-> Dangerous

This Restless Love
Bloodshot eyes, pale skin and a tremor that would not leave my body; that was the condition I was in the morning after the text message from Seunghyun. That constant shaking continued even until I drove back to Restlessness. The word sprung back into my head no matter how many times I tried to distract myself. Souls. Souls. Souls. A monster.

As I turned into the parking lot, I felt sick. When I saw him I could scream. I would see that image in my head and I would scream. He would know immediately that I was aware of him and then do the same to me. I had to control myself or else today could be the end of me. I parked and flexed my fingers. Relaxing and acting calm was key here. If I was going to protect Yekyung from getting hurt I had to be strong for her.

Feeling a little light headed I got out of my car and suddenly felt a tight grip on my shoulders. I screamed and sank down to the ground. My heart felt that it could leap out of my body as I forced myself to look up. The sun being right behind him, it was almost hard to make out the face of Seunghyun.

“You can’t act like that,” Seunghyun said offering his hand out to me, “you’re going to blow my cover completely.” I took his hand and stood up weakly. My legs felt as though they could lose power at any moment. He looked at me cautiously. “I would really feel better if you just got away from this place. I don’t need your help and I don’t need you risking your soul.”

I shook my head and started walking to the entrance. Seunghyun pulled me back and held my arm tightly. “You’re not putting yourself in danger. I won’t let you,” he said firmly. I loosened his grip on me and placed his arm back by his side.

“I’ll be fine. This is about more than just Yekyung and I; it’s about all the people who have lost their souls to that guy. I can’t stand by and just let him off for that.” Holding my fists together tightly, I once again headed for the entrance not knowing how this would turn out in the end.

Just as I was about to open the door to enter Restlessness, Seunghyun placed his hand on my shoulder and gave a reassuring squeeze. Nodding, I quickly opened the door and saw the usual busy atmosphere of the place. I was quick to spot Yekyung who was sitting on a couch pretending to read a magazine. Slowly her head started to turn in my direction. I followed her gaze and immediately saw the one we were here for.

G-Dragon had a welcoming but curious expression on his face as he looked at Seunghyun while coming towards us. He stopped in front of us and I dug my nails into my hands. “Well Heebin, who is this? Already so eager to bring a guest to my place?” His expression was playful but all I could do was bite my lip and nod quickly. G-Dragon stuck his stand out and Seunghyun took it easily looking like there was no problem at all. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. The name is G-Dragon and welcome to the Restlessness.”

“Seunghyun, and this seems like a great place.”
He took his hand back calmly and then G-Dragon glanced at me for a quick second before excusing himself. As I watched him walk away, I felt a bit of unease. That glance that he gave me, it felt like he mistrusted me; like I didn’t think when I brought Seunghyun here. It was not a good feeling.

Before I could breathe, Seunghyun was already pushing me in the direction of Yekyung. She got up as she saw us coming closer and squinted looking at Seunghyun’s face. “Looks like she can’t recognize me either; I must have really become some sort of stud or something,” he laughed. I rolled my eyes and I pushed him in front of me, almost making him hit into Yekyung.

She pushed up her glasses and looked into his face for a quick second. Her face suddenly brightened completely and she squealed as she jumped onto him laughing. “Seunghyun! I can really call you T.O.P. now!” she exclaimed. He chuckled shyly and once she got off him, we sat on the couch. I could feel Yekyung’s old energy surging through her. “So how are you? Why are you in town and for how long?” she asked happily.

“Well, I’m in town for some business and I don’t know how long it will take. Depends if I get the right timing and information,” he answered. But before Yekyung could start up more conversation, Seunghyun looked at her sternly. “Yekyung I’m going to be strictly honest with you right now. I want you to move back into the city with Heebin. It’s not good for you here.”

Her hype immediately dropped and her expression became blank. “Seunghyun I have no idea why you’re saying this, but stop. I love it here and it’s one of the greatest places I have ever experienced,” she said with a little edge in her voice. She laid back on the couch and crossed her arms. Her expression turned cold as she said to Seunghyun, “This is the first time I’m seeing you in a while, but if this is what you’re going to talk to me about then I want you to leave right now.”

Both Seunghyun and I got taken aback by this attitude Yekyung was giving off. This type of Yekyung was as rare as snow in the summer. She picked up another magazine and started to look into it furiously. Seunghyun looked at me desperately and I could give him no help. This Yekyung was foreign to me as well. He leaned closer towards me. “I’ll keep trying to convince her. I need you to watch and observe this place and G-Dragon,” he whispered in my ear. I looked at Yekyung once again before I got up from the couch. I wanted to tell her the truth and that we were being cruel for her sake, her safety. But that truth would hurt her more than we could ever imagine. I walked away from them with a heavy heart and started to search around for G-Dragon.

I headed first to the back of the building where another large bookcase was located. Just as I reached, he stepped right into my line of vision and came walking towards me. I grabbed the hem of my t-shirt and tried to put on a smile. Whether it looked forced or not, G-Dragon kept giving me a smiling face. He stopped in front of me and leaned against the bookcase. He rested his head on his hand and grinned. “So were you looking for me?”

He knows? I gulped down my saliva and thoughts that this was the end were running through my head. He laughed and came even closer to me. “Remember this place is special. I know when people are trying to find me and where to find them. Don’t let it freak you out. Just think of it as getting G-Dragon whenever you want him,” he said and then winked. I gripped onto my t-shirt hem even tighter and he took notice. Smiling he took my hand away from my shirt and patted it. “You might rip your shirt, and we wouldn’t want that, now would we?”

I shook my head once. Is he playing with me right now? Does he really know or is he faking it? G-Dragon, still holding my hand, sat down on the floor and pulled me down with him. I sat and pulled my hand away, quickly putting it together with my other hand. We sat there in silence for a little until he finally spoke.

“I know this might seem a bit rude coming from me since we just met and all, but I want you to hear this,” he paused and I felt myself being pulled to look at his face, “the truth is, that Seunghyun guy that you brought along today, I don’t trust him and he doesn’t seem to trust me either. There is something dangerous about him and I don’t want him endangering my guests.”

He stood up and I stood up automatically. I felt like scoffing. Maybe he does know about Seunghyun’s job. He looked at me seriously. “I don’t want him back here. Ever. In fact, I want him to leave now.”

I wanted to throw that all back in his face. He was the dangerous one wasn’t he? He’s the one the souls out of people. I looked at him coldly. “Well that’s not like the regular G-Dragon is it? Kicking someone out?”

Before I could even blink, he pushed me against the bookcase. He encased me within his arms. His face directly in front of mine looked cold and angry. I looked at my feet and with a hard voice he said, “Look at me,” I looked up at his cold face, “I want him out.”

I could feel myself trembling again and once again gulped down saliva. I had to push out all my courage in order to say what I was going to say. “Who is he more dangerous to? Us or to you?”

His eyes sharpened towards me and then after a second he let his arms drop and he grinned. G-Dragon put his hands in his pockets and started to walk away from me. After a few steps he glanced back slightly and with a calm voice he said, “We’ll see who can be more dangerous.”
Wow ! It's been more than a year actually ! sorry for not writing. Its been really hard to write when I feel like I couldn't come up with any ideas. I don't know if anyone still reads here but anyways give a comment and/or subscribe! Take care everyone :)

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