Happy Birthday!

Of Beginning, Falling In Love, and Her
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Byun Saehyun

Ramyun-ssi! Birthday party at my house this evening, 06.00 PM, or you could come a bit late since you’re from office. Not really a party actually, just eats and chats. Promise me you’ll come, okay? Thankyou ^^


Joonmyun stared at the message again and again. Then he closed the message and searched for the calendar icon at the screen. He cringed.


Wednesday 29


, Joonmyun tapped the message icon again, .



I’ll be there, thanks for telling me :)


Byun Saehyun

Of course you will and you should. I promised you to give you your present at my birthday, remember?


Joonmyun remember it of course. A week before, precisely his birthday, Saehyun came to the office and bring him his favorite Orange Smoothies. She said it was the first present, second present will be given at her own birthday. She also insisted that Joonmyun should celebrate his own birthday with a small party at least, but Joonmyun rejected the offer politely. Instead, he said that he could always celebrate it along with her own birthday, which also made him wonder why he eventually agreed with Chanyeol’s joint party idea.


He was also surprised that Saehyun know his birthday. The girl was just laughing, then she told him that his own mother called Saehyun and informed her about her son’s birthday. Saehyun was obviously unprepared, so she bought her fiancé his favorite drink instead and promised that she’ll give a proper gift later.


How considerate, Joonmyun noted awkwardly, and yet, happily.



You still remember it?


Byun Saehyun

Of course you gramps, I already prepared it since days ago.



Wow you’re so nice. Happy birthday anyway.


Byun Saehyun

Thankyou ramyun-ssi :3


“Joonmyun, the meeting will be started in thirty minutes.” suddenly he heard the voice of Minseok, his secretary plus cousin, peeking his head into the room.


He glanced at Minseok. “Oh, okay I’ll be there.”


Minseok chuckled. “Today is Saehyun’s birthday, right?”


“Huh? How could you know, hyung?”


“She invited me to Byun residence for this evening.” Minseok said.


Joonmyun nodded slowly. “Okay.” he briefed before he typed again on his phone.



You’re welcome :)


To his surprise, Minseok is still standing at the door. “So you’re going too, right?”


“Yeah.” Joonmyun said as he pocketed his phone. “Ehm, hyung, I don’t have any gift yet for her. What should I get for her?”


Minseok shrugged. “You know I’m never good at things about girls. Just give her some shiny stuffs and she’ll be happy.”


Joonmyun frowned. No, to Sehun’s description, Saehyun is not a girl who really likes fancy things. So maybe he should get something simple.


Oh, Joonmyun mentally clapped his hands, I should just ask Sehun!


“Twenty six minutes to go, Joonmyun.” Minseok sung.


“I know I know.” Joonmyun said, fishing out his phone again as he walked towards the slightly impatient Minseok. He typed on his phone before he pocketed it again and walked with his cousin to the meeting room. He ignored the buzz in his pocket as he greeted the staffs.



I think you should give her a simple wristwatch. She has this of wristwatches. And maybe you could also get one with Hello Kitty on it. How do you know today is her birthday? Not that I’m surprised, hyung. Maybe your mom told you. Yeah just ignore my question. My one, pathetic question.





Wednesday, 29th May 2013


Dear Diary,


Yaaay I’m finally eighteen!! Well not a big deal actually, getting old is not something I should be proud of haha. Happy birthday to me ~


Today is a fun. Soojungie along with Jongin and Sehun came, Baekhyun and Chanyeol were the fun maker as always, and Joonmyun came too with his cousins Minseok oppa and Kyungsoo oppa. Joonmyun’s parents also came and they spent the night talking with mommy and daddy. Being the youngest among the youths is still funny for me. And it’s good that Joonmyun could blend easily among us, apparently he’s a close friend of Sehun and Jongin! What a coincidence.


I remember my birthday last year when a large cup of Mango Juice With Yakult became the best gift I’ve ever accepted.





“Oh, Joonmyun!! Come in son! We’ve been waiting for you!” Lady Byun is already there with her friendly smile. “Oh, hello there, Minseok, right? Kyungsoo is already inside!”


“Good night Mrs. Byun! You look gorgeous tonight!” Minseok chirped.


Lady Byun laughed crisply. “You’re a tease, aren’t you?”


Joonmyun, still amazed by Minseok’s skill with older women, stepped into the house. This will be the second time he stood there. He’s still in awe-struck mode about the house. He followed the chatting Minseok and Lady Byun to a very spacious living room, where all cakes and sweets are placed on the long coffee table, the youths are being noisy towards the television – they’re apparently watching The Avengers and Chanyeol is seen as the one who’s the most excited about it along with his fiancé Saehyun. The adults, Saehyun’s parents and Joonmyun’s parents, are just outside, near the wall window, talking animatedly.


“Saehyunnie, Joonmyun is here!”


Those four words are enough to make her glanced around and beamed a smile at Joonmyun. And he find himself smiling at her too, left hand hiding the gift box behind him.


“Should we pause the movie, Saehyun-ah?” Baekhyun said. It’s always a habit for both of them to pause a movie they’re watching together if one of them needs to do something.


“No just continue without me. I’ve watched it for like hundred times already.” she briefed as she jumped – literally jumped – from the black couch, making a ringing bell sound – from the golden bracelet on her right ankle, apparently –, then she slipped her feet into the Hello Kitty slippers. She dashed towards Joonmyun. “Have you eaten?”


“Uh, not yet.” Joonmyun answered. Then he revealed the gift box in front of her. “Happy birthday.”


Ignoring the whistle sound Jongin made – he had eyed the couple – , Saehyun gasped and genuinely smiled at him. “Thankyou Joonmyun!! And oh, you should go to the dining room and eat, I’m getting your present upstairs. I’ll be there in a few minutes okay?” she said before she walked passed him and stopped again. “Tell Minseok that he should eat too!”

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1024KJI #1
Chapter 1: Choonmyun-ssi!lol tbis is so funny xD
Chapter 23: The ending wouldn't be like chapter 20 right... Right? T^T i mean i do accept how the story goes, but I just can't with Junmyeonnie marrying that seulgi after saehyun died... I'm sure that Joonroro is a perfectly loyal guy.... ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 23: Aww~ let it all out Saehyun. Let it all out, he'll always be there for you. Yes, he fit every role except the bad guy role.
Chapter 22: Ahaha.. those two, XiuHan. You definitely can't do that Yixing, you might have feelings for her, but you can't. You can't be the third wheeler. I hope you find your soulmate soon and not just stuck in the past.
Taeminboa #5
Chapter 21: Lol, I can't seem to stop crying, can't even read coz I'm crying TT.TT

Chapter 21: Yifan-ah, you must be happy for her right? I'm happy too. She finally realized her true feelings. Joonmyun-ah, I'm happy for you. Can I get a hug too? Lol. Thanks for the update and update soon!
Chapter 20: Oh what is this TT.TTA YAH you angsty maker, i hate you.. TT.TT
Just kidding, i love it, at least joon and saehyun happy :')
but is this how the story will end? TT.TT
Chapter 20: Yah! This is their future? No, this can't be. Saehyun can't die. NO! And who is Baek Seulgi? Is she related to the Baek Family?
roserika #9
Chapter 20: Wahh i can't stop crying. Btw happy holidays.
roserika #10
Chapter 20: This. This made me cry. Like really. Wae wae.*le cries a han river* at 1st i was like oh my joonmyun's a grandpa now, literally. And the ending part*sniff sniff* but it just proves, in the end, we all have to die, so live the life to the fullest. At least he was happy in the end. Thank you *sniff*