Cry On Me

Of Beginning, Falling In Love, and Her
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I’ve been missing for eons.




Fireballs could be thrown now.


*spreads my arms and waits for the impact*


*runs away at the last seconds*








Admit it; Saehyun has all the right in the world to be sulking right now.


Firstly, even if it’s not really a big deal about not going to Tokyo along with Yixing – because seriously, she can book a ticket anytime she wants –, Joonmyun kind of felt guilty seeing Saehyun’s not-so-cheerful face as she waves at Yixing at Luhan in the airport. Even when they’re heading out of the place, Saehyun still stares longingly at the plane that flies above them. She then sighed heavily and murmured something like ‘it’s not like I love traveling with plane after all’.


Second, according to Saehyun’s unconscious blabbers, Soojung has been M.I.A. for like a week. Poor Saehyun had been thinking about visiting her best friend but when she called at the Jung’s to inform her arrival, the maid just said that Jung Sisters are in California. Saehyun was pretty upset. Soojung could’ve just told her at least, like ‘hey I’m leaving for California again’ or like ‘Saehyunnie I’m in California, what should I get for you here?’. Or at least like ‘hello there my best friend, I’m in California and still breathing just in case you thought I’m dead already’. Okay the last one is likely impossible, but the point is, Soojung could’ve told her.


And the third, which is the most ridiculous one, their lunch was interrupted with the appearance of a business colleague Joonmyun has been working together with for a quite long time. Of course Saehyun had thrown her killer smile and of course it worked, because obviously the guy – Kim Youngwoon – had fallen pretty hard for her charm. Yet Joonmyun could tell that she has been sending daggers from her eyes to the food on his plate as he conversed about the recent deal with Youngwoon guy. He could practically see the dark aura around her head.


So, when Saehyun immediately slams the door of her bedroom once she gets in, Joonmyun could only sigh in guilt and sympathy.


“Saehyun,” he called softly through the door, “are you alright?”


He could sense that the question only boils her blood more.


“I mean, if you need something, anything, just tell me, okay?” he said again. He doesn’t really know what to do. He never encountered an upset Saehyun before. He’s not sure of making any move because he’s afraid it will make her more upset than she had already been.


He decided to call her brother.


“Wassup hyung?” however, it’s Chanyeol who answered it.


“Uh, Chanyeol?”


“Yes, hyung? Oh, right, this is Baek’s phone, but he’s in the restroom right now – wait, he’s here.” he then heard some muffled words from the giant, sounding like ‘it’s from hyung-in-law!’.


“Joonmyun hyung!”


“Baekhyun, I need help.”


“… help?”


“Saehyun 101.”


“Oooh,” then Baekhyun went like it again, “oooh. Ohoooh. Okay, I’m listening.”


“She’s pretty upset right now.” Joonmyun sighs softly, pulling the tie off his neck. “She locked herself in her bedroom as soon as we got home.”


“Whoa, hyung, that means she’s really upset. But no worries, she never really lock her bedroom door. She learnt it the hard way not to play with door locks when she was nine – anyway, are you asking me about how to cheer her up?”


Joonmyun bite his lip. “Yeah,” he said, “or at least, to make her get back to her normal self.”


“Since when did she become like that?”


“This morning.”


“Psh, I’ve dealt once with her sulking for a week. Half a day is just a piece of cake.” Baekhyun laughs. “And that’s actually what she needs now. A piece of cake. Like, Oreo cheesecake or all chocolate cake. Oh, apples will actually do too.”


Joonmyun frowned. “That’s it?? Just food??”


”My sister worships food like no other, hyung.”


“I only need to feed her and that’s all?”


“You sound like you’re talking about Pou.”


“… what is Pou?”


“… anyway, hyung, aside of food, your presence helps a lot. Come to her by night and stay by her side. It may seem like she needs to be alone when she’s upset, but after an hour or two, she’ll start missing the crowd.” Baekhyun said. “And, a simple talk does help her melting down.”


Nodding along, Joonmyun stared at the words he just wrote on a post-it paper. Yep, he even wrote it all down. “Thanks a lot, Baekhyun.”


“You’re welcome, hyung. Anything for my bro-in-law. And my sister.”


Just when he was about to hung up, Baekhyun speaks again. “And Pou is a pet rock game, hyung. Seriously. Check it in Play Store. If you even know what Play Store is. Geez.”




By eight in the evening, Joonmyun knocked softly on Saehyun’s door, calling her name as gentle as he could. What he didn’t expect is how quick his wife opened the door. There she is, standing with her Hello Kitty night gown and a fluffy cardigan, and not to forget the Hello Kitty slippers.


How can this girl be so adorable even when she’s mad?


“Hi, Joonie.” she smiled casually at him. Then she eyed the clock at the wall far behind her husband. “Oh my, it’s already eight?? Have you eaten, Joon?? You haven’t, have you??”


“Uh, I haven’t,” Joonmyun carefully said before he stepped backwards, “but we have Oreo cheesecake on the dining table. So, want to get out and take a bite?”


Saehyun blinks furiously at him. “Seriously??”






“Yes, Sae – “ before Joonmyun could speak any further, a flash of pink dashes in front of him, and he found Saehyun is already running towards the dining room. He followed her wordlessly.


When he saw Saehyun squealing over the pale yellow cake covered with purple jam, he smiles immediately. Why why, the girl could finally affect him with just her happy face. Kim Joonmyun is surely a puppet in love, Saehyun is the puppeteer, and the cheesecake plays as the strings. Well, that sounds wrong.


The first five minutes were spent with Saehyun blabbering about how delicious the cake is, and how Joonmyun is the coolest ‘oppa’ tonight for buying her the said food. Somewhere between staring at Saehyun devouring the dessert, Joonmyun recalled what Baekhyun had told him.


‘A simple talk does help her melting down.’


Joonmyun coughs softly. Maybe it’s the time.


“So, I believe that Minseok hyung had told you about the thing between me and Joohyun.”


Saehyun slowly looks up from her plate, casting this caught yet innocent look, before she blinks furiously and sheepishly smiled. “Please don’t be mad at him; I was the one who asked him about it.”


“No, no,” Joonmyun chuckled, “I don’t see anything to be mad at.” he took another spoon of the cheesecake. “But since you already knew, then you’re free to ask me anything about it. I know you’re curious.”


Tilting her head, Saehyun grinned at her husband. “You’re starting to know me too much.”


“Because you’ve already starting to know me too much.”


“Okay then. The year you met her?”


“Hm, 2008. First grader in high school.”


“They way you fell for her?”


Joonmyun leans back on the chair. “Maybe it was when I watched her ballet practice for the first time.”


“Did you fall really hard back then?”


“I think so.”


“Whoa.” Saehyun stares at him in awe. “Did you confess to her?”


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1024KJI #1
Chapter 1: Choonmyun-ssi!lol tbis is so funny xD
Chapter 23: The ending wouldn't be like chapter 20 right... Right? T^T i mean i do accept how the story goes, but I just can't with Junmyeonnie marrying that seulgi after saehyun died... I'm sure that Joonroro is a perfectly loyal guy.... ㅠ.ㅠ
Chapter 23: Aww~ let it all out Saehyun. Let it all out, he'll always be there for you. Yes, he fit every role except the bad guy role.
Chapter 22: Ahaha.. those two, XiuHan. You definitely can't do that Yixing, you might have feelings for her, but you can't. You can't be the third wheeler. I hope you find your soulmate soon and not just stuck in the past.
Taeminboa #5
Chapter 21: Lol, I can't seem to stop crying, can't even read coz I'm crying TT.TT

Chapter 21: Yifan-ah, you must be happy for her right? I'm happy too. She finally realized her true feelings. Joonmyun-ah, I'm happy for you. Can I get a hug too? Lol. Thanks for the update and update soon!
Chapter 20: Oh what is this TT.TTA YAH you angsty maker, i hate you.. TT.TT
Just kidding, i love it, at least joon and saehyun happy :')
but is this how the story will end? TT.TT
Chapter 20: Yah! This is their future? No, this can't be. Saehyun can't die. NO! And who is Baek Seulgi? Is she related to the Baek Family?
roserika #9
Chapter 20: Wahh i can't stop crying. Btw happy holidays.
roserika #10
Chapter 20: This. This made me cry. Like really. Wae wae.*le cries a han river* at 1st i was like oh my joonmyun's a grandpa now, literally. And the ending part*sniff sniff* but it just proves, in the end, we all have to die, so live the life to the fullest. At least he was happy in the end. Thank you *sniff*