Seohyun asked the driver to carry Kyuhyun and Kris (who was now also unconscious) to the passenger's seat. So now Seohyun was sitting in the middle with Kyuhyun and Kris leaning on her right and left shoulders respectively. She knew that she was at fault, but she found the situation rather amusing. So she took a selca of the 3 of them and it looked as if she was a powerful woman.

Then suddenly Kris opened his eyes but he was still in a daze. He stared at Seohyun with a strange expression. Seohyun only stared back at him. "Song Qian-ah, I love you so much, why do you always treat me like your little brother?" Kris mumbled with a painful expression, looking deeply into Seohyun's eyes. "Is your first love so difficult to forget?" he continued with watery eyes. "I can't wait for so long, Song Qian-ah.. I might as well fall for my first love again if you keep treating me like this," now Kris laid his head on Seohyun's shoulder again. Seohyun timidly asked, "Who's your first love?" Then Kris replied, "Seohyun" before he lost consciousness again. Seohyun gasped in disbelief. Her heart was beating so fast.


So they arrived at the hospital and the 2 guys were immediately treated by the doctors. But before that, Seohyun took Kris' handphone to contact Song Qian and told her about Kris' condition. Song Qian was very worried and went to the hospital as fast as she could. When she arrived, she ran along the corridor and accidentally bumped into Seohyun, who just came out from the restroom.

"I'm so sorry.. you?!" she was surprised when she saw Seohyun. So was Seohyun.

"Aren't you Victoria? What are you doing here?" Seohyun asked.

"Ne, my friend just collapsed. By any chance, do you know where room 203 is?" Song Qian (a.k.a Victoria) asked.

"Ah.. ne.. so do you know Kris? He's the patient in room 203. But I thought I called Song Qian.." Seohyun was confused.

"Yes, Song Qian is my Chinese name. And yes, I'm Kris' friend. I'm so worried when I heard that he fainted due to his allergy. Can I see him now?" Victoria asked with a worried look.

"The doctor is still examining him. The room is over there. Can we talk while waiting for the results?" Seohyun asked. Vic nodded. So Seohyun told Vic about what Kris said when he was in the taxi. Seohyun also informed her that Kyuhyun also fainted due to his Crohn's disease. Vic was so surprised. She had no idea that Kris' feeling towards her was so pure. She felt so sorry for not realising his deep love for her and for always hoping to have Kyuhyun as her boyfriend.

The doctors came out and told them about Kyuhyun and Kris' conditions. It was a relief that they were brought to the hospital on time and got treated immediately, so their conditions were not that serious. They would need some time to gain consciousness. So now Seohyun and Vic were looking at the 2 guys, who were now lying unconsciously side by side. Vic realised that she was much more worried for Kris as compared to Kyuhyun. She realised that Kris was much more special than just a friend or a younger brother. He was a guy she wanted to protect the most and love as a namja. She promised that when he gained consciousness, she would say the most beautiful 3 words he most wanted to hear from her.

"Eugh, where am I?" Kris opened his eyes.

"You're awake?! How are you feeling, Kris?" Vic and Seohyun asked in unison.

"Terrible. But I should be recovering soon. Song Qian, you're here?!" Kris was startled yet could not hide his happiness.

"Ne, I'm so worried when Seohyun called me and told me that you fainted! Thank God, you're ok now," she said and hugged him tightly. Then she whispered in his ear, "I love you, Kris." Kris' eyes grew wider. His heart fluttered and his lips could not hold his happy smile.

"Jinja? Why so sudden?" he still could not believe what he had just heard.

"I'm very serious. It takes time for me to realise the real guy who I really love. All this time I thought Kyu is the first and the last guy for me, but since I met you, I realised how happy I've always been. Sorry for realising it so late. It must have been so hard on you," Vic said with teary eyes.

"Uljima! I understand you. It's indeed hard to forget your first love. But I knew right from the start that you have the same feeling for me, you're just confused about your feeling," Kris chuckled a little.

"Mwo? How do you know? I thought I've never treated you like my lover?" Vic was clueless.

"From the way you look at me. It's gentler and warmer than the way you look at any other guy. But of course, it would make me mad if you took longer to realise your true feelings towards me," Kris said, making Vic and Seohyun laughed.

"So is that Kyuhyun? What happened to him?" Kris asked while looking at Kyuhyun, who was still unconscious. Seohyun told him everything from Kyuhyun's disease to his attempt to spy on her and Kris as well as her intentional attempt to make Kyuhyun jealous.

"Oooh, no wonder, you treated me with so much warmth. I thought you were missing me so badly or fall for me, haha.." Kris said, followed by Vic's annoyed glare towards him.

"Vic, I was just kidding..Wah, Kyu's really childish, but I salute him for standing under the hot sun and holding his anger in for such a long time. He must love you so much," Kris said truthfully.

"Who called me childish?" Kyuhyun suddenly glared at Kris, making everyone surprised.

"You're awake already? Since when?" Seohyun asked.

"I didn't faint at all. It was just an act. I thought you're so pure hearted, Seo. But apparently you're even more evil than me!" Kyuhyun said, pouting his lips.

"Yah! How could you trick me like that! I was damn worried for you, Kyu!" Seohyun hit Kyuhyun's arm in annoyance.

"You also tricked me so badly! I thought I was going crazy while spying on you and Kris," Kyuhyun replied curtly.

"Yah, look at both of them, aren't they so cute, Kris?" Vic teased SeoKyu, followed by Kris' nod and laugh. Meanwhile the so-cute SeoKyu couple just blushed in embarrassement.



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Chapter 3: Why haven't i known my kyunee cute side.I never think he is adorable.Only think he's gentle handsome.Beautiful story.
ZoieBonite #2
Chapter 7: Sequel?? Your story is amazing... :)) seo is so evil..
soneELF001 #3
Chapter 7: OMG, sequel please! This story was so sweet. Although, at first i thought you were gonna pair Victoria with ZhouMi. That would have made my day, but I still like Kris :)
Stand4SeoKyu #4
Chapter 7: LoL, even until the ending they're still fighting!!!
Vic and Kris?? Not bad Eventhough i though u would paired up Vic with Changmin ^^v
Stand4SeoKyu #5
Chapter 7: LoL, even until the ending they're still fighting!!!
Vic and Kris?? Not bad Eventhough i though u would paired up Vic with Changmin ^^v
Popopo #6
Chapter 7: Sequel please:)
I love seokyu so much:)
snarkyu #7
Chapter 6: I'm so sad and feel so sorry for Vic!! She lied to Kyu just because she doesn't want to make kyu feels burdened, and she doesn't want to ruin seokyu's relationship. Ugh my kyutoria's heart! T_T
Author, please let Vic finds her Mr. Right if she couldn't be with Kyu! >_< I just dont want to see her sad because of seokyu.
Popopo #8
Chapter 6: Update soon please:)
Chapter 6: ah, kyu, she IS in this love triangle.
i really like your story! i find it kinda cute! well except wut happened rite now wit victoria
update soon!