-> The Truth

This Restless Love
Screaming is one of the best ways to let out your emotions. It helps to get everything out. When you can’t release it, it’s like you are about to explode at any given second. I tried my hardest to not give in to that explosion. One tiny squeak from me could mean I could be the next one to be murdered.

I sat on the ground for a moment not knowing what to do next. I was in shock. Maybe I had imagined the whole thing and this was an odd dream. But that couldn’t be seeing as I can feel that hurt spot on my elbow.

Quickly, I averted my eyes from the hole and bit down hard on my lip. My limbs wouldn’t let me stand up as much as I wanted to. What if he heard me move? What if he found out that I was watching and I would be next? The horrid thoughts were piling up in my head one by one and there was no possible way I could get them out. I felt myself being tugged up and saw Seunghyun looking at me seriously.

I looked away quickly. What else did he know? No wonder he said that this monster was something horrifying. I stared at a spot of grass and felt Seunghyun carrying me on his back. We started to exit the forest and I held a tight grip on his jacket. I held on tighter as the image kept replaying in my head. He circled her like she was his prey or something. How was this possible?

“You okay to stand now?” Seunghyun asked. I glanced around my surroundings and saw we were already out of the forest and where my car was. I nodded and got down slowly. As I stood my own two feet, I felt myself shake and immediately held my hands together to try to control myself. “You okay?” he looked at me cautiously as if I was going to fall over.

“Yeah, it’s just… actually I don’t know how to describe it. I can’t believe that he’s a murderer. There are people that trust him and hang around him all day but they don’t know the truth about him,” I paused, “wait, we have to tell the police! They have to take him away! People will die if we don’t!” my voice and heartbeat started to raise rapidly.

Seunghyun took a hold of my shoulders and held them firmly. I stopped shaking momentarily. “You are not going to tell anyone about this, understand? This is something beyond what the police can handle. Tell me, did you see any blood around that girl?”

His calm voice made me shake a little less and I pictured that moment in my head again. My eyes widened. “There was no blood,” I replied softly. He nodded and let go of my shoulders.

“That girl isn’t entirely dead Heebin-ah. She is still alive somewhat,” he explained.

I shook my head and tried to process those words. “What is that supposed to mean? That girl was like a corpse. He murdered her somehow, maybe by choking or whatever, right?”

It was his turn to shake his head. “I think I’ve told you too much already. The point is that you need to get out of this place and quick. Make sure Yekyung leaves too by any means. I will take care of him and make sure no one ever hears of him again. I just need some time to figure out my way to get rid of him.” He ushered me in the direction of my car and once we were in front of it I stopped abruptly.

“No, I can’t leave now that I know this. I can’t keep that image in my head and not know what happened! Seunghyun, please tell me! Maybe I could help you.” I exclaimed. Like I thought, this place had a different air to it and so did he. G-Dragon is dangerous.

“If you get hurt Heebin I won’t forgive myself. This guy is a monster that you should never have to encounter in your life.”

I held onto Seunghyun’s wrist and looked at him strongly. “It’s not me who will be hurt. I can be strong. But Yekyung will be devastated if she has to be away from him. Yekyung has feelings for G-Dragon. I can’t just pull her away like that. ”

Seunghyun held his pinky out and sighed. “You have to promise me that when it becomes too dangerous, you will get out of this situation and let me handle the rest without questions okay?” I looked at it hesitantly and finally linked pinkies with him.

“Okay, I promise.” He nodded and we leaned against the side of my car.

“My job is to get rid of him and kill him. I have to make sure that his kinds are not around anymore. We need to observe him and see when he is most vulnerable. What he is is not human.”

His words rang in my ear and I felt goosebumps form on my arms and legs. “What do you mean not human?” I questioned cautiously. This was a totally new level of weird for me.

He nodded and shifted his standing position. “It’s exactly as I said, not human. He feeds on others to keep alive. They don’t feed on blood though, they think that’s disgusting. Their victims have tattoos on them showing who they have already fed on.”

I felt my jaw drop and I closed my eyes tightly. Seunghyun patted my head like I was a child and stood up straight. “I think that this has been too much information for you today. I’ll call you for another meeting, give me your number.” I nodded and massaged my temples as we switched phones and entered our numbers.

He handed my phone back to me and said he had to find a place to stay in the town. As he started to walk, I opened my mouth, curious about one little thing. “You didn’t tell me one thing. What does his kind feed on?” I yelled at him.

He turned his head briefly and continued to walk. I watched him walk confused on his silence and then heard my ringtone from my phone. A text message from Seunghyun appeared on the screen and said one word. I covered my mouth and peered at the message again before deleting it.

I got in my car feeling myself shake again and as I started the engine, the image of G-Dragon alongside that girl’s body flashed in my head again. But this time, I knew what he really did to her. The text message this time was in my head as I started on my way home.

Message From: Seunghyun
soo... its been about a month. sorry ^^;; enjoy pleasee :)


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