
Of Beginning, Falling In Love, and Her
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Joonmyun stared at the two guys in front of him, sitting face-to-face with him, separated by his desk. He remembered them, they’re his juniors, and they’re quite famous back then at the school. Both of them are smiling at him – the other one is actually grinning, showing a perfect row of shiny white teeth. And he find it a bit creepy, but of course the kind-hearted Joonmyun won’t say that out loud.


“It’s nice to see you again, Joonmyun sunbae-nim!!” the Byun Baekhyun guy – Saehyun’s older brother – chirped. “You’re the best President of Student Council ever, haven’t I told you that? And oh, I remember how we messed up your mother’s beautiful garden along with the other kids. It was a nice party!”


Or a nice day with my encyclopedias, Joonmyun noted as he chuckled at Baekhyun. “Thankyou, Baekhyun-ssi.”


“Baek, I think we should call him ‘hyung’ for now.” the Park Chanyeol one nudged him, then he stared at Joonmyun with those gleaming eyes. “Can we call you ‘hyung’, Joonmyun sunbae-nim?”


“Uh, well, how much younger you guys are from me?” Joonmyun feels stupid to ask. He forgot which grade they were when he was still in the school. Their faces say it all. Maybe they’re just a year older than Saehyun who’s still seventeen, so maybe they’re still eighteen, or maybe –


“Well we’re actually one year younger than you. We’re both 92 liners. You’re 91 born right?” Baekhyun said.


Chanyeol chuckled. “So can we call you ‘Joonmyun hyung’?”


Joonmyun got silenced. At least he’s not too old to hang out with them. “Well, we’re going to be family soon, so, why not.”


Giant Chanyeol clapped his hand too excitedly. “Oh right, Baekhyun’s birthday is in two days!”


“Oh, really?” Joonmyun asked, suddenly find his strength to be interested in a random conversation. “My birthday is, well I don’t know how much days left, it’s on 22nd, also this month.” Wait, stupid, why did you reveal your birthday easily?? Well it’s their fault, their revealed theirs too easily too.


“Whoa, seriously?” Baekhyun gasped. “Saehyunnie’s birthday is on 29th!”


“Wow, you guys should do a joint party! You could do it at Saehyun’s birthday date.” Chanyeol laughed. Then he sighed. “Too bad I’m in November.”


“Wait,” Joonmyun said, “Saehyun’s birthday is just a week after me?”


Baekhyun stared back at him, as if he had found an amazing invention. “You’re right! Both of you should do the joint party, mine is too far from you guys.”


“Uh, can I ask you guys something?” Joonmyun said quietly.


Baekhyun and Chanyeol steadied their sitting position at the same time, as if they’re identical twins.


“Can you guys keep my birthday as secret? I don’t really like people to know it.” Joonmyun said.


Then Baekhyun and Chanyeol stared at each other. A few seconds after that they stared at Joonmyun again and nodded. “Your secret is safe with us.” Baekhyun said.


“But can I ask why?” Chanyeol added.


Joonmyun thought for a while. “Well, I’m not really comfortable with it.” he said. “Please don’t get me wrong.”


“No it’s alright.” Baekhyun grinned. “After all, it’s your privacy too. But can we ask you something too?”


“What is it?”


Chanyeol coughed. “Don’t tell Saehyun that we revealed her birthday. She’s not that comfortable about it too. Please? You could pretend that you don’t know, it’s fine, she’ll understand.”


Joonmyun winced at both of them before he nodded slowly. “Okay then. Anyway, let’s grab some dinner.”




“So tell me, what do you like about Saehyunnie?”


That single question magically contains so much power that Joonmyun almost choked on his ramyun. He chewed in delicately and gulped it before he looked up and find the staring Baekhyun and Chanyeol. “Pardon me?”


“What do you like about Saehyunnie?” Chanyeol asked again.


Baekhyun hissed at Chanyeol. “Dude, they’re matched by parents, not met by destiny, of course he hasn’t known her that well.” he snorted before he turned at Joonmyun and grinned apologetically. “Sorry, my cousin is insensitive sometimes.”


Chanyeol pouted sadly. “Sorry, Joonmyun hyung.”


“No that’s fine.” Joonmyun laughed awkwardly. “Uhm, well, what do I like about Saehyun? Let’s see,” he paused as he thought back.


What Joonmyun likes about Saehyun?


“Uh, well,” Joonmyun mumbled, his eyes trailed at the staring Baekhyun and Chanyeol. Come on, Kim Joonmyun, think about something, you’re not that dumb!! he whined inside. But even after he scolded himself, he can’t find anything to say.


Then magically, he remembered what Sehun said to him that day.


“Okay, she’s beautiful,” Joonmyun’s gaze wandered over the window at the ramyun shop, “she’s pretty, and cute. She has those puffy, pinkish cheeks. She’s petite, maybe her head could reach my shoulder. And – “


“She reached the mid of my shoulder and my elbow!” Chanyeol exclaimed.


“ – she’s not like those girls who wear everything too fancy, her style is sweet, so her. And she smells like flower. And her hair, I like how her hair looks, it’s not really long but not short either, and pretty. It flows here and there. And – “


“Well she took care of her hair pretty well with shampoo and conditioner.” Chanyeol added, this time stopped by Baekhyun pinching his arm hardly.


 “ – her smile is sweet, yet a bit dorky, but I think she has tons of expressions. Her voice is really nice to hear, it’s clear yet somehow high-pitched. In my opinion she’s a bright and humorous person, and she acts free, like she doesn’t care what people will say about her.”


Joonmyun finally woke up from his reverie and find both Baekhyun and Chanyeol are still staring at him. Right when he want to ask if they’re alright, the ‘identical twins’ gasped and clapped their hands in too much excitement.


“See?? See?? It’s good that I asked!!” Chanyeol said proudly.


“But Joonmyun, how could you describe her so wonderfully like that? It’s like you’ve been around her for so long!” Baekhyun said, still impressed. “But well, Saehyun is someone who could leave such an impression on another person she met.”


Joonmyun chuckled awkwardly. Thank God tha

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1024KJI #1
Chapter 1: Choonmyun-ssi!lol tbis is so funny xD
Chapter 23: The ending wouldn't be like chapter 20 right... Right? T^T i mean i do accept how the story goes, but I just can't with Junmyeonnie marrying that seulgi after saehyun died... I'm sure that Joonroro is a perfectly loyal guy.... ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 23: Aww~ let it all out Saehyun. Let it all out, he'll always be there for you. Yes, he fit every role except the bad guy role.
Chapter 22: Ahaha.. those two, XiuHan. You definitely can't do that Yixing, you might have feelings for her, but you can't. You can't be the third wheeler. I hope you find your soulmate soon and not just stuck in the past.
Taeminboa #5
Chapter 21: Lol, I can't seem to stop crying, can't even read coz I'm crying TT.TT

Chapter 21: Yifan-ah, you must be happy for her right? I'm happy too. She finally realized her true feelings. Joonmyun-ah, I'm happy for you. Can I get a hug too? Lol. Thanks for the update and update soon!
Chapter 20: Oh what is this TT.TTA YAH you angsty maker, i hate you.. TT.TT
Just kidding, i love it, at least joon and saehyun happy :')
but is this how the story will end? TT.TT
Chapter 20: Yah! This is their future? No, this can't be. Saehyun can't die. NO! And who is Baek Seulgi? Is she related to the Baek Family?
roserika #9
Chapter 20: Wahh i can't stop crying. Btw happy holidays.
roserika #10
Chapter 20: This. This made me cry. Like really. Wae wae.*le cries a han river* at 1st i was like oh my joonmyun's a grandpa now, literally. And the ending part*sniff sniff* but it just proves, in the end, we all have to die, so live the life to the fullest. At least he was happy in the end. Thank you *sniff*