Chapter 14

The Road Not Taken

Jinki's body was covered with scars. They were cigarette burn marks on his chest. Jonghyun could feel the anger rise in him. He tried to turn away, but he couldn't. He could see how uncomfortable Jinki was feeling. He wanted to tell something, but words failed him.
Jinki slipped on the shirt as fast as he could. He took the pyjamas and looked at Jonghyun.
"Can you leave the room?"
"I-I have to wear my pyjamas." Jinki could feel the colour rising in his cheeks.
"Oh then I would prefer to stay." Jonghyun said his eyes darkening.
Jinki cursed and went to the bathroom.
"I should have come into the bathroom from the start. Why did I ask him? Look at me, blushing like a teenage girl." Jinki said looking in the mirror. "God help me! What is wrong with me?"
Jinki calmed his nerves and went out and found Jonghyun sitting on the chair.
"The chair wants to say goodbye. It's even shaking now. How heavy are you?" Jonghyun teased Jinki.
Jinki didn't answer.
"Don't your neck and back pain, sitting on the chair everytime?"
"Well they do." Jinki said rubbing the back of his neck.
"You can sleep on the bed."
"Huh? What?"
"You can sleep on the bed." Jonghyun said, pronouncing every single word clearly, as if talking to a small kid.
"Then what about you?"
"I'll sleep where I sleep everyday."
"So you are giving me a new room?"
Jinki felt happy at this, but he tried to hide his emotions.
Jinki flopped on the bed, smiling up at the ceiling at the soft and welcoming touch of bed on his body.
"So happy at just sleeping on a bed?"
"Well you should try sleeping on the chair, then you'll know." Jinki said turning towards Jonghyun.
"Our positions have changed." Jinki said grinning up at Jonghyun.
"Jinki-sshi I think you are losing your mind." Jonghyun said and got up from the chair.
"Much more than that actually." Jinki thought to himself as he saw Jonghyun lie down beside him.
Jonghyun turned his back to Jinki. Jinki could feel the awkward silence between them which was suffocating him.
He cleared his throat and asked,"That night why did you call me a kitten?" Though he had many questions to ask he asked this one in a hurry to get rid of the awkwardness, and he mentally slapped himself.
Jonghyun turned around, thought for some while and spoke.
"When I was small I never had a pet."
Jinki made a face at him.
"I've never had anyone to take care of."
"So you want to take care of me?"
Jinki turned his back to Jonghyun and thought " I have to escape before it's too late."
He felt Jonghyun shift. Both of them had their backs to each other and they fell asleep like that.



A/N: Everyone thank you so much for your love!^^


<3 . <3


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2025 streak #1
Chapter 21: OMG! The story has ended. But I want more.... Lol
Anyway, this story didn't at all. You're an amazing author. Keep up the good work ❤️

PS have I read all of your other stories?
2025 streak #2
Chapter 19: Wow! What a twisted twist. Didn't expect that. What kind of father is he?! God! Poor Jinki but at least he got his freedom now. That's a good thing I guess. Anyway, sorry for reading only one chapter today. Will be back later to finish the rest ^^
2025 streak #3
Chapter 18: What? Jonghyun already knew about the escape and in fact helped him? Wonder why and also what would happen hereafter. Also this is kinda like Stockholm syndrome right?
Will be back later to
2025 streak #4
Chapter 16: Reward? Well wonder what it might be. Is he setting Jinki free? Can't wait to read more and find out what will happen next. Will be back later! :)
2025 streak #5
Chapter 14: Hahaha Jonghyun is such a tease! And I guess domestic violence. Poor Jinki! Anyway, sorry about not being able to read much. Will be back again later to read more ^^
2025 streak #6
Chapter 12: OMG! Hahahaha that last gif though! Made me forget what I wanted to say about the story. Anyway, all I can say is, I'm enjoying reading this. Will be back later to read more ^^
2025 streak #7
Chapter 9: Hehehe this is just so much fun. Esp how Jonghyun kidnapped him and his reaction to scared Jinki. poor Jinki. Anyway, will be back to read more later ^^
2025 streak #8
Chapter 6: Hahaha that meme at the end though!
Anyway, the story is getting interesting. So is Jinki adopted? What did Jonghyun mean when he was talking about the father? Too many questions in my head. Can't wait to read more and find answers to all my questions. Will be back later ^^
2025 streak #9
Chapter 3: I just started reading this. But This was your first story? Damn! I've just read until 3rd chapter and it's already interesting. You're talented. My first story is so cringey and embarrassing. Lol
Anyway, will be back later to read more.
fayrenz #10
Chapter 21: One of the first jongyu fics i read, i kinda missed this so binged read it. This was so sweet and precious ;;;;;❤️